Students Athletes, Students with Accommodations and ...

Introduction to Statistical Methods – Econ 220Summer 2016, Section BEmory UniversityDr. Jasminka Ninkovic Office: Rich Building 301Lectures?: MTuWThF 11:30 – 12:50, Rich Building 108E-mail: jninkov@emory.eduOffice Hours: by appointment Required Textbook: “Statistics for Business and Economics,” 8ed, Paul Newbold, William Carlson, Betty Thorne and access to MyStatLabReference Textbook (not required) - “Probability and Statistics,” Morris H. DeGroot and Mark J. Schervish Pre-Requisite: Econ 101, Math 111. Course Summary This course will provide a solid foundation in probability theory and statistics for economics and business. We will emphasize topics and provide basic preparation needed for future study of econometrics (Econ 420). Topics include descriptive statistics, probability theory, expectations, and special types of distributions, sampling theory, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Should time permit, we will also touch on regression analysis.Attendance and ParticipationAttendance will be taken on a random basis. You will be allowed three excused absences which upon exceeding you shall not qualify for any extra-credit granted. You are responsible for all the material covered in class in your absence, and for finding out details regarding exams and assignments. I encourage you to actively participate in class (you are welcome to discuss in class and /or share with the class any useful insights / experiences relevant to the topic being lectured.) Honor CodeHonor code is strictly enforced in this class. Examples of scholastic dishonesty include (but are not limited to) receiving or giving help on exams and plagiarizing or sabotaging another student’s work. The usual penalty for violations of honor code is grade F in this course. Students Athletes, Students with Accommodations and Religious HolidaysIf there is an interference with your class schedule because of your athletic commitments or religious reasons, please inform your instructor a.s.a.p. Also, if you have accommodations for the class, you are expected to bring in a letter from the responsible college institution a.s.a.p.Using MyStatLab and BlackboardMyStatLab is an on-line product which will be used for homework assignments. Furthermore, it has additional resources and a possibility to access e-book. Blackboard will be our main communication platform. Please note that if you miss a problem set on MyStatLab for whatever reason, I cannot let you take it once the deadline is past. Instead, one homework – with the lowest score or one that you missed, will not be taken into account when computing your homework grade.Assessment and Grading Policies:Exam I: 20%, Exam II: 20%, Final exam: 25% (comprehensive)Homework: 10 %Other in Class Assignments/Quizzes: 10% Attendance: 5%Project “Do It Yourself” (DIY) 10%There will be unannounced quizzes in the beginning or end of class on a random basis. There will be no chance to make up a missed quiz; instead I will drop the lowest quiz score You will be expected to familiarize yourself with Microsoft Excel or StatCrunch as some assigned problems will entail its usage. Furthermore, time permitting, you will be introduced to Stata in preparation for Econ 420/421.DIY project will provide an opportunity for you to choose a question/topic and to analyze it by applying concepts which we have learned in class. The details about the project will be posted on ICS Descriptive Statistics (Revision of basic concepts) Probability Theory Random Variables (Discrete and Continuous) and Probability Distributions Sampling and Sampling Distributions Estimation Hypothesis Testing Linear Regression (If time permits)Important dates: Midterm I- May 31stMidterm II – June 15th Final Exam – June 23rd , 12:30 – 3:00 ................

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