In this task we turned a video game character into a Lego character using a mix of Photoshop to set up the outline and adobe illustrator to create the Lego design of the character.Adobe Illustrator is an advanced vector-based software. We use this soft where for vector based project such as the game/film character turned into a Lego character,Explain the character and what film/ game they are inThe character I choose I smoke from the mortal combat series which is known for excessive violence. Smoke has long flowing white hair and standard ninja out fit for the mk series covering his mouth with a black suit underneath body armour covering his chest and head his hand and from the knee down. He wears grieves and armour from his leg down while his upper arms and his forehead and eyes are exposed.This character would not be suitable for a Lego audience as he is a very brutal character in actions and his backstory would also not fit the audiences. The sharp edges of his outfit would also not be suitable for a Lego character as Lego are smooth around the edge and was something I would have to change on his Lego module. I also had to change his hair to have a silver top of the Lego character as most Lego figurines have their hair wrapped around there head while his one flew behind him.What did you have to consider with the colour and shapeWhen I was creating the Lego version I had to consider the outline of smoke and how to reduce the edge so it would be suitable for the Lego audience such as on his armour and his chest piece be just on his torso and so it does not go over his arms I also made his mask more of that of a ninja with it covering his mouth and noise but also appearing with no depth making it more suitable for Lego audiences. I kept his colour scheme the same as it simple being grey and black with the Lego coloured eyes and skin the same. This help keep him simple.The target audience for Lego is children but as people have grown up with Lego more adults have become user of the of the most important aspect of Lego audience would be creativity and culture. To fit in with these values I kept the Mortal Kombat colour themes which make the character iconic. I made the Character simplistic while keeping the character iconic.I kept key features of smoke such as his mask and outfit. It simplistic while keeping a simple colour scheme. I also gave my character the Lego eyes where it black with white irises which give of a shine.At the start of the process I got a Lego character outline and brought it into Photoshop where I removed the white from around the characters. The tool I used was the magic wand tool. Then I exported it and then imported it into illustrator.Then I began to fill out the outline while looking at my reference image.I used the pen tool to do the majority.Then I began adding details to the character such as the eyes and the torso. Then preceded with his mask and the more details to the chest such as the indent into the clothing while still using the pen tool. Then I finished off with the eye brows.For the back of the character I referred back to a none detailed version of the character and used that as the back.I found it much more difficult to use then Photoshop I do not know if this is because of a lack of experience of adobe illustrator or I simple did not understand the tools behind illustrator so I found it more difficult to use then Photoshop.Illustrator had issues of not being able to save without it crashing on itself and also had to issues of crashing upon loading the template. I solved the saving issue by changing how it saved image file and solved the loading up the template issue by using a different pc. I also found issues using the pen tool but this was simple because of not knowing how it functions and once I figured it out I found it a lot easier.What I believed went well for this task was that I got it completed using illustrator expanding my knowledge on it and improving my skills in this tool. I found this task difficult due to the use of illustrator. I also believe the conversion of character was a interesting skill to learn as it taught me how to make a character in a simplistic design while also keeping it iconic. If I was to do this task in the future I would preferable use Photoshop but if I had to use illustrator I would know how to use tools such as the pen tool and line tools for future project instead of just using the pen tool. I can improve my skills in illustrator by using it more often and for a larger range of projects. ................

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