-------------- MORTGAGE NOTE QUESTIONNAIRE -------------

(Please Print Clearly)

Sellers Name: ___________________________________   Phone #: ____________________

Sellers Mail Address: __________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________    State: _________    Zip: ______________

Sellers Email Address: _________________________________________________________

Property Type: ______________________________            Owner Occupied: ___ Yes ___ No

Size: ____________________  sq. ft.___________    bedrooms_______     baths_______

If Mobile Home (year built, make, model, double or single wide, size, condition, etc.)


If Mobile Home (with or with out land): ____________________________________________

If Land (raw, improved or build-able lot): ___________________________________________

Other: _______________________________________________________________________

Mtg. Note Property Address: _____________________________________________________ 

City: ______________________________________    State: _______     Zip: ______________ 

Date of Sale: ______________

Last Sale Price: $___________________     Cash Down Payment: $______________________

Current Estimated Fair Market Value of Property: $___________________________________

Last Appraisal Date ____________         Last Appraisal Amount $_______________________

1st Mortgage - Original Amount of Note: $__________________________________________

Who holds this Note: ___________________________________________________________

2nd Mortgage - Original Amount of Note: $__________________________________________

Who holds this Note: ____________________________________________________________

Underlying Liens: $_______________________ (to be paid off in proceeds)

Terms of Mortgage - (amortization) # of Months:_____________;  Or # of Years:____________ 

Other _________________________________________________________________________

Principal & Interest Payment Amount: $______________/per month; /per_____________

Interest Rate: %__________ Fixed _____ Adjustable Rate: _________________________

Balloon Amount: $ ___________________ Balloon Date: _______________________

Due Date 1st Payment: ___________________ Number Payments Paid: _______________

Current Balance: (if not known - or we will calculate) $_________________________________

Are the Property Taxes and Insurance Escrowed each month? Yes/No _____________________

If so, what are the added payments? _________________ Total Payments $________________

Amount You Need: $_____________ Full Amount $_________ Partial Amount $__________

Payors/Buyers Name _____________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________


Buyers Soc Sec # _______________________ (must have later for credit check)

Are the Payments Current?   ______Yes   ______No

If no, explain: ___________________________________________________________________

Payor's Credit Score (important to know the payor’s credit worthiness):

Need your best estimate, Please______________________________________________________

Have the payments been made on time? ______ Yes _____ No Explain: __________________

Additional Comments:





Free Evaluation, No Obligation...

Tel: 1-707-864-3945 Fax: 1-707-864-3945 (Plz Call 1st)

Mail: C/o Gene Horton American Funding 4945 Orinda Way, Fairfield, CA 94534


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