PreApproval Worksheet - List House on MLS for Flat Fee

PreApproval Worksheet

Instructions: 1. Review the American Dream Consulting Information with your borrower(s). 2. Give your borrower(s) the HUD Buyer's Guide and the CHARM booklet, if your borrower(s) are interested in an Adjustable Rate Loan (ARM). 3. Explain and have your borrower(s) sign all applicable Disclosures. 4. Completed the PreApproval Worksheet with your borrower(s). 5. Have your borrower(s) sign the Worksheet. 5. Enter the PreApproval Information online. 6. Fax the signed Worksheet and all Disclosures to 877-695-6900. 7. When a property has been identified as collateral for the loan, go online, log in with your User Name and Password, enter subject property

information and order services. 8. Before the loan closes, go to your log in screen, log on, select the ACS # (loan) and check off the status update task, and enter the loan

closing date.

Borrower Information

CoBorrower Information

First Name Social Security #

Last Name Date of Birth

MI Suffix First Name Married Separated


Social Security #

Last Name Date of Birth

MI Suffix




Yrs of School # Dependents Ages Dependents

Daytime Phone

Yrs of School # Dependents Ages Dependents

Daytime Phone

Evening Phone -- Optional

Email Address - Optional

Current Residence -- Two year history required.

Own Rent Living Rent Free $

If Renting, Monthly Rent Payment

Evening Phone -- Optional

Email Address - Optional

Current Residence

Check here if current residence is same as Borrower.

Own Rent Living Rent Free $

If Renting, Monthly Rent Payment

Current Residence Address

Time at

Current Residence Address

Time at



Zip Address Years Months City


Zip Address Years

If less than two years, please complete previous address information.

If less than two years, please complete previous address information.


Previous Address #1

Time at

Rent Previous Address #1

Time at



Zip Address Years Months City


Zip Address Years


Previous Address #2

Time at

Rent Previous Address #2

Time at



Zip Address Years Months City


Zip Address Years

Employment -- Two year history required

Employment -- Two year history required

Is Borrower Employed?

Yes Is Borrower No Self-Employed?

Yes If yes, percentage No of business owned?

% Is CoBorrower Yes Is CoBorrower


No Self-Employed?

Yes If yes, percentage No of business owned?

Months Own Rent

Months Own Rent



Current Employer

Current Employer

Employer Phone


Employer Phone


Employer Address



Zip Employer Address




Time in Profession

Time with Employer

Time in Profession

Time with Employer

Years Months

Years Months

Years Months

Years Months

If less than two years, please complete previous employer information.

If less than two years, please complete previous employer information.

Previous Employer #1

Previous Employer #1

Employer Phone Previous Employer #2

Employer Phone

Start Date Start Date

End Date End Date

Employer Phone Previous Employer #2

Employer Phone

Start Date Start Date

End Date End Date

PreApproval Worksheet Page 2

Real Estate Owned


Current Residence

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


Market Value of Property

$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family


Manufacturer Home


2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Mobile Home


Over 4 Multifamily

$ Property Status

Rental Income

Pending Sale Retained Sold Hold as Rental

Note: If more than three properties are owned by borrower(s), please use

an additional sheet of paper and fax with PreApproval Worksheet.

Additional Property Owned


Current Residence

Check here if Real Estate Owned is same as Borrower. If checked, do not complete information for CoBorrower. Complete if different from Borrower

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


Market Value of Property

$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family


Manufacturer Home


2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Mobile Home


Over 4 Multifamily

$ Property Status

Rental Income

Pending Sale Retained Sold Hold as Rental

Note: If more than three properties are owned by borrower(s), please use

an additional sheet of paper and fax with PreApproval Worksheet.

Additional Property Owned

Property Address


State Zip

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)

Market Value of Property


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family

2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Commercial Residential


Over 4 Multifamily

Commercial Non-Residential


Manufacturer Home Farm


Mobile Home


$ Property Status

Rental Income

Pending Sale Retained Sold Hold as Rental

Property Address


State Zip

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)

Market Value of Property


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family

2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Commercial Residential


Over 4 Multifamily

Commercial Non-Residential


Manufacturer Home Farm


Mobile Home


$ Property Status

Rental Income

Pending Sale Retained Sold Hold as Rental

Property Address


State Zip

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)

Market Value of Property


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family

2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Commercial Residential


Over 4 Multifamily

Commercial Non-Residential


Manufacturer Home Farm


Mobile Home


Property Status

Rental Income

$ Pending Sale Retained Sold Hold as Rental

Property Address


State Zip

Total Mortgage Balance (include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)


$ Total Monthly Mortgage Payment

(include 2nd & 3rd Mortgages)

Market Value of Property


Property Type -- Check appropriate box.

Single Family

2 - 4 Unit Multifamily Commercial Residential


Over 4 Multifamily

Commercial Non-Residential


Manufacturer Home Farm


Mobile Home


Property Status Pending Sale



Rental Income

Hold as Rental $

Financial Information


Base Income Overtime

$ Borrower $



Commissions Dividends/Interest

$ $

Rental Income




Total $

$ CoBorrower $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Notice: Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if

the Borrower or Co-Borrower does not choose to have it considered for repaying this loan.

Liquid Assets

Checking/Savings $

Gift Funds


Net Proceeds from Sale of Property 401K/IRA Stocks & Bonds Other Liquid Assets

$ $ $ $

Total $



$ $ $ $ $ $ $


Auto Payments



Revolving (Credit Cards) $


Other Loans - Exclude Mortgage/Home Equity Alimony/Child Supports Other Monthly Debts

$ $ $

$ $ $

Total $



PreApproval Worksheet Page 3

Declarations -- If "yes" is answered to questions "a" through "j", please explain below or on a separate sheet.


Yes No

a. Are there any outstanding judgments against the borrower(s)? ...............................................................................................................................

b. Has the borrower(s) been declared bankrupt within the past seven years? .............................................................................................................

c. Has the borrower(s) had property foreclosed upon or given title or deed in lieu thereof in the last seven years? ...................................................

d. Is the borrower(s) party to a lawsuit? .......................................................................................................................................................................

e. Has the borrower(s) been directly or indirectly obligated on any loan which resulted in foreclosure, transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure..............

or judgment? (This would include such loans as home mortgage loans, SBA loans, home improvement loans, educational loans,

manufactured (mobile) home loans, any mortgage, financial obligation, bond, or loan guarantee. If "yes", provide details, including date,

name and address of Lender, FHA or VA case number, if any, and reason for the action.)

f. Is the borrower(s) presently delinquent or in default on any Federal debt or any other loan, mortgage, financial obligation, bond, or loan ............

guarantee? If "yes", give details as described in the preceding question.

g. Is the borrower(s) obligated to pay alimony, child support, or separate maintenance? ...........................................................................................

h. Is any part of the down payment borrowed? ............................................................................................................................................................

i. Is the borrower(s) a co-maker or endorser on a note? .............................................................................................................................................

j. Is the borrower(s) a U.S. Citizen? .............................................................................................................................................................................

k. Is the borrower(s) a permanent resident alien? ........................................................................................................................................................

l. Does the borrower(s) intend to occupy the property as their permanent residence? ...............................................................................................

m. Has the borrower(s) had an ownership interest in a property in the last three years? If yes, complete 1 & 2 below. .............................................

(1) What type of property did the borrower(s) own?

Borrower Co-Borrower

Principal Residence Principal Residence

Second Home Investment Second Home Investment

(2) How did the borrower hold title to the home?

Borrower Co-Borrower

Solely by Self Solely by Self

Jointly with Spouse Jointly with Spouse

Jointly with another person Jointly with another person

If yes was answered to questions "a" through "j", please explain.

CoBorrower Yes No

Information for Government Monitoring Purpose

The following information is requested by the Federal Government for certain types of loans related to a dwelling, in order to monitor the Lender's compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing and home mortgage disclosure laws. The borrower(s) is not required to furnish this information, but is encouraged to do so. The law provides that a Lender may neither discriminate on the basis of this information, nor on whether the borrower(s) choose to furnish it. However, if the borrower(s) chooses not to furnish it, under Federal regulations, you are required to note race and sex on the basis of visual observation or surname.

How was this information taken?

Face-to-face via Phone via Mail or Fax


Borrower does not wish to furnish this information.

Race/National Origin: American Indian or Alaskan Native Black, not of Hispanic origin Asian or Pacific Islander


Hispanic White, not of Hispanic origin Other_________________

Male Female



Co-Borrower does not wish to furnish this information.

Race/National Origin: American Indian or Alaskan Native Black, not of Hispanic origin Asian or Pacific Islander


Hispanic White, not of Hispanic origin Other_________________

Male Female

Borrower's Signature


Co-Borrower's Signature



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