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VITA Patricia Van Voorhis 100 Gibson Rd. Asheville, NC 28804 (513) 348-9037 Divison of Criminal JusticeUniversity of CincinnatiP.O. Box 210389 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0389 (513) 348-9037 fax (513) 575-2221 email: EDUCATION Ph.D. School of Criminal Justice The University at Albany, 1983. B.A. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1971. Major: Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, and History) BOOKS Van Voorhis, P., & E. Salisbury (2016). Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation, 9th ed., Cincinnati, OH: Elsevier/Anderson Publishing Co. Van Voorhis, P., M. Braswell, & D. Lester (2009). Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation, 7th ed., Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. Van Voorhis, P. (1994). Psychological Classification of the Adult, Male Prison Inmate. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. PUBLISHED ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Van Voorhis, P. (2016). Gender Responsive Interventions in the Era of Evidence-Based Practice: A Consumer’s Guide to Understanding Research.. Silver Spring. MD: National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women. Van Voorhis, P. (2016). Use of Gender-Responsive Assessment Tools. In NRCJIW Jail Tip Sheets on Justice Involved Women (#5). Silver Spring. MD: National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women. Gehring, K. & Van Voorhis, P. (2014). Needs and Pretrial Failure: Additional Risk Factors for Female and Male Pretrial Defendants. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(8), 943-970. Bauman, A., Van Voorhis, P., Wright, E., & Salisbury, E. (2014). Assessing the Risk and Needs of Women in Jails. American Jails, 27(6), 19-24. Van Voorhis, P., Spiropoulis, G., Ritchie, P.N., Seabrook, R., & Spruance, L. (2013). Identifying Areas of Specific Responsivity in Cognitive Behavioral Programs. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 40(11), 1250-1279. Wright, E., Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., & Bauman, A. (2012). Gender Responsive Lessons Learned and Policy Implications for Women in Prison: A Review. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 30(12), 1612-1632. Brennan, T., Breitenbach, M., Dieterich, W., Salisbury, E., & Van Voorhis, P. (2012). Women’s Pathways to Serious and Habitual Crime: A Person-Centered Analysis Incorporating Gender Responsive Factors. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39(11), 14811508. Van Voorhis, P. (2012). On Behalf of Women Offenders: Women’s Place in the Science of Evidence-based Practice. Criminology and Public Policy, 11(2), 111-145. Palmer, T., with Van Voorhis, P., Taxman, F. and MacKenzie, D. (2012). Insights from Ted Palmer: Experimental Criminology in a Different Era. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 8, 103-115. Buell, M., Modley, P. & Van Voorhis, P. (2011). Policy Developments in the U.S. In R. Sheehan, G. McIvor, & C. Trotter (eds.). Working with Women Offenders in the Community. Willan Publishing,United Kingdom. Listwan, S., Piquero, N., & Van Voorhis, P. (2010). Recidivism Among a White Collar Sample: Does Personality Matter? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 43(1), 156-174. Van Voorhis, P., Wright, E., Salisbury, S., & Bauman, A. (2010). Women’s Rick Factors and their Contributions to Existing Risk/Needs Assessment: The Current Status of Gender Responsive Assessment. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(3): 261-288. Gehring, K., Van Voorhis, P., & Bell, V. (2010). “What Works” for Female Probationers?; An Evaluation of the Moving On Program. Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, 11 (1): 1,6-10. Van Voorhis, P. (2009). Forward to Special Issue. Victims and Offenders, 4: 1-6. Bauman, A., Gehring, K., & Van Voorhis, P. (2009). Cognitive Behavioral Programming for Women and Girls. In B. Glick (ed.), Cognitive Behavioral Programs and Interventions: What Works with At-Risk Youth. 2nd ed., Kingston, NJ Civic Research Institute. Salisbury, E., Van Voorhis, P. & Spiropoulis, G. (2009). The Predictive Validity of a Gender Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment. Crime and Delinquency, 55(4): 550-585. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., Wright, E., & Salisbury, E. (2009). Implementing the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment (WRNAs): Early Lessons from the Field. Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, 10(6): 81, 82. 89-91. Van Voorhis, P. (2009). Next Steps in Gender-Responsive Classification Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, 10(6): 81, 88. Wright, E., Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., & Bauman, A. (2009). Gender-Responsive Prisons: Lessons from the NIC/UC Gender-Responsive Classification Project. Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice. 10(6): 85-87, 95-96. Salisbury, E., Van Voorhis, P., Wright, E. & Bauman, E. (2009). Changing the Probation Experience for Women Offenders: Findings from the Women’s Needs and Risk Assessment Project.. Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice. 10(6): 83-84,92-95. Van Voorhis, P. (accepted for publication). Moral Development and Crime. In F. Cullen & P. Wilcox (eds.). Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory. Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Publications. Salisbury, E. & Van Voorhis, P. (2009). Gendered Pathways: A Quantitative Investigation of Women Probationers Paths to Recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(6): 541-566. Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury E., Bauman, A., Holsinger, K., & Wright, E. (accepted for publication). Classifying Women Offenders: Achieving Accurate Pictures of Risk and Identifying Gender Responsive Needs. In B. Bloom (ed.). ICCA 2007 Plenary Addresses. Lanham, MD: American Correctional Association. Wright, E., Salisbury, E. & Van Voorhis, P. (2007). Predicting the Prison Misconducts of Women Offenders: The Importance of Gender Responsive Needs. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 23(4): 310-340. Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., Wright, E., & Bauman, A. (August, 2007). Research Note: A New Classification Instrument for Female Offenders. Corrections Today. 96-97. Listwan, S., Van Voorhis, P. & Ritchey, P. (2007). Personality, Criminal Behavior, and Risk Assessment: Implications for Theory and Practice. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(1): 60-75. Van Voorhis, P. (2006). Comprehensive Evaluation of Cognitive Behavioral Programs in Corrections. In B. Glick (ed.), Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for At Risk Youth. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute. Spiropoulis, G., Spruance, L., Van Voorhis, P., & Schmitt, M. (2006). Pathfinders vs. Problem Solving: Comparative Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Programs for Men and Women Offenders. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 42(3): 69-94. Holsinger, K. & Van Voorhis, P. (2005). Examining Gender Inequities in Classification Systems: Missouri’s Development of a Gender-Responsive Assessment Instrument. Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice. 6(3): 33-34, 44-47. Van Voorhis, P. (2005). Classification of Women Offenders: Gender-Responsive Approaches to Risk/Needs Assessment. Community Corrections Report. 12(2): 19-20, 26-27. Listwan, S., Sperber, K., Spruance, L., & Van Voorhis, P. (2004). Anxiety in Correctional Settings: It’s Time for Another Look. Federal Probation, 68(1), 27-31. Van Voorhis, P. (2004). Correctional Classification. In Encyclopedia of Prisons & Correctional Facilities, M. Bosworth, (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hardyman, P. & Van Voorhis, P. (2004). Developing Gender-Specific Classification Systems for Women Offenders. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P., Spruance, L., Johnson Listwan, S., Ritchie, N., & Seabrook, R. (2004). Results of the Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: A Replication of Reasoning and Rehabilitation. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 31 (3): 282-305. Van Voorhis, P. & Presser, L. (2003). Women Offenders and Prison Classification: A Paradox. Women, Girls & Criminal Justice. 4(1): 1-2, 9-11. Van Voorhis, P., L. Spruance, J. Sutherland, S. Johnson Listwan, & K. Gentry Sperber (2003). The Need to Develop Intermediate Outcome Measures. ICCA Journal on Community Corrections: ICCA Monograph Series, #5. January. Presser, L. & Van Voorhis, P. (2002). Values and Evaluation: Assessing Processes and Outcomes of Restorative Justice Programs. Crime and Delinquency. 48(1), 162-188. Van Voorhis, P. & Presser. L. (2001). Classification of Women Offenders: A National Assessment of Current Practices. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P. & Gentry-Sperber, K. (1999). When Programs Don’t Work With Everyone: Planning for Differences Among Correctional Clients. Corrections Today Magazine. February, 1999, 38-42. Van Voorhis, P., Heide,K., Palmer, T. & Rosenbaum, J. (1999). Marguerite Warren: A Career pf Academic Excellence, Distinguished Research, and Gifted Pedagogy. Women and Criminal Justice. 10(3), 3-29. Van Voorhis, P. (1998). Measuring Drug Program Outcomes. The ICCA Journal on Community Corrections. June, 1998. Van Voorhis, P. (1997). Correctional Classification and the Responsivity Principle. Forum on Corrections Research, 9(1): 46-50. Van Voorhis, P., Browning, S., Simon, M., & Gordon, J. (1997). The Meaning of Punishment: Inmates’ Orientation to the Prison Experience. The Prison Journal, 77, 135167. Reprinted in: Hemmens, C. & Stohr, M. (2003). The Inmate Prison Experience, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Van Voorhis, P., Cullen, F. & Applegate, B. (1995). Evaluating Interventions with Violent Offenders:A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers. Federal Probation, 59(2):1-11. Reprinted in: Kratcoski, P (2003). Correctional Counseling and Treatment, 4th Ed., Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland. Cullen, F., Van Voorhis, P. & Sundt, J. (1995). Prisons in Crises: The American Experience.In R. Matthews & P. Francis (eds.). Prisons 2000: An International Perspective on the Current State and Future of Imprisonment. New York: MacMillan. Van Voorhis, P. (1995). Rehabilitation in Prison. In M. McShane and F. Williams III, eds.). Encyclopedia of American Prisons. New York: Garland Publishing Co. Van Voorhis, P. (1994). Measuring Prison Disciplinary Problems: A Multiple Indicators Approach to Understanding Prison Adjustment. Justice Quarterly, 11(4): 679-709. Reprinted in: McShane, M. & Williams, F. III (eds.)(1996).The Philosophy and Practice of Corrections. Hampden, CT: Garland Publishing. Van Voorhis, P.(1993). Psychological Determinants of the Prison Experience. Prison Journal, 73(1): 72-102. Van Voorhis, P., Cullen, F. & Link, B. (1991). The Impact of Race and Gender on Correctional Officers’ Orientation to the Integrated Work Environment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 28(4): 472-500. Van Voorhis, P., Cullen, F., Mathers, R. & Chenoweth Garner, C. (1988). The Impact of Family Structure and Quality on Delinquency: A Comparative Assessment of Structural and Functional Factors. Criminology, 26(2): 235-261. Van Voorhis, P. (1988). A Cross Classification of Five Offender Typologies: Issues of Construct and Predictive Validity. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 15(1): 109-124. Van Voorhis, P.(1987). Correctional Effectiveness: The High Cost of Ignoring Success.Federal Probation, 51(1):56-62. Reprinted in: Schwartz, M. & Travis, L. (eds.)(1996). Corrections and Issues Approach. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. Van Voorhis, P. (1986). Delinquency Prevention: Toward Comprehensive Programs and a Conceptual Map. Criminal Justice Review, 11(1): 15-24. Reprinted in: (1990). International Review of Criminal Policy: Juvenile Justice in International Perspective. New York, NY: United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Nos. 39 & 40. Van Voorhis, P. (1985). Restitution Outcome and Probationers’ Assessments of Restitution: The Effects of Moral Development. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 12(3): 259-287. Van Voorhis, P. (1984). The Utility of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Among Adult Probationers in a Restitution Field Setting. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 111(1): 101-126. Van Voorhis, P. (1983). Theoretical Perspectives on Moral Development and Restitution. In W. Lauffer & J. Day (eds.), Personality Theory, Moral Development, and Criminal Behavior and Moral Development. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath. AWARDS Power of One Award Nominee, Adult and Juvenile Female Offender’s Conference, 2015. Coramae Richey Mann Leadership Award, Minority and Women Section, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2013. Distinguished Alumni Award for Scholarship, School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY, 2012. August Volmer Award, American Society of Criminology, 2011. Distinguished Research and Development Award, Georgia Department of Corrections, 2010. Distinguished Scholar Award, Division of Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, 2009. Maud Booth Award for Correctional Service, 2009 Simon Dinitz Award for Correctional Research, 2007 Elected Fellow, Academy of Experimental Criminology, 2007. Marguerite Q. Warren and Ted B. Palmer Award Differential and Individualized Intervention Award, 2006 APPOINTMENTS/ELECTIONS TO BOARD OF DIRECTOR POSITIONS Partner, National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women, 2010 to present. Board of Directors, International Community Corrections Association, Elected Position, 2008 to 2011. Board of Directors, American Society of Criminology, Elected Position, 2005 to 2010. Board of Directors, River City Correctional Center, Cincinncati, OH, Appointed Position, 2007 to 2013. Hamilton County Criminal Justice Commission, Probation Committee, Appointed Position, 2007 to 2009. MONOGRAPHS AND REPORTS PREPARED FOR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES Van Voorhis, P. (2016). Review of Classification Procedures for Male Inmates Assigned to the Alabama Department of Corrections. Washington, DC: The Moss Group. Van Voorhis, P. (2016). Gender-Responsive Sexual Violence Propensity Assessment for Female Offenders; Feasibility Study. Washington, DC: The Moss Group. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A. & Gehring, K. (2015). Validation of the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment in a Pretrial Residential Setting. Report Prepared for the Cook County Sheriff’s Department. . Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Brushette, R. (2013). Revalidation of the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment: Prison Results. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P. & Groot, B. (2013). An Evaluation of In House Transition Centers and Faith and Character-Based Dorms in the Georgia Department of Correction. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Brushette, R. (2013). Revalidation of the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment: Probation Results. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Brushette, R. (2012). Revalidation of the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment: Pre-Release Results. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Brushette, R. & Bauman, A.( 2012). Revalidation of the Women’s Risk/Needs Assessment: Results for the Missouri Department of Corrections, Probation, Prison, and Prerelease Samples. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Brushette, R. (2012). Revalidation of the Women’s Supplemental Risk/Needs Assessment: Results for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Prison and Pre-release Samples. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Brushette, R. (2012). Revalidation of the Women’s Supplemental Risk/Needs Assessment: Results for the Iowa Women Offender Case Management Projects.. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P. & Groot, B. (2010). Predictive Validity of Women’s COMPAS Scales Among Incarcerated Women in California—Final Report. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., & Groot, B. (2010). Predictive Validity of Women’s COMPAS Scales Among Incarcerated Women in California—Preliminary Report. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Groot, B., & Ritchie, P. (2010). The Georgia Day Reporting Centers: An Evaluation of Five Demonstration Sites and Assessment of the Georgia Program Assessment Inventory (GPAI) Project. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., Bauman, A., & Wright, E., and Holsinger, K. (2008). A Gender Responsive Risk Assessment for Women Offenders: Results for the Missouri Department of Corrections Probation, Prison, and Pre-release Samples: Final Report Prepared for the Missouri Department of Corrections and the National Institute of Corrections. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Wright, E.,Van Voorhis, P., Bauman, A., & Salisbury, E. (2008). Gender-Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment. Final Report Prepared for the Minnesota Department of Corrections, the Advisory Task Force on the Woman and Juvenile Female Offender in Corrections, and the National Institute of Corrections. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., Wright, E., & Bauman, A. (2008). Achieving Accurate Pictures of Risk and Identifying Gender-Responsive Needs: Two New Assessments for Women Offenders. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Justice: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P., Salisbury, E., Bauman, A., & Wright, E. (2007). Gender-Responsive Risk- Needs Assessment: Final Report Prepared for the Maui CARE Project and the National Institute of Corrections. Cincinnati OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research. Spiropoulis, G. & Van Voorhis, P. (2007). Evaluation of Adult Work-Release Services. Hamilton County, Indiana – Yr 4. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Spiropoulis, G. & Van Voorhis, P. (2005) LSI-R Validation Study for Hamilton County Community Corrections’ Adult Work Release Program. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Spiropoulis, G. & Van Voorhis, P. (2004). Evaluation of Adult Work-Release Services. Hamilton County, Indiana – Yr 2. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P. & Spiropoulis, G. (2003). Evaluation of Adult Work-Release Services. Hamilton County, Indiana. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Spruance, L. & Spiropoulis, G. (2003) Cognitive Intervention Programs in the Virginia Department of Correctional Education: Process and Outcome Evaluation. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Hardyman, P. & Van Voorhis, P. (2003). Classification of Women Offenders: Summary of Developments in Selected Sites. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P. (2003). Validation of the LSI-R Among Women Offenders in the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Spruance, L., Ritchie, N., Listwan, S., Seabrook, R., & Pealer, J. (2002). The Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: Outcome Evaluation, Phase II. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Van Voorhis, P., Pealer, J., Presser, L., Spiropoulis, G., Sutherland, J. (2002). Classification of Women Offenders: A National Assessment of Current Practices and the Experiences of Three States. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research. Spruance, L., Van Voorhis, P. , Listwan, S. Pealer, J., & Seabrook, R. (2002) Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: Process Evaluation, Phase II. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Van Voorhis, P., Pealer, J. & Spiropoulis, G. (2001). Validation of the Offender Custody Classification and Needs Assessment Systems for Incarcerated Women Offenders in the Colorado Department of Corrections. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Van Voorhis, P., McCartan, L., & Spruance, L. (2001). Partners in Accountability, Sixth Judicial District of Iowa: A Process Evaluation. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Van Voorhis, P., Pealer, J. & Spiropoulis, G. (2001). Validation of the Hawaii Department of Public Safety Objective Classification System for Incarcerated Women Offenders. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati Van Voorhis, P., Spruance Spruance, L., Van Voorhis, P., Johnson Listwan, S., Pealer, J., and Seabrook, R. (2001). The, L., Johnson Listwan, S., Ritchey, N., Pealer, J., & Seabrook, R. (2001). The Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment Outcome Evaluation, Phase I. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Van Voorhis, P. & Presser, L. (2000). Classification of Women Offenders: A National Assessment of Current Practices. Washington, DC: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P., Murphy, L., & Johnson, S. (1999). The Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: Phase I: Process Evaluation. Cincinnati, OH: Report prepared for the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. Dolny, M., Williams III, F., Van Voorhis, P., Fulton, B. & Murphy, L. (1999). The Effectiveness of Parole Supervision and Intervention: A Report to the California Department of Corrections, Parole and Community Services Division, San Bernardino, CA: California State University. Van Voorhis, P., Belknap, J., Hartman, J., Holsinger, K., & Johnson, S, (1998). Impact of Divorce Circumstances and Processes on Health and Stress. Cincinnati, OH: Report to the Domestic Relations Court of Hamilton County. Van Voorhis, P., & Fulton, B. (1997). Correctional Management Inc.: A Program Review. Unpublished Report Submitted to the Boulder County Community Corrections, Boulder, Colorado. Andrews, D., Glick, B. & Van Voorhis, P. with Clear, T. (1996). What Works in Correctional Treatment? Washington, D.C: National Institute of Corrections. Gendreau, P., Bonta, J., & Van Voorhis, P. (1996). The NYC Department of Probation’s Enforcement Track Unit (ASR): A Program Integrity Evaluation. Unpublished Manuscript Prepared for the New York City Department of Probation. Van Voorhis, P. & Brown, K. (1996). Risk Assessment in the 1990s.Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P. & Brown, K. (1996).Evaluability Assessment:A Tool for Program Development in Corrections. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P. (1994). Management and Treatment of the Violent Offender: What Works? Summary of Deliberations of the NIC Interdivisional Committee Planning Session, Unpublished Manuscript Prepared for the National Institute of Corrections. Van Voorhis, P. (1991). Final Report for the Prison Classification Project, Report Prepared for the National Institute of Justice, #85-IJ-CX-0063. Van Voorhis, P. Grosser, R., Kastan, J. & Meservey, F. (1983). Prevention Programs for Youth: An Examination of the State of the Art. Albany, NY: Report prepared for the New York State Council on Children and Families. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2012 – Present School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati Professor Emerita.2002 – 2009The Corrections Institute at the University, Director Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati1996 – PresentCenter for Criminal Justice Research, Research Fellow, Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati1995 – 2012 School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Professor 1989 – 1995 Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Associate Professor 1985 – 1989 Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Assistant Professor 1982 – 1985 Department of Criminology, Indiana State University. Title: Assistant-Associate Professor. 1981 – 1982 New York State Council on Children and Families. Title: Research Scientist. 1980 – 1981 School of Criminal Justice State University of New York at Albany. Title: Teaching Fellow. 1978 – 1981 M.J. Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center. Title: Research Analyst. 1971 – 1978 Southwick Public Schools (Junior High and High School) Title: Teacher (English and Social Studies) GRANTS & CONTRACTS 2011 – 2015 Validation and Implementation of the Pretrial WRNA, Cook County Sherriff’s Department. Chicago, IL.2011 – PresentValidation and Implementation of the Probation WRNA, Connecticut Department of Probation2007 – 2009California Women Offenders. California Department of Correctional Rehabilitation2003 – 2012Classification of Women Offenders: Gender-Responsive Approaches Risk/Needs Assessment. National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.2003 – 2014Implementation Grants, Georgia Department of Corrections.2002 – 2007Evaluation of Hamilton County Work-Release Program, Hamilton County Community Corrections, Indiana.2000 – 2002Evaluation of Cognitive Intervention Programs. Virginia Department of Correctional Education.1999 – 2002Classification of Women Offenders (Cooperative Agreement). National Institute of Corrections. U.S. Department of Justice. 1999 – 2001Evaluation of Partners in Accountability (Family Therapy). Sixth Judicial District, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.1998 – 2002Experimental Evaluation of Georgia Cognitive Skill Program (Phase II). Grant from the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.1998 – 2000Experimental Evaluation of the Georgia Cognitive Skills Program (Phase I). Contract from the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles.1998University of Cincinnati, Faculty Development Council. Grant to participate in workshop on Biostatistics.1997 – 1998Correctional Program Assessment Inventory (CPAI) and Organizational Development, contract from Hillcrest training School, Cincinnati, OH.1997University of Cincinnati, faculty Development Council. Grant to Participate in a Workshop on Categorical Data Analysis and ICPSR, University of Michigan.1993University of Cincinnati, University Research Council Grant to Conduct a Cross State Study of Gender Bias Task Forces in Courts. 1986-1990 Prison Classification Project, grant from the National Institute of Justice. U. S. Department of Justice. CONSULTANT SERVICES Alabama Department of Corrections, 2014-present. Ministry of Justice, Japan, 2013. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, 2013. Management and Training Corportation, 2011 to 2015. Center for Effective Public Policy (2009 to present) American Bar Association (2010) Cook County Sheriff’s Department (2010-2015) Iowa Department of Corrections (2010) Orbis Partners, Inc. (2009) The Moss Group, Inc. (2007-present) Connecticut Court Support Services and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, 2008. Rhode Island Department of Corrections (2008) United States Navy (2008) Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (2007) Tennessee Department of Correction (2007) Alabama Department of Corrections (2007) Washington Department of Corrections (2006-2008) California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (2006) Marion County Sheriff’s Department (2006) Missouri Department of Corrections (2003 to 2005) Maine Department of Corrections (2005) New Mexico Corrections Department (2003) Nebraska Department of Corrections (2001-2003) Maui Department of Community Corrections (2003 to 2005) Georgia Department of Corrections (2002 to present) Office of the Auditor General, Canada (2002) Hamilton County, IN (2002 to 2010). Idaho Department of Corrections (2001). Colorado Office of Probation Services (2000). New Hampshire Department of Corrections (2000) Abt Associates, Washington, DC (2000, 2003) Johnson County Department of Corrections, Kansas City, KS (1999). Department of Correctional Education, Richmond, VA. (1998 to 2003). Maricopa County, AZ, 1998, 2005. Sixth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1998 to 2002. California Department of Corrections, Parole and Community Services Division, 1998. Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, Atlanta, GA. (1997 to 2002). Hillcrest Training School, Cincinnati, OH. (1997 to 2001). Boulder County Community Corrections, Boulder, CO. (1996 to 1998, 2004). Alameda County Probation, CA. (1997). Wisconsin, Department of Corrections (1996-1999). U.S. Department of Justice: National Institute of Corrections (1995 to present). U.S. Department of Justice: National Institute of Justice (1985 to 1991). New York City, Department of Probation (1995 to 1996). Women Advocates for Divorce Education, Cincinnati, OH (1995 to 1998). Crime and Justice Foundation, Boston, MA (1995). Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction: Screening Committee, Lucasville Riot. (1994). Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction: Classification Think Tank (1992 to 2000). Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction: Research Advisory Group (1995 to 2000). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (1991 & 1995). Talbert House, Cincinnati, OH (1988-1989). American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio, 1991-1992. INVITED PRESENTATIONS 2013 Van Voorhis, P. Assessing Female Offenders: Women’s Risk Factors. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan. January 21, 2013. Van Voorhis, P. Treatment Interventions for Women Offenders. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan. January 22, 2013. Van Voorhis, P. Policy Developments Regarding Women Offenders in the U.S., Japan Ministry of Justice, Tokyo, Japan. January 24, 2013. 2012 Van Voorhis, P. Commencement Address. Graduate Recognition Ceremony. School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, Albany, N.Y., May 19, 2012. Covington, S. & Van Voorhis, P. Understanding Reentry from a Woman’s Perspective. Meeting the Reentry Needs of Women: Policies, Programs and Practices. Washington, D.C., March 15, 2012. Benedict, A. & Van Voorhis, P. Working With Women: Practical Skills for Effective Assessment and Case Management for Managers and Line Officers, APPA Winter Training Institute, February 26, 2011, San Diego, CA. Benedict, A. & Van Voorhis, P. Working With Women: a Review of the Research, Tools and Resources for Community Corrections Practitioners. APPA Winter Training Institute, February 28, 2011, San Diego, CA. 2010 Van Voorhis, P. Making the Case for Women Offenders: New Models of Assessment and Classification. Invited Presentation to the Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections, September 30, 2010. Van Voorhis, P. Women’s Risk Women’s Needs. Invited Presentation to the Women and Security Classification Conference, Sponsored by the American Bar Association and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, April 28, 2010, New York, NY. Van Voorhis, P. (2010). Changing the Treatment Paradigm for Women Offenders. Invited Presentation to the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) Conference, March 18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2008 Women Offenders and the Notion of Risk. Ninth Annual Line Staff Training Institute, Ohio Probation Officers Association, Columbus Ohio, June. 2007 Classifying Women Offenders: Achieving Accurate Pictures of Risk and Identifying Gender-Responsive Needs: Plenary Address, Annual Meeting of the International Community Corrections Association, San Diego, October. 2007 Women Offenders; Risk of Future Offending and Adverse Prison Adjustment. Colloquim Presented to the Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University. 2006 National Research on Female Offenders: Women and Risk/Needs Assessment Board of Directors, National Institute of Corrections California Correctional Peace Officers Association: 2nd Annual Issues Forum, Sacramento, CA. Association of State Correctional Administrators, Santa Fe, November, 2003 Results of the Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment, May, June. Women in Corrections, Southern Illinois University, March. 2002 Prison Classification Systems, NIC, February. Improving Community Responses to Women Offenders, NIC, December. Classification of Women Offenders, NIC, March, September Effective Interventions, April, May, June, July. 2001 Prison Classification Systems, NIC, March. Classification of Women Offenders, NIC, April, May, September, October Improving Community Responses to Women Offenders, NIC, December. Effective Interventions, NIC, April. Innovations in Risk Assessment, NIC, September. 2000 Risk Assessment of Women Offenders, Hamilton County, January. Evaluation for Effective Programming, Virginia, DCE, April. Effective Interventions, NIC, April. 1999, Measuring Intermediate Outcomes, ICCA, October. Effective Interventions, NIC, February. Measuring Process and Outcomes, Wisconsin, DOC, January. What Works in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Wisconsin DOC. 1998 What Works, NIC, July, February. 1997 Measuring Outcomes of Drug Treatment Programs, ICCA, September. What Works, NIC,February, July. ................

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