
Name _____________________________________ Date __________________________ Block ________________

Unit 4: South Asia: THINK-TAC-TOE - Booklet

{Summative Assessment}

In order to extend your learning on how the physical and cultural characteristics have helped shape contemporary South Asia, complete three activities (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to win tic-tac-toe to create a booklet. You will use all of the assignments in your Notebook and ALL 3 activities must be done in class by the end of the block.

**Circle your three activities!**


|Using your Comparative Religions Foldable and |Create a political cartoon on a current issue |Create a crossword puzzle with at least 10 main |

|History and Religions Guided Notes, write a |specific to South Asia. The cartoon should |words/people as answers. You should include |

|1-day journal (10-15 sentences) from the point |represent significant. Address who, what, why, |elements from South Asia’s history, physical |

|of view of a Hindu OR Buddhist in South Asia. Be|where, when and how. You need one paragraph to |features, and religion/culture. |

|sure to include all of the characteristics given|summarize and one to explain why it is | |

|in the chart! |significant. | |

|Create a timeline of the significant events on |Create a 12-line song/rap/poem on the effects of|Using your notes and bio on Gandhi, write a 2 |

|the division of the Indian Subcontinent using |extreme poverty in South Asia using your South |paragraph comparison of Gandhi to another |

|your Partition of India Guided Notes. You should|Asia Today Guided Notes. |historical or modern leader. Your writing should|

|have at least 5 ‘events’ in total with a brief | |include a description of their life achievements,|

|description and a picture. Your timeline should| |their methods of getting what they wanted, and |

|be to scale. | |your opinion of which was a better person and |

| | |why. |

|Create a postcard of a physical feature in South|Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting |Create a collage of pictures in a map showing the|

|Asia. Half the postcard will be an illustration |Hinduism & Buddhism. A minimum of three facts |major cultural characteristics of South Asia. For|

|of the feature and the other half will be a |should be included for each of the 3 writing |example, the Caste System, overpopulation, etc… |

|describing its location and impact on the |spaces. You must explain each fact. For example-|There should be 1 image that fills each country |

|region. On the back, your letter home should |“The Bible is the holy book for Christians”. The|(except Maldives) with an explanation of each are|

|include at least 1 thing you like about being in|word Bible alone will not be enough. Don’t |required. |

|South Asia and 1 warning for future travelers. |repeat! | |



South Asia Think-Tac-Toe Booklet Rubric



|100 Points | | | | | |

|30 POINTS: |My booklet is detailed & |My booklet is detailed but|My booklet shows moderate |My booklet shows little or | |

| |clearly displays effort. |the correlation between |detail but the correlation|no detail & the correlation| |

|Product is creative & | |the characterisitics is |between the religions & |between the religions is | |

|detailed | |not clear. |work is unclear. |unclear. | |

|40 POINTS: |I correctly defined all |I correctly defined most |I correctly defined some |I did not correctly | |

| |terms & creatively |terms & creatively |of the terms in the |define/portray any elements| |

|Accurate Translation or |depicted or translated all|depicted or translated two|standard & used moderate |of the standard. I used | |

|Depiction of the |portions of the booklet. |portions of the booklet. |creativity translating the|little or no creativity | |

|Information | | |booklet. |translating the standards. | |

|30 POINTS: |My booklet is 100% |My booklet is 60% |My booklet is 30% |My booklet is incomplete. | |

| |complete. I fully |complete. I completed 2 |complete. I fully |I did not fully complete | |

|Completion of the |completed 3 “tic-tac-toe” |“tic-tac-toe” options from|completed 1 “tic-tac-toe” |any of the 3 “tic-tac-toe” | |

|Assignment |options from the rubric. |the rubric. |options from the rubric. |options from the rubric. | |

| |TOTAL |

| | |

| | |

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