Estrella Mountain Community College

Special Uses of the Definite Article Special Uses of the Definite Article

|Do NOT use the before: [pic] |Use the before: [pic] |

|Schools when the name comes 1st Arizona State University |Schools with of in the name the University of Arizona |

|Languages Spanish, English, Vietnamese |Most phrases with of the city of Avondale, the Queen of England |

|Sports volleyball, football |Hotels the Hilton, the Sheraton |

|Academic subjects biology, history, mathematics |Famous Monuments & Landmarks the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramids, the Grand Canyon |

|Religions Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism |Works of Art the Mona Lisa, the Thinker |

|Most diseases cancer, pneumonia, tonsillitis |Musical instruments with ability phrases I can play the piano. |

|with some exceptions - the flu |Inventions as a general category Alexander Bell invented the telephone. |

| |Pluralized names the Smiths (= everyone in the Smith family), the Cardinals (= all the members of that baseball |

| |team) |

| |Newspaper names the Wall Street Journal, the Arizona Republic |

| |Superlative adjectives the best, the biggest |

Special Uses of the Definite Article Special Uses of the Definite Article

|Do NOT use the before: [pic] |Use the before: [pic] |

|Schools when the name comes 1st Arizona State University |Schools with of in the name the University of Arizona |

|Languages Spanish, English, Vietnamese |Most phrases with of the city of Avondale, the Queen of England |

|Sports volleyball, football |Hotels the Hilton, the Sheraton |

|Academic subjects biology, history, mathematics |Famous Monuments & Landmarks the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramids, the Grand Canyon |

|Religions Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism |Works of Art the Mona Lisa, the Thinker |

|Most diseases cancer, pneumonia, tonsillitis |Musical instruments with ability phrases I can play the piano. |

|with some exceptions - the flu |Inventions as a general category Alexander Bell invented the telephone. |

| |Pluralized names the Smiths (= everyone in the Smith family), the Cardinals (= all the members of that baseball |

| |team) |

| |Newspaper names the Wall Street Journal, the Arizona Republic |

| |Superlative adjectives the best, the biggest, the most beautiful |

Geographical Uses of the Definite Article Geographical Uses of the Definite Article

|Do NOT use the before: |Use the before: |

| |Plural countries the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States |

|Singular countries Japan, Mexico, Iraq |Country names with republic, kingdom, states, & union |

|Cities, towns, or states New York, Paris |the United States, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the Soviet Union |

|Streets Central Avenue, Dysart Road |Groups of lakes the Great Lakes |

|Single Lakes & bays Lake Huron, Lake Erie |Rivers, oceans, & seas the Nile, the Pacific, the Sea of Japan |

|Single mountain peaks Mount Kilimanjaro. Camelback Mountain |Mountain ranges the Andes, the Rockies |

|with some exceptions - the Matterhorn |Island chains the Hawaiian Islands, the Bahamas |

| |Points on the globe the Equator, the North Pole |

|Single islands Hawaii, Cuba, Haiti |Geographical areas the North, the Middle East |

|Continents North America, Asia |Deserts, forests, gulfs, & peninsulas the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Iberian Peninsula |

Geographical Uses of the Definite Article Geographical Uses of the Definite Article

|Do NOT use the before: |Use the before: |

| |Plural countries the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States |

|Singular countries Japan, Mexico, Iraq |Country names with republic, kingdom, states, & union |

|Cities, towns, or states New York, Paris |the United States, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the Soviet Union |

|Streets Central Avenue, Dysart Road |Groups of lakes the Great Lakes |

|Single Lakes & bays Lake Huron, Lake Erie |Rivers, oceans, & seas the Nile, the Pacific, the Sea of Japan |

|Single mountain peaks Mount Kilimanjaro. Camelback Mountain with some exceptions - the Matterhorn |Mountain ranges the Andes, the Rockies |

| |Island chains the Hawaiian Islands, the Bahamas |

|Single islands Hawaii, Cuba, Haiti |Points on the globe the Equator, the North Pole |

|Continents North America, Asia |Geographical areas the North, the Middle East |

| |Deserts, forests, gulfs, & peninsulas the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Iberian Peninsula |





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