Realidades I - Weebly

Realidades I - Repaso para el final Nombre: ______________________________________

Repaso cultural - Capítulo 4A(7A Fecha: Hoy es el _______ de _____________________

Hora: ________

p. 178. Exporación del lenguaje

Origins of the Spanish days of the week

The word sábado, like many Spanish words, is based on Latin. The Spanish days of the week come from the Latin names for the gods, planets, sun, and moon, all of which were important in Roman daily life. Match the Spanish days of the week with their Latin origins:

1. lunes a. dies Mercurii: named after Mercury, the god of commerce and travelers

2. martes b. dies Veneris: named after Venus, the goddess of beauty and love

3. miércoles c. dies lunae: the day dedicated to the moon (luna)

4. jueves d. dies solis: named after the sun (sol), but later changed to dies Dominicus, which means “the Lord’s day”

5. viernes e. dies Martis: dedicated to Mars, the god of war

6. sábado f. dies Saturni: named after Saturn; also called dies Sabbati, based on the Hebrew word shabbath, or “day of rest”

7. domingo g. dies Jovis: named after Jove, or Jupiter, the ruler of the gods

p. 185 Fondo cultural

______________________ are a popular form of entertainment for teenagers in Spanish-speaking countries. Which countries have important film industries? _________________________, _______________________, ______________________, _______________________, and ___________________________, but movies from the _________________ _________________ are also popular.

p. 196 Fondo cultural

The ___________________________________________________ organizes summer and winter games for athletes with disabilities. What city hosts this event? ____________________________________________________________________________________.

p. 205 Fondo cultural

In Oaxaca, Mexico, on December 23rd a fiesta called ________________________________________________________, featuring a display of folk art made from carved radishes, is celebrated.

rábano = _________________________ en inglés

p. 212-213 ¡Adelante!

Lectura: Sergio y Lorena: El futuro del golf

What was Sergio García’s “nickname” as a child golfer? __________________________________________

¿Qué es su objetivo? _____________________________________________________________________

p. 213 Fondo cultural

-What is Rebecca Lobo’s profession? ____________________________________________________________

-She wrote a book called ______________________________________________, which tells about her life and her mother’s struggle against breast cancer.

-In 2001, she established a college scholarship fund to assist _____________________________________who plan to pursue careers in the healthcare field.

p. 230 Fondo cultural - La familia real de España

Who are the current king and queen and have reined over Spain since 1975? _________________________________________

p. 235 Exploración del lenguaje – Diminutives

In Spanish you can add the suffix –______(____) to a word to give it the meaning of “_______________” or “________________”.

It can also be used to show______________________________. Words with this suffix are called diminutives (diminutivos).

abuelo ( __________________________ perros ( ___________________________ hermana ( _________________________

p. 236 El español en la comunidad

What are the five most common last names in the U.S.? ______________________________________________________________

What are the five most common last names for Spanish-speaking people living in the U.S.? __________________________________


p. 238 ¡Adelante!

The special celebration of a girl’s fifteenth birthday is called ________________________________, ________________________, or _______________________________________. How old are the girl’s when they celebrate this day? _________________________

*Think about an event in the lives of your friends that has the importance of a quince años celebration. How are the events similar?


p. 240 La cultura en vivo

Papel picado is colored _____________________________________ that is cut into small patterns similar to making snowflakes.

p. 282 Fondo cultural

What flag has a fascinating history? __________________________________________

What are it’s colors? _______________________________________________

p. 286 Fondo cultural

What is the afternoon nap after the large midday meal (that has been observed in Spainish-speaking countries for centuries) called? ____________________________

p. 290 La cultura en vivo

What is a luminaria? _________________________________________________________________________________

What is it made out of? _______________________________________________________________________________

What were they used for 300 years ago? _________________________________________________________________

p. 303 Fondo cultural

What is usually found in an open area in the center of building in many Spanish cities? ____________________________

In southern Spain, the houses are often built around patios and may have _________________ and _________________

Who brought this architectural style to Spain? ______________________________________________

Who brought this architectural style to the Americas? ________________________________________

Pregunta General

The ground floor of a home in most hispanic countries is called ______________________________.

p. 327 Fondo cultural

Fernando Botero is from _______________________________.

Botero’s paintings and sculptures featured people and objects that are ____________________________ to an exaggerated size.

p. 328 Fondo cultural

What is the official currency in: - Bolivia: ________________ abbreviation: ___________

- Peru: __________________ abbreviation: ___________

- Costa Rica: _____________ abbreviation: ___________

- Latin America: _____________________ or _______________________

El mapa The _________________________________ mountains form the backbone for Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile


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