Realidades I - Weebly

Realidades I Nombre: ______________________________________

Repaso cultural - Capítulo 5A Fecha: Hoy es el _______ de _____________________

Hora: ________

p. 220 Fondo cultural

Who is the best known for her paintings that show Mexican American family life in her native South Texas in the 1950’s? ________________________________________

p. 226 Fondo cultural

What to Mexican families use to decorate for celebrations? _____________________________________

p. 230 Fondo cultural - La familia real de España

Who are the current king and queen and have reined over Spain since 1975? _________________________________________

p. 231 Conexiones – El arte

In 1800, was Carlos IV a popular king? _____________ Why or why not? ________________________________________________

When did he rule Spain? __________________________

Who painted the portrait of Carlos IV’s royal family?___________________________________________

Where is he in the portrait? ________________________________________________

p. 231 Fondo cultural

How many years after Goya painted Juan Carlos IV’s family was the photo of the current Spanish royal family taken? ______________

• In what ways are the two pictures similar? ______________________________________________________________________

• How are they different? ____________________________________________________________________________________

• How would you compare them to you own family portraits? ________________________________________________________

p. 231 Francisco de Goya

What is the self-portrait of Goya called? ______________________________ When did he paint it? __________________

What was his nickname? __________________________________________

p. 235 Exploración del lenguaje – Diminutives

In Spanish you can add the suffix –______(____) to a word to give it the meaning of “_______________” or “________________”.

It can also be used to show______________________________. Words with this suffix are called diminutives (diminutivos).

abuelo ( ________________________________

perros ( _________________________________

hermana ( _______________________________

Now that you know what the suffix –ito(a) means, can you figure out the meanings of these words?

abuelita ( ________________________________ Miguelito ( _____________________________________

gatito ( __________________________________ hijita ( _________________________________________

Some very popular names are diminutives. What do you think the diminutives of these names are?

Ana ( ___________________________________ Eva ( __________________________________________

Juana ( _________________________________ Lola ( __________________________________________

p.236 Pronunciación – The letters p, t, and q

In English, the consonants ______, _______, and _______ and the hard _______ sound are pronounced with a little puff of air.

Hold a tissue loosely in front of your mouth as you say these English words. You will notice that the tissue moves.

2 ejemplos: ________________________________, _________________________________

Now say these Spanish words with the tissue in front of you mouth. Try to say the consonants so that there is no puff of air and the tissue does not move.

2 ejemplos: ________________________________, _________________________________

Try it out! Listen to this nursery rhyme. Listen particularly for the p, t, and q sounds. Then repeat the rhyme.

Tortillas para mamá,

Tortillas para papá,

las quemaditas, para mamá,

las bonitas, para papá

p. 236 Fondo cultural

Diego Rivera was a Mexican muralist who illustrated a woman grainding maize on a metate. What is this utensil used for? __________________________________________________

What does Rivera portray in many of his paintings? __________________________________________________________________

What do you think Rivera wants you to feel about this woman and her task? _______________________________________________

What is the painting titled? ______________________________________ What year was it painted? __________

p. 236 El español en la comunidad

What are the five most common last names in the U.S.? ______________________________________________________________

What are the five most common last names for Spanish-speaking people living in the U.S.? __________________________________


p. 238 ¡Adelante!

The special celebration of a girl’s fifteenth birthday is called ________________________________, ________________________, or _______________________________________. How old are the girl’s when they celebrate this day? _________________________

*Think about an event in the lives of your friends that has the importance of a quince años celebration. How are the events similar?


p. 239 Fondo cultural – El nombre completo

A person’s full name consists of a first name, which often consists of two names, plus two surnames(the father’s family name (el apellido paterno) followed by the mother’s family name (el apellido materno).

For example, look at the nombres completos of María Teresa’s parents:

Felipe Rivera Lopez

Guadalupe Treviño Ibarra

What is Felipe’s apellido paterno? ____________________________________

What is Guadalupe’s apellido materno? _________________________________

What would María Teresa’s complete name be? _______________________________________

What if she got married to someone with the last name García? ____________________________________________

What would your own “nombre completo” be? _____________________________________________________

p. 240 La cultura en vivo

Papel picado is colored tissue paper that is cut into small patterns similar to making _______________________________________.






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