Seminar Questioning Cheat Sheet Clarification Questions: What do you mean by ? What is your main point? How does relate to ? Could you put that another way? What do you think is the main issue here? Let me see if I understand you; do you mean or ? Jane, would you summarize in your own words what Juan has said?... Juan, is that what you meant? Could you give me an example? Would this be an example: ? Could you explain that further? Could you expand upon that? Questions About the Initial Question or Issue: How can we find out? What does this question assume? Would put the question differently? How could someone settle this question? Can we break this question down at all? Is the question clear? Do we understand it? Is this question easy or hard to answer? Why? Does this question ask us to evaluate something? Do we all agree that this is the question? To answer this question, what question would we have to answer first? I’m not sure I understand how you are interpreting the main question at issue. Is this the same issue as ? How would put this issue? Why is this question important? Does this question lead to other questions or issues? Assumption Probes: What are you assuming? What is Erika assuming? What could we assume instead? You seem to be assuming . Do I understand you correctly? All of your reasoning depends on the idea that . Why have you based your reasoning on rather than ? You seem to be assuming . How would you justify taking this for granted? Why would someone make this assumption? Reason and Evidence Probes: What would be an example? How do you know? Why do you think that is true? Do you have any evidence for that? What difference does that make? What are your reasons for saying that? What other information do we need? Could you explain your reason to use? Are these reasons adequate? Can you explain how you logically got from Reason and Evidence Probes (Continued):Do you see any difficulties with their reasoning here? Why did you say that? What led you to that belief? How does that apply to this case? What would change your mind? But is that good evidence to believe that? Is there a reason to doubt that evidence? Who is in a position to know if that is so? What would you say to someone who said ? Can someone else give evidence to support that response? By what reasoning did you come to that conclusion? How could we find out whether that is true? Origin or Source Questions: Where did you get this idea? Do your friends or family feel the same way? Has the media influenced you? Have you always felt this way? What caused you to feel this way? Did you originate this idea or get it from someone else? Implication and Consequence Probes: What are you implying by that? When you say , are you implying ? But if that happened, what else would happen as a result? Why? What effect would that have? Would that necessarily happen or only probably happen? What is the probability of this result? What is an alternative? If this and this are the case, then what else must also be true? If we say that this is unethical, how about that? Viewpoint Questions: You seem to be approaching this issue from perspective. Why have you chosen this rather than that perspective? How would other groups/types of people respond? Why? What would influence them? How could you answer the objection that would make? What might someone who believed think? Can/did anyone see this another way? What would someone who disagrees say? What is an alternative? How are Hillary and Tom’s ideas alike? DifferName: _______________________________# 16Essential Question: What are the major ECONOMIC causes of the Civil War?February 8Doc A: In 1860, which section of the United States had the most railroad tracks?Which section had the most slaves?What is the possible connection in the South between many slaves and fewer railroad tracks?How does the map help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc B:What were the North’s economic strengths?What were the South’s economic strengths?How do the circle diagrams help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc CWhere is Hinton Helper from? ________________________________Is this a surprise (Why? Why not?) Why does Helper believe that the Southern economy is weak?Given his opinion of the Southern economy, would you expect Helper to be for or against slavery? ExplainHow does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc D:Where is James Hammond from?Why does Hammond believe that the Southern economy is strong?Would you expect Hammond to be for or against slavery? Why?How does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?# 16 February 9Based on Doc A-D what are the major ECONOMIC difference between North and South that caused conflict? What are two quotes or pieces of evidence from reading A-D that support your argument/claim? After each quote provide a sentence explaining HOW this quote supports your claim. Write two discussion questions you could ask about these documents during Socratic Seminar and provide a possible answer.Discussion QuestionPossible Answera.b.c. Name: _______________________________#17 Essential Question: What are the causes of the Civil War?February 10Doc E: Who is the author of Document E? Is he a senator of a Northern or Southern State?What is the meaning of “secede”? What does the author say about secession?Doc F:Who is the author of Document F?What do you think this author thinks about secession? Explain your answer.How do the differences between document E and F help explain the cause of the Civil War?Doc G: Who is the author of Doc G? Explain in detail.What does the author think about the 4th of July holiday?How does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc H:Is the author, George Fitzhugh, from the North or South?What does Fitzhugh believe about the condition of free laborers in the North as compared to slavery in the south?How does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc I:Who was John Brown?How many years before the Civil War did Brown carry out his raid?#17Doc I (Continued)How did the North react to the raid?How did the South React to the raid?February 13- Discussion PreparationBased on Doc E-F what was the difference between how the North and the South viewed the Union and Secession? What is one quote or piece of evidence from reading E-F that supports your argument/claim? Provide a sentence explaining HOW this quote supports your claim.Based on Doc G-I how did Slavery lead to conflict? What is one quote or piece of evidence from reading G-I that support your argument/claim? Provide a sentence explaining HOW this quote supports your claim. Write two discussion questions you could ask about these documents during Socratic Seminar and provide a possible answer.Discussion QuestionPossible Answera.b.Name: _______________________________#18February 14Doc J: What is the meaning of popular sovereignty?In what way did the Kansas-Nebraska Act help cause the Civil War?Doc K:Who are the two figures in the drawing?Why did many Southerners send “Bully Brooks” gold headed canes?Do you think this incident was an important cause of the Civil War? Please explain your answer.Doc L:Who was Roger Taney?Who was Dred Scott?What did the courts decide regarding Dred Scott’s case? Use an exact quote if possible.Which compromise was declared unconstitutional by the Dred Scott decision?How does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc M: Lincoln was very upset by the Dred Scott decision. Why?What did Lincoln mean with the Biblical quote: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”?How does this document help answer the question, what caused the Civil War?Doc N:Was Lincoln’s Republican Party in favor of abolishing slavery or simply preventing its expansion?#18 Doc N (Continued)Were there Northerners who were willing to let slavery expand into Northern territories like Nebraska? Evidence?If you were a pro-slavery Southerner, would you have been worried by the results of the 1860’s election? Explain.Did the election of 1860 help cause the Civil War? Explain.February 15Based on Doc J-N what major disagreements were the most significant causes of the Civil War?What are two quotes or pieces of evidence from reading J-N that support your argument/claim? After each quote provide a sentence explaining HOW this quote supports your claim. Write two discussion questions you could ask about these documents during Socratic Seminar and provide a possible answer.Discussion QuestionPossible Answera.b. #19February 16-17: On the Day of Socratic Seminar- Take detailed notes as you listen to the class discussion. Make sure that you record EVERYTHING that your peer says or does, but also record other interesting points. These notes will come in handy for the reflection.My PARTNER’S Name is: _______________________________________________________Student NameQuestion or Comment Partner Evaluation:Did your partner participate in the discussion?Yes, multiple timesOnly a littleNo, but s/he was taking notesNoDid your partner build on the conversation by referring to another comment or asking a question?Did your partner use evidence or refer to the text when participating?Did your partner invite others to participate?What suggestion do you have for your partner for next time? #19Name: _______________________________February 16- HOMEWORK Paragraph: Answer the essential question using insightful comments and information that you heard during today’s Socratic Seminar discussion. WHAT ARE THE MAIN CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR? You must include at least 3 specific pieces of evidence from class sources to support your position.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________#19- After Socratic SeminarFebruary 17- Socratic Seminar ReflectionDirections: Your reflection will be assessed on the completion of the note sheet (accurately capturing what you observed) and the quality of insights and conclusions based on what you heard. Ideas you have that the seminar participants failed to mention:What was the best idea shared or question raised in the seminar (and who spoke it?)What conclusions can you draw after listening to your classmates’ discussion?What was most challenging for you about this task? Most confusing?What did you hear today that is in conflict with your prior understanding?To what extent did you successfully accomplish your goal?To what extent did you use resources available to you to fully participate in the discussion?When you do an assignment or task like this again, what do you want to remember to do differently? What worked well for you that you should use next time?If you were the instructor, what would you identify as strengths of your work and flaws in your participation? ................

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