


Study Guide for “The Most Dangerous Game”


1.) According to Rainsford, a character in “The Most Dangerous Game”, “The world is made up of two classes – the hunters and the huntees.”

Might the world also be divided into adults and children? winners and losers? rich and poor? Write about what would happen if any of these groups were to switch places.

2.) a.  Write about a time when you felt bored.

b.  Why were you bored?

c.  What could you have done to feel less bored?

d.  Was there something you wanted to do, but couldn't?

During Reading Journal questions:

1. Do you agree with Whitney or Rainsford concerning animals? Explain.

2. Would you swim toward such a horrible sound, especially if you didn’t recognize it? Why or why not?

3. Describe Zaroff.

4. Do you find this story believable?

5. To what game might the general be referring?

6. Do you agree with Zaroff’s opinion that “instinct is no match for reason”?

7. What is the difference between hunting and murder?

8. Describe the game.

9. Describe the heads in the library.

10. What is the General’s first hunting proposal?

11. What is Rainsford being forced to play?

12. How did he lose Lazarus, and how did he feel about Lazarus?

13. Now, do you think Rainsford has changed his opinion of how animals feel? (Refer to the beginning of the story.)

14. Who seems to have won this skirmish in the conflict, Rainsford or Zaroff?

15. What do you think it means to live “a year in a minute”?

16. “Rainsford knew now how an animal at bay feels.” What has he learned?

17. How did the story end?

18. What is suggested about Rainsford at the end, especially how he is looking forward to enjoying Zaroff’s bed?

19. As a result of what happens to Rainsford, will he change his attitude about hunting?

20. When Zaroff talks of the hunt of the sailor, how is he justifying the hunting of men?

21. Would the story have been different if Zaroff had been poor?

22. Zaroff has red lips and pointed teeth. Why are these characteristics important to the description of Zaroff?

II. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the story and class discussions.



discern _________________________________________________________________


condone ________________________________________________________________

diverting _______________________________________________________________

deplorable _____________________________________________________________

imperative ______________________________________________________________

zealous _________________________________________________________________

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story.

Plot Structure Notes


• Characters:

o protagonist ____________________________________________________________

o antagonist ____________________________________________________________

• Setting: ___________________________________________________________

• Conflict:

o external conflict: _____________________________________________

o internal conflict: _____________________________________________

*identify the conflicts in the story:

__________________ vs. ___________________

human nature

Explain: ________________________________

__________________ vs. ___________________

human human


__________________ vs. ___________________

human self

Explain: ________________________________

• Rising Action:_____________________________________________________

• Climax:___________________________________________________________

• Falling Action:_____________________________________________________

• Resolution/Denouement:____________________________________________


direct characterization ________________________________________________________________________

indirect characterization ________________________________________________________________________


Who is the protagonist in the story? ___________________________

antagonist ___________________________ Example: __________________________














a. situational irony: ________________________________________________________________________



b. dramatic irony:


c. verbal irony:


Describe the mood of the story: ________________________________________________________________________

Who is the narrator? From what point of view is the story told? ________________________________________________________________________

What is the theme of the story?_____________________________________________

III. QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions.

1. What is meant by “He lived a year in a minute”?

2. What is meant by “I am still a beast at bay”?

3. In which sea has Connell set Ship-Trap Island?

4. How is Zaroff able to finance his life style?

5. If Rainsford wins the hunt, what does Zaroff promise him?

6. What happened to Lazarus?

7. Where does Rainsford spend the first night of his hunt?

8. How many acres did Zaroff’s father have in the Crimea?

9. Why does Zarroff suggest Rainsford wear moccasins?

10. What caused Rainsford to believe Zaroff knew he was hiding in the tree? Do you

think he was right? Give reasons.

11. How does Zaroff stock his island with “game”?

12. What happened to General Zaroff at the end of the story?

13. Inspite of being hurt, Zaroff congratulates Rainsford on his “Malay mancatcher,” why?

14. How do we know Rainsford is an exceptionally fit man?


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