The Most Dangerous GameReading Check?1.?Fill out a story map like the one below to review the?plot?of this famous chase story:?Characters:?General Zaroff RainsfordWhitney IvanConflict:Rainsford is stranded on Ship Trap island and Zaroff is out to kill him.Main events:- Rainsford falls off the yatch- Zaroff is out to kill him.- Rainsford kills the general?Climax:?When Rainsford is stuck between the dogs and the ocean, and he jumps off.?Resolution:?The general is killed by his 'prey' RainsfordThinking Critically2.Did you?predict?the meaning of the story’s?title? What is the most dangerous game?No, i did not predict the title to mean what it really was. The most dangerous game is theHunt between two humans, which can be way deadlier than any animal.3.?To hook our curiosity, writers drop clues that?foreshadow?what is going to happen later in a story.What clues at the start of the story foreshadow danger for Rainsford?The mention of the island, Rainsford not caring about animals.How does Rainsford and Whitney’s discussion about hunting at the start of the story foreshadow later developments?It showed that Rainsford didnt care about the feelings of an animal, and the author was going to punish him for it.What details in the physical description of Zaroff foreshadow the truth about his nature??4.In your opinion, what happens to Zaroff? Do you think Rainsford changes his mind about hunting by the end of the story? Explain.I think that Zaroff has become food for the dogs, as it is Rainsford who sleeps in the warm bed, though the bed could have been the peace of heaven. Rainsford must have definitely changed his mind about hunting after a very traumatic experience. If not, then he must be very strong and crazy.5.List the unknowns Rainsford encounters in the story, and think about how he reacts to each one. What enables him to triumph in the face of the unknown?pare and contrast?the?characters?of Rainsford and Zaroff. Fill out a Venn diagram like the one below, listing the characteristics of each man in his circle. In the shaded area, list the characteristics the two men share.7.Think back to the villain you described in your Quickwrite. How does Zaroff compare with that evil character?Compared to my character, Zaroff is much more violent. In similar ways, they both have a twisted way of seeing the world’s problems and how to solve it.Extending and Evaluating8.Look back at Zaroff’s arguments for hunting men (pages 24–26). What is your opinion of his comments?9.Think about Zaroff’s civilized tastes and his favorite game. Do Zaroffs—people whose refined manners mask their true nature—exist in real life? Explain.WRITINGThe Sequel ................

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