“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell

“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell

ECM 11 Questions

1. Rainsford falls from the yacht, after he falls Richard Connell states that "A certain cool-headedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place."

After reading this statement, one can infer that Rainsford:

a. Had not reason to panic.

b. Was going to be rescued.

c. Knew how to survive.

2. What does Rainsford hear that drew him too close to the ship's rail?

a. Three gun shots.

b. A horn blowing in the distance.

c. A man's scream.

3. What character qualities are revealed by Rainsford's struggle after falling overboard?

a. His passion for hunting

b. His strength and will to survive

c. His ability to reason and deduce

4. What is Rainsford's job?

a. Duke

b. Sailor

c. Hunts and writes books about hunting

5. If someone is resourceful he or she:

a. works for the Department of Natural Resources

b. deals with problems effectively

c. is afraid of the outdoors

6. Why does General Zaroff hunt humans?

a. He is a Cossack.

b. He is an animal activist.

c. He is bored with hunting animals.

7. Which of the following best describes how General Zaroff justifies his hunting of human beings?

a. Animal life is more valuable than human life

b. Only the strong deserve to survive

c. Human beings are not responsible for one another

8. Why wouldn't the general be concerned that Rainsford does not commit to remain silent about the island?

a. The general is confident in his own abilities to hunt and kill, and therefore Rainsford will be dead.

b. The general knows he will eventually convince Rainsford to keep quiet.

c. The general has no telephone and knows that Rainsford will be locked in the cellar forever.

9. Rainsford repeated the following statement to himself several times while General Zaroff was hunting him, "I must not lose my nerve."

Based on the following statement infer what Rainsford meant:

a. If I lose focus, Zaroff will win.

b. My hands must not lose their feeling.

c. I can't fall asleep, or I will lose.

10. Why is Rainsford filled with terror when the general smiles and turns back?

a. The general is playing cat and mouse - and Rainsford is the mouse.

b. Rainsford is going to have face the quicksand.

c. The general is beginning to look more and more like Ivan.

11. Who wins the game? Use the story to explain how you know this.

12. In 5-7 sentences, explain your thoughts about hunting. Do you agree with General Zaroff that all animals, including humans, should be fair game? Do you agree with Rainsford that all animals, except humans, should be fair game? Do you think some animals should not be hunted? Do you think no animals should be hunted? Be sure to tell me WHY you have the opinion that you do.



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