Project Background - Weebly

Project Background The Ring of Fire, a 40,000 km stretch of land around the Pacific Ocean, is host to 75% of the Earth’s volcanoes. What makes this area so volatile? Are cities on the Ring of Fire really the most dangerous places to live or are there other, lesser known areas at risk as well? Sutton Middle school’s disaster management team has asked your team of scientists to prepare a flyer about identifying the 5 most dangerous cities in the world and explaining how plate tectonics work in that place. Learning Objectives for students At the end of this case students will be able to: Differentiate between convergent, divergent and transform boundaries. Explain how the movement of tectonic plates causes different geologic events at each type of plate boundary. Integrate knowledge of the Earth’s interior to plate tectonics, and relate plate movements to each of these concepts. Explain why the Ring of Fire experiences so much seismic activity. Assess which areas of the world are most at risk for volcanic or earthquake activity. Assessment Your group (2 – 4) will be identifying four most dangerous places to live in the world. You will be using your understanding and knowledge about Plate Tectonics to identify these dangerous places along the plate boundaries. With the unpredictable nature of volcanoes and earthquakes that may cause Tsunamis, you may be able to create an awareness in the community living in those dangerous places.Students will be working in groups (2 - 4) to research, identify and give a final product as an article to give four most dangerous places in the world to be submitted to our school’s disaster management team. This team wants to spread awareness in people living in those areas.Student Responsibility:Each student may use the given website resources as given below under resources or from any other resource to choose one dangerous place in the world to live in.Make sure that there is no repeated choice of that place in your group.Page # 1: 1. Student will write an essay/article on “How Plate Tectonics works” in the space provided on the left column.2. Draw a picture(s) on the right column just like in newspaper/magazine. The picture must be attractive, colorful, and informative by adding appropriate labels. Page # 2: In the left column, write the name of the city, country and the continent where this event happened or likely to happen. In the right column, fill in the information about the details of the Geological Disaster (the Type of boundary, Type of fault, Type of geographical event, How many events and when, and any other interesting facts).At the bottom, write what kind of precautionary/safety measures people living in those areas take to avert any human or property loss if a geological disaster happen. Group Responsibility:Your group will work on a poster for your group.Write the title of your poster board as Four Most Dangerous Places in the world to live in. Your group will make presentation during a museum walk.Resources CBS News Online (2011). Earthquakes on the Pacific “ring of fire.” Retrieved August 24, 2012 from Cain, F. (2009, May 20). Ring of fire volcanoes. Retrieved from: (2011). Transform plate boundaries. Retrieved from: Gringer - Wikimedia Commons (2009). Pacific Ring of Fire Map. Retrieved August 24, 2012 from Roach, J. (2011). Eight dangerous volcanoes around the world. Retrieved from: Webwire (2007, April 2). Tsunami facts: How they form, warning signs, and safety tips. Retrieved from: - USGS Earthquake Hazards Program: a Tsunami – Tectonic Plates WorksWrite a small essay on how Tectonic plates works. (Hint: Lithospheric Plates, Boundaries and their types, Stress experienced by each type. Faults they cause and which geographical event it may cause)Draw a picture(s) showing geographical event when plate tectonic happens.References: Name of the dangerous place in the world. (Name the city with the country and continent)Details of the Geological Disaster1.Type of boundary:Type of fault: Type of geographical event:How many events and when:Damage:Any other interesting Facts:Precautions or safety measures: Name: ___________________________________Title of Task: _______________________________________________________________________Performance Task RubricsTotal ___________/100CriteriaNeeds Improvement 10 pointsDeveloping 15 pointsProficient20 pointsExemplary25 pointsEarned PointsQualities of Product (Predictive, Quantifiable, Realistic, Theory Laden,Explanatory)Exhibit includes only one or two addressed characteristics.Product suggests the student has not discovered/researched most of the sufficient ideas of his/her topic Exhibit includes most of the addressed characteristics.Product suggests the student has not discovered/researched most of the important ideas of his/her topicExhibit includes all addressed characteristics.Product suggests the student has discovered/researched most of the important ideas of his/her topicExhibit includes all addressed characteristics excellently.Product suggests the student has discovered/researched the important ideas of his/her topicCreativity/Neatness Product appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product.Product accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product.Product was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product.Great care taken in Product making process so that he product is neat, attractive and follows the rubric accurately.PresentationStudent speaks with enthusiasm, but only spoke for less than 1 minute, and is not knowledgeable on the topic.Student speaks clearly with enthusiasm, is knowledgeable, but only spoke for 1-2 minutes. Student speaks clearly with enthusiasm, is knowledgeable, but only spoke for 1-2 minutes.Student speaks clearly with enthusiasm, is knowledgeable and for the allotted amount of time (2-3 minutes). Team workStudents shows poor team work.Students shows fair team work.Students shows good team work.Students shows excellent team work.Overall ScoreNeeds Improvement 40 or aboveDeveloping 60 or aboveProficient 80 or aboveExemplary 90 or above ................

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