1) What ranks among the top 10 causes of worldwide disability

Adults and Mental Health

1) What ranks among the top 10 causes of worldwide disability?

a) mood disorders

b) anxiety disorders

c) psychotic disorders

d) eating disorders

2) Which construct refers to a broad pattern of psychological, emotional, and psychophysiologic reactivity?

a) neuroticism

b) avoidance

c) impulsivity

d) narcissism

3) A predisposition to engage in dishonest, hurtful, unfaithful, and at times dangerous conduct to benefit one's own needs is

a) narcissism

b) schizoidism

c) sociopathy

d) bedlamism

4) Domestic violence accounts for about _____ of all acute injuries to women seen in emergency departments.

a) 10%

b) 20%

c) 30%

d) 40%

5) The most frequently occurring mental disorders are the

a) depressive disorders

b) eating disorders

c) anxiety disorders

d) personality disorders

6) Generalized anxiety disorder is defined by a period of anxiety and worry lasting longer than

a) 1 month

b) 3 months

c) 6 months

d) 12 months

7) Up to _____ of people with Tourette's disorder develop obsessive-compulsive disorder.

a) 30%

b) 40%

c) 50%

d) 60

8) All the following are subforms of Post-traumatic stress disorder EXCEPT

a) acute

b) chronic

c) delayed onset

d) genetic

9) Which medication is NOT typically used to treat patients with anxiety disorder?

a) benzodiazepines

b) antidepressants

c) lithium

d) buspirone

10) Buspirone is not habit forming and has no abuse potential.

a) True

b) False

11) In 1 year, about _____ of Americans suffer from mood disorders.

a) 3%

b) 7%

c) 10%

d) 14%

12) When untreated, a major depressive episode may last, on average about

a) 9 months

b) 12 months

c) 18 months

d) 24 months

13) An early onset and unrelenting, smoldering course are features of which form of depression?

a) cyclothymia

b) dysthymia

c) melancholia

d) hypomania

14) At least _____ of those who have hypomanic episodes never become manic.

a) 50

b) 60%

c) 70%

d) 80%

15) Which type of mood disorder is marked by manic and depressive states?

a) dysthymia

b) melancholia

c) cyclothymia

d) hypomania

16) It is not possible for anxiety and depression to coexist.

a) True

b) False

17) How much greater is the risk of having bipolar disorder among first-degree relatives of people with bipolar disorder?

a) 4 to 6

b) 6 to 8

c) 8 to 10

d) 10 to 12

18) According to Rudorfer et al., (1997), no controlled study has shown any other treatment to have superior efficacy to ECT in the treatment of depression.

a) True

b) False

19) In treating major depression, a vast majority of U.S. psychiatrists favor _____ as “first line” medications.

a) MAOIs

b) TCAs

c) SSRIs

d) HCAs

20) According to Frances et al., (1996), in the treatment of mania, lithium response rates of _____ are commonplace.

a) 10 to 20%

b) 20 to 30%

c) 30 to 40%

d) 40 to 50%

21) Which is NOT a characteristic symptom of schizophrenia?

a) mood disturbance

b) delusions

c) hallucinations

d) disorganized speech

22) All the following are negative symptoms of schizophrenia EXCEPT

a) affective flattening

b) alogia

c) avolition

d) catatonic behaviors

23) Women are more likely to experience an earlier onset of schizophrenia.

a) True

b) False

24) The risk of developing schizophrenia in fraternal twins is

a) 17%

b) 35%

c) 48%

d) 75%

25) Psychodynamically oriented therapies are considered to be potentially harmful to those with schizophrenia.

a) True

b) False

26) Assertive community treatment is often likened to a

a) trampoline without gravity

b) chicken without teeth

c) country without borders

d) hospital without walls

27) As many as _____ of people with serious mental illnesses develop alcohol or other drug abuse problems at some point in their lives.

a) 1/4

b) 1/3

c) 1/2

d) 2/3

28) According to the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (1992), the unemployment rate among adults with serious and persistent mental disorders hovers at

a) 30%

b) 50%

c) 70%

d) 90%


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