USH CH 20 Test Review

USH CH 20 Test Review

The New Frontier & The Great Society

1960 – 1968

CH Objective: to understand the achievements & challenges of the Kennedy & Johnson administrations

Section 1: Kennedy & the Cold War:

Main Idea: the Kennedy administration faced some of the most dangerous Soviet confrontations in American history

Why it Matters Now: America’s response to Soviet threats developed the United States as a military superpower

Terms & Names to Identify:

1. John F. Kennedy:

2. flexible response:

3. Fidel Castro:

4. Berlin Wall:

5. Limited Test Ban Treaty:

(1)-identify the factors that contributed to Kennedy’s election in 1960

*The Election of 1960:

-The televised debate affects votes:

-Americans fear US falling behind Soviets militarily

-JFK discusses Catholicism openly, allays public worries

-1st televised presidential debate between Kennedy, Nixon

-Nixon is foreign policy expert

-Kennedy coached by TV producers, comes across better than Nixon

-Kennedy & Civil Rights

-JFK takes stand on arrest of Martin Luther King, Jr; wins black vote

(2)-describe the new military policy of the Kennedy administration

*A New Military Policy

-Defining a Military Strategy

-JFK believes must redefine nation’s nuclear strategy

-flexible response – fight conventional wars, keep nuclear arms balanced

-JFK increases defense spending in three areas:

-strengthens conventional forces

-creates Special Forces (Green Berets)

-triples nuclear capabilities

(3)-summarize the crisis that developed over Cuba

*The Cuban Dilemma

-Revolutionary leader Fidel Castro declares himself communist

-seizes US properties; Eisenhower cuts off diplomatic relations

-10% of Cuban population goes into exile; mostly to US

*The Bay of Pigs

-Cuban exiles, CIA plan invasion to topple Castro

-plans go wrong; exile forces killed, taken prisoner

-JFK pays ransom in food, medicine; mission is public embarrassment

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Timeline:

*October 14:

*October 22:

*October 24:

*October 25:

*October 28:


(4)-explain the Cold War symbolism of Berlin in the early 1960s

1. Why was the Berlin Wall built?

2. How did Kennedy & Krushchev ease tensions between their nations?

3. What statement were the East Germans making by building the wall?

4. How did the location of Berlin present security problems for East Germany?

Section 2: The New Frontier:

Main Idea: while Kennedy had trouble getting his ideas for a New Frontier passed, several goals were achieved

Why it Matters Now: Kennedy’s space program continues to generate scientific & engineering advances that benefit Americans

Terms & Names to Identify:

1. New Frontier:

2. mandate:

3. Peace Corps:

4. Alliance for Progress:

5. Warren Commission:

(1)-summarize the New Frontier domestic & foreign agendas


*Kennedy’s Vision of Progress:

-JFK faces Republican-Southern Democrat coalition

-lacks skill to get policies passed

-also lacks mandate – clear voter support for his agenda

-Michael Harrington’s The Other America brings attention to poverty

(2)-describe the tragic chain of events surrounding Kennedy’s assassination


Section 2 Comprehension:

1. What were people’s reaction to Kennedy’s assassination?

2. How did television coverage both shock & bring the nation together?

3. What was the task of the Warren Commission?

Section 3: The Great Society:

Main Idea: the demand for reform helped create a new awareness of social problems, especially on matters of civil rights & the effects of poverty

Why it Matters Now: reforms made in the 1960s have had a lasting effect on the American justice system by increasing the rights of minorities

Terms & Names to Identify:

1. Lyndon B. Johnson:

2. Economic Opportunity Act:

3. Great Society:

4. Medicare & Medicaid:

5. Warren Court:

6. reapportionment:

(1)-summarize the goals of Johnson’s Great Society

*The War on Poverty:

-1964 tax cut spurs economic growth; lowers federal deficit

-1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination, allows enforcement

-LBJ declares “war on poverty”

-Economic Opportunity Act: education, training, small business loans

*The Great Society:

-Great Society – LBJ’s legislation to end poverty, discrimination

-Johnson gets Congress to pass 206 of his bills


-elementary & secondary education act funds school materials


-Medicare – low cost medical, hospital insurance for senior citizens

-Medicaid – health insurance for welfare recipients


-legislation shifts political power from rural to urban areas

-money set aside for public housing; low-, moderate – income homes

-Dept of Housing & Urban Development created

-Robert Weaver is first African American in cabinet, HUD secretary


-existing immigration quotas discriminate against non-Western Europeans

-Immigration Act of 1965 ends quotas based on nationality

*The Environment:

-Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring exposes dangers of pesticides

-Water Quality Act of 1965 requires states to clean up rivers

-LBJ orders government to search out worst chemical polluters

*Consumer Protection:

-laws set standards for consumer labels, auto safety, food safety

(2)-identify the reforms of the Warren Court

|Warren Court Rulings |Impact |

|Reynolds v. Sims (1964) | |

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|Mapp v. Ohio (1961) | |

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|Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) | |

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|Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) | |

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|Miranda v. Arizona (1966) | |

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(3)-evaluate the impact of Great Society programs

*Social & Economic Effects:

-Post-WWII, LBJ extends federal power more than all other presidents

-poverty drops from 21% of population in 1962 to 11% in 1973

-massive tax cuts spurs economy; Great Society contributes to deficit

Section 3 Comprehension:

1. How did the Great Society contribute to a conservative backlash?


Civil Rights Bill:

Tax Cuts:

Moon Program:

Alliance for Progress:

Peace Corps:

The New



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