Civil War - Learning Stations

Civil War - Learning Stations 2010

Learning Station 1: Background to Civil War


1. What state was most of the battles fought in the East? ____________________________

2. What geographic feature were most of the Civil War battles along in the West? _________________


3. How many Confederate deaths were in the Civil War? _____________ How many Union? _______

Poster – (start with “War Machine” at the top of poster)

4. How much weight in supplies would a 100,000 man army consume in a day? ______________ (tons)

- How many pounds is that number above? _________________________ (need to do math)

- How many wagons, horses, draft animals were needed to move it? ________________

5. Look at “Shattered Lives”. If a soldier was shot, describe the most common form of treatment? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Look at “Home Front”. Describe some of the hardships faced by families during the war.



_______________________________________________________________Other pictures:

7. Who is the president of the Confederacy? __________________________ Union? _____________________

Learning Station 2: Slavery in America

Bill of Sale (receipt):

8. How much money was spent on the purchase? ___________________________________________

9. What was bought according to the bill of sale? ___________________________________________


10. What is the date and is this newspaper (town and state) published? _____________; _____________

11. How many slaves are for sale on Saturday? ________________

12. What are the skills of some of the slaves for hire?


13. On Saturday at the courthouse, what can a person do involving slaves? _______________________

Sale of valuable slaves Poster?

14. Where is the poster from and what is the date? ______________________; ___________________

15. How old is Fanny #4 & what skills does she possess (have)? __________ ; ____________________

16. How old id Frank #8 & what skills does he possess (have)? _________; ______________________

Woman Slave Photograph

17. Use adjectives and adverbs that describe how she looks and what her life must be like.


Learning Station 3 (Generals)

Fill out the ballot and put in the ballot box. Then answer questions below. See book p66-67 for help.

18. p66 What Confederate general is most famous? Why? _____________________________________



19. p67 What Union general is most famous? Why? _________________________________________




20. Pick another Union or Confederate general and describe what he looks like. Union.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Learning Station 4 (Flag Fight)

PICK UP “Flag Fight” Article between Station 3 & 4. Read the article at your desk & answer questions.

21 .Flag Fight Article

a. Before July 1, 2000, where was the Confederate Flag flying above in South Carolina? ______________

b. What do you many Southerners believe the flag symbolizes?


c. What does the NAACP believe the flag symbolizes?


d. What type of protest was done against the flag?


e. How has the debate continued?


Learning Station 5 (Battles and Flag)

22. Describe the first flag of the Confederacy? _____________________________________________


23. Describe the Confederate battle flag? _________________________________________________


24. Pick one painting from the battle of Gettysburg (1 of 4) and describe what is happening.


25. Look at the battle of “Vicksburg”. What is in the background of the picture and why is it important?


26. Look at the battle in “The Wilderness”. Who won the battle? Explain.


27. Look at the battle labeled “Sherman’s March to the Sea”. What do you notice?


Learning Station 6 (Textbook – The American Journey)

28. Primary Source p36. Describe the “physical characteristics” of an average soldier in the Civil War.



29. (p35) Economics and History

a. How much did a private get paid during the Civil War? ________________________

b. What types of bonuses were given to recruit people to volunteer to become a soldier?


c. How much did African Americans get paid as soldiers until 1864? Why would they get this amount?


CONTINUED - Learning Station 6 (Textbook – The American Journey)

30. (p38-39) Describe the U.S.S. Monitor and the C.S.S. Virginia (Merrimack) and their battle. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

31. Describe Civil War battlefield medicine. Compare and contrast it to today’s battlefield medicine. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


32. Use chart on p65. Where were most of the battles fought? (Union or Confederate) What facts support your answer from the bar graph? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

33. How many soldiers died in the Civil War? What was the most deadly war in America’s history?


Learning Station 7 (Computers)

Log on to type in the quickpass code TAJMT7189c2. Look at all three in-motion maps and answer the following questions.

33. Resources in the North and South:

What percentage of the following categories does the Union have:

Population: _______ Railroad mileage: _______ Number of farms: _______

Exports: _______ Manufacturing: _______

34. War in the East:

How many total soldiers were killed at Antietam? Who won? ____________________ ; ____________

How many Union soldiers fought at the Battle of Chancellorsville? Who won? ____________; _______

How many Confederate soldiers fought at Gettysburg? What percentage of the army was killed?


35. The Final Battles:

Describe the route Sherman took his army from Chattanooga to the end of the war?


Describe the route Grant took his army from Washington, D.C. to the end of the war?


Play the e-puzzle game if you have time. (click on epuzzle – games link)



Directions: Write the code of your choice on the line. (Examples: N7 for Amistead or S2 for Lee.)

Coolest beard: ______

Most handsome: ______ (Ladies only)

Best Uniform: ______

Most hair: ______

Least hair: ______ (Mr. Hoppe is not a Civil War general!)

Most likely the best leader: _______ Why? _____________________________________________



Directions: Write the code of your choice on the line. (Examples: N7 for Amistead or S2 for Lee.)

Coolest beard: ______

Most handsome: ______ (Ladies only)

Best Uniform: ______

Most hair: ______

Least hair: ______ (Mr. Hoppe is not a Civil War general!)

Most likely the best leader: _______ Why? _____________________________________________



Directions: Write the code of your choice on the line. (Examples: N7 for Amistead or S2 for Lee.)

Coolest beard: ______

Most handsome: ______ (Ladies only)

Best Uniform: ______

Most hair: ______

Least hair: ______ (Mr. Hoppe is not a Civil War general!)

Most likely the best leader: _______ Why? _____________________________________________


Name: _______________________ Per: ____ Group: ____ Date: __________

Due Date: __________





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