І.П. Чук

Вправи для учнів початкових класів

по темі «Їжа та харчування»

Збірник вправ

Турійськ – 2014

І.П.Чук. Вправи для учнів початкових класів по темі «Їжа та харчування». – Турійськ – 2014. – 24с.

Рецензенти: Мисюк С. Ф., методист Турійського районного методичного кабінету працівників освіти

Т.М.Цицюра, вчитель англійської мови ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. смт. Турійськ Турійського району, старший вчитель.

Схвалено науково-методичною радою Турійського районного методичного кабінету працівників освіти (Протокол №4 від 27.03.2014р.)

Збірник вправ відповідає вимогам програми з англійської мови і призначений для використання на уроках у початкових класах. Використання збірника надасть можливість узагальнити, систематизувати, закріпити і самостійно перевірити знання учнів з теми "Food", долучитися до активної самостійної роботи, підготуватися до тематичних і підсумкових атестацій. У процесі навчання різні види вправ є важливим засобом мотивації та стимулювання навчальної діяльності молодших школярів. Це сприяє розкриттю здібностей дитини, створює позитивний емоційний настрій на уроці, заохочує до навчання, формує адекватну самооцінку.

Вправи, розміщені у збірнику, узагальнюють найважливіші правила для розуміння теоретичного матеріалу.

Комплекс вправ і завдань дозволяє сформувати в учнів уміння і навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання й письма та ефективніше підготуватися до тематичного оцінювання.

Збірник вправ з англійської мови розрахований для вчителів, які викладають англійську мову у початкових класах.


Вступ………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Вправи по темі «Їжа та напої. Харчування.»………………………………….… 4

Використана література ……………..…………………………………………... 25


У збірнику запропоновані вправи для роботи на уроці, самостійної роботи та проведення опитування на уроках англійської мови по темі «Їжа» з метою систематизації знань, розвитку мови та мислення та закріплення вивченого матеріалу. У процесі навчання контроль та оцінювання є важливим засобом мотивації та стимулювання навчальної діяльності молодших школярів. Це сприяє розкриттю здібностей дитини, створює позитивний емоційний настрій на уроці, заохочує до навчання, формує адекватну самооцінку.

Завдання, подані у збірнику, дозволяють швидко перевірити вивчене, розвивають навички самоконтролю, допомагають учням встановити рівень сформованості їхніх знань. Процес виконання вправ сприяє розвитку уваги, мислення, пам'яті, мовлення, вольових якостей учнів, пізнавальної активності та самостійності.

Завдання відповідають принципу індивідуалізації процесу перевірки, що створює умови для виявлення індивідуальних можливостей учнів.

Різноманітні вправи збірника містять ілюстрації, що значно полегшує їх виконання та заохочує школярів до самостійної роботи.

Збірник доцільно використовувати для різних видів оцінювання на уроках англійської мови. Сподіваюся, що робота із збірником буде приємною, захоплюючою, продуктивною і результативною.

Вправи по темі «Їжа та напої. Харчування»

1. Match the fruits and vegetables to the definitions.

|a) orange |1) fruit with a thick, yellow-red skin |

|b) tomato |2) yellow fruit |

|c) lettuce |3) soft, round, red fruit |

|d)banana |4) juicy, green or purple fruit which you can eat or make wine with |

|e) peach |5) long, thin, yellow fruit |

|f) grape |6) green plant you eat in salads |

|g) lemon |7) round, juicy fruit, with a yellow-red skin |

2. Do you eat the right food? How often do you eat the things in the list? Arrange the worlds from the list in the table below.

fruit sweets milk

vegetables cakes juice

meat coffee coca-cola

fish tea mineral water

|Every |Quite |Not very |Never |

|day |often |Often | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

3. Look and write.

| | |[pic] | |[pic] |

|I / favourite food | | | | |

| |V | | | |

|She / favourite food | |V | | |

|He / favorite food | | | |V |

|They / favourite food | | |V | |

My favourite food is _________________________________________________




4. Underline the excessive word.

1) cherry, plum, coffee,

2) cashier, supermarket, hat, check

5. Write in the column.

|cucumber apricot peach cabbage |

|grapes beetroot pineapple pumpkin |

|eggplant raspberry garlic strawberry |

|Fruits |Vegetables |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

6. Make up sentences.

The family are cooking dinner.

Mother / wash [pic] Mother is washing the carrots.

Son/ wash [pic] _________________________

Daughter / cut [pic] __________________________

Granny /cut [pic] __________________________

7. Write the name of the fruit which you see on the picture.


I can see ______________________________________________________


8. Complete. Use the worlds below.

1) I’m __________. Can I have some juice?

2) I’m __________. I’d like to eat a sandwich.

3) There are lots of sandwiches on this _________.

4) Crisps are very ________.

5) Chocolate is _________. Ice cream is too.

Keys: sweet, salty, thirty, hungry, menu.

9. Write in the column.

Types of food

|Fruit | |

|Vegetables | |

|Dairy products | |

|Meat | |

|Poultry | |

|Fish | |

|Grains/ bread | |

|Drinks | |

| |

Carrol juice, hamburgers, beer, cereal, grapes, crisps, sweets, watermelon, yoghurt, fruit salad, red meat, apples, chocolate, chicken butter, milk, cheese, fish, nuts, turkey, salmon, beef, eggs, cabbage, cucumber, coffee, hot dog, biscuits, bacon.

|drink make cook eat |

10. Make up sentences.

I / [pic] I am drinking some milk now.

Jack / [pic] ______________________________

Mary / [pic] ______________________________

Children / [pic] ______________________________

Two girls /

11. Genie brought a letter and asks to help him.

A rrocat ___________ is a long and orange vegetables. Ottomeat ___________ are round red vegetables. Monkeys like nabaasn __________. Plapes __________ and ragones ___________ grow on trees, but topaotes ___________ grow in ground. Nioons ___________ are good for our health . Bagabecs ____________ and cumbercus are green vegetables.

12. Write the menu of your birthday party.

|Menu |

|Fruit salad |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

13. Do the crossword.

|2 | |5 | |

| | | | |

| |1 | |3 |4 | |6 |

|7 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |

|1.Цукерка |

|2.Ковбаса |

|3.Картопля |

|4.Пиріг |

|5.Рис |

|6.Кругла булочка |

|7._________________ |

14. We have a recipe of a popular British dish. Put to make it clear we should fill in the blanks.

(add, boil, cut, get, mash, peel, put, take, wash, add)

. 1)____for 4 potatoes.2)____them. 3) Then____them carefully. 4)If the potatoes are very big,____them into smaller pieces. 5)Then____them into cold water,____ some salt and____till they are ready.6)____ the water out and ____some milk and butter.7)Wait till the milk starts boiling. _____ everything carefully.

15. Unscramble the vocabulary words in the list below, then circle or highlight each of the matching words hidden in the rings of the puzzle.

abbegac____________ tomtoa ________________

oarctr_____________ kmpniup ______________

cipepreihlp__________ totpoa _________________

cuembcur___________ nniso _________________

egnlagpt____________ muoroshm _____________

iargcl______________ eingrg ________________

16. Look at the pictures and write “a/an/some”:

|1 . . . . butter |2 . . . . apple |3 . . . . egg |4 . . . biscuit |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|5 . . . . milk |6 . . . . orange |7. . . . bread [pic] |8. . . . plum [pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] | | |

|9. . . . mushroom [pic] |10. . . . coke [pic] |11. . . . pizza [pic] |12. . . . tea [pic] |

17. Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example:

Apples?. Are there any apples? Yes, there are some apples

Eggs? …………………………………………….

Meat? …………………………………………….

Butter? …………………………………………….

Milk? …………………………………………….

Tomatoes? …………………………………………

Oranges? …………………………………………

Juice? …………………………………………….

Lemons? ……………………………………

18. Pupils choose the correct spelling of the word that matches the picture and circle the letter of their choice:

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. mushroom |B. mushruom |C. mushrom |D. musshroom | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. egg plant |B. eg plant |C. egg plannt |D. egg pllant | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. cucumber |B. kucumber |C. cukumber |D. cuczumber | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. potato |B. potato |C. potatu |D. potbato | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. cabbage |B. cabage |C. cabbage |D. kabbage | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. tomato |B. tomatu |C. tomato |D. tomatoa | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. carrot |B. carrut |C. carot |D. karrot | |

| | | | |[pic] |

|A. garlic |B. garllic |C. garlik |D. garlc | |

|A. chili pepper |B. chili peper |C. chilli pepper |D. khili pepper |[pic] |

|A. unions |B. onions |C. onoins |D. onnions |[pic] |

19. Complete the instructions with the verbs from the box.

|mix, pour add, serve, heat, is cooked |

___________ the flour with the milk. Then ___________ the egg. ________________ the oil in a frying pan. ______________ a little of the mixture into

the pan. When the pancake _________________ on one side, flip it over. Put it on a warm plate and ___________________ it with lemon juice and sugar.

20. Make up sentences.

[pic] [pic]

The woman is buying some cherries. She isn’t buying any strawberries now.

[pic] [pic]


[pic] [pic]


21. Do the crossword.

| |1 | | |5 | |8 | |

| |

22. Write the column.

hotdog toast fish soup hamburger

steak sandwich ice-cream spaghetti

juice meatballs cereal chicken

| |

|Lunch |

|Dinner |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

23. Find the name of 16 fruit and vegetables. They go forward, backwards, up down and diagonally. Write them in the table below.

|Fruit |Vegetables |

| | |

|A |t |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

26. Look and write.

| |breakfast |lunch |dinner |supper |

|I/ a cup of tea |v | | | |

|You/ a glass of juice | |v | | |

|Mother/ a piece of ham | | |v | |

|Father/ a plate of cabbage soup | | | |v |

I usually have a cup of tea for breakfast.


27. Speaking



The teacher divides the class into two groups. Then he / she says nouns and the groups in turn add "how much" or "how many". Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner.

Teacher: cheese Teacher: water

Group A S1 : how much cheese? Group A S2 : how many water?

Teacher: eggs Teacher: Wrong! "How much water?"

Group B S1 : how many eggs? Group A gets no point.

28. Write the words under the correct basket: apple, salad, bread, biscuit, egg, fries, rice, water, banana, milkshake, pasta, melon, orange

countable uncountable

[pic] [pic]

29. Complete the sentences. Use some or any

1. There is …….. milk in the jug.

2. Do they sell ……… sugar-free sweets?

3. There aren’t ……….. apples on the table.

4. They haven’t got ………. money.

5. Are there ……….. vegetables in the fridge?

6. She drank ……..... tea.

30. Write.

1.[pic] 2. [pic] 3.[pic] 4.[pic]

5. [pic] 6.[pic] 7.[pic] 8. [pic]

9. [pic] 10. [pic] 11. [pic] 12.[pic]

1.an o______________ 2. g_________________

3. a b______________ 4. a l________________

5. s________________ 6. c_________________

7. a p______________ 8. a w_______________

9. an a_____________ 10. n________________

11.a m_____________ 12. p________________

31. Odd one out.

| | | [pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] | |

| [pic] | [pic] | [pic] |

| |

|It’s ____________________________________________________________ |

| |

32.Write the words down and read and draw one more

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |

33. Unscramble these words.

asdal __ __ __ __ __

eaks __ __ __ __

uspo __ __ __ __

ropk ksate __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

ulctste __ __ __ __ __ __ __

ewtar __ __ __ __ __

sorta ebef __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

34. Write your favourite items of fast food which you prefer to eat at a fast food restaurant.

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

35. Put these items into a suitable column.

|apple pie, fish, soup,fruit cocktail, ice cream, spaghetti and cutlets, coffee, mashed potato, orange juice, |

|water, rice and fish, tea, greek salad, pepsi, fruit jelly |

|Drinks |The main dish/ course |Dessert |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

36. You see a list of foods and your task is to sort them according to the table: fruit, hamburgers, chocolate , eggs , sweets, nuts, cakes, butter, ice-cream, vegetables, milk.

|Healthy food |Unhealthy food |

| | |

| | |

| | |

37. Choose the ending of the sentences and translate them.

We like to have _______________.

I usually cook steak _______________.

The smell of fresh ______________.

I don’t like curries ______________.

We don’t eat a lot of cream __________________________.

something delicious for the evening meal

rare for my husband that are too spicy

bread makes me hungry

that are too spicy

because it’s fattening

38. Match the worlds

1) food a) омлет

2) sausage b) смачний

3) tasty c) гриби

4) mushrooms d) їжа

5) omelette e) апельсиновий сік

6) orange juice f) ковбаса

39.”Jumble sentences”

1. People, live, cannot, food, without.

2. Animals, live, fish, birds, cannot, without, food.

3. Bread, sugar, cheese, you, give, energy.

4. Meat, fish, milk, you, help, to grow.

5. Vegetables, eggs, your, bones, make, teeth, strong.

6. Fruit, vegetables, got, have, a lot of, vitamins.

7. Vitamins, important, are, for, body, our.

8. Eat, food, the right.

40. Complete

My favourite food

My favourite type of food is __________________. My favourite food is ___________________________. I like ________________ because it ______________________. For breakfast I like to eat _______________.

For lunch I can eat __________________________________ all the time.

Dinner is the best meal. I love to eat _____________________________

I don’t like to eat ____________________________________________

I like to drink _______________________________________________

[pic] [pic] [pic]

41. Ask your classmates questions using the phrases below. If your classmate says “No”, you must ask another person the same question. When a classmate tells you “Yes”, write that person’s name in the blank.

Find Someone Who:

1. ____________often craves potato chips.

2. ____________hates chocolate.

3. ____________eats something salty every day.

4. ____________has a sweet tooth.

5. ___________ drinks strong coffee without milk.

6. ___________ likes to eat fast food for lunch.

7. ____________ is indifferent to ethnic food from different countries.

8. ___________ is a fussy eater.

9. ____________sometimes eats stale bread.

10. ___________often eats canned food.

11. ___________likes spicy food better that sweet.

12. ___________ thinks fast food tastes awful.

13. ___________ thinks honey tastes too sweet.

42. a) Imagine you are given a shopping list, which you see below. Think in what shops you can buy theses things and put the names of items in the graphs of the chart.

b) Sum up what you have written and say what and where you can buy:

e.g. I can buy ….. at baker’s.

a loaf of brown bread a bottle of vinegar

1 large cod 2 medium-sized herrings

1 kg of pork a tin of sardines 8

3 lemons 2 kg of potatoes

0.3 kg of ham a large chicken

1 small cabbage biscuits

a tin of condensed milk a bag of flour

a bunch of radishes a 0.5 kg pack of sour cream

a drum of margarine 0.2 kg of butter

0.5 kg of cheese

|Dairy |Baker’s |Butcher’s |Fishmonger’s |Grocer’s |Greengrocer’s |

|shop | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

43. Write all the words about food that you can find in them.

|H |Q |O |C |

|avocado ___ |date ___ |prune ___ |radish ___ |

|carrot ___ |grape ___ |papaya ___ |spinach ___ |

|lettuce ___ |lime ___ |parsley ___ |tangerine ___ |

|cabbage ___ |marrow ___ |pea ___ |yam ___ |

1) ________ - a green or purple berry growing in bunches on a vine, use for making wine or eaten as fruit.

2) ________ - a small round green fruit with an acid taste.

3) ________ - a small sweet orange with a loose skin.

4) ________ - a round juicy fruit with yellow fresh, soft yellow and red skin and a rough stone.

5) _________ - a tropical fruit that has soft pale green oily fresh and is often eaten at the beginning of a meal.

6) _________ - a small edible soft fruit, red when ripe.

7) _________ - a sweet brown sticky fruit that grows on a palm tree common in North Africa.

8) _________ - a tried plum.

9) _________ - a tropical fruit with green skin, edible orange flesh and small black seeds.

10) _________ - a tropical fruit with sweet juicy yellow flesh.

11) _________ - along, round, dark green vegetable with soft white flesh.

12) _________ - a plant with large thin green leaves that are usually eaten raw in a salad.

13) _________ - a small hot-tasting red or white root vegetable.

14) _________ - a type of plant with a root which is used as a vegetable, for feeding animals or for making sugar.

15) _________ - a small plant with curling green leaves that are used for flavoring and decorating food.

16) _________ - the edible root of a tropical climbing plant, a type of sweet potato.

17) _________ - a garden plant with dark green leaves which are eaten as a vegetable.

18) _________ - a round green seed that grows with others in a pod and is eaten cooked as a vegetable.

19) _________ - a round vegetable with green or purple leaves.

20) _________ - a plant with a long pointed orange root.

45. Guess what kind of food.

1. It is green and long. (cucumber)

2.It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. (banana)

3. It is big and round, green outside and red inside. (watermelon)

4. It is white outside and yellow inside. (egg)

5. It is white and sweet. All children like it. We usually put it into tea. (sugar)

6. It is red and round. We make salad from it. (tomato)

7. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (milk)

8. They are little and round. (peas)

9.We usually have it for dinner. (soup)

10. It is white, sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all the children like it very much. (ice-cream)

11. Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat…. How tears run down! (onion)

12. They don’t eat me alone,

But cannot eat without me.

What am I? (salt)

13. The apple which grows on the pine. (pine-apple)

14. It has very many shirts. It is white and round. (cabbage)

15. The berry which grows on the straw. (strawberry)

16. It has the name of a vitamin.

17. Its name is its colour. (orange)

18. It is brown outside and white inside. It is a vegetable. (potato)

19. The berries which the goose likes. (gooseberry)

20. It is named “brown” in England and “black” in Ukraine. (bread)

21. You cannot eat it, but you cannot eat food without it. (salt)

22. You smile when you name it. The mouth like it very much. (cheese)

46.Choose the words describing the ways of cooking and translate them, please.

* Cut

* Stew

* Fry

* Boil

* Peel

* mix

* Jump

* Dream

What do we sometimes eat after our main course?

* Dessert

* Dessertion

* Afters

* dessert

* Guess. What is it?

The basic ingredients of the …..are flour, salt, water, yeast, tomato sauce and mozzarella.

* Pizza

* Cake

* Tomato soup

* porridge

Which place cereal should occupy in the food pyramid?

* The base of the pyramid

* The medium part of the pyramid

* The top part of the pyramid

* Guess. What is it?

This fruit is yellowish-green or brownish-green. It is narrow at the stalk and wider at the base.

* A pear

* A peach

* An apple

47. Put the correct forms of the verbs in the sentence:

1. We … just … our lunch.

* Have finished

* Has finished

* Are finished

* Has finish

2. This is the most delicious food I …ever … .

* Have eaten

* Was eaten

* Have eating

* Has eating

3. It's the first time I… ever … Chinese food.

* Have eaten

* Was eaten

* Have eating

* Has eating

4.How long … she … a vegetarian?

* Has been

* Is has

* Have be

48. Put the correct form of the adjective in the sentence:

1.My cake is … than yours.

* Bigger

* Big

* The biggest

* Has big

2.Chinese food is … than Japanise.

* Spicier

* Spicy

* Spiciest

* spicyest

3.Your soup is … delicious.

* The most

* More

* A

* most

4.This dish is …. Nourishing.

* More

* The most

* Most

Використана література

1.Барашкова О.А. Граматика англійської мови 4 клас. – «Арій», 2010р

2.Гацевич М.А. Англійська мова. Збірник вправ для дітей. – «Арій», 2011р

3.Доценко І, Євчук О. Збірник вправ з англійської мови для 4 класу. - «Підручник і посібник», 2008р

4. Доценко І, Євчук О. Збірник вправ з англійської мови для 3 класу. - «Підручник і посібник», 2009р

5. Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова. Підручник для 3 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль «Лібра Терра» - 2012р

6. Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова. Підручник для 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль «Лібра Терра» - 2012р



9. englishforkids.ua

10. i-love-english.ru


12. English



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