Background - International Disability Alliance

2391324291 IDA’s Intersectionalities OfficerApplication PackageBackgroundPersons with disabilities are a heterogeneous group with a wide experience of impairments as well as identities including age, race, color, sexual orientation and gender identity, language, religion, national, ethnic, indigenous, caste, or social origin, migrant, refugee, and another status. The International Disability Alliance prioritizes the diversity of persons with disabilities in its governance and work, with pre-eminence to strengthen the leadership of women with disabilities, promoting their empowerment and creating the conditions at global level to accelerate their participation in all spheres of life on an equal basis with others. IDA also promotes advocacy for the inclusion of their rights and priorities in the gender and disability rights’ agenda. Furthermore, since 2012, IDA supports the representation of indigenous persons with disabilities, through the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN). IDA also supports the inclusion of persons with deafblindness, persons with psychosocial disabilities or persons with intellectual disabilities, as well as youth and older people with disabilities, among other underrepresented groups, bringing their experiences from local to global levels, in different regions and different languages.These traditionally underrepresented groups face additional barriers and multiple and intersectional discriminations that impact the enjoyment and exercise of their right to living independently, fully participating and being included in society.In the new IDA’s Strategic Framework 2020-2023, two of the six pillars concern women with disabilities and underrepresented groups and foresee the objective to strengthen their capacities for self-representation, effective participation and advocacy, as well as to include their priorities within the disability rights movement and other civil society movements. This involves strengthening their leadership and technical capacities. Two other pillars also encourage women with disabilities and underrepresented groups to use and engage the UN monitoring human rights and development mechanisms. Therefore, an intersectional approach that embraces persons with disabilities as part of the human diversity and humanity, with inherent dignity, individual autonomy and independence is crucial to ensure that persons with disabilities who face marginalization or underrepresentation on account of their other identities are not left behind. The Intersectionalities OfficerThe work of the Intersectionalities Officer will be focused on women with disabilities and underrepresented groups, particularly indigenous peoples with disabilities, youth with disabilities, older people with disabilities, persons with deafblindness, persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with psychosocial disabilities, among others. Therefore, to avoid repetition, these groups are mentioned below as women with disabilities and underrepresented groups.The efforts of ensuring the inclusion and meaningful participation of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups within the disability and mainstream movements are much needed considering that the disability rights movement also needs to continue growing its diversity and representativeness. Women with disabilities and underrepresented groups experience multiple and intersecting forms of discriminations, and are often excluded from the disability rights movement, civil society movements representing other identities, and from mainstream development efforts.Therefore, the Intersectionalities Officer would focus on:Strengthening intersectionality, inclusiveness and diversity within IDA’s work,Promoting intersectionality and diversity through regional strategies, including by liaising with mainstream organizations and other civil society movements,Supporting capacity building of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups for self-representation and their advocacy towards inclusion of their rights within the disability movement and other civil society movements, including in the humanitarian agenda.Supporting meaningful involvement of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups, particularly from the Global South, in technical assistance responsesSupporting the involvement of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups in using international monitoring mechanisms.Consequently, the Intersectionalities Officer will work as part of IDA’s Capacity Building Unit in close coordination with (a) IDA members to leverage the current work undertaken in their networks to develop intersectional approaches and to create or strengthen linkages with organizations working on the rights of marginalized groups, (b) IDA’s Advocacy Unit and Program Unit, including with the MEAL team, supporting the inclusion of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups across their work, and (c) relevant allies and mainstream organizations.Main responsibilities of the Intersectionalities OfficerStrengthen the inclusion of gender and underrepresented identities of persons with disabilities in IDA’s work and, in parallel, strengthen disability rights and issues in women and other civil society movements and networks, in a twin-track approach.Liaising with organizations and networks representing other civil society movements including those focused on movements related to age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, geographical background, both reinforcing (i) IDA’s work on underrepresented groups and (ii) disability rights inclusion in these civil society movements, including in the development as well as humanitarian agenda,Strengthening the gender component across IDA’s work and strategies, directly engaging women with disabilities organizations and networks, including IDA’s Women with disabilities Task Team, the GLAD Women with disabilities coordination team and indigenous women with disabilities organizations; as well as women’s wings of member organizations and other allies to vitalize IDA’s and their work, using a twin-track approach,Review, advise and support the development of appropriate actions, studies and strategies to enhance bottom-up intersectional approaches across IDA and/or IDA members’ work, for instance, by supporting the implementation of the Women’s Flagship Initiative, IDA’s Inclusive Education Flagship Initiative, and IDA’s Inclusive Livelihoods Task Team, among others,Supporting IDA members and underrepresented groups, including self-advocates, in finding inroads to mainstream women’s and underrepresented movements within UN agencies, including UN Women, UN mechanisms concerning indigenous peoples and UN youth mechanisms, among others,Supporting an inclusive community of practice to ensure the inclusion of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups in follow up opportunities, as relevant.Reinforce the technical capacity of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups within IDA’s capacity building initiatives.Supporting evolving criteria to ensure that overlapping and intersecting identities are promoted and highlighted within all of IDA’s projects and actions, working in close consultation with IDA members, other organizations of persons with disabilities and allies, building on existing efforts such as the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Quality Criteria, Supporting the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordination team in reaching out to organizations working on mainstream and specific human rights issues linked to women with disabilities and underrepresented groups towards identifying persons with disabilities to attend upcoming national/regional Bridge cycles and other capacity-building opportunities,Delivering Bridge CRPD-SDGs, Training of Trainers (ToT) and online courses modules,Supporting coaching and mentorship, assignments, exchanging and peer learning,Consolidating and inputting session plans and materials for any CRPD-SDGs related training, ensuring accessibility and support for diverse groups to facilitate greater inclusion, and to guarantee inclusion of rights, issues and perspectives of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups to ensure intersectional approaches within IDA’s trainings, Providing mentoring to fellow(s) in close collaboration with concerned IDA members/secretariat to feed into a community of practice, exchange and learning.Support advocacy at the global and regional levels for the inclusion of women with disabilities and underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities in mainstream human rights, development and humanitarian mechanisms and fora.Providing technical and substantive support to IDA members, IDA’s Advocacy Unit both in Geneva and New York and allies to influence intersectional approaches in global advocacy efforts, towards the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), ECOSOC Youth Forum, among others,Supporting IDA members, IDA secretariat, the GLAD network and allies and ongoing programs to identify, liaise and include women with disabilities and representatives of underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities from the Global South to engage with UN monitoring mechanisms - including treaty bodies, Human Rights Council and its mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review and the Special Procedures, and UN Third Committee, among others; as well as in campaigns, networks, consultations, conferences, side events and other international and regional forums that would help advance intersectional approaches,Support the inclusion of Intersectionalities into SDGs reports under preparation by IDA members and/or their member,Support timely documentation, reporting and communication on the inclusion of intersectional approachesConsolidating all relevant documents required to guide and facilitate the effective and quality implementation of the objective of inclusion of intersectional approaches,Ensuring timely monitoring, reporting on and evaluation of relevant activities, including data disaggregation by country, region, sex, age, ethnicity, disability and underrepresentation, ensuring regular updates to members, secretariat and partners.Hosting and management of the Intersectionalities OfficerThe position of the Intersectionalities Officer will be hosted at the IDA Secretariat working as part of a collaborative team under the guidance and management of the Director of Capacity Building.Location: Candidates must be based in the Global South Employment: Full timeGross Monthly Salary: Subject to location and experienceLength of position: One year (with the possibility of extension)Position Start Date: January 2021Employment SpecificationsRequirementsMaster’s degree in human rights, international development, disability studies, gender studies, development studies, law or a subject directly relevant to the positionAt least 7 years of relevant work experience, including 3 years of experience with the UN human rights system Good knowledge on human rights reporting process before the UN system, including the HLPF and the CRPD Committee,Good knowledge on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, at least, another Convention concerning intersectional approaches e.g. CEDAW, CRC, CERD or the UN EMRIP or UNPFIIDemonstrated relationships with mainstream human rights organizations/movements concerning women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, and/or youthGood knowledge of development agendas and dynamicsExcellent English (written and/or oral) communication skillsGood sense of diplomacy and managing complex and multi-stakeholder communication, excellent inter-personal skills and team spiritAbility to multi-task, work collaboratively, under intense pressure, as well as to respect multiple deadlinesFlexibility and capacity to work with limited supervisionKnowledge of communication and information accessibility requirementsAbility to work within a multi-cultural team in decentralized locationsDesirable requirementsBe a person with disabilities, in particular from the underrepresented groupsPrevious experience in working in a similar position or on similar projectsExperience in project management, safeguardingWork and/or life experience in Global South countries Other considerationsDaily access to high speed, stable internet and a personal computerWillingness and ability to work occasionally at non-standard hours, in different time zones Willingness to undertake at least 4 long distance travels during the yearApplication FormConfidentialityAll information given on the application will be treated in a confidential manner.Please complete in type only.Please send the completed application form by e-mail by Friday November 27, 2020 to the IDA Secretariat, recruitment@ida- indicating in the subject line: “Job Application: Intersectionalities Officer”. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Only completed application forms will be accepted. In addition to this completed form, please indicate your expected gross annual salary. We kindly ask candidates not to attach a separate CV or motivation letter to the application. A confirmation of receipt will be sent to you via email. Please be advised that only shortlisted applicants will be informed about the next steps of selection process. Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Note: IDA Board Members and Board Member of IDA’s Member Organizations are not eligible for this position 1.Forename(s) or given name:Surname:Home address:Telephone (cellular):May we use this? E-mail: 2.EducationGeneral education (schools from age 16)Name and address of schoolFrom/toQualifications obtained (level and grade)Further/higher educationName and address of college/universityFrom/toFull-/part-timeQualifications obtained3.Training and developmentPlease give details of any training courses attended which are of direct relevance to your application.4.Membership of technical or professional bodies5.Present and previous occupationsPlease give details of your occupation(s) starting with the most recent. Please include any unpaid work that is relevant to the post and explain any gaps.Employer's name and address (please start with current/most recent)From/to(month/year)Position held including brief description of your dutiesLanguage skills, including sign language6.1 Reading skillsLanguageExcellentVery goodGoodBasic6.2. Writing skillsLanguageExcellentVery goodGoodBasic6.3. Verbal skillsLanguageExcellentVery puter literacyPlease indicate your computer knowledge stating all the software programmes you are confident using.8. Please explain how you meet the employment specifications and give us any further information about yourself that is relevant to this application. Please keep your response to one page. (NOTE: This section of the application is one of the most important and will be considered as your motivation letter to the vacant position within our organisation)9.Supplementary informationWhat is your preferred reading medium? Please underline:Ordinary print/digital format 10.If you were short listed for interview, would you have any special requirements such as timing, wheelchair access or the presence of an interpreter or signer? Please specify.11.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? 12.Offers of employment/contracts are subject to receipt of satisfactory references. Please provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer or an academic referee if more appropriate. Referees will not be contacted without your prior permission.A.Name: Position: ……………………………………………………………………………….Address: Telephone number: ……………………………………………… E-mail: What is your connection with this referee?May we approach this referee prior to interview? B.Name: Position: ……………………………………………………………………………….Address: Telephone number: ……………………………………………… E-mail:What is your connection with this referee?May we approach this referee prior to interview? C.Name: Position: ……………………………………………………………………………….Address: Telephone number: ……………………………………………… E-mail: What is your connection with this referee?May we approach this referee prior to interview? DeclarationI declare that the information provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any information submitted in connection with employment and subsequently found to be incorrect or deliberately misleading could lead to dismissal without notice.SignedDate ................

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