
Basketball Portrait

Date: Jan 30-31, Feb. 1-3 & 6-10

Big Concepts: Nature and environment

Teks: Art Grade 5:

Perception: 5.1A Communicate ideas about feelings, self, family, school and community, using sensory knowledge and life experiences. 5.1B Identify in artworks that color, texture, form, line, space and value are basic art elements and that principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion and unity serve as organizers.

Creative Expression/Performance: 5.2 A combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 5.2B Compare relationships between design and everyday life. 5.2C Create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately.

Historical/Cultural Heritage: 5.3A Compare artworks from several national periods, identifying similarities and differences. 5.3B Compare cultural themes honoring history and tradition in American and other artworks. 5.3C Identify the use of art skills in a variety of jobs.

Response/Evaluation: 5.4A Analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. 5.4B Analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties.

Materials: watercolors, paintbrushes, and water cups, Watercolor Paper, Color Pencils

Content Objective:

• Students will be able to create movement using shapes and color.

• Students will be able to create an interior with mid-ground, foreground, and background.

• Students will be able to communicate feelings about self and friendship and teamwork.

• Students learn about artist Norman Rockwell and Jacob Lawrence.

• Describe illustrator as a job in art.


Jacob Lawrence (September 7, 1917 – June 9, 2000) was an American painter; he was married to fellow artist Gwendolyn Knight. Lawrence referred to his style as "dynamic cubism", though by his own account the primary influence was not so much French art as the shapes and colors of Harlem.

Lawrence is among the best-known twentieth century African American painters, a distinction shared with Romare Bearden. Lawrence was only in his twenties when his "Migration Series" made him nationally famous. A part of this series was featured in a 1941 issue of Fortune magazine. The series depicted the epic Great Migration of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North. The collection has been split into two parts for public viewing.

Norman Rockwell (February 3, 1894 – November 8, 1978) was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life scenarios he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine for more than four decades.[1] Among the best-known of Rockwell's works are the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter (although his Rosie was reproduced less than others of the day), Saying Grace (1951), The Problem We All Live With, and the Four Freedoms series. He is also noted for his work for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA); producing covers for their publication Boys' Life, calendars, and other illustrations.

Project Objective:

Students will create a watercolor painting telling a story of Basketball game showing depth with a foreground, mid-ground, and background.



Read pages 118-119 about Norman Rockwell. Student’s compare and contrast American artist Norman Rockwell to Jacob Lawrence. Show how to create depth with a mid-ground, foreground, and background. Discuss movement and rhythm in a picture.


• Students draw a basketball court.

• Students create a story based on them playing in the basketball tournament.

• Students have foreground with a large person.

• Students have mid-ground with a medium person.

• Students have background with small person.

Checks for Understanding:

Students display their work in the gym to advertise the basketball tournaments.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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