WIT XIV 2006: Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink'

WIT XIV 2006: Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"

Packet by UCLA (Ray Luo)


[Moderator: Caution the teams that this is a theme packet. If any impressionable newbies are playing, tell them that they shouldn’t write packets like this. Arguably, neither should Ray, but here it is anyway.]

1. The main character in this work is called "a reversion to type," and her personality is attributed to "that crazy Indian blood" in her, because "Indian women all just sat around and never said anything." She first posed a question to Charley Paulson in an effort to become a "society vampire," and it soon attracted the attention of G. Reece Stoddard, the most desirable bachelor at the dance. When she loses Warren McIntyre after taking the titular action, she takes revenge on her cousin Marjorie Harvey and leaves town. FTP name this F. Scott Fitzgerald short story about a girl who has her locks cut.

ANSWER: "Bernice Bobs Her Hair"

2. The Valvettithurai incident is known as India's version of this event. Olsen took himself away from the action by setting up a perimeter defence, and Colburn turned his gun towards his superiors, but it was the landing of a helicopter driven by Hugh Thompson that ended it. Reports by Oran Henderson claimed that the affair was an accident, and it was not until Ron Ridenhour's letter to congress and Seymour Hersh's investigations that it began to be uncovered. Ernest Medina gave the order, and William Calley was convicted. FTP name this 1968 massacre of Vietnamese villagers.


3. He attributed the discrepancy in male to female ratio to better health treatment for men in a paper written with Jocelyn Kynch, which was elaborated in "Gender and Cooperative Conflict" and Commodities and Capabilities. His writings on philosophy include Quality of Life and Inequality Reexamined, and his analysis of loss of jobs and poor food distribution as causes for famine is given in "An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation," Poverty and Famines. Inspired by Kenneth Arrow, he narrowed conditions for his impossibility theorem and authored Collective Choice and Social Welfare. FTP name this social choice economist, a 1998 Nobel winner from India.

ANSWER: Amartya Sen

4. It is seen by setting central density equal to infinity in the solution to a second order differential equation with polytrope N defined by relating pressure inverse exponentially with density, a function named for Lane and Emden. Resulting from the application of relativity to the work of Ralph Fowler, it is inversely proportional to the 3/2 power of the gravitation constant. Supported by electron degeneracy pressure, this value was ignored by Arthur Eddington. Lying below the TOV limit for neutron stars, FTP name this maximum mass of white dwarves named for an Indian physicist.

ANSWER: Chandrasekhar limit

5. He's not a Cervantes character, but he "rides a flea-bitten mare, and wears a sun-helmet." He applies the "standards of the West," using "violent language that is natural to him" to solve the Oriental problem, behaving like a god. He left for India with Tony and Archie, but just as Neville's son is born, he fell, died, and was buried there, though it could have been Egypt or Greece, since "all deaths are one death." He has a "ridiculous name," and wasn't a great reader, though his friends like Susan and Rhoda find themselves but "hollow phantoms moving mistily without a background" when he died. FTP name this hero from Virginia Woolf's The Waves who shares his name with an Arthurian knight.

ANSWER: Percival

6. One of his late collections include "Humanism and Truth," "The Tigers in India," and "Professor Pratt on Truth." His reading of Charles Renouvier led to an acceptance of the notion of free will and rejection of monism and the so-called "block universe." His articles "The Thing and Its Relations" and "Does Consciousness Exist?" are found in Essays in Radical Empiricism, and his other works vouch for A Pluralistic Universe and a distinction between tender-minded rationalism and tough-minded empiricism. FTP name this author of The Meaning of Truth, The Will to Believe, and the lectures in Pragmatism, who did some work in Principles of Psychology, the brother of a novelist.

ANSWER: William James

7. Act I begins with the chorus "May our prayers ascend," after which Ellen and Rose wander about the grove with Frederick while Gerald remains alone to make a sketch. Act II begins with the dance of the Bayaderes at a market place, where Gerald is later murdered by Nilakantha, the fanatical priest and father of the title character, whose servant is Mallika. In act III, Gerald is nursed back to health and returning to the regiment, while the title character poisons herself with the juice of a flower and dies. FTP name this opera about India, featuring a flower duet by Leo Delibes.


8. Its idea was originally proposed by Jawaharlal Nehru, though discussions on it did not begin until after the Tlatelolco and NPT treaties had been signed, establishing the Zangger Committee, and limiting discussions to a party of two. Two years after it was signed, a nuclear test in the Rajasthan desert of India led to an impasse. It froze inter-continental and submarine-launched ballistic missile levels, though replacement of old weapons was allowed. Signed in Moscow by Kissinger and Brezhnev, it included an Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty and an interim agreement before the next set of talks. FTP name this first of a series of treaties on US-Soviet arms control.

ANSWER: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (SALT I); accept Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty before it is mentioned

9. Shanta, Chaturvedi, and Srinivasan of Hyderabad university gave an algebraic approach to calculating the eigenstates of linear combinations for their pair annihilation. The Schwinger type of them were used to model anisotropic thin films in mean field theory, and the Goldstone type appear when symmetry is spontaneously broken. Phonons belong to this class of particles, as do deuterium nuclei. Their gauge fields obey the Heisenberg commutator relations, and examples include photons, gluons, gravitons, W, Z, and Higgs particles. FTP name these particles that do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle, have integer spin, and were proposed by an Indian physicist.

ANSWER: bosons

10. An example from it is Johanes Eichner's documentation of the Deccan plateau at Palni. Turkish Cafe II and Peasant Woman of Murnau with Children are examples of this art movement, whose sympathizers include Louis Moilliet and Aleksey von Jawlensky. Works done in Tunisia and Large Zoological Garden by August Macke exemplify its planes of color with little illusion of shade, while the influence of fauvism can be seen in the works of Gabriele Munter. The death of Franz Marc ended, FTP, this expressionist movement characterized by primary colors, founded by Marc and Wassily Kandinsky.

ANSWER: Der blaue reiter; or The Blue Rider

11. Title's the same. The poem by this name notes that "nature and man shall be disjoin'd and diffused no more" and "the true son of God shall absolutely fuse them." The film by this name has Alec Guinness playing a professor, while the novel by this name, the inspiration for the film, features characters like the collector Turton and the surgeon Major Callendar and turns on an event that happens while touring the Marabar Caves. FTP name this title shared by a poem from Leaves of Grass and a novel about Adela Quested and Dr. Aziz by E. M. Forster.

ANSWER: A Passage to India

12. One of his late films followed a half-Indian girl Melanie in West Bengal as she tries to "find out where [she] belong[s]" in an infatuation with the one-legged Capt. John, competing with the English girls Valerie and Harriet for his affections. Along with that film based on a Rumer Godden novel, he delivered for Hollywood The Southerner, Woman on the Beach and Diary of a Chambermaid. Amedee's murder of Batala for the rights to the journal Arizona Jim and the escape of Rosenthal and Marechal form the bases of two of his films, and he explored India in The River. FTP name this director of The Crime of Monsieur Lange and Grand Illusion, son of a French painter.

ANSWER: Jean Renoir

13. The treaty by this name was a response to French threat as a result of Napoleon's treaty of Tilsit with Russia, and fixed the Sutlej river as the border with Ranjit after its signing by Charles Metcalfe. Jagit Aurora opposed a plan by Dayal, Brar, and Sundarji for taking Bhindrenwale from it in Operation Blue Star. The Hunter commission investigated an incident that took place after riots over the Rowlatt act in its Jallianwalla Bagh garden. Founded by Ram Das, it was the site of Reginald Dyer's massacre of innocents, and a 1984 operation authorized by Indira Gandhi. FTP name this city in Punjab, site of a pool of nectar and a golden temple of the Sikhs.

ANSWER: Amritsar; prompt on "golden temple" before it is mentioned

14. It surrounds channels like Wataru, Wadu, One and Half Degree, and Kudahuvadu. Lying west of the Lakshadweep sea, it contains islands like Suvadiva and Tiladummati. Declared a sultanate in 1965, it was explored by Thor Heyderdahl, and famously, Ibn Battutta. Noted for accepting sea shells as currency, it lies southwest of the gulf of Mannar, north of Diego Garcia, and southeast of the Arabian sea. Its flag is a crescent on green and red surround, and its 1190 atolls have the lowest elevation in the world. FTP name this island nation in the Indian ocean with capital at Male.

ANSWER: Maldives

15. Abhishek Kumar of Georgia Tech uses this name for a new "robust, low-diameter, low-latency peer-to-peer network." Delhi's own Nirmal Verma won an award by this name in 2006 for third world reporting. Also a business intelligence software company, it names a vehicle ferry in Dublin and a solar probe. The poem by this name notes "that which we are, we are, one equal temper of heroic hearts," and the novel by this name contains a graphic description of the flirations of Gerty MacDowell. Also the first name of a Union general who took Cold Harbor, FTP give the Latin name for Odysseus.

ANSWER: Ulysses

16. He played a man whose death is avenged by his widow Geeta after he is killed by a gangster in the film Army. He was the Lalit who has an affair with the titular Maya in a film adaptation of Flaubert's Madame Bovary. More famously, he played the hero of a Chatterjee novel who falls in love with Paro, but due to family conflict, ends up with the courtesan Chandramukhi, the former played by Aishwarya Rai. As Aman, he plays matchmaker and sings the titular song to Naina in Kal Ho Naa Ho. He also sings "Chaiya Chaiya" on top of a train in Dil Se, and woos the boyish Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. FTP name this quintessential Bollywood actor who isn't related to Genghis.

ANSWER: Shahrukh Khan; accept "King Khan"

17. He built the yakshis of the Great Stupa of Sanchi to placate worshippers of trees, and obtained the support of Shivrath for early campaigns in Takshasila. He killed his brothers Sugatra and Susima to obtain the throne, and espoused the chakravartin, or righteous ruler. He sent his children Mahendra and Sanghamitra as missionaries to Sri Lanka, and issued the Minor Edicts on dharma and the Rock and Pillar Edicts on social welfare. Succeeding Bindusara, he conquered Kalinga from Magadha, but soon regretted war, turning to ahimsa. FTP name this Mauryan emperor who spread Buddhism.

ANSWER: Asoka or Ashoka

18. The Dhundia and Lunka sects of this religion rejected iconoclasm of the 12th century, while the Sthanakavasi sect rejected temple worship. Its followers are divided into the monastic yatis and the lay sravaka, and those who practice it perform the 16 samskaras. The vows of asteya, brahmacarya, and aparigraha are 3 of the 5 observed by its followers, who see the world as comprising the jiva and the ajiva. Those who attain enlightenment are called conquerors, and such saints from the past are termed tirthankaras, the 24th of whom founded it. Divided into Svetambara and Digambara, FTP name this religion founded by Mahavira that preaches ahimsa, or nonviolence.

ANSWER: Jainism

19. The "deserts of vast eternity" stare at the author of this poem, who sits "by the tide of Humber" while the subject finds rubies "by the Indian Ganges' side." The poet would not love at lower rate than dedicating 30,000 years to the rest of the lover's portions until at last her heart is shown. Before "your quaint honour turn to dust and into ashses all my lust," the poet urges us to "tear our pleasures with rough strife, thorough the iron gates of life." FTP name this poem beginning with "had we but world enough, and time," addressed to a shy lady by Andrew Marvell.

ANSWER: "To His Coy Mistress"

20. Found in x-ray study of quills by William Astbury, this structure occupies the lower left quadrant in a graph of psi vs. phi angles in the famous Ramachandran diagram. Serine and threonine destablize it if close together, while glycine is found rarely due to its excess flexibility. Negatively charged groups stabilize the amino terminus while positively charged groups stabilize the carboxyl end, because 4 residues at each end do not hydrogen bond, setting up a dipole. Proline makes a kink in this right-handed motif first analyzed by Linus Pauling. FTP name this protein secondary structure where 3.6 amino acid residues make up a single turn.

ANSWER: alpha helix; prompt on "keratin" before "motif"

WIT XIV 2006: Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"

Packet by UCLA (Ray Luo)


1. Populations Communications International calls him "the philosophy king of what we do," because his social learning theory demonstrated that radio dramas like Let's Go with the Times lowered HIV transmission in Tanzania by depicting safe sex. FTPE.

[10] Observational learning is the "theory heard 'round the world" by this Stanford psychologist, who began the idea of reciprocal determinism in Adolescent Aggression.

ANSWER: Albert Bandura

[10] Children who viewed violent models behaved violently towards the namesake rebounding figurine in this Bandura experiment conducted with Dorrie and Sheila Ross.

ANSWER: bobo doll experiment

[10] Bandura's theory was also applied by Indian television, which persuaded certain Hindus to stop the practice of child marriages in dramas like Tinka Tinka Sukh and Hum Log, which gave this naturalist Hindi actor nicknamed Dadamoni his start. This icon of early Indian cinema also starred in Savitri, Kangan, and famously, Kismet.

ANSWER: Ashok Kumar

2. Fresh off the storming of Aornos, the victors found the Indian camp between the Chenab and Jhelum rivers, and rammed into the left wing, forcing the elephants to plunge back. Afterwards, the city of Bucephala was founded to honor a horse. FTPE.

[10] Name this battle won by Alexander the Great for Taxiles over Porus in India.

ANSWER: Hydaspes

[10] Upon Alexander's return, this “best friend” of his died in Ecbatana. Alexander then took on a harsh expedition against the Cossaeans in Luristan and got sick.

ANSWER: Hephaestion

[10] After his death, Alexander's sons were killed, and this general, who commanded the Macedonian infantry at Hydaspes, united with Ptolemy to defeat Antigonus at Ipsus and took Syria. His namesake dynasty was checked to the east by Chandragupta Maurya.

ANSWER: Seleucus I Nicator

3. Works of literature. FTPE.

[10] Returning from India after a five year absence, Peter Walsh is still in love with a married Indian woman named Daisy. Both he and Sally Seton, now Lady Rosseter, visit the titular character's party in this novel by Virginia Woolf.

ANSWER: Mrs. Dalloway

[10] A journalist in India is visited by Peachy Carnehan, who relates him and Daniel Dravot setting themselves up as gods in Kafiristan in this Rudyard Kipling story.

ANSWER: "The Man Who Would Be King"

[10] Once married to a West Indian negress, Captain Shotover now sits at home trying to attain the "7th degree of concentration," while his daughters Hesione Hushabye and Ariadne Utterwood make a fool of their husbands and lovers in this Bernard Shaw play.

ANSWER: Heartbreak House

4. Answer the following about a period of warm weather in late October. FTPE.

[10] In the poem "Indian Summer," this poet wrote of "thy sacred emblems to partake, thy consecrated bread to break, taste thine immortal wine!" and begins with "these are the days when birds come back." She also wrote of a fly dying when she buzzed.

ANSWER: Emily Dickinson

[10] One of the classic renditions of "Indian Summer" was due to this clarinetist and soprano saxophonist who toured Russia with Josephine Baker and Le revue negre.

ANSWER: Sidney Bechet

[10] This author's Indian Summer details the romance Theodore Colville experiences when he sells his newspaper business to head for Italy, where he meets Lina Bowen and the young Imogene Graham. He also wrote Annie Kilburn and The Undiscovered Country.

ANSWER: William Dean Howells

5. Used to reduce aldehydes and ketones to alcohols in the Corey reactions, these trigonal planar molecules were named by Alfred Stock by analogy to alkanes. FTPE.

[10] Name these compounds of boron and hydrogen held together by banana bonds.

ANSWER: boranes

[10] E. D. Jemmis of the Indian Institute of Science modified these rules named for an English chemist to come up with the namesake m-n-o rules. These rules state that a polyhedral molecule with a geometry of n triangles will have n+1 bonding pairs.

ANSWER: Wade's rules

[10] Because of their electron deficiency, boranes can often function as these kinds of acids.

ANSWER: Lewis acids

6. Brijen Gupta suggested that only 64 were ever imprisoned, while J. H. Little claimed that the nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-Dawlah's part was only one of negligence. FTPE.

[10] Name this so-called event taking place after the capture of Fort William in which members of the East India Company garrison were imprisoned in a small room.

ANSWER: Black Hole of Calcutta

[10] This British council member and survivor reported the incident in support of imperialism, claiming that 146 people were shut up, of which only 23 survived.

ANSWER: John Zephaniah Holwell

[10] Escaping from Madras, this British commander defeated the French at Arcot during the seige of Trichinopoly, but is more famous for capturing Chandernagore and overcoming the nawab at Plassey by bribing the enemy's men to defect.

ANSWER: Robert Clive

7. Works of 20th century literature with something in common. FTPE.

[10] Ammu has an affair with the carpenter Velutha, as the children Rahel and Estha are followed back in time to when their English cousin Sophie Mol drowned. There's also a scene during a showing of The Sound of Music in this Arundhati Roy novel.

ANSWER: The God of Small Things

[10] Coming after "When Mr. Pirzad Came to Dine" in its namesake collection, this short story by Jhumpa Lahiri concerns Mr. Kapasi's role as a tour guide at Konarak and confidant to Mrs. Das's confession that she has had a baby out of wedlock.

ANSWER: "Interpreter of Maladies"

[10] This 2006 Kiran Desai novel, which tells the story of a retired judge living in the Himalayan foothills and his family, captured the 2006 Man Booker prize.

ANSWER: The Inheritance of Loss

8. Alma Schindler once asked herself: "how could I love this guy, he's so ugly!" Her family agreed, and she was told to dump him for a less unappealing man. FTPE.

[10] Johannes Brahms got Simrock to publish his Clarinet Trio, and his other works include the symphonic poem The Mermaid and the ballet The Triumph of Time. Name this Austrian composer with a Russian sounding name who most famously taught Schoenberg.

ANSWER: Alexander von Zemlinsky

[10] This composer dedicated his Lyric Suite to Zemlinsky, and its twelve tone technology influenced one of Bartok's string quartets. He also wrote music for Lulu.

ANSWER: Alban Berg

[10] Zemlinsky's best known work is the Lyric Symphony, which Ken DeLong calls the "Intimations of India," for it is set to poems by this Bengali poet of Gitanjali.

ANSWER: Rabindranath Tagore

9. His writing style was sparing, as influenced by Carr's Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure Mathematics, the only book he had access to earlier on at Madras. FTPE.

[10] Name this discoverer of results in highly composite numbers, infinite series expansions, and partition functions, many of which are unproven, an Indian math whiz.

ANSWER: Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan

[10] When Littlewood went off to war, Ramanujan began working with this Cambridge mathematician, who is supposed to have played cricket with Reginald Punnett.

ANSWER: Godfrey Harold Hardy

[10] Ramanujan summation can be used to show (kind of) that 1+2+3+... = -1/12, a somewhat baffling result but useful for extending this function to the positive integers.

ANSWER: Riemann zeta function

10. He took the form of a white elephant in a dream by Queen Mayadevi to be born, and was named Siddhartha before seeing a crippled, a sick, and an ascetic man on his travels with Chenna, and deciding to abandon his wife Yashodhara and his son Rahul. FTPE.

[10] Name this Gautama who achieved nirvana and taught the Four Noble Truths.

ANSWER: Buddha

[10] This is the monastic community that gathered around the Buddha, including monks and nuns who dedicate themselves to humanity.

ANSWER: sangha

[10] Buddha taught this doctrine that there is no permanent individual egoistic soul. It is accompanied by anitya (transience) and dukkha (suffering).

ANSWER: anatman

11. He wrote a play about Commodus, as well as a poem about the Turkish Othman, The Wooing of Malkatoon, but is best known for an 1880 "tale of the Christ." FTPE.

[10] Notable for averting the Confederates from Washington DC at the battle of Monocacy, name this general who turned to writing The Fair God and Boyhood of Christ.

ANSWER: Lew Wallace

[10] Wallace is best known for this novel in which the titular hero rejoins his mom and sister, who have become lepers, after dispatching Messala in a chariot race.


[10] In this Wallace work subtitled "Why Constantinople Fell," the titular wandering Jew, who pretends to be a royal personage from another land, is killed after offering his service to Mohammed II, but is reborn as a youth to have further adventures.

ANSWER: The Prince of India

12. Commissioned by Emile Zola, it was described by L'intransigeant as the result of "extracting the brain of a man and applying it on his face." FTPE.

[10] Finally placed at Raspail and Montparnasse in 1939, it was the creator's last monument before a statue of Sarmiento. Name this statue of the creator of The Lily of the Valley and The Country Doctor in a loose dressing gown.

ANSWER: Monument to Balzac

[10] The Balzac Monument was created by this sculptor also known for The Thinker.

ANSWER: Auguste Rodin

[10] Rodin praised this artist from Calcutta as "the father of India modern art." He studied Japanese art with Okakura but turned to the Rajput style while working with E. B. Havell, exhibiting his version of Radha and Journey's End with Jamini Roy.

ANSWER: Abanindranath Tagore (note: not Rabindranath)

13. Name these Indians of the baseball diamond FTPE.

[10] An apocryphal story holds that the Indians are named after this Native American who played for Cleveland in 1897-99.

ANSWER: Louis Sockalexis

[10] The Indians got their current name upon the 1915 departure of this player, after whom they had been named for several seasons.

ANSWER: Napoleon “Nap” Lajoie (no two sources agree on the correct way to pronounce his name; it’s somewhere between la-ZHWAH and la-ZHOH-ay)

[10] This Hall of Famer won 266 games for the Indians in his 18-year pitching career. Now he makes derogatory comments about how today’s players can’t compare to players during his time.

ANSWER: Robert (or Bob) Feller

14. One of its namesake descendants remarks on the Cal Berkeley quiz bowl web page that "In India, they pay you to play quiz bowl!" FTPE.

[10] Governing from Pataliputra after uniting the Licchavis, this Indian dynasty saw the flourishing of culture and religion in Bihar until being overrun by the Huns.


[10] This son of Chandragupta I, the founder of the Gupta dynasty, expanded his kingdom as far as Kanchipuram in Tamil, Nepal to the north, and vassal states at the borders of the empire. He also had a bunch of new gold coins printed.

ANSWER: Samudragupta

[10] The Gupta dynasty saw the rise of this dramatist who composed Meghaduta, or The Cloud Messenger, as well as the epic Shakuntala.

ANSWER: Kalidasa

15. He believed that Kant's thing-in-itself is really the will, and considered the suppression of will by art and selfless compassion in his magnum opus. FTPE.

[10] Name this German philosopher who wrote On the Will in Nature, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and The World as Will and Idea.

ANSWER: Arthur Schopenhauer

[10] The World as Will and Idea drew on this philosophical text also called Vedanta, that identify one's atman with the universal brahman while elaborating on the Vedas.

ANSWER: Upanishads

[10] This follower of Schopenhauer argues that reason is invoked to alleviate the misery accompanied by will to realize the void in his Philosophy of the Unconscious.

ANSWER: Eduard von Hartmann

16. M. A. Sherring compares it to "Athens in the times of St. Paul, a city given to idolatry." Herman Kaiserling felt "nearer here than anywhere else to the heart of the world," and noted that "here he would discover what piety means." FTPE.

[10] Called the "luminous place" by Hindus, name this holy city of Northern India.

ANSWER: Benares; or Varanasi

[10] Benares sits on the northern bank of this holy river, which flows from the Himalayas near Bhagirathi southeast towards bay of Bengal, emptying as the Meghna.

ANSWER: Ganges

[10] Benares lies in Uttar Pradesh east of this city, its capital. It contains the Pearl mosque, and is where the British were besieged for 12 weeks during the Sepoy rebellion.

ANSWER: Lucknow

17. In the chapter titled "Indian Summer," it introduces old age in the context of the Spanish-American war, and notes that the American mind "likes to walk straight up to its object, and assert or deny something that it takes for a fact." FTPE.

[10] Name this study containing chapters on "The Height of Knowledge" and "The Abyss of Ignorance," an autobiography written in the 3rd person by an American historian.

ANSWER: The Education of Henry Adams

[10] In chapter 12 of The Education, "Eccentricity," Adams describes John Bright, an English liberal who allied with Richard Cobden against what?

ANSWER: Corn Laws

[10] Chapter 7 of The Education noted that this man's "chief offence was his insistence on Southern ignorance." He later received a beating from Preston Brooks.

ANSWER: Charles Sumner

18. Name these Indian athletes. FTPE.

[10] He scored over 1000 Test runs each year from 1999 to 2002, and has the second most ODIs ever, as well as the most runs in World Cup cricket history. Name this cricketer, still regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in the world today.

ANSWER: Sachin Tendulkar

[10] This chess player became grandmaster at age 17, won the 2000 FIDE championship and the 2003 FIDE rapid championship. He is currently ranked 2nd behind Topalov.

ANSWER: Vishwanathan Anand

[10] The most famous Indian athlete may be this former member of Chicago quiz bowl, whose accomplishments include a 128 PPG performance in winning 2003 NAQT ICT.

ANSWER: Subash Maddipoti; or "the subash"; accept either name

19. K. K. Bisaria found that incidence of rarely seen bilateral grooves on it is highest in Indian brains. Receiving Meyer's loop from the lateral geniculate, carrying information from outer spatial fields, it projects to the superior colliculi to handle reflexes. FTPE.

[10] Name this lobe of the brain that is often striated and handles visual information.

ANSWER: occipital lobe

[10] The optic nerve connecting the retina to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe is developed from this brain region including the thalamus and hypothalamus.

ANSWER: diencephalon

[10] These are constructs proposed by Montcastle and verified by Hubel and Weisel that arrange different visual input orientations from each eye in an organized form.

ANSWER: ocular dominance columns

20. She became so engrossed in her character in her novel The Rapture of Lol V. Stein, that she regretted she couldn't be Lol V. Stein herself. FTPE.

[10] Name this French author of the New Novel movement who wrote Moderato cantabile and described her own upbringing in Saigon in The Lover, which won the Prix Goncourt.

ANSWER: Marguerite Duras; or Marguerite Donnadieu

[10] Duras is best known for writing the screenplay for this New Wave feature directed by Alain Resnais about a French woman making a documentary about the atomic bomb falling in love with a Japanese architect, both metaphors for their heritages.

ANSWER: Hiroshima mon amour; or Hiroshima My Love

[10] This Duras play about a beggar woman from Lahore and a consul's wife Anne-Marie Stretter, who has an impossible love, was made into a film starring Delphine Seyrig.

ANSWER: India Song


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