
The following question is based on the accompanying documents. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise). The question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that:

• Has relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents.

• Uses all or all but one of the documents.

• Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many appropriate ways as possible and does not simply summarize the documents individually.

• Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ points of view.

Essay Prompt

Compare the Hansa and Swahili trading systems and determined what accounted for their differences.

Based on the following documents, discuss Post-Classical interregional trading systems. What types of additional documentation would help explain the differences between the Hansa and the Swahili?

Historical Background

During the Post-Classical era from 1000 to 1450 C.E., cities, which relied heavily on trade, arose and flourished. At the same time, many smaller trading cities formed trading alliances and associations. Two of the most successful and famous were the German Hansa in Northern Europe and the Swahili cities along the coast of East Africa.

Document 1









NAME: _____________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: _____________



|Points |Points |

| | | | |

|Has an acceptable thesis. |1 |Expanded beyond the basic core of 1 to 7 points. A | |

| | |student must earn seven points in the basic core area | |

| | |before earning points from the expanded core area. | |

| | |Students may earn from 0 to 3 points by doing any of the | |

| | |following: | |

| | | | |

| | |( Has a clear, analytical and | |

| | |comprehensive thesis. | |

| | | |0-2 |

| | |( Uses all documents. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Uses documents persuasively as | |

| | |evidence. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Shows careful, insightful | |

| | |analysis of the documents. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Analyzes bias or point of view | |

| | |in most or all documents. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Analyzes documents in | |

| | |additional ways – groupings, | |

| | |comparisons, syntheses. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Brings in relevant “outside” | |

| | |historical content. | |

| | | | |

| | |( Explains why additional | |

| | |documents or types of sources | |

| | |are needed. | |

| | | | |

|Understands the basic meaning of documents. Uses all but may |1 | | |

|misinterpret one. | | | |

| | | | |

|Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from all or all but |2 | | |

|one of the documents. | | | |

| | | | |

|(Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from all but two of| | | |

|the documents.) |(1) | | |

| | | | |

|Analyzes point of view in at least three documents. |1 | | |

| | | | |

|Analyzes documents by grouping them in three ways depending on| | | |

|the prompt. |1 | | |

| | | | |

|Identifies and explains the need for three types of additional| | | |

|document or source. |1 | | |

|SUBTOTAL |7 | |2 |


| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |9 |

|GRADES: 9=97, 8=92, 7=87, 6=82, 5=77, 4=72, 3=67, 2=62, 1=57, 0=50 |


















































































































Contingents of armed men, which Rostock (Hansa city in Northern Germany) guilds had to furnish for the defense of the town, from official list of 1483

|Porters (150) |Butchers (20) |Pewterers (16) |

|Shoemakers (40) |Coopers (20) |Linen weavers (16) |

|Blacksmiths (40) |Bridlemakers (20) |Hoopers (10) |

|Bakers (30) |Tailors (20) |Masons (10) |

|Retailers (30) |Tanners (20) |Carpenters (10) |

|Haberdashers (20) |Wool Weavers (20) |Old Tailors (10) |

|Furriers (20) |Fishermen (20) |Barbers (6) |

|Plus an additional 40 guilds with 2 to 3 armed men each |

|Total: 622 armed guildsmen |

Ibn Battuta, Muslim traveler and qadi (religious judge), from the chronicles of his visit to the coasts of East Africa, 1331 C.E.

“We sailed for fifteen nights and came to Mogadishu, which is a town of enormous size. Its inhabitants are merchants possessed of vast resources. In this place is manufactured the woven fabrics called after it, which are unequalled and exported from it to Egypt and elsewhere. It is the custom that whenever there comes a jurist or a sharif or a man of religion, he must first see the sultan before taking a lodging. So I went to the sultan, as they asked. The sultan of Mogadishu is Abu Bakr, son of Sultan Omar; he is by origin from [Northern Somalia] and he speaks the language of Mogadishu, but knows the Arabic language. After we had eaten, we went to the congregational mosque and made our prayers. When the sultan came out, he said in Arabic, ‘You are welcome, and you have honored our land and given us pleasure.’ On Saturday, the population comes to the Sultan’s gate, and the qadi, with the viziers (chief ministers), the private secretary, and four of the principal amirs, sits for deciding cases among the population and petitioners. Every case that is concerned with the rulings of the Divine Law is decided by the qadi, and all cases other than those are decided by the members of the council. If any case calls for consultation with the sultan, he sends out the reply to them immediately.”

Renewal of the contract for the supply of foodstuffs and materials to and exports from Bruges, Flanders by the Hanseatic diet [Parliament] in Lubeck, 1470

“And nobody, whoever he may be, whether he is a merchant in the Hansa, as a burgess [citizen] or inhabitant, or whether he does not belong to the Hansa, shall take cloth made in Flanders, Brabant or Holland into any Hansa town or its territory, which has not passed through the market at Bruges or was not bought or offered for sale in Antwerp or Bergen-op-Zoom at the fair held there. Similarly all eastern Hanseatic towns, and all other Hansa towns, shall refrain from supplying anyone, whether he belongs to the Hansa or not, with any staple goods for passage through [the seas between the North and Baltic Seas], unless he swears an oath beforehand or gives surety that he intends to take those goods to the markets in Flanders and Holland.”

Abdul Hassan ibn Ali al Mas’udi, Arab traveler, merchant and geographer, from Cairo and Baghdad, late 10th century C.E. about his trips to the East African coastal area of el-Zanj, the Swahili peoples between Somalia and Mozambique

“The sea of Zanj reaches down to the country of Sofala and the Wak-Wak, which

produces gold in abundance and other marvels; its climate is warm and its soil fertile. It is there that the Zanj built their capital; then they elected a king whom they called [Swahili]. The king has under him all the other Zanj kings, and commands three hundred thousand men. Although constantly employed in hunting elephants and gathering ivory for domestic purposes, they wear iron instead of gold and silver. Tusks form the country of the Zanj go generally to Oman, and from there are sent on to China and India. That is the route they follow, and were it otherwise, ivory would be very abundant in Muslim countries. In China the kings and their military and civilian officers use carrying-chairs of ivory; no official or person of rank would dare to visit the king in an iron chair, and ivory alone is used for this purpose. Ivory is much prized in India; there it is made into handles for the daggers or swords or in the manufacture of chessmen and other gaming pieces.”

Declaration of the Hanseatic League for the prosecution of the war against Denmark and Norway, their meeting in Cologne (a city), Holy Roman Empire, 1367

“We declare that we have agreed, firstly, that because of the manifold wrongs and injuries which the kings of Denmark and Norway have inflicted and do still inflict upon Hanseatic merchants, we have become their enemies and that we shall loyally support one another in the following manner: namely, that the Wendish towns together with the Livonian towns and with those towns which are associated with them, will fit out ten ships, manned with able men-at-arms, that is, 100 men to each ship, and that two supply ships shall accompany each larger ship. The Prussian towns, that is, seaports, shall equip five ships of a like kind. And when all ships [from Holland and Zealand and the Baltic cities] are assembled in the Danish Sound, the whole fleet from both districts is to remain with the warships and to do as the commanders bid them. Further, to cover the costs, every merchant shall pay poundage on his goods. And similarly captains shall pay poundage on their ships. This poundage shall be levied in every town of the Confederation and is to be kept at the disposal of all those towns, which have fitted out ships of war. The above mentioned Confederation with all its rules and regulations shall remain in full force for a further three years.”

Joao de Barros, Portuguese merchant and soldier from his book, Decades of Asia completed in 1520s about his travels along East Africa’s coast

“It was part of the agreement between the pagans [of Sofala] and the Muslims of Mogadishu that they should bring every year some young Muslims so that there might always be in town certain [Muslim merchants]. When the King of Kilwa learned from the fishermen of this part of the contract, he gave orders that a ship should be sent so as to arrange to enter into commerce with the blacks. With regard to the young Muslims for whom they asked, or if they wanted these Muslims so far as to have a race of them there, some of the inhabitants of Kilwa would agree to go and live there in a factory for merchandise and they would be glad to take the pagans’ daughters as wives, by which means the people [Muslim merchants] would be multiplied. By means of this entry, the Muslims of Kilwa got possession of the trade. In course of time by means of trade which the Muslims had with the blacks, the kings of Kilwa became absolute masters of the trade in gold. From this time onwards the kings of Kilwa sent their governors to Sofala, so that everything might be transacted through [Muslim] merchants.”

The Hansa reply to a memorandum from the English Privy Council, after the English arrested Hansa merchants and confiscated their property, 1469

“The Hansa came into being through agreement and alliance of different towns; But the German Hansa is a firm confederation of many cities, towns, and communities for the purpose of ensuring that business enterprises by land and sea should have a desired and favorable outcome and that there should be effective protection against pirates and highwaymen, so that their ambushes should not rob merchants of their goods and valuables. The Hansa is not controlled by the merchants; on the contrary each city and each town has its own lords and its own magistracy by whom its affairs are directed. For the Hansa is nothing other than a kind of alliance between towns, which does not release the towns from the jurisdiction of those lords who ruled over them. The Hansa has nro common council; but each town sends delegates, with instructions. The towns of the Hansa assemble whenever there are questions to be discussed and decide amongst themselves what they consider necessary for the good of their merchants.”


From Classical and Post-Classical Era Trading Civilizations to 1450 C.E.

| |Kilwa |Mafia |Zanzibar |Pemba |Kenya |Somalia |Total |

|Hellenistic | |1 | |2 | |22 |25 |

|Persian | | |5 | | | |5 |

|Roman | | | |2 |1 |6 |9 |

|Byzantine | | | |2 | |46 |48 |

|Umayyad | | | |2 | | |2 |

|Abbasid | | | |7 | |1 |8 |

|Seljuk | | | |1 | | |1 |

|Mameluk |2 | | |4 | |6 |12 |

|Mongol |2 |4 | |1 | | |7 |

|Muslim, misc. | |20 |3 |15 | | |38 |

|Tang China | | |4 | | |1 |5 |

|Sung China | |9 |185 | |2 |16 |212 |

|Ming China | | | | | |6 |6 |

|Ceylon | | | | | |4 |4 |

|Vietnam | | | | | |4 |4 |

|South India | | | | | |2 |2 |

Kenyan Swahili cities are Mombasa and Lamu; Somalia includes Mogadishu


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