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What is social media?

• A “Platform to build social networks or relations among people who share interests”

• Allows people to create a ‘profile’ of themselves, they’re interests, location and other links

• Allows people to interact using instant messenger and boards/walls

• Some include photo/video/blogging opportunities

• Keeping in touch with family and friends around the world

• Customer interactions- get responses from poles/voting/likes/retweets/comments

o Not a one way street

o Advertisement- can reach customers by what they view/like

(Nations), (Fast compant)

Accessing social media

• Easily then ever – most people have a smart phone or a tablet that can access applications for social media

• Browsers

• Mobile

• 2.198 million of Facebook’s users only ever use the site on a mobile device

• That generates 30% of their revenue from adverts, so it’s important that they think about how their site is displayed on mobile devices (especially if your target market or main demographic is of people who typically use their mobile devices more than the online sites)

Types of social media

Social bookmarking

• Online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.

• This allows people to save articles to read later, or videos to watch later

• Del.icio.us

• Allows you to create your own database, regardless of where you are

• You can save ideas and pages on one computer and being able to log into them on other computers – on mobiledevices, abroad, at home, in the office

• Delicious is very focused on sharing and storing, and encourage you to make your bookmarks public

• You can then add tags so they can be found in categories, e.g. wildlife, adventure, animals, for a picture of a bear in the wild

• Add pages using an add on that can be installed into browsers, so you just click it to add to your Delicious profile

• Allows you to add a bookmark, name it and add notes easily, with a few clicks

(Various, Social bookmarking, 2014), (Fuller)

• Social Networking

• “the use of dedicated websites and applications to communicate with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one's own.”

(Oxford Dictionaries)

• LinkedIn

• Online social network for businesses- a professional market, not just friends/family like other sites (e.g. Facebook)

• Finding jobs, discovering business partners/ventures

• Allows users to create a profile, Connect with email contacts, Gmail, Yahoo etc

• Add which educational establishments you went to, and LinkedIn will show you a list of other people on LinkedIn who also did

• Allows you to make connections

• With a free membership, members can only contact people on LinkedIn who they have ‘connections’ with, such as going to the same school, uni or working together, or a friend of a friend.

• Premium memberships allow members to contact anyone on LinkedIn without having to have connections


• The world’s most popular social networking website

• Anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address can join

• Just give a few details like full name, high school and age

• Facebook links up your information with other people in common with you

o Allows you to network with people you went to high school with for example

o Suggests friends who are friends with lots of people on your friend list (mutual friends)

• Allows you to post status updates, pictures, and look at other peoples updates.

• Groups for people to interact of similar interests (pages)

(Various, 2014)

Social News

Social News is a type of Social Bookmarking website that is dedicated to current news or a specific type of news such as sports or entertainment.


• A user driven news site that collaborates information to one place

• It works by members posting articles and blog posts that they find interesting

• Other members push a button to ‘digg it’, and once an article has received enough ‘diggs’ it reaches the homepage

o Once an article or post is on the homepage, thousands of people will see the article and visit it, so can cause servers to crash if the websites are small and can’t handle much traffic

o Allows users to see the most popular articles, already with the rubbish ‘combed’ out by other members

• Can also comment on articles

• Get recommendations from other articles you have read/’dugg’

• Add friends and keep track of things they digg

• Digg even have a podcast, where they discuss the most popular articles of the week

• Digg ‘Spy’ allows you to watch articles being uploaded and ‘dugg’ in real time



• Similar to Digg- people rate articles, links and images up or down.

• Entries with lots of up votes are higher up the list

• Comment system allows there to be discussions and threads

o The discussions and boards are sometimes more interesting than the actual links, and the layout allows there to be discussions and threads, and more interesting stuff goes to the top

• No editors at all

• Subredits for all different categories

o Politics

o News

o Funny

o Cute animals

o Videos

o Enthusiasts

o TV Shows

o Even nail art

• You can join subredits you like, and leave ones you don’t like, so your homepage changes to suit what you like

• Redit puts some articles that are very successful lower down the list so that new articles have a chance

• It is what you make it!

(Rosen, 2013), (Nations, Social News)

Media Sharing

Uploading media such as photos, video and audio to a site that can be accessed from devices anywhere with an internet connection, to be shared with the world, or just chosen people. Allows you to embed links of the media into other sites


• A video sharing website – the largest in the world

• Users can upload, comment, like and share videos with other social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter

• It is free of charge, and there are no premium or paid for memberships

• Popular videos have adverts at the beginning and banner pop up ads during

• Videos vary from tutorials such as learning to play an instrument, to music videos, video blogs (vlogs), fashion + make up tips and professional informative or comedy videos



• Sharing, organising and enjoying photos

• Share with specific people (friends/family from a holiday) or publically

• Allows you to organise them into sets (photo albums)

• Can add text, locations and notes

• Add tags to see images from a place/a historical event (e.g. your home town)

• Built in photo editor that allows you to add filters, crop and touch up images within the site

(Charlotte, 2013), (Affilorama)


“A frequently updated online personal journal or diary, a place to share your thoughts and express yourself to the world.”


• ‘Microblogging’

• Short, 140 characters or less ‘tweets’ to keep it easy to read and not boring (scan friendly)

o People can reply to tweets, retweet them (so they appear on their profiles

• Discovering interesting people/things going on

o Even if you don’t tweet (40% of members just follow people)

o News reporting (bullets of information, links to articles)

• Used by celebrities often as a way to reach their fans, form a connection with their followers

• Very broad audience (645 million active twitter members)

o Average 58 million tweets per day

o Money from advertising

(Gil, 2012), (Byrd)


• Building and maintaining a blog

• Allows you to use templates or start from scratch

o ‘Drag and drop’ of elements (e.g. text, video, slideshow, images , files etc) building- simple to use and create effective sites

o Can create stores (through PayPal and Stripe (an online payment processor)

(Various, Weebly, 2013)


Affilorama. (n.d.). What is media sharing? Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Affilorama:

Byrd, K. (n.d.). What is a blog. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Blog basics:

Charlotte, D. (Director). (2013). What is Flickr? [Motion Picture].

Fast compant. (n.d.). Surprisin social media facts. Retrieved March 2014, from Fast Company:

Fuller, J. (n.d.). How del.icio.us works. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from :

Gil, P. (2012, July). What exactly is 'Twiter'? What is 'Tweeting'? Retrieved March 2014, from : What Exactly Is 'Twitter'? What Is 'Tweeting'?

Layton, J. (n.d.). How Dig works. Retrieved March 20, 2014, from :

Nations, D. (n.d.). Social News. Retrieved March 2014, from Webtrends.about:

Nations, D. (n.d.). What is Social Media? Retrieved April 1, 2014, from :

Oxford Dictionaries. (n.d.). Social network. Retrieved March 2014, from Oxford Dictionaries:

Roos, D. (n.d.). How LinkedIn works. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from :

Rosen, R. J. (2013, September 11). What is Reddit? Retrieved March 2, 2014, from The Atlantic:

Various. (2014, 30 March). Social bookmarking. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Wikipedia:

Various. (2014, March 31). Social networking service. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Wikipedia:

Various. (2013, March 18). Weebly. Retrieved March 2014, from Wikipedia:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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