Name:__________________________________________ Core ...

Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________

Chapter 15 Test



Directions: Match the term/person to the question below.

Part 1

a. Dred Scott

b. John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas

d. Abraham Lincoln

e. Jefferson Davis

_____ 1. Who captured the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

_____ 2. Which political figure opposed the expansion of slavery into any Western territory?

_____ 3. Who did the Northern Democrats nominate to be President in 1860?

_____ 4. Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark Supreme Court decision?

_____ 5. Whom did the Confederate States of America select as President after seceding from the Union?

Part 2

a. Wilmot Proviso

b. Compromise of 1850

c. Fugitive Slave Act

d. Platform

e. Free-Soil Party

_____ 1. What is a statement of a political party’s beliefs called?

_____ 2. What bill unsuccessfully attempted to ban slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico?

_____ 3. Which bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and in the rest of Mexican Cession?

_____ 4. Which political party was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery?

_____ 5. Which law aroused great opposition and widespread disobedience in the North?

Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the BEST ANSWER for each question.

11. The Missouri Compromise resulted in:

a. A ban on slavery in new territories.

b. The number of slave and free states staying equal.

c. Popular sovereignty in Missouri.

d. A ban on slavery in Missouri.

e. None of the Above

12. The Free Soil Party wanted to:

a. End slavery in the South.

b. Institute popular sovereignty in the territories.

c. Stop slavery from spreading to new territories.

d. Support Abraham Lincoln for President in1856.

e. All of the Above

13. The Compromise of 1850 said that:

a. Congress would pass no law affecting slavery.

b. Slavery would be banned in Washington, D.C.

c. California would be admitted as a slave state.

d. New Mexico and Utah could decide the slavery question by popular sovereignty.

e. None of the Above

14. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 declared that:

a. All citizens must help catch runaway slaves.

b. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 was unconstitutional.

c. The underground railroad was legal.

d. Blacks in territories admitted after 1850 were free.

e. All of the Above

15. Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom’s Cabin is NOT true?

a. It presented slavery as a moral problem.

b. It increased anger over the Fugitive Slave Law.

c. It was based on a true story.

d. It became one of the most influential books in American history.

e. All of the Above

16. The Kansas-Nebraska Act applied the principal of:

a. States’ rights.

b. Nullification.

c. Popular sovereignty.

d. Universal suffrage.

e. None of the Above

17. “The Supreme Court of the United States is not the only power in this world. The Supreme

Court of the Almighty is greater. All that is merciful and just, on earth and in heaven, will

despise this edict.” In this quotation, Frederick Douglass protests:

a. The Missouri Compromise.

b. Lincoln’s “house divided” speech.

c. The Dred Scott decision.

d. John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry.

e. The decision on American Idol

18. Dred Scott was:

a. A border ruffian.

b. A slave who filed a lawsuit fir his freedom.

c. A Republican senator.

d. The leader of a slave revolt.

e. All of the Above

19. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is not true?

a. It said that the slave had the choice to be free upon his master’s death.

b. It said that slaves were property.

c. It said that Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in a territory.

d. It said that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.

e. None of the Above

20. Which of the following was another reason for the Civil War (other than slavery)?

a. State rights vs. the Constitution

b. Tariffs

c. Division of Labor

d. Legislative Mandates

e. All of the Above

21. John Brown attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry because he wanted to:

a. Start a slave revolt.

b. Force the South to secede.

c. Keep slavery out of Kansas.

d. Prevent Lincoln’s election.

e. None of the Above

22. Lincoln was able to win the election of 1860 largely because:

a. Abolitionists had become the majority.

b. Free blacks in the North supported him.

c. The Democratic party split into tow.

d. Douglas threw his support behind Lincoln.

e. All of the Above

23. Lincoln’s election led many southerners to believe that:

a. The South controlled the nation’s government.

b. Slavery was evil.

c. A compromise between North and South was possible.

d. The South must secede from the Union.

e. None of the Above

24. The principal of popular sovereignty meant that:

a. Voters in a territory would decide whether or not to allow slavery.

b. Congress would decide whether or not to allow slavery in a territory.

c. Any new state would be a free state.

d. Any new state would be a slave state.

e. All of the Above

25. Southern slave owners demanded that:

a. Slavery be practiced in the North.

b. Slaves who escaped to the North be returned to them.

c. Free blacks be sent to Canada.

d. All new states accept the Missouri Compromise.

e. All of the Above

26. The founders of the Free Soil party decided that they needed a new political party because:

a. The abolitionist movement was losing strength.

b. The major parties would not take a stand on slavery.

c. The North controlled the existing political parties.

d. They wanted to preserve the Union.

e. None of the Above

27. In the debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession, the spokesperson for the South was:

a. Henry Clay.

b. Millard Fillmore.

c. John C. Calhoun.

d. Daniel Webster.

e. All of the Above

28. Which of the following were based on the principal of popular sovereignty?

I. Missouri Compromise

II. Wilmot Proviso

III. Compromise of 1850.

IV. Kansas-Nebraska Act

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. III and IV

29. Both the Fugitive Slave Law and Uncle Tom’s Cabin caused many people in the North to:

a. Support the abolitionist cause.

b. Distrust abolitionists.

c. Support Stephen Douglas for president.

d. Favor secession from the Union.

e. None of the Above

30. Which of the following undid the Missouri Compromise?

a. The Compromise of 1850.

b. The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

c. The Fugitive Slave Law.

d. The Wilmot Proviso.

e. The Crittenden Plan

31. Which of the following was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

a. Border Ruffians elected an anti-slavery government.

b. Most people accepted Kansas as a slave state.

c. John Brown left Kansas for Nebraska.

d. Proslavery and antislavery forced battled to control Kansas.

e. None of the above

32. The Dred Scott decision angered northerners because it:

a. Said the Republican party was unconstitutional.

b. Allowed slavery in all the territories.

c. Said John Brown was guilty of murder.

d. Upheld the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850.

e. All of the Above

33. John Brown was:

a. Hated in the South/Loved in the North

b. Hated in the South/Hated in the North

c. Loved in the South/Hated in the North

d. Loved in the South/Loved in the North

e. None of the Above

34. Which of the following statements was probably made by a southerner?

a. “No state can lawfully leave the Union.”

b. “I speak not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a northern man, but as an American. I

speak for the preservation of the Union.”

c. “Let the states agree to separate and part in peace.”

d. “Only Congress has the power to end slavery.”

e. None of the Above

35. Lincoln became President in 1860 by:

a. Winning every state.

b. Running on both the Republican and Democratic tickets.

c. Carrying the northern states.

d. Running with Stephen Douglas.

e. All of the Above

36. On what subject did most Northern whites and Southern whites agree?

a. Slavery was dying and one day all slaves would be free

b. The people in a territory should decide whether to permit slavery or not

c. Congress presented no serious threat to the South and slavery.

d. Free African Americans should not be allowed to vote.

e. None of the Above

37. The belief that the people living in a region should decide key issues is?

a. Republicanism

b. Popular Sovereignty

c. Secession

d. Sectionalism

e. None of the Above

38. What caused the Kansas Territory to be called “Bleeding Kansas”?

a. Slavery in Kansas was to be decided by popular sovereignty

b. One senator in Kansas physically attacked another senator

c. John Brown led the Sack of Lawrence.

d. The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case caused riots in Kansas

e. Both C and D

39. Which event affected the outcome of the 1860 presidential election?

a. Douglas’ support for popular sovereignty split the Democratic Party

b. Douglas’ views on slavery turned Southern voters against him

c. Lincolns’ views on slavery made him the best candidate in the North

d. All of the Above are true

e. None of the Above

40. Northerners were unhappy about the fate of which two people?

a. John Brown and Preston Brooks

b. Dred Scott and John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas and Charles Sumner

d. Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln

e. None of the Above


Divided Nations

41) For the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, which factor(s) is mostly responsible for their troubles?

a. Political Tension

b. Economic Tension

c. Social Tension

d. Both A & C

e. None of the Above

42) Why were some angry with Mikhail Gorbachev?

a. His role in the ethnic genocide

b. His economic reforms

c. Not allowing Chechnya to have full independence

d. His war with Kosovo

e. None of the Above

43) How did the collapse of communism help to spark the collapse of Yugoslavia?

a. When communism failed, economic tensions rose

b. When communism failed, ethnic tensions rose

c. When communism failed, Yugoslavia fought to increase their land boundaries

d. Both A & C

e. All of the Above

44) To solve the problem in Russia, the U.N.

a. Sent in peacekeepers to establish order

b. Sided with the Russians

c. Sided with Chechnya

d. Worked with other nations to create a cease-fire deal

e. None of the Above

45) Which scenario AND reason BEST relates to America mid-1800’s?

a. Russia, due to freedom and economic issues

b. Yugoslavia, due to ethnic fighting

c. Russia, due to possible ties to terrorism

d. Yugoslavia, due to help from external forces

e. None of the Above

African-American protest against the Dred Scott decision

46) What does Purvis believe is the most important about the Dred Scott case?

a. No allegiance is due to the government

b. Any colored man who stands by the government is foolish

c. The Constitution has been trampled

d. African Americans have no rights of citizenship

e. Both A & B

47) Why does Purvis say that for a “colored man” to support the government after the Dred Scott decision is “at once the height of folly and the depth of pusillanimity”?

a. He advocates a return to Africa movement

b. He wanted to encourage them to fight

c. He wanted whites to feel disfranchised

d. All of the Above

e. None of the Above

48) Purvis argues that this decision reaffirms:

a. Blacks are a lower class

b. Slavery is now acceptable by federal law

c. The abolition movement has failed

d. All of the Above

e. None of the Above

49) One who uses the Constitution (according Purvis) to argue AGAINST slavery is:

a. Arguing using reason and common sense

b. Using legal arguments to end slavery

c. Indulging in absurdity

d. Arguing against reason and common sense

e. All of the Above

50) Purvis’ article best represents:

a. Feelings of white slave owners

b. Feelings of Abolitionist whites

c. Feelings of African-Americans

d. Feelings of Republicans

e. Both C & D

Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________

Chapter 15 Test*



Directions: Match the term/person to the question below.

Part 1

a. Dred Scott

b. John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas

d. Abraham Lincoln

e. Jefferson Davis

_____ 1. Who captured the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

_____ 2. Which political figure opposed the expansion of slavery into any Western territory?

_____ 3. Who did the Northern Democrats nominate to be President in 1860?

_____ 4. Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark Supreme Court decision?

_____ 5. Whom did the Confederate States of America select as President after seceding from the Union?

Part 2

a. Wilmot Proviso

b. Compromise of 1850

c. Fugitive Slave Act

d. Platform

e. Free-Soil Party

_____ 1. What is a statement of a political party’s beliefs called?

_____ 2. What bill unsuccessfully attempted to ban slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico?

_____ 3. Which bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and in the rest of Mexican Cession?

_____ 4. Which political party was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery?

_____ 5. Which law aroused great opposition and widespread disobedience in the North?

Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the BEST ANSWER for each question.

11. The Missouri Compromise resulted in:

a. A ban on slavery in new territories.

b. The number of slave and free states staying equal.

c. Popular sovereignty in Missouri.

d. A ban on slavery in Missouri.

12. The Free Soil Party wanted to:

a. End slavery in the South.

b. Institute popular sovereignty in the territories.

c. Stop slavery from spreading to new territories.

d. Support Abraham Lincoln for President in1856.

13. The Compromise of 1850 said that:

a. Congress would pass no law affecting slavery.

b. Slavery would be banned in Washington, D.C.

c. California would be admitted as a slave state.

d. New Mexico and Utah could decide the slavery question by popular sovereignty.

14. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 declared that:

a. All citizens must help catch runaway slaves.

b. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 was unconstitutional.

c. The underground railroad was legal.

d. Blacks in territories admitted after 1850 were free.

15. Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom’s Cabin is NOT true?

a. It presented slavery as a moral problem.

b. It increased anger over the Fugitive Slave Law.

c. It was based on a true story.

d. It became one of the most influential books in American history.

16. The Kansas-Nebraska Act applied the principal of:

a. States’ rights.

b. Nullification.

c. Popular sovereignty.

d. Universal suffrage.

17. “The Supreme Court of the United States is not the only power in this world. The Supreme

Court of the Almighty is greater. All that is merciful and just, on earth and in heaven, will

despise this edict.” In this quotation, Frederick Douglass protests:

a. The Missouri Compromise.

b. Lincoln’s “house divided” speech.

c. The Dred Scott decision.

d. John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry.

18. Dred Scott was:

a. A border ruffian.

b. A slave who filed a lawsuit fir his freedom.

c. A Republican senator.

d. The leader of a slave revolt.

19. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is not true?

a. It said that the slave had the choice to be free upon his master’s death.

b. It said that slaves were property.

c. It said that Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in a territory.

d. It said that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.

20. Which of the following was another reason for the Civil War (other than slavery)?

a. State rights vs. the Constitution

b. Tariffs

c. Legislative Mandates

d. All of the Above

21. John Brown attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry because he wanted to:

a. Start a slave revolt.

b. Force the South to secede.

c. Keep slavery out of Kansas.

d. Prevent Lincoln’s election.

22. Lincoln was able to win the election of 1860 largely because:

a. Abolitionists had become the majority.

b. Free blacks in the North supported him.

c. The Democratic party split into two.

d. Douglas threw his support behind Lincoln.

23. Lincoln’s election led many southerners to believe that:

a. The South controlled the nation’s government.

b. Slavery was evil.

c. A compromise between North and South was possible.

d. The South must secede from the Union.

24. The principal of popular sovereignty meant that:

a. Voters in a territory would decide whether or not to allow slavery.

b. Congress would decide whether or not to allow slavery in a territory.

c. Any new state would be a free state.

d. Any new state would be a slave state.

25. Southern slave owners demanded that:

a. Slavery be practiced in the North.

b. Slaves who escaped to the North be returned to them.

c. Free blacks be sent to Canada.

d. All new states accept the Missouri Compromise.

26. The founders of the Free Soil party decided that they needed a new political party because:

a. The abolitionist movement was losing strength.

b. The major parties would not take a stand on slavery.

c. The North controlled the existing political parties.

d. They wanted to preserve the Union.

27. In the debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession, the spokesperson for the South was:

a. Henry Clay.

b. Millard Fillmore.

c. John C. Calhoun.

d. Daniel Webster.

28. Which of the following were based on the principal of popular sovereignty?

I. Missouri Compromise

II. Wilmot Proviso

III. Compromise of 1850.

V. Kansas-Nebraska Act

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. III and IV

29. Both the Fugitive Slave Law and Uncle Tom’s Cabin caused many people in the North to:

a. Support the abolitionist cause.

b. Distrust abolitionists.

c. Support Stephen Douglas for president.

d. Favor secession from the Union.

30. Which of the following undid the Missouri Compromise?

a. The Compromise of 1850.

b. The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

c. The Fugitive Slave Law.

d. The Wilmot Proviso.

31. Which of the following was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

a. Border Ruffians elected an anti-slavery government.

b. Most people accepted Kansas as a slave state.

c. John Brown left Kansas for Nebraska.

d. Proslavery and antislavery forced battled to control Kansas.

32. The Dred Scott decision angered northerners because it:

a. Said the Republican party was unconstitutional.

b. Allowed slavery in all the territories.

c. Said John Brown was guilty of murder.

d. Upheld the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850.

33. John Brown was:

a. Hated in the South/Loved in the North

b. Hated in the South/Hated in the North

c. Loved in the South/Hated in the North

d. Loved in the South/Loved in the North

34. Which of the following statements was probably made by a southerner?

a. “No state can lawfully leave the Union.”

b. “I speak not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a northern man, but as an American. I

speak for the preservation of the Union.”

c. “Let the states agree to separate and part in peace.”

d. “Only Congress has the power to end slavery.”

35. Lincoln became President in 1860 by:

a. Winning every state.

b. Running on both the Republican and Democratic tickets.

c. Carrying the northern states.

d. Running with Stephen Douglas.

36. On what subject did most Northern whites and Southern whites agree?

a. Slavery was dying and one day all slaves would be free

b. The people in a territory should decide whether to permit slavery or not

c. Congress presented no serious threat to the South and slavery.

d. Free African Americans should not be allowed to vote.

37. The belief that the people living in a region should decide key issues is?

a. Republicanism

b. Popular Sovereignty

c. Secession

d. Sectionalism

38. What caused the Kansas Territory to be called “Bleeding Kansas”?

a. Slavery in Kansas was to be decided by popular sovereignty

b. One senator in Kansas physically attacked another senator

c. John Brown led the Sack of Lawrence.

d. The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case caused riots in Kansas

39. Which event affected the outcome of the 1860 presidential election?

a. Douglas’ support for popular sovereignty split the Democratic Party

b. Douglas’ views on slavery turned Southern voters against him

c. Lincolns’ views on slavery made him the best candidate in the North

d. All of the Above are true

40. Northerners were unhappy about the fate of which two people?

a. John Brown and Preston Brooks

b. Dred Scott and John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas and Charles Sumner

d. Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln


John Brown’s Raid

41. To what revolutionary war hero does Copeland compare himself?

a. Washington

b. Franklin

c. Adams

d. Holmes

42. How does Copeland view the cause he is fighting for?

a. Rough and full of danger

b. Scary and uneventful

c. Honorable and glorious

d. Not worth the sacrifice

43. How did Copeland feel about his upcoming death?

a. Scared

b. Angry

c. Honored

d. He didn’t care

44. Copeland related John Brown’s raid to the Revolutionary War because:

a. The war was fought for blacks and whites

b. It was against the British

c. It was about “taxation without representation”

d. The South was going to going to occupy the North

45. How did Copeland view John Brown?

a. noble

b. crazy

c. cruel

d. evil

46. How many sons did J. Brown lose?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

47. How did Dangerfield describe Brown’s views on slavery?

a. Justified

b. non-sensible

c. rational

d. None of the Above

48. How did Brown view combat against unarmed people?

a. Fair

b. Unfair

c. “By any means necessary.”

d. None of the above

49. Overall, the 2nd passage shows John Brown’s

a. Bravery

b. Insanity

c. Ruthlessness

d. All of the Above

50. If one word describes John Brown’s own feelings in freeing slaves, it would be:

a. duty

b. irresponsibility

c. disregard

d. law-changer

Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________

Chapter 15 Test**



Directions: Match the term/person to the question below.

Part 1

a. Dred Scott

b. John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas

d. Abraham Lincoln

e. Jefferson Davis

_____ 1. Who captured the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

_____ 2. Which political figure opposed the expansion of slavery into any Western territory?

_____ 3. Who did the Northern Democrats nominate to be President in 1860?

_____ 4. Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark Supreme Court decision?

_____ 5. Whom did the Confederate States of America select as President after seceding from the Union?

Part 2

a. Wilmot Proviso

b. Compromise of 1850

c. Fugitive Slave Act

d. Platform

e. Free-Soil Party

_____ 1. What is a statement of a political party’s beliefs called?

_____ 2. What bill unsuccessfully attempted to ban slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico?

_____ 3. Which bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and in the rest of Mexican Cession?

_____ 4. Which political party was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery?

_____ 5. Which law aroused great opposition and widespread disobedience in the North?

Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the BEST ANSWER for each question.

11. The Missouri Compromise resulted in:

a. A ban on slavery in new territories.

b. The number of slave and free states staying equal.

c. Popular sovereignty in Missouri.

12. The Free Soil Party wanted to:

a. End slavery in the South.

b. Institute popular sovereignty in the territories.

c. Stop slavery from spreading to new territories.

13. The Compromise of 1850 said that:

a. Congress would pass no law affecting slavery.

b. Slavery would be banned in Washington, D.C.

c. New Mexico and Utah could decide the slavery question by popular sovereignty.

14. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 declared that:

a. All citizens must help catch runaway slaves.

b. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 was unconstitutional.

c. The underground railroad was legal.

15. Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom’s Cabin is NOT true?

a. It presented slavery as a moral problem.

b. It increased anger over the Fugitive Slave Law.

c. It was based on a true story.

16. The Kansas-Nebraska Act applied the principal of:

a. States’ rights.

b. Nullification.

c. Popular sovereignty.

17. “The Supreme Court of the United States is not the only power in this world. The Supreme

Court of the Almighty is greater. All that is merciful and just, on earth and in heaven, will

despise this edict.” In this quotation, Frederick Douglass protests:

a. The Missouri Compromise.

b. Lincoln’s “house divided” speech.

c. The Dred Scott decision.

18. Dred Scott was:

a. A border ruffian.

b. A slave who filed a lawsuit fir his freedom.

c. A Republican senator.

19. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is not true?

a. It said that the slave had the choice to be free upon his master’s death.

b. It said that slaves were property.

c. It said that Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in a territory.

20. Which of the following was another reason for the Civil War (other than slavery)?

a. State rights vs. the Constitution

b. Tariffs

c. All of the Above

21. John Brown attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry because he wanted to:

a. Start a slave revolt.

b. Force the South to secede.

c. Keep slavery out of Kansas.

22. Lincoln was able to win the election of 1860 largely because:

a. Abolitionists had become the majority.

b. Free blacks in the North supported him.

c. The Democratic party split into two.

23. Lincoln’s election led many southerners to believe that:

a. The South controlled the nation’s government.

b. A compromise between North and South was possible.

c. The South must secede from the Union.

24. The principal of popular sovereignty meant that:

a. Voters in a territory would decide whether or not to allow slavery.

b. Congress would decide whether or not to allow slavery in a territory.

c. Any new state would be a free state.

25. Southern slave owners demanded that:

a. Slavery be practiced in the North.

b. Slaves who escaped to the North be returned to them.

c. Free blacks be sent to Canada.

26. The founders of the Free Soil party decided that they needed a new political party because:

a. The abolitionist movement was losing strength.

b. The major parties would not take a stand on slavery.

c. The North controlled the existing political parties.

27. In the debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession, the spokesperson for the South was:

a. Henry Clay.

b. Millard Fillmore.

c. John C. Calhoun.

28. Which of the following were based on the principal of popular sovereignty?

I. Missouri Compromise

II. Wilmot Proviso

III. Compromise of 1850.

VI. Kansas-Nebraska Act

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. III and IV

29. Both the Fugitive Slave Law and Uncle Tom’s Cabin caused many people in the North to:

a. Support the abolitionist cause.

b. Distrust abolitionists.

c. Support Stephen Douglas for president.

30. Which of the following undid the Missouri Compromise?

a. The Compromise of 1850.

b. The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

c. The Fugitive Slave Law.

31. Which of the following was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

a. Border Ruffians elected an anti-slavery government.

b. Most people accepted Kansas as a slave state.

c. Proslavery and antislavery forced battled to control Kansas.

32. The Dred Scott decision angered northerners because it:

a. Said the Republican party was unconstitutional.

b. Allowed slavery in all the territories.

c. Said John Brown was guilty of murder.

33. John Brown was:

a. Hated in the South/Loved in the North

b. Hated in the South/Hated in the North

c. Loved in the South/Hated in the North

34. Which of the following statements was probably made by a southerner?

a. “No state can lawfully leave the Union.”

b. “I speak not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a northern man, but as an American. I

speak for the preservation of the Union.”

c. “Let the states agree to separate and part in peace.”

35. Lincoln became President in 1860 by:

a. Winning every state.

b. Running on both the Republican and Democratic tickets.

c. Carrying the northern states.

36. On what subject did most Northern whites and Southern whites agree?

a. Slavery was dying and one day all slaves would be free

b. The people in a territory should decide whether to permit slavery or not

c. Free African Americans should not be allowed to vote.

37. The belief that the people living in a region should decide key issues is?

a. Republicanism

b. Popular Sovereignty

c. Secession

38. What caused the Kansas Territory to be called “Bleeding Kansas”?

a. Slavery in Kansas was to be decided by popular sovereignty

b. One senator in Kansas physically attacked another senator

c. John Brown led the Sack of Lawrence.

39. Which event affected the outcome of the 1860 presidential election?

a. Douglas’ support for popular sovereignty split the Democratic Party

b. Douglas’ views on slavery turned Southern voters against him

c. All of the Above are true

40. Northerners were unhappy about the fate of which two people?

a. John Brown and Preston Brooks

b. Dred Scott and John Brown

c. Stephen A. Douglas and Charles Sumner


John Brown’s Raid

41. To what revolutionary war hero does Copeland compare himself?

a. Washington

b. Franklin

c. Adams

42. How does Copeland view the cause he is fighting for?

a. Rough and full of danger

b. Scary and uneventful

c. Honorable and glorious

43. How did Copeland feel about his upcoming death?

a. Scared

b. Angry

c. Honored

44. Copeland related John Brown’s raid to the Revolutionary War because:

a. The war was fought for blacks and whites

b. It was against the British

c. It was about “taxation without representation”

45. How did Copeland view John Brown?

a. noble

b. crazy

c. cruel

46. How many sons did J. Brown lose?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

47. How did Dangerfield describe Brown’s views on slavery?

a. Justified

b. non-sensible

c. rational

48. How did Brown view combat against unarmed people?

a. Fair

b. Unfair

c. “By any means necessary.”

49. Overall, the 2nd passage shows John Brown’s

a. Bravery

b. Insanity

c. Ruthlessness

50. If one word describes John Brown’s own feelings in freeing slaves, it would be:

a. duty

b. irresponsibility

c. disregard

Virginia and the Disunionists

41. According to the article, Virginia was stuck in the middle because:

a. Supported Lincoln and supported Davis

b. Hated slavery but believed it should be kept

c. Slavery should be kept but, was not willing to join the Confederacy

d. Favored state rights but believed in a strong executive branch

e. None of the Above

42. According to the article, the South was sub-servant to:

a. Cotton

b. Slavery

c. The Confederacy

d. Tobacco

e. All of the Above

43. Who is the article endorsing for a run to the presidency?

a. Lincoln

b. Davis

c. Floyd

d. Hunter

e. Wise

44. According to the article, the Virginia made its money from:

a. The selling of slaves

b. Importing machinery from the North and re-selling it

c. Exporting cotton

d. Tariffs from foreign exports

e. None of the Above

45. Virginia was split within itself because:

a. The east was opposed to slavery/the west was open to it

b. The north identified with the abolitionist and the south with the Confederacy

c. The west was opposed to slavery/the east was opposed to the foreign slave trade

d. The north was not willing to secede/the south was willing

e. Both B & D

The Virginia Insurrection

46. The article portrays John Brown as:

a. A man out for revenge

b. A sympathetic hero

c. A government crusader

d. A thug

e. None of the Above

47. This was most likely written by:

a. A Southern newspaper

b. A Northern newspaper

c. The Liberator

d. A free African-American

e. None of the Above

48. The author seems to feel:

a. The South will get revenge

b. This will spur further riots

c. This will ruin North/South relations

d. This will have a crippling impact on the Southern economy

e. This attack was insignificant

49. As a result of the insurrection:

a. Nothing will happen

b. The South will secede

c. Virginia will ban slavery

d. Moves slave-trading southward

e. None of the Above

50. According to the author, this event had a significant impact on John Brown:

a. Dred Scott decision

b. Compromise of 1850

c. “Bleeding Kansas”

d. Brooks attack on Sumner

e. Failure of the Crittenden Plan


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