Believing in Magick

Believing in Magic

By Zoe Price


SHADOWLORD: (Off stage voice) Of all the things that have come to be, this just may be the worst.

HENCHMAN: (Off stage voice) What has happened, my Lord?

SHADOWLORD: The birth of these eight individuals.

HENCHMAN: What are so bad about eight children? You are much too mighty for them to over throw you!

SHADOWLORD: Although they are in mortal form, they are in touch with the Dragon Lord, who has destroyed many Shadow Lords in the past. These children are very powerful Magical beings. Their mere presence eventually could be the downfall of the Shadow Estate. We must keep the thought of Magic from their minds, for if they learn Magic, then we may lose this war, and the Night Lord will have the opportunity to control the darkness. Shadow territory will seize to exist.

HENCHMAN: My Lord, we are the most powerful Estate in all of the Magical Kingdom! There is no way a rag-tag team of children could destroy us!

SHADOWLORD: Silence! Bring me my Shadow Cloak. I am leaving.


VASSIE: (Narrating) I hear it in my sleep at least once in every dream, only starting when I turned 3. Now I am moving away from all of my friends in Texas to Utah, which I hear is much colder. It seems dull, and boring. Besides, I knew everyone in Texas, and now I’m moving elsewhere, where I know no one. My Dad got a job here, and I guess it had a good salary. Whatever. I really don’t care anymore. As my plane landed, and I exited the plane, I was expecting a nice rush of warm air, which would be nice compared to the cold of the air conditioned plane. But to be honest, it was even colder outside than it was inside. Now we have a car, and our moving van will be here with our stuff. Our house is supposed to be within walking distance of the new school I’m going to: Morningside Elementary. There are lots of kids running around playing without jackets, while I put on my winter coat that my parents thought we might need. They were right, of course. Tomorrow I have to start school. It is supposed to be overcast, windy, and cold. I can’t see any sign of such cold weather, but I can usually trust the weathermen. I am unexcited for trying to make friends with these Viking children. I don’t know how anything could be worse. I can see a moving van up in the distance, parked next to a large house. It looks just like all the others: Newly built, modern, and dull. Nothing special about it except for the address. As we pull into the driveway, some boys next door stop playing soccer. I decide to listen in to their conversation when I get out of the car. My dad parks, and gets out of the car to greet and help the movers. I slowly exit the car, and quietly shut the door.

JED: (Look back at TREVOR after looking at VASSIE for a while) Well, Verity and Ember said they’d be here soon. Mist might be here if her room is clean enough, Noelle is on her way, and Catlin will be here after she washes her dog.

TREVOR: (Look at VASSIE) Looks like we’re going to have a new student. Glad the others can make it.

EMBER & VERITY: (Hold hands on your way up the hill)

JED: (Yell) Why are you guys walking?

EMBER: (Yell in response) Verity’s mom said she couldn’t drive us here, so we took the bus.

VERITY: (Yell) There aren’t a lot of bus stops up here!

TREVOR: (Slowly look away from VASSIE) We’re gonna have a new student!

EMBER: (Jog with VERITY up to JED and TREVOR) How do you know?

JED: (Gesture towards VASSIE and the moving van) That’s how.


VASSIE: (Annoyed) What?

MOM: (Yell) Vassie, could you please come help unpack some?

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) Coming! (Jog off to help MOM)


(In office at Morningside Elementary. Before school)

MOM: (Stand with VASSIE behind desk)

SECRETARY: (Look up from computer) How may I help you?

MOM: (Smile kindly) Hey, my daughter Vassie has been enrolled here, but we were in Texas for a while, so she’s a new student.

SECRETARY: (Squint as you look through files for a while) Vassie Giliden?

MOM: (Nod your head) Yep!

SECRETARY: (Smile and look at VASSIE) Welcome to Morningside, Vassie! Aren’t you in Mrs. Becker’s class?

VASSIE: (Look at the Secretary uncomfortably) I guess so.

SECRETARY: (Challengingly, keep on smiling) You nervous?

VASSIE: (Slightly angry and annoyed) No, of course not! Why would I be nervous?

SECRETARY: (Stand up and walk over to VASSIE, laughing. Hug her when you reach her) There’s no need to hide it! Everyone else was nervous! It isn’t a bad thing.

VASSIE: (Make a face of confusion and fear as the SECRETARY hugs you)

SECRETARY: (Pull away from the hug. Continue smiling as she looks at VASSIE steadily) Do you have your supplies?

VASSIE: (Hold up your backpack) Yep. Where’s my classroom?

SECRETARY: (Start walking out of the room) Follow me.

VASSIE: (Turn and follow the SECRETARY out of the room)

(In the classroom. The bell rings. VASSIE sitting in a chair in the front of the room as children pour into the class room)

TEACHER: (Stand in front of the class as everyone prepares for the day. Wait for all students to be seated before speaking) One two three, eyes on me!

CLASS: (Look at teacher) One, two, eyes on you!

TEACHER: (Look at class) Very good. We have a new student. She will introduce herself, and then we will all say our names in this order. (Demonstrate with your finger by pointing where you want it to start) We will start here and move across over to here. Alright?

CLASS: (Make noises of approval)

TEACHER: (Look at VASSIE) Now let’s turn the time over to our new student!

VASSIE: (Stand and look over the class) Hi, I’m Vassie Giliden, and I just moved from Houston, Texas. I am very excited to get to know all of you.

TEACHER: (Look back at class) Let’s go ahead and introduce ourselves!

CLASS: (Begin introducing themselves)

TEACHER: (Nod as everyone says their names) Is there anyone who would like to show Vassie around?

CLASS: (Raise their hands in various areas of the room)

TEACHER: (Search the class for a bit) Noelle, could you do that for me?

NOELLE: (Smile, and nod your head) Yep! I’d be honored!


(Shadow Lord at the Lair of the Fire Demon)

FIRE: (Offstage voice) Why have you come here, All Mighty One?

SHADOW: (Knees down at the Edge of Dark Chasm) I am here on an emergency, my old friend.

FIRE: What is so urgent that you can not handle it yourself, my brother?

SHADOW: (Look steadily into the chasm) There are eight children in mortal form.

FIRE: Mortal are no emergency.

SHADOW: (Continue looking confidently) They are no mortals. They are trapped on Earth, in mortal form, but they are in contact with the Dragon Lord, who has destroyed many previous Shadow Lords.

FIRE: Previous Shadow Lords were all of much less power than you! I still do not see your urgency.

SHADOW: (Keep on looking) I know that they were all lesser than me, but these Magical beings in mortal form could be the end of me. They are all very powerful, and now as they are in their sixth year of education, they are all together, and they are well acquainted. They are of a good age to defeat me. I am old, and slow, where as they are young, and agile. I am in too much danger, and I can not risk my life. They could end the Shadow Estate, and the Night Lord could most certainly take over.

FIRE: Youths in their sixth year of education are no threat. You are starting to seem lesser than I was expecting.

SHADOW: (Continue to stare) Fire! You’re my brother! You should not underestimate my power! I have never turned you down like that once in all my lives! I beg of you-- please save me from my torture.

FIRE: Fine, fine. I will do my best to help you, Shadow. Step into my ring, and I shall make you a youth as well.

SHADOW: (Shake your head in frustration) No, no, you don’t get it! I need your aid, not your power!

FIRE: Are you suggesting you know how break my ring of captivity so I can go after these mortals?

SHADOW: (Smirk as you look deeply into the darkness) Yes, I know how to break your ring of captivity. Come, and gather an army, and make it yours! I shall give you my most powerful staff, and you shall go after these beings of mortality, and destroy them. You shall gain the power of a thousand Lords! Brace yourself, for you shall run free! (Stand up)

FIRE: You’re most powerful Shadow Staff, with my most powerful Fire Orb in its arch? How delightful! Free, I shall destroy the mortals, and they shall be gone forever!

SHADOW: (Do the breaking of the spell, and run off stage)

FIRE: (Laugh maniacally as you are released)


(First recess)

NOELLE: (Walk with VASSIE around to the side of the building) The doors we went through are the upper grade doors. We go in and out of the school building mainly through those doors only. Technically, you’re supposed to go through the bathrooms so that you can use the restroom during your time as opposed to the teacher’s, but no one really follows that rule.

VASSIE: (Look around) So, where are the bathroom doors?

NOELLE: (Keep on walking and point at the bathroom door) Right over there. Not too far away, either! (Stop and look at VASSIE)

VASSIE: (Stop and look at NOELLE) So don’t people hang out with each other during recess?

NOELLE: (Slightly confused) Well…um….yeah….why?

VASSIE: (Smile politely) Well, I think I should try to make some new friends, so I thought I might like to meet who you hang out with.

NOELLE: (Smile enthusiastically) Oh, they’ll be coming. I bet they had to turn some stuff in or something.

VASSIE: (Nod your head) Oh.

VERITY, CATLIN, EMBER, MIST, TREVOR, & JED: (Round corner and jog over to meet NOELLE)

MIST: (Fold your arms. Slightly annoyed) We just love your optimist attitude, Noelle.

CATLIN: (Put your hands on your hips and rolls your eyes as she looks over at MIST) She didn’t do anything wrong, Mist. Just give her a chance. At least she’s trying.

MIST: (Throw your hands up in the air) Please say you haven’t already forgotten what happened with Alicia. Remember how she bullied us for two whole months before we actually got the guts to tell anyone about it?

EMBER: (Kind of raise your hand) Um…Hey! I was telling you guys that we should tell someone after two days of that! You guys were just being idiots!

VERITY: (Come up beside EMBER) She’s right, you know. She told us that it would get ugly, but none of us listened, did we? I like Noelle’s positive attitude.

JED: (Cover your face with one hand) Girl fight.

TREVOR: (Slouch) Again?

JED: (Slowly drag your hand down your face) I guess this is what we get for hanging out with a bunch of girls.

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) Hey, I’m Vassie. I would like to get to know you guys. Noelle, are they always like this?

NOELLE: (Shake your head) No, but it is one of their high points. Mist is always looking for a fight, but they’re all fights she knows she doesn’t stand a chance of winning.

EMBER: (Laugh) No kidding! She’s like a ball of energy!

VERITY: (Nod your head) The negative kind.

MIST: (Glare at EMBER and VERITY) Why do you always have to go back to that kind of paranormal stuff? It’s so annoying!

CATLIN: (Walk to the middle of the circle) Look, guys. Noelle was just trying to help us make some new friends. Since this is kind of a first impression kind of thing, we should stop fighting and try to be nice. Let’s try to be ourselves without fighting with one another. Okay?

TREVOR: (Look up at the sky) Finally, somebody gets it!

VERITY: (Jump. Happily) Yea for positivism!

MIST: (Look away in anger) Fine.

NOELLE: (Look at VASSIE and gesture to her friends) These are my friends: Mist, Catlin, Verity, Ember, Jed, and Trevor.

VASSIE: (Look at VERITY and EMBER) Are you two always so close?

VERITY & EMBER: (Look at each other in confusion)

EMBER: (Look back at VASSIE, still confused) Well, yeah, I guess so.

VASSIE: (Shift your weight) Is everyone around here like that?

VERITY: (Slightly uncomfortable) Well, um…not really…

VASSIE: (Fold your arms) Is it because you’re, like, best friends of something?

CATLIN: (Casually) Not all best friends are like that. Noelle and I are best friends, and we aren’t usually very close.

VASSIE: (Look over at NOELLE) Are they gay or something?

NOELLE: (Hiss to CATLIN) You shouldn’t have said that!

VERITY & EMBER: (Offended)

EMBER: (Angry with VASSIE) The word’s homosexual, and it’s a little too early to tell! We don’t know if we’re “gay” or not, but even if we are, it’s not really any of your business! I mean, granted, if it was you that either of us liked, then it would be your business, but right now, it really seems like neither of really do right about now. I would recommend leaving us alone.

VERITY: (Slowly back away with EMBER) Um, Noelle? We might hang out with you tomorrow when you aren’t showing people around the school. (Jog away with EMBER)

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes, annoyed) Here we go again.

JED: (Look over your shoulder at EMBER and VERITY, very concerned) Oh, dear! (Chase after EMBER and VERITY)

MIST: (Glare at VASSIE and NOELLE) See what I mean, Noelle? New girls have this tension for causing problems among our friendships!

CATLIN: (Glare at MIST) I think that you’re the one causing the problem, Mist! You always seem to be having some kind of issue with somebody or something. I mean, seriously? What’s your damage?

MIST: (Turn your back on CATLIN, speaking over your shoulder) 75, water!

HAZEL: (Walk over with VERITY, EMBER, and JED) Ladies, ladies, you’re both beautiful, and the hats are the same size! I have a few things to say to all of you! Number 1: Vassie, Ember and Verity are not lesbian. They’re two of together. Number 2: Jed and Trevor, you are both really nice guys. Number 3: Noelle, there is nothing wrong with your positive attitude. Number 4: Catlin, it’s a great thing that you are trying to solve the problem, but you should try to be a little nicer when you do it. Number 5: Mist, your damage is not 75 water. It’s 1 storm. Number 6: Jed and Trevor are both really nice. Number-

VASSIE: (Confused) Wait, aren’t number 2 and number 6 the same thing? All you did was word them differently.

HAZEL: (Roll your eyes) I had to mention it twice because of how incredibly nice they are. Number 7: Mist, you need to be a lot nicer to your friends. Number 8: Vassie, in case you were unaware, I am Verity’s sister, Hazel. Number 9: Gandalf’s running for president. Number 10: In case I forgot to mention it, Jed and Trevor are two really nice guys.

CATLIN: (Confused, fold you arms) Wait-Gandalf? Like from Lord of the Rings?

HAZEL: (Still very serene) Yes.

NOELLE: (Confused, put your hands on your hips) Why is he running for president, and what does that have to do with our friendship issues?

HAZEL: (Smile slightly) Because I didn’t want to stop at nine things, so I needed to think of something to add that would make it fit.

EMBER & VERITY: (Burst into laughter)

JED: (Beam) Did you guys know that Trevor and I are really nice guys?

MIST: (Roll your eyes) I think Hazel already mentioned that.

VASSIE: (Eye HAZEL suspiciously) What grade are you in?

HAZEL: (Stand as tall as you can, proudly) Fourth!

VASSIE: (Let your jaw drop for a bit, and then close your mouth again)

EMBER & VERITY: (In unison) What does two of together mean? (Look at each other and giggle a bit)

TREVOR: (Act like you just remembered something) Oh, I need to tell you guys something!

EVERYONE: (Direct your attention to TREVOR)

TREVOR: (Try to resist a smile as you says this) Jed and I are really nice guys.


(After school)

NOELLE: (Walk out of the building, smile at VASSIE) It was really nice getting to meet you!

VASSIE: (Smile back) Yeah! Do you think we could hang out together tomorrow?

EMBER: (Nod your head with a grin) Fine with me!

TREVOR: (Squint into the distance) Hey, guys, is that an elephant?

EVERYONE: (Look over your shoulder at the “elephant”)

VERITY: (Glare at TREVOR) Trev, why do you have to be so mean?

MIST: (Glare at TREVOR) Yeah. Like, seriously dude, that’s really not funny.

TREVOR: (Grin) That so was too funny!

CATLIN: (Glare at TREVOR) That wasn’t funny, it was mean.

JED: (Roll your eyes at TREVOR) You are really rude. Why do you always have the urge to do that kind of stuff?

TREVOR: (Grin) ‘Cause it’s hilarious!

NOELLE: (Put your hands on your hips and lea forward) Nuh-uh!

TREVOR: (Fold your arms) Yuh-huh!

NOELLE: Nuh-uh!

VASSIE: (Glare) Yeah, you seriously are mean.

TREVOR: (Keep your arms folded) Nuh-uh! I’m just special!

JED: (Put your hands in your pockets) If your specialness comes into the section of being the most annoying person on the entire planet, then you’ve totally aced it. You have more than won first place.

VERITY: (Roll your eyes) Definitely.

CATLIN: (Start slowly heading for the drop off/pick up zone) Sorry guys, I have to go visit a doctor about the dreams. I really wish I could stay a little longer, but I bet my mom’s waiting for me, so I really should be going. See you all tomorrow!

EMBER: (As if you just remembered something) Oh, wait, Catlin!

CATLIN: (Turn around) Huh?

EMBER: (Wave as you speak) Can you tell the doctor about our dreams too? I mean, seriously, dreams that I am sharing with all of my friends that happen at the same time every night kind of gets on my nerves.

MIST: (Roll your eyes) Ya think?

NOELLE: (Laugh) No kidding!

EMBER: (Ironically) I mean, just a little.

JED: (Smile slightly at their jokes) Yeah, be sure to tell him about all of our dreams.

VASSIE: (Confused) What are you talking about? What dreams?

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes like it’s nothing) Oh, we’ve just been having the same dreams every night, and at the same time every night. It’s no big deal.

VERITY: (Upset with TREVOR) No big deal? Of course it’s a big deal! The spirits are trying to send us a message!

EMBER: (Angry as well) And it could be especially important since we’ve been having that exact same scenario play out in our heads at the same time every night, ever since we were three years old!

VASSIE: (Surprised and a little nervous) Since you were…were…three?

CATLIN: (A little suspicious with VASSIE'S sudden change of behavior) Yes, since we were three.

MIST: (Roll your eyes, annoyed) Please say you don’t believe in this kind of paranormal stuff too.

VASSIE: (Quickly glance around the group, anxiously) I didn’t, but I might start soon. What scenario has been playing?

NOELLE: (A little uncomfortable) Well, first this guy who is apparently really powerful says that of all the things that have come to be this may be the worst.

VASSIE: (Squint in confusion) What happened that is so terrible?

NOELLE: (Put a hand up in front of you) I’m getting there. So, then this other guy asks the first guy what has happened, and then the first guy is all like, (imitate the SHADOW LORD) “The birth of these eight individuals,” and then the other guy says, “What is so bad about eight children? You are much too mighty for them to over throw you!” and then the first guy gets kind of angry and agitated at the other guy, and says, “Although they are in mortal form, they are in touch with the Dragon Lord, who has destroyed many previous Shadow Lords. These kids are very powerful Magical beings.”

JED: (Laugh a little) He says “children”, not “kids”!

NOELLE: (Rolls your eyes) Whatever! Anyway, the first guy was all like,” Their mere presence eventually could be the downfall of the Shadow Estate. We must keep the thought of Magic from their minds, for if they learn Magic, we could lose this war, and the Night Lord would have the opportunity to take over.” And then the other guy says, “My Lord, we are the most powerful estate in the Magical Kingdom! There is no way a small group of children could destroy us!” But then-

CATLIN: (As if in a trance, stare at VASSIE) Actually, he says, “There is no way a rag-tag team of children could destroy us,” not “There is no way a small group of children could destroy us.”

NOELLE: (Roll your eyes and fold your arms) Everyone’s a critic.

JED: (Laugh slightly, and carry on the story) Anyway, since I actually seem to remember the dream, the “first guy,” as you call it, says,” Silence! Bring me my Shadow Cloak. I am leaving.” Then the dream’s over.

EMBER & VERITY: (In unison) Yeah! Isn’t it kind of freaky that none of us can ever remember anything else from our dreams? (Look at each other and giggle)

MIST: (Annoyed) Hey! Jed remembers several parts of all of his dreams.

VERITY: (Put one hand on your hip) Well, yeah, he isn’t earth-bound like the rest of us!

EMBER: (Confused) Earth-bound?

VERITY: (Look at EMBER and then close your eyes and wave a dismissive hand) I’ll explain on the way home.

VASSIE: (A little scared) Um…you’re sure that’s what they say?

TREVOR: (Laugh) Yeah! Believe me, Jed never forgets a dream!

VASSIE: (Bend over a little and take a step backwards) And you’re a hundred percent positive?

JED: (Now a little concerned) Yes, why?

VASSIE: (Close your eyes, and then take a deep breath) I’m having the same dream.

CATLIN: (Widen your eyes, look at ground, a little scared) How many children were born again?

MIST: (Look at CATLIN) Seven?

JED: (Laugh) No, Mist, actually he said eight.

CATLIN: (Slowly lift your gaze from the ground) Em? Ver?

EMBER & VERITY: (Attentive) Huh?

CATLIN: (Swallow) I think you guys might be right.

NOELLE: (Confused) What do you mean?

MIST: (Roll your eyes, annoyed) You have to be kidding me!

CATLIN: (Start backing away to the drop off/pick up zone) You might want to do a head count.

EVERYONE: (Look around and pretend to count everyone)

CATLIN: (Run to the car in the drop off/pick up zone)

EVERYONE: (Stare at each other in silence)


THERAPIST: (Enter room holding clip board) So, are you Catlin?

CATLIN: (Nod your head)

THERAPIST: Hello. My name is Dr. Kenny. Nice to meet you.

CATLIN: (Shyly) Nice to meet you, too.

THERAPIST: (Look at clip board, then glance back up at CATLIN) So I hear you have been having some strange dreams.

CATLIN: (Nervous) Yes.

THERAPIST: (Put down the clip board and look at CATLIN) Would you like to tell me about them?

CATLIN: (A little anxious) Um…sure. So there are two men speaking to one anther, and the first one, apparently a king or something, says that the birth of these eight kids could be the worst thing that has come to be, and that he has to keep the thought of Magic from their minds, for they could be the downfall of the Shadow Estate, and the king would lose the war. I guess he’s scared that the Night Lord will take over and control the darkness.

THERAPIST: (Squint at your clip board) Hmm…has this dream occurred more than once?

CATLIN: (Nod vigorously) Yes. Every night since I turned three…but of course I can’t remember anything from before I was three…except seeing funny creatures made of shadows on my first birthday.

THERAPIST: (Surprised for a moment, but quickly regain your composition) Hmm…. (direct your attention to the mother) Miss, this is nothing to be worried about, just a simple case of reoccurring dreams, but poor little Catlin here seems a little stressed about it, so would you mind stepping out for a moment while I talk this out with your daughter and explain what a reoccurring dream is?

MOM: (Nod) Not at all. (Step out)

THERAPIST: (Watch MOM as she exits the room, then look steadily at Catlin) So, is there anything else you would like to tell me about your dreams?

CATLIN: (Begin speaking, nervously) Well, a-

THERAPIST: (Acting more like POISON LORD) It’s okay, little girl. There’s no need to be scared.

CATLIN: (Stand up) Are you okay?

THERAPIST: (More like a therapist this time) Perfectly fine. Sorry. I have strange reactions like that. Um…you were saying something?

CATLIN: (Turn your back towards the door, and step back a couple steps) Uh, yeah. All seven of my friends have been having the exact same dream at 12:30 in the morning, every night.

THERAPIST: (Smile slyly) That does make eight of you, right?

CATLIN: (Another couple of steps) Yeah. Is that a bad thing?

THERAPIST: (Lock the door/windows with Magic and take off your glasses and clean them) No, not at all. It actually makes my job much easier. (Make the room sound proof using Magic)

CATLIN: (Move towards the door, a little hastier now) Why did the walls just get all shiny?

THERAPIST: (Throw your glasses to the ground, and turn into POISON LORD) I know it’s unlikely that you will actually live to tell the tale, but just in case… (Use a curse)

CATLIN: (Turn and run towards the door, and try to open the door. Turn after you find it to be useless) What do you mean?

THERAPIST: (Start filling the room with poison) I’m sorry, Quiazaira, but I am under orders from the Shadow Lord to exterminate anyone from the Superior Eight. (Fake your death)

CATLIN: (Look around frantically for a way out as you cough due to the poison)

NURSE: (Start banging at the door from outside) Doctor? Doctor, are you all right?

CATLIN: (Crawl up to the door and press one hand up against it, and fall to the ground coughing)

SHADOW: (Angrily, offstage) Poison! I told you not to! (Teleport CATLIN to dark space)

CATLIN: (Cough, and sit up. Look at negative outline of SHADOW)

SHADOW: (Back to CATLIN) Your time has not come just yet. You will get to die along with the rest of your friends. Enjoy your life while you still can, and thank you for telling me so much. You don’t mind if I steal a little more, do you?

CATLIN: (Stand up) What do you mean, “Steal a little more?” (Now in school field, due to SHADOW. Hold your head, at the temples, and groan. Fall down)

SHADOW: (Offstage) I mean, “I’m going to steal your secrets.” (Laugh maniacally as CATLIN screams in pain)


(Before school on lower playground)

NOELLE: (A little anxious) I wonder where Trevor and Catlin are.

VASSIE: (Shrug) I don’t know about Trevor, but maybe Catlin had to stay home because of something the doctor said or diagnosed last night.

JED: (Look at NOELLE, concerned) Vassie is right, Noelle. I don’t know what you’re so concerned about. Are you alright?

NOELLE: (Shake your head and close your eyes) I’ve just been thinking about what Catlin said last night. The thing about eight children and the head count? It really just creeps me out.

VASSIE: (Kindly) I’m sure it’s just some coincidence. It is nothing to be worried about.

VERITY & EMBER: (Defensively) Not true! It is most likely some sort of sign!

JED: (Nod) It is very possible that it is some sort of sign, but for calming Noelle down, you aren’t helping much.

VERITY & EMBER: (Shamefully, hang your heads) Sorry.

TREVOR: (At the top of the stairs, upper playground. Yelling) Hey, Jed! Come give me a hand!

JED: (Yelling) You’re going to get in trouble for being up there!

VERITY & EMBER: (Excited) Trevor!

TREVOR: (Yelling) If you saw why I needed your help, then you would totally not think so!

JED: (Fold your arms) Where’s your backpack?

TREVOR: (Anxious) It fell off trying! Just come help me!

JED: (Skeptical) Is this like the time you told us that the principal was going to be assassinated at 1:00?

TREVOR: (Urgent) This is nothing like that! This is serious! Please come help me!

VASSIE: (Confused) Principal assassinated at 1:00?

NOELLE: (Slightly embarrassed) Uh…I…long story. I’ll tell you later.

EMBER: (Laugh) Amazingly, there was a time when we actually trusted Trevor.

VERITY: (Giggle) Weird, right?

JED: (Walk up to the edge of the stairs) I’ll help you until I see any sign of you tricking me. Alright?

TREVOR: (Exasperated) Fine, whatever! Just come help!

JED: (Ascend the stairs)

EMBER: (Slightly irritated) Oh, duh! We’ve totally forgotten about Mist!

NOELLE: (Roll your eyes) She’s probably just going to be “fashionably late” again. Oh, wait, no, she’s not “fashionably late”, she’s tardy.

JED & TREVOR: (Come down the stairs carrying CATLIN)

JED: (Carefully look behind you) Let’s go sideways. That’ll keep us from falling.

TREVOR: (Annoyed) No, it would keep you from falling, but the others would kill me if I made you go backwards down the stairs, so we’ll go sideways.

JED & TREVOR: (Turn sideways and make your way down the stairs)

CATLIN: (Wake up on the middle platform) Why are you guys carrying me?

JED & TREVOR: (Set CATLIN down on her feet)

TREVOR: (Relieved) You had passed out on the upper field.

JED: (To TREVOR) Never make me do that again. You so totally could have done that on your own.

(All descend the stairs)

NOELLE: (Relieved to see that CATLIN is alright) Hey, Kate! How was your doctor’s appointment?

CATLIN: (Listen to the bell ring) Oh! Bell! I don’t want to miss class, so I’m going to hurry now. (Run off to line)

MIST: (Walk over to them) What’s up?


(Lunch recess)

NOELLE: (A little embarrassed) So, in fourth grade, Trevor told us that the principal was going to be assassinated at one’ o’clock in the afternoon. We didn’t know him very well at the time, and he was a new part of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Club, so we believed him.

VASSIE: (Confused, yet kind of laughing) Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Club?

MIST: (Annoyed with the name) Yeah, it’s a name that Verity and Ember gifted us with, and it was catchy, so the name eventually stuck.

VERITY: (Offended) There’s nothing wrong with the club name!

EMBER: (To VASSIE, kindly and excitedly) You are one of the perfect Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Club. You are kind, fun loving, and ready to help! All of us but Mist are thrilled to have you in the group.

MIST: (Embarrassed) I don’t mind her being around…

NOELLE: (Continue your story) So, as I was saying, we didn’t know Trevor very well, and didn’t recognize him as a prankster up until the last second. He told us about “the assassination plan”, and helped us devise one to counteract the other one. So, in the middle of class, we all jumped up right before one, just like the plan told us to. We did everything right, but then the principal got angry at us for running in the halls because of a game.

TREVOR: (Laugh) That was precious! You were all so angry at me for tricking you, and the principal didn’t

even yell at me! Not once! I think it really annoyed you guys.

JED: (Annoyed) Do you want to know what’s even more annoying that that?

TREVOR: (Ready for anything, not suspicious) What?

JED: (Kind of smiling) Come here. I want to whisper it to you, so the others don’t hear.

EMBER & VERITY: (Angry) Jed!

NOELLE: (Exasperated) Really?

VASSIE: (Still a little lost) I’m assuming that this isn’t any good.

CATLIN: (Put one hand on your hip, and your head in one hand) Good guess, Vassie. The end is near. Jed is actually teaming up with Trevor.

MIST: (In despair) It has to be the end of the world.

TREVOR: (Put your ear next to Jed’s mouth, ready for the secret)

JED: (Get very close to his ear, and pretend to lick him. Get very close, but don’t actually lick him)

TREVOR: (Move away from JED as quick as possible) Ew! What was that for?

JED: (Start laughing)

VASSIE: (Confused along with everyone else) What? What happened?

TREVOR: (Disgusted) He licked my ear!

JED: (Laughing still) No I didn’t. I got close. Verity’s older sister’s cats do it all the time.

CATLIN: (On the verge of laughing) So you get close enough for them to hear the sound of someone licking you, and feel your breath on their face, but far away enough to keep from making any actual physical contact! That’s hilarious! (Begin laughing with everyone else)

TREVOR: (Holding your ear) That was so not funny!

MIST: (Feeling like you’ve finally won a fight) And neither are your little tricks.

NOELLE: (Look at CATLIN) So how was your doctor’s appointment?

CATLIN: (Scared to think of it) It was….weird.

VASSIE: (Anxious) Did they tell you what the condition was?

CATLIN: (Think for a moment) First he told me that it was a very simple case of reoccurring dreams, but after I told him that all seven of my friends were having it to, he told my mom that I was just a little stressed about it, and that I needed to talk it out with a professional. He somehow locked all the doors and windows, and the walls got all-(Start choking)

NOELLE: (Rush over to CATLIN) Kate!

TREVOR: (Scowl) I don’t trust you people anymore.

JED: (Glance over your shoulder) No, you just don’t trust me.

VERITY & EMBER: (In unison) Are you all right?

MIST: (Scared) Uh-oh.

JED: (Run over to CATLIN) What are you choking on?

VERITY & EMBER: (Run over to CATLIN) What did the walls do?

MIST: (Walk over to CATLIN) Should I get a recess duty?

CATLIN: (Nod through your coughs)

MIST: (Run to the nearest RECESS DUTY)

NOELLE: (Concerned) Is there something we should do?

CATLIN: (Shake your head violently. Speak through your coughs) No, it’s important. This really isn’t right. He told me I pro- (Start choking even worse)

VASSIE: (Look over at the approaching RECESS DUTY) The recess duty’s coming!

MIST: (Point at the commotion)

RECESS DUTY: (Look at the commotion, and keep on walking)

CATLIN: (Fall to the ground coughing)

JED: (Crouch and try to help her to her feet) Whatever she’s telling us has to be something important, otherwise she would’ve stopped trying a while ago.

VERITY & EMBER: (Crouch by JED and CATLIN) Can you spell or act it out for us?

CATLIN: (Start trying to stand up) S-H-I- (fall to the ground coughing)

VASSIE: (A little scared) What about acting it out?

TREVOR: (Frustrated) She is in no condition to act anything out.

CATLIN: (Around your coughs) I could most certainly act it out, Trevor. I just don’t know how to act out shi- (Cough harder than before)

RECESS DUTY: (Reach the group of kids) Do you know what she’s choking on?

NOELLE: (Shake your head and try to help CATLIN to her feet again) No.

TREVOR: (Question-like) Saliva?

MIST: (Annoyed and disgusted) Ew!

NOELLE: (Glance at TREVOR and continue to help CATLIN) Uncalled for, Trevor!

VERITY & EMBER: (Stand up)

VERITY: (Certain) Maybe Trevor’s right.

EMBER: (Certain) It could be like when you have a lot of saliva in your mouth, and then you inhale, accidentally pulling down some saliva too.

JED: (Look at VERITY and EMBER) Most human beings have choked it up by now!

HAZEL: (Laugh as you enter behind the recess duty) You’re so funny, Jed!

RECESS DUTY: (Concerned, try to shoo HAZEL away) I can’t help you right now. Go ask the other duty.

HAZEL: (Shake your head) I know what Catlin needs. And Trevor knows how to do it. (Look at TREVOR steadily) He’s actually pretty good at it. (Walk away)

TREVOR: (Stand, stunned for a moment, then sniff the air) Do you guys smell that?

EVERYONE: (Look at TREVOR, concerned) Smell what?

TREVOR: (Look at them like they’re stupid) Smoke! Something’s burning!

CATLIN: (Frightened, stand up) Yeah, I do smell that.

TREVOR: (Turn towards the cafeteria) There’s a fire in the cafeteria!

JED: (Stand up) Oh no.

NOELLE: (Keep your eyes on the cafeteria, but turn your head to talk to JED) This definitely can’t be good.

VERITY & EMBER: (Lead the chase, and run towards the cafeteria)

VASSIE: (Confused) Are we sure we trust Trevor?

MIST: (Nod) Yes. (Run after VERITY & EMBER)

JED, CATLIN, NOELLE, & VASSIE: (Follow everyone else)

EVERYONE: (Run into the cafeteria)

NOELLE: (Angry) Of course. Trevor has fooled us again.

VASSIE: (Scan the cafeteria) Remind me never to trust Trevor or Mist ever again.

VERITY: (Confused) Mist?

EMBER: (Confused) I can easily understand your grudge against Trevor, but Mist? What did she do?

CATLIN: (Turn and walk out the door) Trevor’s really going to get it this time.

JED: (Run after CATLIN) Catlin! Death isn’t necessarily a good thing! Especially when it comes to murdering your friends!

VASSIE: (Look back at everyone who is still in the room) Mist said that now was a good time to trust Trevor.

EMBER: (Laugh a little) There is never a good time to trust Trevor!

VERITY: (Giggle) Let’s go find the others!

MIST: (Stop for a minute) Wait. You did smell smoke earlier, didn’t you?

VERITY: (Nod you head) Well, yeah.

EMBER: (Shrug) It must be one of those things where someone says something and then you can kind of feel it or see it. It’s almost like jinxing it.

VASSIE: (Laugh) Mist, is this you believing in magic?

MIST: (Blush) No! Of course not! I was just….um…trying to fool you! Let’s go find the others. (Run out the door)

RECESS DUTY: (Angrily) Fires are never something to joke about! If I ever hear of this again, then you are going to be having a little conference with the principal!

CATLIN: (Jokingly) That was totally the most hilarious thing ever! Oh wait--up until we almost got in trouble with the custodian.

TREVOR: (Still laughing a little) Okay, okay, I’m sorry, alright? Sheesh! You don’t need to gang up on me like that!

NOELLE: (Slightly distressed as you walk out with VERITY, EMBER, & MIST) Uncalled for, Trevor! Totally uncalled for.

EMBER: (Upset) You’re mean.

VERITY: (Almost complaining) How do you live with yourself?

VERITY & EMBER: (Stop in front of TREOVR) That was terribly unkind.

MIST: (Irritated) We actually even smelt smoke.

JED: (Nod at MIST, then look back at TREVOR) I hate to admit it, but I have to agree with Mist. We all smelt smoke, even though we may not want to believe it. It was as plain as day.

CATLIN: (Alert and level-headed again) Maybe the smoke has something to do with the poi- (cough) in the th- (choke again)

NOELLE: (Walk over to CATLIN and put a hand on her back) Do you need some water?

CATLIN: (Nod your head)

RECESS DUTY: (Gesture to the cafeteria doors) You can help her in to get a drink. (Walk away)


(On school field, lunch recess then next day)

TREVOR: (Thinking) Simon says….flail you arms!

EVERYONE: (Flail your arms)

TREVOR: (Thinking) Hmm…juggle grass!

VERITY: (Sadly) Oh, but I don’t want to kill the grass!

EMBER: (Giggle for a moment, then soothingly) It’s okay.

NOELLE: (Laugh, and keep on flailing your arms) That’s why he didn’t add Simon says to the front.

EVERYONE: (Laugh at VERITY’S stupidity)

TREVOR: (Stop the fun) Whoa, what’s that?

MIST: (Roll your eyes) Ha ha, very funny.

CATLIN: (Sternly) You really think that’s ever going to work on us again?

JED: (Jokingly) Don’t you remember what could annoy us more?

TREVOR: (Slightly annoyed) Of course I remember! How could I forget? I’m serious this time! There’s a giant red and black thing behind you!

VERITY: (Put your hands on your hips) Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

TREVOR: (Kind of scared in your voice and on your face) What does that have to do with red and black lightning everywhere?

EMBER: (Roll your eyes and sigh) She means that we aren’t going to be fooled again.

VASSIE: (Laugh) And boy, has she said it! That was terrible!

TREVOR: (Alarmed) Vassie! Look out!

JED: (Confused) Trevor, what’s your problem?

VASSIE: (Confused) What? What am I looking out for?

NOELLE: (Wave a dismissive hand) He didn’t say Simon says. You’re good.

TREVOR: (Alarmed) I’m dead serious! Look out! (Tackle Vassie)

VASSIE: (Alarmed, push TREVOR off of you, and run behind the nearest tree, where the lightning stops)

VERITY & EMBER: (Alarmed) What on Earth was that?

JED: (Shake your head and dodge some lightning) I don’t think that was from Earth!

MIST: (Dive roll out of the way) Well, where else could it have come from?

NOELLE: (Shrug) Mars?

VASSIE: (Point to lightning behind NOELLE) Noelle! Behind you!

NOELLE: (Look behind you as you dodge)

CATLIN: (As if in a trance) They just don’t stop.

TREVOR: (Hop to the side) Why is everyone else so calm about this?

VERITY & EMBER: (Pull EMBER out of the way, making her turn all the way around you, EMBER keeps her arms out, striking the lightning with one arm, as if slicing it, making the lightning go away) Now they do.

MIST: (Confused) How did you make that happen?

TREVOR: (Nod you head) That was awesome.

CATLIN: (Only partially out of trance) We need to see if anyone else can see this! This may relate to what happened at the doctor’s office!

NOELLE: (Ironically) I totally can’t remember what you said happened at the doctor’s office.

JED: (Ironically) Oh! I remember! She choked continuously!

CATLIN: (Annoyed) No, the walls-

MIST: (Cut CATLIN off short) Don’t even start with that. We already have discolored lightning chasing us.

VASSIE: (Duck behind your tree to avoid lightning) Catlin’s right! We have to find out if anyone else sees it! (Jump out from behind your tree and go off running towards the foot ball field)

MIST: (Run after VASSIE) Wait up!

VASSIE: (Tap a FOOTBALL PLAYER on the shoulder) Excuse me?

FOOTBALL PLAYER: (Motion that your open) Huh?

VASSIE: (Move to the other side of him to avoid the lightning) Are you seeing anything strange around here?

FOOTBALL PLAYER: (Shake your head) No…well…wait…I might’ve….

VASSIE: (Hopefully) Really? What?

FOOTBALL PLAYER: (Thinking, run left)

VASSIE: (Chase after him)

FOOTBALL PLAYER: (Thinking) Well…it kept on following me while I played football…it was really annoying…kind of freaky too….like it had a crush on me…

VASSIE: (Stop for a moment in confusion)

MIST: (Grab VASSIE’S arm) I don’t think he sees it. He’s talking about you. (Drag VASSIE back to the others)

CATLIN: (Step aside to dodge lightning) Are we alone on the matter?

MIST: (Pull VASSIE out of the way) Most definitely. He insulted Vassie.

NOELLE: (Think for a moment) Alright! Follow me!

VASSIE: (Confused) What?

TREVOR: (Confused) Why?

VERITY & EMBER: (Panicked) Just do it!

NOELLE: (Start running)

EVERYONE: (Follow NOELLE’S lead, but stop short. Follow when NOELLE leads you another direction and stumble backwards when you are blocked by lightning)

SHADOW: (Offstage voice, manically laugh)

EVERYONE: (Search the skies when you hear the laughter)

JED: (Anxiously) We’re stuck in this one spot because of lightning. This can’t be good.

FOOTBALL PLAYER: (Confused, watch them run back and forth, falling back when hitting invisible barriers) What are they doing?

VERITY & EMBER: (Swing each other in circles, breaking lightning)

VASSIE: (Confused) Doesn’t that hurt?

VERITY: (Swing EMBER around you) No, it’s just hard work trying to swing each other like this!

EMBER: (Grab VERITY and swing her into lightning) Could we get a little help here?

CATLIN & NOELLE: (Walk over to each other and start swinging each other in circles trying to break the lightning)

JED & TREVOR: (Grab each other and swing each other in circles)

VASSIE & MIST: (Hold onto one another and swing each other in circles)

MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJAICAE: (Jump from section to section, breaking lightning, and working your way in. Roll through a gap, and stand within the circle with everyone else who is flinging each other around)

MAIJAICAE: (Confused) What are you doing?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Shake your head) They’re just mortals, you mustn’t mind them. They’re probably playing some sort of game.

CATLIN: (Hit the lightning, then grab NOELLE to get rid of more) This game sure seems pretty real! And how did you guys just destroy all that lightning?

MIST: (Swing VASSIE) We aren’t getting much of anywhere!

MAIJAICAE: (Look at MOUYHAEAYH) I told you they weren’t just mortals, Mouyhaeayh. They are significant! These are the Superior Eight that everyone has said would save the Kingdom!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Laugh) They don’t look very superior to me. Maijacae, the Shadow Lord is trying to trick us again. Remember last time, when we didn’t check? We are lucky someone even bothered to rescue us like that. We don’t matter much back home. That’s why they sent us on such a dangerous mission.

MAIJAICAE: (Roll your eyes) Oh, come on! Prove to her that you’re significant! If only she would bother trying to sense your aura, then we might actually get somewhere.

JED: (Fling TREVOR into the lightning) Who are you anyway?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Sigh) Well, whoever they are, they are obviously in quite a predicament. Let’s help them out. (Help MAIJACAE stop the surrounding lightning in one blow, then run off with one another)

MIST: (Panting) Now do we follow Noelle?

NOELLE: (Nod your head) Yes. (Start running)


VASSIE: (Yelling over a loud sound of electricity) Do you hear that?

CATLIN: (Nod your head) Yeah!

TREVOR: (Yelling) Does that concern us at all?

VERITY: (Look over at TREVOR) Probably!

EMBER: (Keep on looking forward) I’m actually kind of scared to look back there.

MIST: (Shake your head) I’m not going to do it.

JED: (Shrug) I’ll do it! (Look over your shoulder, then look forward) We want to jump to the left right about….now!

EVERYONE: (Jump to the left and land on your stomach/back)

HAZEL: (Laugh) Direct hit!

VERITY: (Slightly look behind you) Hazel, if that was your fault, I swear to Ralph, I’m going to kill you!

VASSIE: (Start trying to get up) She speaks for all of us, I’m sure of it.

HAZEL: (Shake you head) Oh, no, that wasn’t my fault. That was the Shadow Lord’s fault. I digested it and then snotted it up on the Shadow Estate.

NOELLE: (Shake your head) Didn’t that one girl mention the Shadow Lord?

HAZEL: (Sit down by the others) Who, the fairy that visited? She was with an elf, wasn’t she? I sure hope so; otherwise I’m too old to sense the Magic in things.

EMBER: (Shrug) I don’t know if they were a fairy and an elf, but I know for sure that they mentioned something about a kingdom.

HAZEL: (Pump your fist like you’re pulling an invisible chain) Yes, I can still sense! They were talking about the Kingdom. Like, the Magical Kingdom.

MIST: (Sit up) Wait--are you seriously talking about Magic?

HAZEL: (Laugh) Of course I am! You’re a dragon!

MIST: (Open your mouth like you’re going to say something, then close it again)

HAZEL: (Look up like you’re reciting something) Catlin is a time being, Noelle and Vassie are both dragons, Jed is an elf, Trevor’s a griffin, Verity is a little bit dryad, mostly time being, and Ember is a unipega. It’s really that simple.

JED: (Confused) I lost you somewhere at “Catlin.”

HAZEL: (Cheerily) Oh! And, you’re part of this big revolution against the Shadow Lord. You need to keep him from destroying the Kingdom and Earth. The Light Lord will get the Night Lord to take reign after Shadow is destroyed. No pressure!


(Shadow Lord talking to Fire)

SHADOW: (Angry) No! I can’t believe it!

FIRE: (Calm) What can’t you believe?

SHADOW: (Shake your head in frustration) I tried to kill them with Day of Black Thunder, but now they just know and recognize Magic!

FIRE: (Walk over and rest a hand on SHADOW’S shoulder) I will finish that for you. If I leave tomorrow, I can get there in a few days. Everything will work out fine, and you shall live. It will be fine.

SHADOW: (Present FIRE with the Shadow Staff) Place your orb in its arch.

FIRE: (Do as instructed, and shield your eyes from the shine)

SHADOW: (Shield your eyes)


(Magic training sessions with HAZEL)


(Training at lunch recess)

VASSIE: (Slightly frustrated with your inability to do a spell) How do we even know this is real when we can’t even see what’s going on?

VERITY: (Jump up and down for a moment in your excitement) Oh! Oh! What about the time when that one spell backfired and I flew across the field? Can’t we trust that?

EMBER: (Laugh slightly) I can backfire a spell on you, Vassie. You will most defiantly believe after that.

JED: (Laugh a little bit at the peculiarity of your friend) Just a thought, but isn’t it attacking when you backfire at someone?

EMBER: (Shrug) Backfiring at someone sounds a lot less threatening, for sure.

HAZEL: (Nod your head thoughtfully) All of you have a point. Vassie has a right to not believe about all this. The Kingdom depends on her faith, but if you all keep this up, then you may survive without her, but it will be quite a trick to pull that one off.

NOELLE: (Confused) Pull what off?

HAZEL: (Shake your head) You mustn’t know. Not yet. Not until he comes. Then you will know.

MIST: (Cock your head) This is about what those two people were talking about, isn’t it.

HAZEL: (Cock your head, yet nod) Yes, it is, but you don’t want to know about the severity of your position.

CATLIN: (Ironically) “Severity of our position.” That was comforting.

TREVOR: (Laugh) I hope this isn’t as bad as your making it sound.

HAZEL: (Sympathetically) I hope so t-

VERITY: (Alarmed) What is it?

EMBER: (Alarmed) What’s wrong?

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) I can’t believe that you guys are actually falling for that.

MIST: (Angrily, but obviously trying to stay calm) You never know when something’s going to be serious, Vassie!

HAZEL: (Start shooing everyone away) Go! Run! Don’t let him get you!

JED: (Confused) What? Who?

VASSIE: (Laugh) You guys are all so stupid. I don’t know how you can stand this trickery.

NOELLE: (Take a few steps away) If Hazel thinks we should run, we should probably run.

CATLIN: (Nod you head, and follow NOELLE) Noelle has a point. We should be on our way.

NOELLE: (Start running away from HAZEL)


MIST: (Angrily) Just like Alicia. Vassie has stabbed us in the back.

VERITY & EMBER: (Giddily) I guess that kind of makes us like Julius Caesar!

TREVOR: (Confused) Huh?

JED: (Shake your head as you run) If you would pay attention in social studies, you might actually get it.

CATLIN: (Exasperated) Although it was a really bad joke.

VERITY & EMBER: (Offended and angry) We weren’t jesting!

TREVOR: (Confused) What?

JED: (Roll your eyes) Vocabulary.

TREVOR: (Still slightly confused) Oh. What does jesting mean?

NOELLE: (Exasperated) It’s the same thing as joking around.

MIST: (Roll your eyes) Context clues are a skill you obviously need.

FIRE: (Run up from behind them and block the SUPERIOR EIGHT’S path)

JED: (Mock excitement) Hi!

FIRE: (Annoyed) I am seeking the Superior Eight.

EVERYONE: (Look around like you are counting everyone present)

NOELLE: (Shrug) There’s only seven of us. Maybe we could help you look for them?

FIRE: (Annoyed) I have already found them.

CATLIN: (Confused) Who are you, anyway?

FIRE: (Slightly proud) I am Fire, brother of the Shadow Lord, and I am here to end you.

TREVOR: (Concerned) Uh-oh.

VERITY: (Confused) Salanara said that it is really tricky to kill a Magical being, because they are immortal.

FIRE: (Pause for a moment) We have our ways.

EMBER: (Excitedly) Like what?

FIRE: (Hesitate for a moment) You will find out if you come with me.

VERITY & EMBER: (Enthusiastic) Okay!

CATILN, MIST, NOELLE, & JED: (Frustrated with VERITY & EMBER) No!

TREVOR: (Annoyed, slightly accusing) Who said the word?

MIST: (Irritated) Trevor, I don’t think anyone has even said the word.

EMBER: (Turn around) We can fix that!

VERITY: (Turn around) Pink mushrooms wi-

NOELLE: (Put up a hand and interrupt VERITY) Don’t even start with that.

CATLIN: (Grab VERITY by the arm and pull her away from FIRE) We don’t want to get in trouble with the scary….um…

JED: (Grab EMBER by the arm and pull her away from FIRE) Scary demon-looking dude.

CATLIN: (Nod) What he said.

MIST: (Softly, yet urgently) We should probably get going.

TREVOR: (Nod) That would probably be a good idea.


FIRE: (Block their path and attack. Then laugh manically)

NOELLE: (Stand up and use your best attack on FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter it, and send NOELLE flying)

CATLIN: (Angrily) Leave her alone! (Attack FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter CATLIN and knock her to the ground)

MIST: (Nervously) Well, if everyone’s trying it. (Attack FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter and attack MIST)

MIST: (Duck, and attack again)

FIRE: (Counter, and attack)

MIST: (Try jumping it, but fall to the ground)

TREVOR: (Annoyed) I will not be bested by Mist. (Jump to your feet and attack FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter, and attack TREVOR)

TREVOR: (Counter, move to a new angle, and attack again)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

TREVOR: (Counter, attack)

FIRE: (Counter, attack, and knock TREVOR down)

JED: (Sigh) Nor will I be bested by The Boy Who Cried Wolf. (Stand, and dodge attacks as you advance on FIRE. Then attack)

FIRE: (Stumble backwards, and attack)

JED: (Dodge, counter, and attack again)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

JED: (Counter)

FIRE: (Knock JED to the ground before he has a chance to attack again)

JED: (Attack on your way down)

FIRE: (Fall down for a moment, but regain your feet) There is no way to escape now!

VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) Think again! (Stand up hurriedly, and use double movement)

FIRE: (Dodge and counter all of their attacks, and always fight back)

VASSIE: (Confused, and suspicious) What kind of trick is this? How are you doing this?

HAZEL: (Nod) They’re doing surprisingly well. I couldn’t do this. It isn’t possible for me to make a realistic model of Fire appear out of nowhere and attack people. Shadow must’ve sent him here to get rid of you. To the looks of it, they aren’t going to last much longer.

VASSIE: (Let your eyes widen in fear and surprise) “Aren’t going to last much longer?” They need help! (run towards FIRE)

FIRE: (Pant as you attack again) I didn’t realize I would have to fight some two of together mates.

VERITY & EMBER: (Counter and attack again)

FIRE: (Counter, then shrug) Oh well. Guess all I have to do is break you.

EMBER: (Confused) What do you mean?

VERITY: (Confused) Huh?

FIRE: (Menacingly) Broken! (Defeat VERITY & EMBER as well)

VASSIE: (Happily) What’s up?

FIRE: (Irritated) This is not a good time!

VASSIE: (Nod) Oh. I get it. You just want to hurt my friends while I stand by. Okay.

FIRE: (Relieved) Thank you for understanding.

VASSIE: (Angrily) Hey! You didn’t let me finish!

FIRE: (Exasperated) Yes?

VASSIE: (Smile) You can hurt my friends. It’s all good. As long as I’m dead first. (Attack FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter, attack. Annoyed) There were only seven of you!

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) Not anymore. I rejoined the club.

FIRE: (Counter, attack) Club?

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) The Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Club.

CATLIN: (Weakly) I don’t think you really ever left.

FIRE: (Counter, approach, and then attack)

VASSIE: (Fall down with the others)

FIRE: (Laugh maniacally)

HAZEL: (Approach)

FIRE: (Evilly) Salanara-we meet again.

HAZEL: (Casually) Too bad, really. I was hoping I would never have to have another dull conversation with you ever again.

FIRE: (Approach menacingly) We could fight instead.

HAZEL: (Relaxed, very casual) Ah, it’s about time I got in practice. Too bad I can’t use an actual opponent, though.

FIRE: (Offended) I am a perfectly fine opponent!

HAZEL: (Shrug) Really? I feel like I’m fighting a dummy when I fight you. One blow and your gone!

FIRE: (Angrily give it your best attack)

HAZEL: (Hold out your hand to counter, and use a simple spell)

FIRE: (Begin to counter, but fall to the ground)

HAZEL: (Giddily) You owe me a game of volley ball!

NOELLE: (Confused) Volley ball?

FIRE: (Sadly, like it’s the end of the world) No! Not another game of volley ball! I beg you! Please!

HAZEL: (Smile) You said for every time I win a battle, I get to play volley ball with you, and it works vice versa when you win, which hasn’t happened just yet.

FIRE: (Get up, angrily) You haven’t seen the last of me just yet! I’ll be back!

HAZEL: (Giddily) Unless your brother destroys you first for not getting rid of the Superior Eight!

CATLIN: (Cough) So just one little question.

HAZEL: (Turn around) Huh?

CATLIN: (In stupor) What was that?

MIST: (Rubbing the back of your head) Do you smell that?

TREVOR: (Nod) Yeah.

VERITY: (Weakly) It smells...

EMBER: (Weakly) Like the....

JED: (In shock) It can't be....

NOELLE: (Nod weakly) It smells like the cafeteria is on fire.


(On school field, last recess, next day, and training)

HAZEL: (Smile) Today, we will not train. Instead, we will have a history lesson.

TREVOR: (Shake your head) I’m going to be gone in a few seconds, just so you’re aware.

HAZEL: (Wave a dismissive hand) Nah, you’ll be fine. I’m teaching you about the Earth, and why we can’t see Magic. Also, I will teach you about the condition of two of together.

VERITY & EMBER: (Happily) Yea!

VASSIE: (Relieved) So I finally get an explanation?

HAZEL: (Nod) Yes.

MIST: (Mock joy) Then we won’t need to almost kill ourselves to have you come freaking help us!

TREVOR: (Nod) Yeah, that would be a good thing.

JED: (Nod) So are the two related?

HAZEL: (Think) Well…kind of. You see, there was once a suicidal Magical being who-

CATLIN: (Shake your head) I’m already terrified for my mental well being. How gory is this going to get?

NOELLE: (Cover your eyes, ironically) This is going to give me absolutely lovely images for my sleep tonight.

HAZEL: (Laugh) You’re good. I’m not going to go into detail. There’s just this suicidal guy who couldn’t die, because he’s a Magical being. Earth was actually a very famous, highly populated planet, loaded with we Magical beings. This suicidal guy couldn’t die, so he just kept on finding new ways to kill himself. He slowly got more and more vulnerable, until he was finally mortal. As a mortal, you can use Magic, but only it’s a different kind. Magick was, in Paganism of various sorts, and still is, a way to connect with the Universe, their Goddess, or their God, and so forth. That is spelled with a k. Now, we know magic as card tricks and such. Those are all human ideas of Magic, but the original Magic, our Magic, can not be used by a mortal, therefore making him unable to do certain things. He eventually fell in love with a girl, and the girl fell in love with him, and when they produced children, she produced human children, and she became a human herself. The male always carries on mortality or immortality, so if an immortal man were to have children with a mortal woman, she would become an immortal woman. It works vice versa if the man is a mortal, just so you get the idea. Humanity slowly took over the population, and so there were maybe 40% immortals left on Earth. Those immortals got frightened by the mortals, and ran away from Earth, leaving a force field around it to keep the mortals and immortals separate. In the process, they accidentally erased most of humanity’s memory of us, therefore making them forget the past seventy billion years Earth had existed. Now we get to the rarity and condition of two of together.

CATLIN: (In awe) That was a very long and complicated section.

MIST: (Shake your head) I get the feeling the next part won’t be much shorter.

HAZEL: (Laugh) Anyway, so two of together people are strong believers in coexistence, so they stayed on this planet. As they accidentally became humans as well, they no longer had the capability of being two of together, because the human mind is always so diverse. You can never find two minds the same, or two minds that are practically identical.

TREVOR: (Confused) I don’t quite get this. How does being human make it impossible to be two of together?

JED: (Look at TREVOR, then back at HAZEL) I think I know. When Verity and Ember were fighting Fire yesterday, he said he had to break them, and then they both got confused, and stopped being able to move as one like that. He called them broken, and they both fell. They always seem to have the same thoughts and opinions, and everyone has been calling them two of together. They always seem to be as one, totally synchronized. It isn’t possible, because being two of together means to be practically the same person. To be the same person, you can’t have one person thinking differently than the other. You need to be able to think as one, as the same.

HAZEL: (Nod) And to help magnify that, two of together mates have special powers. They can see what their mate is seeing, or move as one, like Verity and Ember. With practice, two of together people, can master all possible two of together powers, making them as one, therefore practically undefeatable, but also more vulnerable.

NOELLE: (Confused) How can you be that powerful and vulnerable at the same time?

VASSIE: (Confused) Yeah. If their undefeatable, then you can’t be very vulnerable.

HAZEL: (Shake your head) Please note: “practically undefeatable.” If someone manages to take them down, then they are vulnerable because-

DEMON 1: (Giggle)

HAZEL: (Look at DEMON 1. Point at him) Attack the spy!

MIST: (Look at HAZEL like she's crazy) It's just a first grader.

NOELLE: (Shrug) There's no point in attacking a poor little first grader that just wants to play.

HAZEL: (Angrily) Have I taught you nothing? Sense! Use your sensing!

CATLIN: (Concentrate) Well...I'm not choking up...

VERITY: (Shake your head) Neither am I.

EMBER: (Crouch to touch the ground, and shrug) No bad vibrations.

TREVOR: (Inhale deeply, then approach the first grader) I don't feel anything different about him, no matter how incredibly close I get.

MIST: (Hang your head in concentration, then turn back to HAZEL) I don't feel anything.

JED: (Shrug and shake your head) Nothing here.

VASSIE: (Confused) Maybe you are too old to sense anything.

HAZEL: (Glare at VASSIE) If you even dare to call me old again, then I will call the dragons upon you.

VASSIE: (Back away and hang your head) Sorry.

DEMON 1: (Approach TREVOR) Why is your friend so angry at me?

TREVOR: (Crouch down to the level or DEMON 1) She thinks you've been spying on us. But I don't think you have, have you?

DEMON 1: (Smirk, and transform into a demon) Oh, I have. Now the Master will hear of your activities. (Begin to run)

CATLIN, NOELLE, VASSIE, MIST, JED, TREVOR, VERITY, & EMBER: (Use your strongest attack on the first grader)

DEMON 1: (Fall to the ground)

HAZEL: (Cheerily) Congratulations! You were able to bring down a weak Fire spy!

VASSIE: (Shake your head in disappointment) We just killed it, didn't we.

HAZEL: (Frown and shake your head) No. Just knocked out—but it won’t remember. (Erase its memory)


(First recess, the next day)


TREVOR: (Start to counter, but fall down)

HAZEL: (Exasperated) Watch their Magic. If they start to have enough to perform a real spell, then you start. If you have a while, then the spell will wear off before it will be of use. If you wait too long, then you will not finish, and the spell will hit you. Got it?

MIST: (Complaining) This countering junk sounds really complicated.

JED: (Laugh) It’s actually rather basic. You just need to know the length of your counter.

CATLIN: (In stupor) Yep, that’s kind of complicated.


NOELLE: (Counter, angrily) What was that for?

VERITY & EMBER: (In a matter-of-fact tone) You need to be prepared to counter at any moment. We were helping you practice.

NOELLE: (Angrily) I don’t see why you needed to attack me.

VASSIE: (Confused) Wow, Noelle, what’s with the mood swings? You were totally fine just a little bit ago.

NOELLE: (Annoyed) I’m fine! Just leave me alone!

HAZEL: (Suspicious) Someone is manipulating her. Something’s nearby.

EVERYONE: (Begin trying to sense it)

EMBER & VERITY: (Determined) Got it!

TREVOR: (Spin around in circles) What? Where?

VERITY & EMBER: (Point in the direction of DEMON 2)

JED: (Nod) Oh, that. It feels pretty powerful.

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) Why do you three get to be so talented with Magic?

JED: (Shrug) I guess I just practiced other forms of Magic before we started learning this version.

VERITY: (Shake your head and shrug) I do live with Salanara, after all.

EMBER: (Nod) That's a really good question.

DEMON 2: (Approach confidently) Fire has asked me to do the honor of ending you.

MIST: (Put on hand on your hip) What is your master too chicken to come fight us himself?

DEMON 2: (Enraged) No. He is perfectly capable.

TREVOR: (Shake your head) Then what's the moral? I don't entirely get why you're here if he could just kill us himself.

DEMON 2: (Smile and cock your head) Consider it a privilege. You will get a quicker death this way.

NOELLE: (Step forward boldly) I don't think there will be any deaths today.

HAZEL: (Walk up and put a hand on NOELLE'S shoulder) Standing up to a demon like this may not be a good idea. You were out in one blow last time.

NOELLE: (Shake HAZEL off) I've had more training, and this is a weaker demon. I can do it this time.

CATLIN: (Stay back, but call out to NOELLE) Don't overestimate yourself. This could get seriously dangerous! You may not know your strength as well as you think you do.

DEMON 2: (Get closer) You should listen to your friends, Sckarreall. This may not turn out the way you are hoping.

NOELLE: (Confused) Sckarreall? Who's that?

HAZEL: (Push NOELLE behind you) That's you, Noelle. Nio auwiea! Woiu kquhan quoham weesionakascin ueikhan!

DEMON 2: (Laugh and shake your head) Occkk, hoa biidoo kquhan weesionakascin udikhan.

VASSIE: (Confused, lean over and whisper to the others) What do you think they're saying.

VERITY: (Shrug) I think they're saying something about fishing the broccoli....out.....of the.....lake?

TREVOR: (Confused) What? Where did you get that?

VERITY: (Scowl at TREVOR) I listened. Obviously, your guess is as good as mine, Vass.

JED: (Roll your eyes) Why am I the only one who uses context clues? They have to be saying something about how we can take him, or how he won't get a chance to hurt us, or something along those lines. Fishing broccoli out of a lake doesn't make any sense.

EMBER: (Teasingly, smile) Yeah, Ver!

VERITY: (Elbow EMBER) Whatever.

HAZEL: (Step forward to DEMON 2) I’ve trained these children for quite a while. I bet they could take you out. If not, then I most definitely could.

DEMON 2: (Mockingly) And who are you? Their grandmother? I eat people like you for breakfast.

EMBER: (Defensively) Wait. Our grandmother?

MIST: (Defensively) Ew. I don't want to be related to Trevor.

VERITY: (Step up behind HAZEL) Aunt, actually. And she's only mine.

JED: (Nod) Plus, she's the Dragon Lord.

VASSIE: (Defensively) I wouldn't want to be messing with something that serious, if I were you.

DEMON 2: (Mockingly, shake you head) Oh, no definitely not.

HAZEL: (Step back) Prepare for harm beyond your imagination. (Move behind the SUPERIOR EIGHT) Show him that you are more than children at their sixth year of education.


MIST: (Counter)

VASSIE: (Attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

TREVOR: (Counter)


DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

VERITY & EMBER: (Counter, duck)

JED: (Attack after VERITY & EMBER are out of your way)

DEMON 2: (Counterattack)


VASSIE: (Attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

VASSIE: (Fall down, pass out)

VERITY & EMBER: (Alarmed) Vassie! (Run to help her. Use healing spells)

CATLIN: (Attack)

NOELLE: (Attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, counter, attack, attack, attack)

MIST, TREVOR, JED: (Counter, attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, send out seven attacks)



VASSIE: (Confused) What?

MIST: (Attack) Don't even think about getting up.

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

JED: (Counter, and advance)

DEMON 2: (Attack 3 times)

JED: (Evade the attacks, and attack from a closer range)


DEMON 2: (Counter JED'S attack, then attack him)

JED: (Fall down)

DEMON 2 & CATLIN: (Attack each other)

CATLIN: (Fall to the ground)

NOELLE: (Attack)

DEMON: (Counterattack)

VERITY & EMBER: (Counter) We have a good spell, but it takes a while.

VASSIE: (Get up) I'll cover you. (Move in front of VERITY & EMBER defensively)

DEMON 2: (Attack)

MIST: (Counter)

JED: (Attack on your way up, and run from DEMON 2)

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)


VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

HAZEL: (Counter)

CATLIN: (Sit up slightly) We can't take him! He's too strong!

TREVOR: (Shake your head) Don't say things like that! We can't give in to a jerk like him! We can't let him know that we're slipping!

MIST: (Roll your eyes) Brilliant. And this is coming from the boy who cried wolf.

JED: (Nod) Trevor has a point, but I don't think we can keep this up. All of us are down but Verity and Ember, who needed Salanara to protect them. This isn't going to work.

NOELLE: (Push yourself to your knees) This can't be real. Willow thinks we can face anything. I am determined to live up to those expectations. (Turn and attack)

DEMON 2: (Counter, attack)

NOELLE: (Counter)

MIST: (Attack)

DEMON 2: (Counterattack)

MIST & NOELLE: (Fall down again)

HAZEL: (Counter)

DEMON 2: (Stumble, attack) Well, granny, it looks like I underestimated you a bit!

HAZEL: (Counter, attack) The name's Salanara.

VERITY: (Point at portal) What's that?

EMBER: (Shrug) It looks like some kind of void.

VASSIE: (Start getting to your feet) Maybe we can get out!

TREVOR: (Nod) Good idea! (Start getting to your feet as well)

JED: (Sit up) That may not be what we think it is. It could get us in serious trouble, a kind that's worse than we are in now.

MIST: (Stand up) Let's go for it!

VERITY & EMBER: (Sheepish) Now that Jed has said that, I'm starting to think twice about this plan.

CATLIN: (Start getting up) What can possibly be worse than this guy?

JED: (Counter) The one Fire guy.

NOELLE: (Start getting up) We beat him once, I'm sure we can do it again.

VERITY: (Back away) Only with Salanara's help!

EMBER: (Back away) Plus, what if we run into the Shadow Lord?

TREVOR: (Pull JED up by the arm) That guy's terrified of us, remember? That's why he sent Fire to “end us.”

JED: (Hit TREVOR'S hand) I still don't like this idea either way.

NOELLE: (Standing near the portal with MIST, CATLIN & VASSIE) Please, guys, while there's still a chance! Let's give it a try.

TREVOR: (Finally manage pulling JED to the portal)

EMBER: (Put a hand on VERITY'S shoulder) Let's try.

VERITY: (Hug HAZEL, and kiss the top of her head)

HAZEL: (Counter) Huh?

VERITY: (Hug tighter) If this was a bad idea, then you will come find us, right?

HAZEL: (Nod) Yeah--wait. Bad idea? What are you doing?

VERITY: (Let go and look at WILLOW steadily) Just come help when you can. (Smile weakly, and run to the portal)


SUPERIOR EIGHT: (NOELLE, go through the portal first, then CATIN, then MIST, TREVOR pushes JED through the portal after a while of struggling, then he follows)

HAZEL: (Urgently) No! You guys aren't ready yet! That leads to the Kingdom!

EMBER: (Go through the portal)

VERITY: (Look at HAZEL, and give her the “I love you” sign in sign language. Go through the portal)

DEMON 2: (Teleport away) I'm going to be in for it.

HAZEL: (Summon the dragons)


GARLINIUS: (Rise) How may we be of service, great Salanara, Lord of Dragons?

HAZEL: (Look at where the portal used to be, then back at GARLINIUS) I need back to the Kingdom.

GARLINIUS: (Nod) Right away. (Look back to the dragons) We are flying the Dragon Lord home! Get into riding formation!

HAZEL: (Stop GARLINIUS) And could you do me a favor?

GARLINIUS: (Turn back to HAZEL) Certainly, Salanara.

HAZEL: (Start getting ready for the flight) Go find the Superior Eight, and bring them back home. They are not prisoners, treat them kindly.

GARLINIUS: (Nod) How many dragons should I take with me?

HAZEL: (Shrug) You're strong, and large. You could take out anything that attacked you, and they would probably help you. They're short-life sized, so you can manage carrying them all. You shouldn't have a problem, but you are welcome to take a dragon extra if you would like.

GARLINIUS: (Turn to dragons) Listen to the all-mighty Dragon Lord! Any disobedience will result in punishment! Keep in mind that she is our leader!

HAZEL: (Mount a dragon) Oh, and one more thing.

GARLINIUS: (Turn) Yes?

HAZEL: (Stretch) I haven't been on you for a while, have I? My apologies. Be sure to tell Zaoe, the eldest daughter of the Time Lord, King of Time Beings, that you are the help I have sent, and that you will take her to me.

GARLINIUS: (Nod, turn and prepare for flight) If you desire it, and then it will most certainly happen. (Fly off)

FLIGHT: (Look at HAZEL) Are you ready, Salanara?

HAZEL: (Nod) Yes. Xite ris unareat, yeatrea!


(In the Kingdom)

JED: (Angrily) Why did you have to do that? Didn't you hear Hazel? She told us not to go!

EMBER: (Crouching nest to a crying VERITY) Your stupidity has made Verity cry! Hazel told us we weren't ready!

VASSIE: (Angrily) If you dislike this plan so much, then why did you come through the portal?

EMBER: (Angrily, get to your feet) Because Verity specifically asked Willow to come help us if this was a bad choice! I had confidence in this until it made Verity cry!

NOELLE: (Shake your head) Look, maybe this isn't the smartest thing we will ever do, but we aren't getting anywhere by fighting.

EMBER: (Angrily, yelling now) You idiots forced Jed through! He didn't want to! I don't see why you couldn't let at least one of us make the right decision by staying!

TREVOR: (Angrily) Maybe this was the right decision! Hazel was always talking about how we were going to need to help the revolution, and we can't do it with the freaking force field!

CATLIN: (Calmly) Noelle's right. We're here, and there's not a lot we can do about it. We need to make the best of the situation, find out about where we are, and find someone who can help us.

MIST: (Angrily) Catlin, Noelle, you are being the problem! Your positive attitude keeps on getting us into trouble!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Confused) Why are they here again?

MAIJACAE: (Enthusiastic) I told you, Mouyhaeayh, it has to be them! They have to be the Superior Eight.!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Annoyed) They don't look so superior to me. Look at them! They're fighting!

JED: (Annoyed and angry) We don't deserve the title, you're right. We are meant to save the Kingdom, but I don't know how we're supposed to do that when my friends have forced me through a portal, made my other friend cry, and now they can't even get on the same side, same page, same anything.

EMBER: (Sit down beside VERITY, and hug her)


VASSIE: (Annoyed) Who are you, anyway?

MAIJACAE: (Bow) I am Maijacae, a wood elf. I was told to come take the Superior Eight back to the Kingdom so they could help. I was never told that the Elf Prince, son of the Elf Lord would be a part of this! I am very eager to be of service, sir.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Roll your eyes) Chances are, these people aren't the Superior Eight, and if they are, then the Elf Prince won't even know he is the Elf Prince.

MIST: (Grumpily) We aren't the Superior Eight, but we sure are the Terrible Eight.

VERITY: (Slowly stand) No, we're the Superior Eight. We just aren't feeling so superior.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Sadly) Are you okay?

VERITY: (Shake your head) I don't want to talk about it.

TREVOR: (Confused) I don't know who the Elf Prince is, but there's a seventy-five percent chance that it isn't me.

JED: (Laugh a little) You don't even know probability, Trevor, and I am pretty sure that it isn't me either.

MAIJIACAE: (Shake your head as you stand) I can't remember your short-life name, but I know his real name is Elphen.

VERITY & EMBER: (Let out a slight laugh) Go Jed!

JED: (Confused) And how would you know my Magical name in the first place?

VERITY: (Softly) I live with...

EMBER: (Sadly) We know.

CATLIN: (Smile) It's nice to have you back with us, Ver!

NOELLE: (Giggle) You have your sense of humor back! Well....mostly.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Turn your head to look behind you) We should get moving.

MIST: (Exasperated) I still don't know who you are! I know there's Maijacae, but who are you?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Get prepared to run) We need to get moving. Now. My name is Mouyhaeayh, and I am a fairy. Now we really need to start running.

JED: (Confused) Why, is something coming?

MAIJACAE: (Help people to their feet) Very good. I'd rather not fight people.

TREVOR: (Confused) Are you not good at it or something?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Shake your head) I'm the one who isn't good at it.

VASSIE: (Bitterly) I definitely wasn't expecting that one.


MAIJACAE: (Laugh a little) It is unlikely, isn't it. She eases up as she grows to know you. Mouyhaeayh doesn't like letting people in, because it causes her to let her guard down.

VERITY: (Lean on EMBER) Man, I wish I had thought of that not too long ago.

VASSIE: (Confused) Huh?

CATLIN: (Shake your head) It's nothing.

EMBER: (Duck out from underneath VERITY) So, is Mouyhaeayh some kind of healer or something?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Nod) That's the idea. Ready?


MAIJACAE: (Shrug) Let's go, then.

EVERYONE: (Begin running)


(In the woods a few days later night time)

VASSIE: (Offstage voice) Several days went on like that in a very similar fashion. Verity and Ember managed to annoy the entire group. Trevor would pretend to act like he knew everything Maijacae taught us. Four of us trained with Mouyhaeayh, as well--Verity, Ember, Catlin, and Noelle. The rest of us had fun learning how to fight. Verity's spirits sunk everyday. I think she was sad that no help had come. We all started to lose faith in Hazel coming to help us. Jed was really nice, and kept on saying that it must be a pretty long journey, so it might take her a little while, but Catlin and Noelle always whisper back and forth whenever that happened, giving us the sign that he was probably faking his faith. We were all concerned that maybe Hazel couldn't come. Ember would never let us say things like that, especially around Ver. I feel terrible wandering the woods, making it harder and harder for Verity's dream to fly. On the upside, Jed has been able to teach us some locating spells; so that we can always find each other if we get separated. Jed has been improving more than the rest of us. Trevor can't help but make everyone laugh with strange jokes that don't even really make sense. Mist keeps on trying to do spells that aren't even made for a dragon like her. She has tried countless elven and griffin spells. Once she tries, she complains that it isn't working. Maijacae is really good about calmly telling her that it isn't a spell that she is capable of doing while everyone else tries to stifle laughter. Catlin is remarkable at healing. The way Mouyhaeayh teaches them to heal is really kind of scary. She'll give someone a wound, and tell one of her pupils to heal it. Noelle isn't quite as good, but learns at a reasonable pace. Jed tried a little healing, and did really well, too. Mouyhaeayh once purposely stabbed me near the heart, but not quite the heart, and so that my heart was seriously damaged. Then she told them to fix it. There was a lot of arguing over which spell to use. They finally decided on the wrong one, and Mouyhaeayh had to come fix it for them, because they only made it worse. Now I'm perfectly fine, as you can see, because I'm still here talking to you. Our shifts during the night have changed, because Verity always volunteers for first shift, then stays up all night, and doesn’t wake anyone up.

VASSIE: (Wake up, and walk over to Verity) Why do you never wake anyone up?

VERITY: (Shake your head) I can't sleep. I figure I might as well be helpful.

VASSIE: (Sit down next to VERITY) You aren't doing yourself much of a favor by staying up all night. You won't do so well in battle.

VERITY: (Rub your arms to warm yourself) If everyone else can sleep, they should get as much of it as possible.

EMBER: (Thrash around violently, and scream) No! Don't take her from me! I can't let you! Please! Stop!

VASSIE: (Start to get up) Ember! It's just a dream!

VERITY: (Grab VASSIE'S wrist) She does that every night. It's okay.

VASSIE: (Amazed) You sleep with that?

VERITY: (Laugh a little and shake your head) No. She started after I started taking shifts all night long.

VASSIE: (Accusingly) So you're hurting more than just yourself. You’re hurting Ember, your two of together mate.

VERITY: (Look down)

VASSIE: (Stand up) Look, Ver, let me take over. Go to bed. Scientists say that if you can't sleep, you at least need to rest.

VERITY: (Nod) Scientists also say that the Earth is only 4.55 billion years old, when really a lot of Earth's history was erased when Magical beings fled the planet. We didn't want anyone to know. Besides, the average teenager can't get to sleep until about 11:00 at night.

VASSIE: (Look at the horizon) The sun is rising. It must be around five or six in the morning. Ember's having a fit, and we're all terrified about your health. If something comes up in the night, you would need to be carried all the way on our run to escape the demon or whatever. Please. This is for Ember.

VERITY: (Glance over at EMBER)

EMBER: (Thrash around and shriek)

VERITY: (Nod) Alright. Just….just wake me up when you're tired. Or maybe just get me out of bed. I probably won't be sleeping. (Go get into bed with EMBER)

EMBER: (Wrap your arms around VERITY) You're back! You're back! (Keep on saying it, and eventually fade away)


(In the morning, same place)

JED: (Run around the sleeping people, waking them up) Wake up! Something’s coming! Wake up!

VERITY: (Angrily) Vassie, you didn't wake me up!

VASSIE: (Sit up and rub your eyes) Ver, you've been up for two weeks straight. You needed to sleep sometime. You had to have known that I couldn't have been telling the truth when I agreed to that.

MIST: (Bolt upright) What? What's coming? I'm ready to face it!

TREVOR: (Laugh) You sure don't look like you're ready! You have the worst bed-head of all of us!

MIST: (Glare) Look who's talking!

JED: (Sigh) If looks could kill, Trevor would be long gone.

CATLIN: (Laugh a little) You can't even see yourselves, only each other. You really don't get to judge each other.

JED: (Look at MIST while you shake NOELLE awake) It's a dragon.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Sit and start packing up) By the way you knew it was a dragon, I don't think it was just sensing it that brought you to that conclusion.

JED: (Shake your head) No, not really.

MAJAICAEA: (Stand, and gather the necessary things) Let's go.

GARLINIUS: (Walk in, and stand protectively in front of the SUPERIOR EIGHT) Leave them alone, fiends!

EMBER: (Finally wake up) What?

MIST: (Attack GARLINIUS) Leave us alone!

NOELLE: (Groggily) And please leave the other people alone, too.

GARLINIUS: (Counter) Zaoe, I am here to help. Lord Salanara sen-

TREVOR: (Attack) Don't talk to my friends like that! You aren't fooling us!

JED: (Shove TREVOR) You idiot! You got us into trouble last time, and made Verity cry! The dragon says that he's here to help!

GARLINIUS: (Roll your eyes, annoyed, because it is a common mistake) She.

JED: (Glance at GARLINIUS) She's going to help. She was saying something about Salanara! Don't attack her!

EMBER: (Get to your feet) If you harm the dragon, I will hurt you ten times as much as you hurt her.

VERITY: (Happily walk up to GARLINIUS, and hug her) Garlinius! You came!

GARLINIUS: (Confused) Yes, how could you have doubted me?

VASSIE: (Slightly upset, go to pull VERITY off of GARLINIUS) Don't hug the dragon! It's dangerous! It could hurt you!

EMBER: (Attack VASSIE) The dragon is here to protect us!

VASSIE: (Fall to the ground away from GARLINIUS)

MIST: (Annoyed) Great, she knows its name. Look, Ver, I know you want help, but I don't think this dragon is here to help us.

VERITY: (Joyfully) Oh, yes she is. She's Garlinius!

TREVOR: (Upset) And how do you know it's her? How can you prove that this dragon is who you think it is?

JED: (Attack MIST & TREVOR) Verity knows several dragons like the back of her hand! Can you help us to Hazel?

GARLINIUS: (Confused) I know no Hazel. Salanara has sent me to bring you back to the Dragon Estate.

EMBER: (Nod) Right. How can we get there?

GARLINIUS: (Proudly) I was sent to-

MOUYHAEAYH: (Run in between JED & EMBER and GARLINIUS) Leave them alone! We've got them under control, and we aren't going to let some shadow dragon mess it up!

MAJAICAEA: (Begin pulling VERITY off of GARLINIUS) Zaoe, the dragon isn't who you think it is. This is a bad dragon, and it will hurt you if you trust it.

VERITY: (Start thrashing violently {without actually hurting him!} and shrieking)

EMBER: (Upset, run forward to try to stop MAJAICAEA) No! Stop!

JED: (Run to help as well) Leave them alone!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Grab EMBER around the middle) This isn't a good dragon. Calm down.

TREVOR: (Grab JED) It's okay, the other girls can take the dragon. Hopefully they can frighten it off.


GARLINIUS: (Counter her attack) You really think you can hurt me? I am Salanara's first lieutenant, and she has asked me to come collect the Superior Eight.

NOELLE: (In a matter-of-fact kind of tone) See? The dragon wants to hurt us. He has come to kidnap us! We shouldn't get our hopes up like this, Verity.

GARLINIUS: (Angrily) I'm a she!

VERITY: (Angrily, kind of snarling) Idiots! Has Salanara taught you nothing? Willow is the Dragon Lord! Willow said she would send help! Now what do we have? A dragon, sent by the Dragon Lord herself, and you tell me to distrust it? How could you say things like that?

JED: (Try elbowing TREVOR off) Verity's right! This dragon says that her name is Garlinius. Willow was always talking about her favorite dragon, Garlinius. This has to be her!

GARLINIUS: (Amazed, and flattered) Sal...Salanara...Really...Talked about that?

CATLIN: (Nod your head thoughtfully) You're right. She did talk about her a lot, but that still doesn't prove it true.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Push EMBER behind you) Anyone could have been listening in to that. This could be a decoy. Besides, there are a lot of dragons out there that look a lot like this one. You'd need a very detailed picture to figure this one out.

EMBER: (Excitedly) Ver, didn't Willow draw a lot of pictures of Garlinius in full detail?

VERITY: (Excitedly) Yeah! She did! (Pull a picture of GARLINIUS out of your pocket, and hold It up to GARLINIUS) This is her!

EMBER: (Duck MOUYHAEAYH'S arm, and run to VERITY) I knew this dragon could be trusted!

JED: (Push TREVOR off of you, and run to go see the picture) I am so glad you always carry a picture of a dragon with you, Ver.

CATLIN: (Cautiously approach) Let me see. (Look at the picture) Wow. I didn't know Willow was such a great artist. They look identical.

NOELLE: (Walk up and take a look) Except for the part where this drawing is a lot smaller than Garlinius.

VASSIE: (Shrug) Well, of course the pictures smaller, it's on a two by three piece of paper, and the dragon is the size of an actual dragon when it is full grown.

GARLINIUS: (Toss your head) Well, for those of you who would like to accept the Dragon Lord's protection, I will give you a ride to the Dragon Estate. For those of you who still don't trust me, I feel no conflicting feelings when I say this: May you feel the Dragon Lord's wrath upon you, and may you die someplace worse than the Shadow Estate.


(In the Dragon Estate)

HAZEL: (Sitting on throne, sadly) No, I don't need anything! Just leave me alone!

DRAGON: (Bow) If that is what you wish, Lord Salanara. Are you sure you do not wish us to find the Dragon King?

HAZEL: (Flatly) No.

DRAGON: (Stay down on one knee) Then could I get you some Fizzy Lemon Lime?

HAZEL: (Pause) You know me all too well. Go fetch it.

DRAGON: (Stand) Very well. (Come back with a plastic cup of Fizzy Lemon Lime and a bottle of Fizzy Lemon Lime) Here you are, Salanara.

HAZEL: (Grab the plastic cup without question, and chug it. Then, drop it on the floor, and grab the plastic bottle. Chug the beverage, and toss it over your shoulder) MORE FIZZY LEMON LIME!!!! (Reach for a second bottle, that isn't yet there) WHERE'S MY FIZZY LEMON LIME???!!!

DRAGON: (Confused and alarmed) Salanara, you haven't given me the time to get the Fizzy Lemon Lime.


(From outside the throne room)

HAZEL: (Offstage voice) FIZZY LEMON LIME!! (Drink the Fizzy Lemon Lime, and throw the bottle behind you)

DRAGON: (Offstage voice) Stop drinking so much at a time! You're going to wet yourself!

HAZEL: (Giddily) You can go for me.

GARLINIUS: (Flinch) Fizzy Lemon Lime fest. (Knock on the door)


GARLINIUS: (Sigh in exasperation) No, but I have your niece and her friends with me.


DRAGON: (Open the door a little) I would suggest coming back later. Lord Salanara's gone a bit mad.

VERITY: (Pleading) Please! We have to see her. She used to do this all the time back on Earth, I know what it’s like.

TREVOR: (Nod) All of us do.

DRAGON: (Let them in) Lord Salanara, your niece wishes an audience with you.

HAZEL: (Chuck the Fizzy Lemon Lime bottle over your shoulder, stand up and run to hug VERITY) FIZZY LEMON LIME!!!!

VERITY: (Hug HAZEL, then draw back) Why are you so wet?

GARLINIUS: (Nervously) Salanara tends to spill, and frequently can't tell the difference between people and Fizzy Lemon Lime.

JED: (Laugh anxiously) Great, Hazel is going mad because of Sprite. That's just what we need.

HAZEL: (Make barfing sounds into VERITY'S shoulder) Sprite yucky. Fizzy Lemon Lime good! (Try to drink Verity)

EMBER: (Rush up to HAZEL and try to pull her off of VERITY) Whoa, Haze, Verity isn't meant to be eaten!

HAZEL: (Confused) But you don't eat Fizzy Lemon Lime.

JED: (Laugh) No, not really, but it's kind of hard to drink Verity because she's solid.

TREVOR: (Snicker) Especially her skull.

CATLIN: (Scowl at TREVOR) That wasn't nice, Trevor.

TREVOR: (Try not to laugh) It was just too perfect, though!

GARLINIUS: (Pull VERITY away) How about I show you to your rooms, and then you can talk to her after the effect of the Fizzy Lemon Lime has worn off. (Take the SUPERIOR EIGHT away)


DRAGON: (Make a slight shriek) Let's go clean you up, Salanara.


GARLINIUS: (Shake your head) Except for the part where I don't really like Fizzy Lemon Lime.


(At dinner time, in the Dragon Estate)

HAZEL: (Excited, lean back in your chair) So, how did you survive the Kingdom without me? You couldn't have done it alone.

MIST: (Kind of annoyed) Well, we didn't.

VASSIE: (Surprised with MIST'S attitude) Well, don't you sound upset.

CATLIN: (Nod) Yes, we had help. Mouyhaeayh and Maijacae helped us.

HAZEL: (Confused) Garlinius, you didn't tell me they had friends with them. Where did you leave them?

GARLINIUS: (Bow your head) I did not want to ruin your happy reunion just for a couple of prisoners.

JED: (Stand up) Where did you put them? Why have you imprisoned our friends?

GARLINIUS: (Turn to JED, irritated) They seemed like a potential threat to the Dragon Estate and you. I could not put the entire place in danger just because you are blinded by foolish trust.

NOELLE: (Irritated) Trust isn't foolish! Don't you have feelings?

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) Of course. As a warrior I need to control my feelings so I do not get tricked or captured.

VERITY: (Angrily) Eat a fairy or something! You dragons have to have some way to kill you if you are afraid of endangering people by being captured just because you might let a small secret slip from between your lips.

HAZEL: (Wave a dismissive hand) Bring in their friends.

GARLINIUS: (Shake your head) You obviously haven't worn off the effects of you’

HAZEL: (Stand) I have worn off the effects of the Fizzy Lemon Lime. Bring in their friends.

GARLINIUS: (Confused and hesitant) Yes, my Lord. (Go to fetch MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE)

HAZEL: (Lightly) Well, now that she's out of the way, why don't you tell me about what you have learned from your little adventure into the wild?

TREVOR: (Laugh) A lot more than you think.

NOELLE: (Nod) But I think you're looking for something more along the lines of, “We shouldn't go off into the Kingdom when you tell us not to, because we won't fare well.”

CATLIN: (Happily) And we wouldn't have if it weren't for Mouyhaeayh and Maijacae.

VERITY & EMBER: (Giggle) True! They are some of the most helpful people we know.

HAZEL: (Confused) What exactly do mean when you say, “A lot more than you think,” Trevor?

TREVOR: (Shake your head) I mean what I said. We learned more than you think.

VASSIE: (Excitedly) Yeah! Mouyhaeayh taught Verity, Ember, Catlin, Noelle, and Jed all how to use various healing spells on different areas of the body, and Maijacae taught Mist, Trevor, Jed and me how to fight. Mist now has down Dragon, Elven, and Griffin spells.

MIST: (Embarrassed) Only because he didn't make it clear that he was doing other spells.

JED: (Laugh) He actually said specifically that he was going to teach a non-dragon spell.

HAZEL: (Laugh)

GARLINIUS: (Enter the room while holding a bound MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE) Here are the prisoners.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) I told you we shouldn't have trusted the dragon, Zaoe! Now we are being held prisoner, and you are all soon follow!

MAIJACAE: (Try to attack GARLINIUS) We have done nothing wrong! Let us go!

GARLINIUS: (Counter) Lord Salanara will decide whether or not you speak the truth.

HAZEL: (Wave your hand dismissively) Let them be seated, Garlinius.

GARLINIUS: (Confused) What? But they-

HAZEL: (Shake your head) Just do it. And yes, all effects of the Fizzy Lemon Lime have worn off. Entirely. Let them sit down by their friends.

GARLINIUS: (Reluctantly give them seats near the SUPERIOR EIGHT)

VERITY: (Happily, run over and hug MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE)

EMBER: (Follow VERITY'S example)

CATLIN, NOELLE, VASSIE, & MIST: (Run to hug your friends as well)

TREVOR: (Laugh and shake your head) I am so not going to make myself look that stupid.

JED: (Stand and walk over to join the hug) It isn't that bad. You sure sounded worried about them earlier.

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes) I might actually have to come into contact with Mist.

MIST: (Glare over at TREVOR) Oh, no, what a tragedy!

HAZEL: (Nod approvingly once the SUPERIOR EIGHT break away) So, I hear that you have helped my niece and her friends. Is this true?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Defensively) Is there something wrong with that?

HAZEL: (Shake your head and smile) No, of course not. You don't need to be so hostile. It's not like I actually told Garlinius to imprison you. It was just a small misunderstanding.

MAIJACAE: (Angrily) Small mistake? We foolishly followed your dragon pet for Zaoe, and then Garlinius told us that we are a threat, and threw us in a prison cell!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) And you're calling this a small mistake?

MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE: (Angrily) How could you let her do something like that?

GARLINIUS: (Amazed) Two of together?

HAZEL: (Smile) Good strategy. You even have Garlinius. It's hard to steal the Brain away, though.

VERITY: (Confused) Mouyhaeayh? Why didn't you tell us? You never seemed to be that way when you were helping us?

TREVOR: (Groan) My life is filled with these people, isn't it?

MAIJACAE: (Glance worriedly at VERITY) I guess you just didn't notice it.

HAZEL: (Slightly annoyed) You really don't need to go to the trouble of saying things like that. You don't need to bother. We are allies. (Stand, walk over, and unbind them)

MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE: (Stand, and attack together)

HAZEL: (Counter) Nice try. You are really good at pulling this off, you know? I don't think anyone has ever managed it in all of their lives before. Ah--wait. Let me ask. (Look up like trying to remember something) Oh, yes, you are the first. Congratulations!

MOUYHAEAYH & MAIJACAE: (Confused) But we aren't faking it.

HAZEL: (Laugh) Oh, man, I'm impressed! You won't even admit it! This is amazing! You never let your act fail you! So, what have you taught them?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Confused) Healing and fighting spells, not even very good ones at that.

HAZEL: (Think) Would you mind letting me see what they can do?

MAIJACAE: (Nod) Yes. I feel confident. The warriors will attack me, and try to harm me. Then Mouyhaeayh's healers will fix me up.

VASSIE: (Worried) Are you sure this is a good idea?

TREVOR: (Wave a dismissive hand) Oh, it will be fine. Mouyhaeayh has taught them well, and they can heal just about anything we throw at him. We aren't that advanced.

JED: (Nod) Besides, if we fail, then Mouyhaeayh could probably save him instead. As long as we don't kill him, we will be fine.

MIST: (Confused) Which spell do I use?

MAIJACAE: (Annoyed) A dragon spell.

MSIT: (Confused) And could you give me an example?

MAIJACAE: (Shake your head) The one for throwing your element.

HAZEL: (Excitedly) All right! Let's see this!


MAIJACAE: (Fall to the ground with a scream)


CATLIN: (Questioningly) Um...right arm and heart?

VERITY: (Shake your head) No, throat and chest.

NOELLE: (Alarmed) And this is the girl who thinks that fights translate to taking broccoli out of a lake! It is a head wound!

JED: (Annoyed) He is in serious pain! I aimed for the right arm, but we need to ask where he is hurt. He can tell us that much.

EMBER: (Frustrated) We are supposed to identify where it is, how much damage, and select a spell on our own! We aren't supposed to ask the patients.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Calmly) You can ask, but the patient can't always tell exactly. That is why you do the running-hand to find ever harmed areas.

EMBER: (Smile) Told you!

VERITY, CATLIN, & NOELLE: (Use running-hand to find the damaged areas)

VERITY: (Nod) Throat...

CATLIN: (Nod) Chest and heart areas......

NOELLE: (Nod) Arms.....

EMBER: (Confused) Are you sure that's all?

JED: (Use running-hand) Stomach has internal damage.

MIST: (Confused) I still don't know why that one didn't work!

MAIJACAE: (Clench your teeth, in a lot of pain) Mist, it did work. You used the wrong one. I told you never to do that one unless you were in serious danger!

MIST: (Embarrassed) Oops.

CATLIN: (Urgent) What spell do you use for all this? This is internal damage, a lot of burns, and several broken bones.

JED: (Nod) I think we use more than one spell.

VERITY: (Hysterically) Well, we still don't know which ones we are supposed to be using! There are a lot of different spells to use!

MAIJACAE: (Start taking quick short breaths)

EMBER: (Determined) Heart first. He's having trouble breathing.

NOELLE: (Alarmed) How much damage is there?

CATLIN: (Scared) I hate these tests.

JED: (Frustrated) How much damage do we need to deal with?

CATLIN: (Distressed) I don't know? The how much damage does it take to prevent breathing?

VERITY: (Sigh) Let's just use the maximum heart and lung spell.

EMBER: (Nod) I suppose that would work.

CATLIN, NOELLE, JED, VERITY, & EMBER: (Use the maximum heart and lung spell)

MAIJACAE: (Start breathing normally) That took you long enough.

JED: (Glare at MAIJACAE) At least we tried. We could have let you hyperventilate until you died.

EMBER: (Frustrated) Now isn't the time for that! We still have an entire nervous system to fix!

CATLIN: (Urgently) That is much too tricky! We should fix everything else while we can, before he can feel anything. Once that comes back, he will hurt like heck.

MAIJACAE: (In pain) Please don't do that. I hurt enough right now.

VERITY: (Alarmed) So, what do we do then? The burns?

NOELLE: (Use a frost spell) That should slow the blistering.

MAIJACAE: (Start convulsing)

EMBER: (Jump back) Ah!

CATLIN: (Alarmed) What is he doing?

JED: (Exasperated) Convulsing. He's convulsing!

VERITY: (Exasperated) Well, at least something's coming back without our aid.

CATLIN: (Urgently) Hurry! Noelle, make him cold enough to be numb! He's going to be screaming any second now.

MAIJACAE: (Start screaming in pain)

TREVOR: (Amazed) Whoa, Catlin, are you psychic or something?

CATLIN: (Glare at TREVOR) Shut up.

NOELLE: (Numb MAIJACAE) Right. Throat.

EMBER: (Urgently) I don't think we'll make it.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Shove them aside) No, you won't. (Do an overall spell) Overall spell. Remember?

CATLIN, NOELLE, JED, VERITY, & EMBER: (Sounds of recognition)


(In Fire Estate)

FIRE: (Angrily) You have failed me.

DEMON 2: (Bowing, frantically) I am truly sorry, my Lord. They just slipped my grasp and-

FIRE: (Angrily) “They just slipped your grasp”?

DEMON 2: (Frantically) Yes, but now they are-

FIRE: (Angrily) I don't wish to know unless it is news of their death! You know the consequences of your failure!

DEMON 2: (Frantically) The Superior Eight are in the Kingdom!

FIRE: (Pause) What did I just hear?

DEMON 2: (Slightly relieved) I chased them into the Kingdom where you have the advantage, so you can do the honor for Shadow.

FIRE: (Menacingly) You have done well, but it is still not what I asked for. Your failure still stands.

DEMON 2: (Frantically) Please, I can do better next time!

FIRE: (Stand and slowly take a step toward DEMON 2) The Fire shows no mercy to those who touch it. You shall pay for your failure! (Does death spell)


(In Dragon Estate)

TREVOR: (Kick ball) So, what do you guys think about all this?

NOELLE: (Confused) About what?

TREVOR: (Exasperated) About all this Magic and stuff!

VASSIE: (Shrug) It's really weird. But I guess it's kind of fun and cool, too.

CATLIN: (Nod) It's really fun being able to do all this stuff, but it is also kind of scary.

VERITY & EMBER: (Laugh) No kidding!

MIST: (Determined) Well, it kind of makes me feel good-saving the world and all.

JED: (In a matter-of-fact kind of tone) The Kingdom, not the world.

MIST: (Embarrassed and exasperated) You get the idea.

VERITY & EMBER: (Sadly) I still feel bad for what we did to Maijacae.

NOELLE: (Nod, sadly) Yeah. I can't believe we didn't remember the overall spell.

TREVOR: (Regretfully) Please say you won't hold anything against us for that.

JED: (Shake your head) It's fine, I just feel so totally stupid now.

FIRE: (Leaning against something) Two things: You are, and it is quite a pity the elf boy didn't die.


FIRE: (Slightly amused) It's true.

VASSIE: (Angrily and defensively) Jed is not stupid!

CATLIN: (Angrily and defensively) Maijacae doesn't deserve to die!

JED: (Laugh a little) I actually have to agree with fire-boy on the part about me being stupid.

VERITY: (Shake your head) You aren't stupid. It was the pressure.

EMBER: (Nod) We all got a little freaked out and couldn't remember everything.

VERITY & EMBER: (Kindly and nervously) Like just before the CRTs, or when you ask me the definition of a word, and then I can't remember it because you just asked. You don't get to blame yourself.

FIRE: (Annoyed) This really is a touching moment, but we need to get on with this. The two of together girls will come with me. You will not be harmed as long as they're with me.

MIST: (Annoyed) Shoot, this has got to be some kind of riddle. What's the loophole?

FIRE: (Lightly) There isn't one.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Walk in defensively) Liar. “I will not harm you as long as they are with me.” If you sell them, or hand them off to someone else, then you can harm them. What if you want to give them to the Shadow Lord? What if you decide to gain an orb or staff of some sort by getting rid of them? They will not be safe. They will not go with you.

FIRE: (Slowly stalk over to the group, and grab JED) He doesn't matter much to you, does he?

VERITY & EMBER: (Gasp and try to run and help) Jed!

FIRE: (Shake your head and wave a dismissive hand) Elphen will be alright, as long as you come with me.

MIST: (Attack at FIRE'S head, but to no prevail) Why didn't that work?

TREVOR: (Sigh and shake your head) Griffin spell.

MIST: (Embarrassed) Oh. (Kick the ball at him)

FIRE: (Dodge, and attack MAIJACAE)

MAIJACAE: (Fall to the ground with a scream)

VERITY & EMBER: (Frantically) Maijacae!

FIRE: (Menacingly) Walk away from this, and the Elf Prince will die.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) You will not destroy my friend's ruler! (Attack)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

TREVOR: (Counter)

CATLIN: (Attack) I'll go help Maijacae. Don't let him hurt anyone! (Run over to MAIJACAE and try to help him)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

VERITY & EMBER: (Counter) We'll go-

MIST: (Run over, put a hand over each girl's mouth, threateningly) We will hold you captive if we must, but you will not let you run off with some psychopath for Elph. (Let them go and attack)

FIRE: (Counter, lightly) Oh. Well, if they can't come, and it doesn't matter, then I suppose this doesn't matter. (Use a spell on JED)

JED: (Scream in pain, and double over)

FIRE: (Yank JED back up) Are you not feeling so good, Elphen? Let's distract you from that pain. (Use another spell)

JED: (Scream, and use a spell on FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter) Whoops, forgot about that. Let's disable your muscles for a moment, just in case Zaoe and Suaickya choose to stop by. (Attack JED)

JED: (Fall limp in FIRE'S arms)

FIRE: (Attack) Isn't it so much fun when they can't do a thing, but they still scream? I absolutely love it.

MAIJACAE: (Attack five times in a row) You will not harm my prince!

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

FIRE: (Counter) Hm. I suppose I could just kill him. I could also move on if he was dead, and eventually there wouldn't be anyone to go through. Just us three.

NOELLE: (Angrily) No! You won't kill Jed, you will not move on to anyone else, nor will you take Verity and Ember. (Attack)


VASSIE: (Exasperated) Salanara, now isn't the time. Go away. We've got this. (Attack)

FIRE: (Laugh and shake a disapproving head) Don't lie to the Brain. She always knows!

HAZEL: (Laugh) I do! So true! Fire flew! Try something new!

JED: (Mumbled) Great, she's making poems at a time of crisis.

VERITY & EMBER: (Happily) Jed! (Run over to him)

FIRE: (Drop JED and catch them both by the arm) No, you don't go there. (Attack JED)

JED: (Scream)

VASSIE: (Angrily) He didn't do anything bad to you! Why are you doing this?

FIRE: (Lightly) To get the mates.

VERITY & EMBER: (Fall to the ground at FIRE'S feet and cry. Lean into each other)

FIRE: (Mock sorrow) Oh, I'm sorry. Did I find a soft spot?

HAZEL: (Attack FIRE)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

HAZEL: (Counter) YOU’RE MAKING MY FIZZY LEMON LIME CRY! (Attack) Wait--can Fizzy Lemon Lime cry?

FIRE: (Counter attack) So, are you ladies coming for your friend's life, or not?

JED: (Shake your head frantically) Don't...Do....It....

FIRE: (Attack) Let the girls decide.

JED: (Scream)

VERITY & EMBER: (Stand) We will go.


VASSIE: (Appalled) No! You can't do that!

MAIJACAE: (Surprised) We can find a way! You don't need to do this!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) You will not leave with him! He still has every opportunity to harm you and us!

CATLIN: (Amazed) Jed is important, but if we would've taken the stand we could make it! We could save him some other way! Don't do this!

TREVOR: (Shake your head) I'm going to miss your total strangeness! Don't leave for scary demon-looking dude!

FIRE: (Menacingly) They have made their choice! Do not try to save them! (Revive JED)

JED: (Stand, pull them away from FIRE) Leave my friends alone! Let me die if that's what it takes! You will not harm them!

VERITY & EMBER: (Sadly) I am so sorry, Jed. Please trust me when I say we’re doing this for the best-we’re doing this for your safety.

JED: (Turn around) What?


FIRE: (Smile) Quite satisfactory. (Attack VERITY & EMBER)

VERITY & EMBER: (Scream)

FIRE: (Knock them out) I have my prize. I shall see you when the Shadow Lord captures you.


FIRE: (Pick up VERITY & EMBER, and walk away)

HAZEL: (Grumpily) MR. FLICKER GOT AWAY!!!! Oh well.


(In Dragon Estate)

JED: (Angrily) Why couldn't we stop them? I shouldn’t have let myself be so vulnerable, this is all my fault.

VASSIE: (Grievously) I think it was a group effort. I don't know how else it could have happened.

CATLIN: (Shake your head) It's okay. We all played a part. Even them, which none of your want to admit. Ver and Em both decided that they wanted to do that, and it was completely their call. We didn't get to control their answer.

TREVOR: (Angrily, yelling) Did you totally miss the part where he hurt them? Catlin, they accepted, and he attacked them for cooperating! He was planning to harm us all from the beginning, and we didn't do a thing!

MAIJACAE: (Hold up your hands) He harmed them, yes, and we all played a part. They wanted to protect Elphen, which is great. Sckarreall, you don't need to take it upon yourself to keep peace among us all. Fire took them somewhere, and we need to find them.

GARLINIUS: (Eagerly) Does this mean that we get to lead an attack on the Shadow Territories?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Nod your head) I think that's what Maijacae was trying to get through, but we shouldn't just go marching in there until we know exactly where he is.

NOELLE: (Nod thoughtfully) Do you think we could find a seer or an oracle or something?

HAZEL: (Nod) There are a lot of those around here, and as long as I ask, they will do it without question. We won't even need to pay them!

VASSIE: (Relieved) Good thing, too. I was scared I would have to give my soul or something just for those two little rascals.

MIST: (Shake your head) I wouldn't give them that much credit.

GARLINIUS: (Grab VASSIE by the arm and pull her towards you) Dealairai is part oracle. She should be able to guide us.

VASSIE: (Confused) What? No I'm not. Besides, even if I was, I wouldn't be able to use my powers if my life depended on it.

GARLINIUS: (Shake your head) You will learn. Are you ready?

VASSIE: (Suspiciously) Am I concerned yet?

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) Depends. What do you see when I ask you this: Where are Zaoe and Suaickya?

VASSIE: (Shake your head in stupor) I see you.

TREVOR: (Mockingly, gasp) Wow! No kidding! Do you really think the dragon ate them? Wow!

JED: (Roll your eyes) I think Garlinius is looking for a little more insightful thing. Like clairvoyance or something.

VASSIE: (Shrug) Right, okay, maybe I'll be able to figure that one out in a few decades.

GARLINIUS: (Angrily) No, you will figure it out now! Close your eyes!

VASSIE: (Sigh, and reluctantly close your eyes)

GARLINIUS: (Slightly more calm, but still very angry) Now. Where are Zaoe and Suaickya?

(In vision-dark area, shadow territories, wood area with many rocks)

VASSIE: (Furrow your brow in concentration) They're in a forest. It's really dark with lots of dark stones.

GARLINIUS: (Nod) What is happening to Zaoe and Suaickya?

(In vision-dark forest, lots of stones, VERITY & EMBER sitting on ground hugging and crying)

VASSIE: (Eyes closed) They're crying.

CATLIIN: (Upset) And?

VASSIE: (Shrug and open your eyes) They're sitting on the ground.

MIST: (Roll your eyes, ironically) Well, aren't you detail oriented.

NOELLE: (Glare at MIST) Why don't you try taking a look?

MIST: (Embarrassed) Shut up.

GARLINIUS: (Nod) So they are in the Shadow Cloud Forest. We should get going soon, before they move.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Alarmed) Wait- Shadow Cloud Forest? No! That's much too risky! We can't just send the hope of the Kingdom into a death trap! Without training, they'll die!

GARLINIUS: (Angrily) We can't let them get any farther away.

VASSIE: (Determined) They sacrificed themselves for us, now we will sacrifice ourselves for them.

NOELLE: (Nod) Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

MIST: (Shrug) The positive version.

TREVOR: (Confused) Wheat?

JED: (Roll your eyes) Social studies.

TREVOR: (Cock your head) What part?

JED: (Sigh, exasperated) It's an ancient Egyptian law.

TREVOR: (Shrug) Oh. I guess I missed that.

CATLIN: (Giggle) You miss a lot of stuff, Trev.

VASSIE: (Nod) Let's go.

GARLINIUS: (Smugly) You are outnumbered, Mouyhaeayh.

MAIJACAE: (Sadly) I'm sorry, Mouyhaeayh, but I have to agree with them. My prince is on their side. I must leave with them.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) Fine. I'll go back home while you idiots commit suicide.

MAIJACAE: (Pleadingly) Look, I'm sorry! We can keep this up, just stay here, where you're safe from the Shadow Lord!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Shake your head, angrily and sadly) So you're allowed to go kill yourself, and I'm not?

MAIJACAE: (Pleadingly) They think we're two of together! They will hurt you to draw me to you, and then they will kill us both when they find that we aren't really as they think we are!

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) Yeah, well, you're still hurt, and you wouldn't actually come. You'd be dead, because you went after Fire to fetch them when we could find another way!

MAIJACAE: (Angrily, yell) Well, then what is that other way? What could we do that would substitute this? If you’re so concerned about how I'm hurt, then isn't that just another reason to come anyway?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Glare at MAIJACAE) I hope I won't need to see you again.

GARLINIUS: (Quietly) Dragons, grab the girl.

DRAGONS: (Rush to hold her)

GARLINIUS: (Nod) Your friend is right. You can't just wander off into the Shadow Lord's grasp. You will be held here, or you will come with us.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Grudgingly) Do I need to decide now, or do I have a while?

GARLINIUS: (Turn to walk out the door) We will be leaving tomorrow. Have your decision made by then.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Anxiously) Garlinius?

GARLINIUS: (Turn around slightly) Yes?

MOUYHAEAYH: (Anxiously) Why are you doing this?

GARLINIUS: (Smile) Your friend is treating you like you can't fight.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Confused) Then why are you holding me here?

GARLINIUS: (Sadly) You are an important player in this battle against the Shadow Lord. I would just make you come anyway.

MOUYHAEAYH: (Angrily) Why would you do that?

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) I've seen you fight. You're rather good at it, too. You have a very vicious, elite style that could take down any solider, no matter how great they are. But you still aren't as good as me. (Walk out of the room)

TREVOR: (Point to the far corner) Whoa that is the hugest ladybug I have ever seen!

EVERYONE (EXEPT TREVOR): (Turn to look at it)

VASSIE: (Turn back to glare at TREVOR) You're so mean.

TREVOR: (Smile) Nah, I'm just special.


(In woods, next day)

VASSIE: (Sadly) It's really too bad Mouyhaeayh couldn't join us. She has this way of making things funnier.

CATLIN: (Laugh) Now you're just saying things.

VASSIE: (Suppress a smile) No, I'm serious!

NOELLE: (Smile) And there's the proof, folks! Let's give her a hand!

GARLINIUS: (Turn around) Is she hurt?

MIST: (Annoyed) It's an expression. It means you’re supposed to applaud or clap for her.

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) And who knows why I need that kind of thing. I was trying to make conversation, and now I am being treated like a brilliant artist or something.

TREVOR: (Laugh) Maybe it's because you're just a brilliant person.

VASSIE: (Smile) You can be nice when you really, really try at it.

JED: (Sarcastically) Who knew?

TREVOR: (Laugh)

GARLINIUS: (Confused) Why are you acting so lightly on our rescue mission?

MAIJACAE: (Urgently, stage whisper) We're on Shadow Territory! Don't talk about the mission!

NOELLE: (Shrug) I suppose, Garlinius, we are just trying to mislead the enemy into thinking we are here on accident.

GARLINIUS: (Suspiciously) Alright. Just don't get too carried away.

CATLIN: (Giggle) You are so over cautious. Why are you always so jumpy on road trips?

GARLINIUS: (Roar) This is not a road trip!

NOELLE: (In a matter-of-fact tone) Notice he didn't deny being so jumpy.

TREVOR: (Mockingly) Oh, is someone kind of scared of the Big Bad Wolf?

GARLINIUS: (Angrily, turn your back) That is ridiculous. Who would be scared of something like that?

JED: (Laugh and roll your eyes) You don't need to give her a hard time. She's at least going to the trouble of leading us there and helping us out.

MAIJACAE: (Nod) Elphen has a point. We should keep going, before someone finds our business here.

TREVOR: (Complaining) Are elves always so reasonable?

HAZEL: (Giddily) That's the idea!

VASSIE: (Confused) Why hasn't the Fizzy Lemon Lime worn off yet?

HAZEL: (Hold up a bottle of Fizzy Lemon Lime and laugh hysterically)

MIST: (Run over and try to pull the bottle from her hands) You're going to give us away!

HAZEL: (Laugh) But I don't give away my Fizzy Lemon Lime.

MAIJACAE: (Exasperated) We can't deal with this now! Just make sure she isn't too noisy, and we'll let her be that way. We need to keep on moving. Just leave her alone.

MIST: (Grudgingly let go and back away)

VASSIE: (Pick up the pace and continue forward) If we need to get moving, we should probably get moving.

GARLINIUS: (Urgently) Wait! We should check to make sure we really know where they are. They have probably moved since we last checked.

TREVOR: (Complaining) When did we last check? The days seem to blur together around here.

CATLIN: (Tiredly) I think it was last week.

VASSIE: (Laugh) They've definitely moved since then. What do you want to bet they've made it to the black market or something?

NOELLE: (Confused) Is there a black market?

GARLIIUS: (Urgently, kind of panicked) There's a black market for sure, but I doubt he'd give them away like that. Two of together mates are very prized in the Shadow Estate, the way African-Americans were frequently slaves in the South, so Fire may sell them, but it's unlikely. You can brag about capturing them yourself if you keep them.

JED: (Angrily) That's what I needed to hear to make me feel better about what I let them do.

VASSIE: (Close your eyes)

(In vision- VERITY & EMBER holding hands, being pulled apart by two people)

VASSIE: (Concerned) They are in a woodland area, being pulled apart by two men.

GARINIUS: (Suddenly scared) What do the men look like?

VASSIE: (Shrug) They look kind of...shadowy. Like wraiths or something.

JED: (Lean against a tree and bury your face in your hands)

CATLIN: (Urgently) Do you think they are at the black market?

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) Perhaps. I don't know what the wraiths are about. Wraiths avoid the black market. They can frequently be sold there as well. I think they may be at the Fire Estate.

NOELLE: (Sigh) Great. A trip to the demon's palace. This is going to be the longest road trip ever.

MAIJACAE: (Urgently) We need to get moving. If they are at the Fire Estate, then they will be worn down very quickly. By the time we get there, they may be partly insane, and partly dead.

TREVOR: (Scared) What? Their paranormal explanations won't be the same! We need to get to them now!

MIST: (Giggle) Nor will they have the chance to put you in your place ever again. This is serious.

JED: (Get up) Yet you laugh. We have to hurry. I will not let the Shadows take away their spirit.

VASSIE: (Nod) I agree with Elph. We need to get going. (Start jogging up the path)

CATLIN: (Shrug) I suppose we have nothing to lose. (Run after VASSIE)

JED: (Run after VASSIE)

MIST: (Giggle) This is fun! (Run after the others)

NOELLE: (Smile) You have a strange sense of humor. (Run after them)

GARLINIUS: (Run after them)


TREVOR: (Grimly) This is going to suck.

HAZEL: (Awkwardly leap after them) MR. FLICKER WILL PAY!!!


(In Fire Estate)

WRAITHS: (Grab VERITY & EMBER'S upper arms behind their backs)

FIRE: (Happily) Splendid! I have captured some two of together mates, and will also get to destroy their friends right before their eyes! This will be a great day!

VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) They will not follow us! You cannot destroy them!

FIRE: (Shrug) All the same. If they don't follow you, then I can always send someone to capture them for me.

VERITY & EMBER: (Lean back into the wraiths and attack using your legs)

FIRE: (Counter) Very clever tactic. If only you could use it more. Maybe if I found a way to control you I could make you kill your friends.

VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) No! You will not let us harm our friends! Nor will we let you harm them!

FIRE: (Laugh) You are so strong willed. I know how to break that. It's actually a very simple way, everyone who knows the definition of two of together knows it.

VERITY & EMBER: (Share a nervous glance, and then glare at FIRE)

FIRE: (Smile) Move them farther away from each other.

WRAITHS: (Move VERITY & EMBER away from each other)

VERITY & EMBER: (Panic, and struggle against the wraiths)

FIRE: (Laugh) See? It's really simple. The farther apart, the more cooperative! Isn't it great?

VERITY & EMBER: (Continuously struggle against the WRAITHS)

FIRE: (Sigh) Ah, so cute. I really love this kind of drama. They shall perform as slaves. Get them into traditional Fire dress.

WRAITHS: (Bow to FIRE, then walk VERITY & EMBER in opposite directions)

VERITY & EMBER: (Struggle against it)


(In woods, a morning time)

TREVOR: (Flop onto the ground) Ugh! Garlinius! We need rest! We've been running all night!

GARLINIUS: (Urgently) No! If we stop, we are leaving your friends in danger!

JED: (Panting) They're your friends, too. We need to rest! There's no way we'll get anywhere if we are in this condition!

VASSIE: (Sit down) I was really determined until you made me run all night long.

CATLIN: (Laugh lightly) No kidding. It really was fun, until about the stroke of midnight.

NOELLE: (Stop and tip your head back) I was actually kind of looking forward to having freaky weird dreams at two in the morning.

MIST: (Surprised) Well, that's different.

MAIJACAE: (Put your hands on your knees) Garlinius, we should take the time to do some vigor spells or something. Put some food in us, and things like that.

GARLINIUS: (Reluctantly) Fine. We will rest for a little bit. You're healing friends know some vigor spells, don't they?

CATLIN: (Tiredly) Yeah, I guess.

JED: (Take a deep breath) This sounds like it's going to be loads and loads of fun.

NOELLE: (Sigh) Too bad Ver and Em aren't here to help out. They were the best at these spells.

MAIJACAE: (Smile tenderly) They will be able to help on the way back. I'm sure of it.

MIST: (Grimly) Unless we don't make it.

TREVOR: (Scowl at MIST) Great positive attitude.

MIST: (Smirk) Thanks.

GARLINIUS: (Determined) We'll make it, I'm sure of it. We have the Elf Prince and one of his subjects on our side. We have the Dragon Lord on our side.


GARLINIUS: (Awkwardly) Well...kind of....

CATLIN: (Nod) We have the Griffin Prince on our side for sure. Same with the Frost Princess.

NOELLE: (Smile) We have the Storm and Vegetation Princesses.

JED: (A little less unhappy) Plus the Dragon Lord's best warrior on our side.


MIST: (Grimly) But we managed to lose the Time Princess and the Unipegas Princess.

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes) Well, we still have the Ether Princess on our side.

MAIJACAE: (Laugh) Lauckathiana, why so grim? Lighten up!

JED: (Smile) Who wants to be invigorated?

MIST: (Walk up to JED) Sure.

VASSIE: (Walk up to CATLIN) I'm ready, Princess Ether.

CATLIN: (Giggle) I wonder if we can make Trevor a knight.

NOELLE: (Eagerly) Hey! That means he'd need to be super chivalrous! He would always need to be kind!

MAIJACAE: (Laugh as you walk up to NOELLE) Well, what fun would it be if he was sworn to protect someone? He wouldn't be able to make everyone really mad at him!

TREVOR: (Sigh) Thank you for not letting them do that. I would die.

GARLINIUS: (Walk to CATLIN) Although it would be a good idea to teach you some manners, you would need to go into training.

HAZEL: (Awkwardly leap to NOELLE) We could do it! I just need to request my dragons to train him!

VASSIE: (Giggle) Salanara, we're just joking. You shouldn't actually do it. He wouldn't be any fun if we were to make him be alert and protective all the time.

TREVOR: (Relieved) Thank you! Someone gets the idea! Dealairai is very smart! You should listen to her!

VASSIE: (Smile)

CATLIN, NOELLE, & JED: (Start using your vigor spell)

MAIJACAE: (Go to the edge of the clearing) I am going to go find some food.

JED: (Walk after MAIJACAE) I'll go with you.

TREVOR: (Nervously run toward MAIJACAE & JED) I don't dare stay with the girls. Next thing I'll know, I'd be a knight. I will not be that way. I would rather be dead.


JED: (Smile) You're very serious about this. As long as you don't insult us, we'll let you come.

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes) If you send me back here, I will just stalk you. I am not going to be alone with a

bunch of girls who think that I should be a knight.

MAIJACAE: (Shake your head) It looks like there isn't going to be any winning. Let's go.

JED, MAIJACE, & TREVOR: (Go into the woods)

CATLIN: (Confused) So what do we do?

NOELLE: (Shrug) I don't know. Build a fire?

VASSIE: (Put your hands on your hips) I guess so.

MIST: (Walk to the edge of the clearing) I'll try to find some sticks to burn.

GARLINIUS: (Shake your head) I want to get moving soon. If we stay here too long, your friends will end up pretty dead.

VASSIE: (Shake your head) They should be fine for an hour or so while we eat something.

GARLINIUS: (Cross your arms) You'd be surprised how easy it is to kill them off spiritually. You know, like their personality and stuff. They're going to be really unresponsive for a while.

CATLIN: (Start digging a hole for the fire) They're strong. They can make it--I hope.

NOELLE: (Smile a little as you pick up a stick) If they're unresponsive, then we will just do everything we can to fix them. They will be themselves again.

GARLINIUS: (Shake your head) Don't push your luck. Most who do make it back out alive are permanently damaged. It isn't pleasant.

MIST: (Sigh) Relax. We will make it quick.

JED: (Walk back with an armful of berries and nuts) What are we making quick?

MAIJACAE: (Shake your head at the fire) I hope it's the fire. Someone is going to notice that.

MIST: (Point at VASSIE) It was Dealairai’s idea.

VASSIE: (Roll your eyes) We can boil water to get rid of protozoan this way. You never know what might be in the water.

CATLIN: (Smile) We had our reasons for the fire.

NOELLE: (Shrug) We're making our stop quick. Garlinius thinks that this stop is killing off Zaoe and Suaickya.

HAZEL: (Hold up bottled water) Why do you need to boil river water?

VASSIE: (Angrily) Salanara? Why didn't you tell us?

HAZEL: (Laugh hysterically)

GARLINIUS: (Grab a rusty bucket and run to the nearby stream. Fill the bucket and dump water on the fire) There. I don't think it was there long enough to be a threat.

MAIJACAE: (Sit down and lay out the berries and nuts) This is what we collected.

VASSIE: (Sit down) Where's Trevor?

MAIJACAE: (Look up for a minute then pretend to get distracted by something else) We have blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. In the nut department, we have-

MIST: (Suspiciously) What did you do to Trev?

JED: (Laugh) Oh, Gauureeade? He irritated Maijacae to the point where he picked up Gau and got him stuck in a tree.

NOELLE: (Shake your head) How typical of Trevor to make someone mad enough to do that.

CATLIN: (Laugh) Maijacae, you don't need to feel bad about it. It's about time something like that happened.

GARLINIUS: (Sigh and shake your head) He would really need training before he was a knight.

MIST: (Giggle) Like he'd ever pass.

TREVOR: (Come running out of the forest) Thanks for that! All I did was say that I disliked the reasonableness of elves, and I'm stuck upside-down in a tree! Jeez! People these days!

MAIJACAE: (Don't look up at TREVOR) I'm an elf, not a person.

VASSIE: (Cross your arms) So, Elphen, I guess you conveniently left out the part where Trevor was upside-down.

JED: (Look away) I didn't think it was a very important detail.

CATLIN: (Stand up) We should probably put half of the food in- (Turn around suddenly and cover your ears like you are hearing something very loud. Then fall down backward) They're in trouble! (Run in the direction of the Fire Estate)

VASSIE: (Confused) What's her deal?


NOELLE: (Confused) What is that supposed to mean?

GARLINIUS: (Alarmed and scared) It means that Sckarreall can use empathy. Zaoe and Suaickya must be in a lot of trouble if she could sense it from here. (Run after CATLIN)




(At edge of Fire Estate)

TREVOR: (Irritated, panting) Sckarreall, you made us run all the way here on our resting break. Thanks a lot.

CATLIN: (Angrily) Did you not feel the waves of total panic coming from this place? It has to be them!

JED: (Panting) Catlin that was just you. I mean, I'm sure they're here, this is the Fire Estate, but you are the only one who felt the panic waves.

NOELLE: (Panting, run and duck behind a rock) You're an empathetic person, meaning you can use empathy. Now that we're here, we might as well do some rescuing.

VASSIE: (Follow NOELLE'S lead) It's the best we can do. Nothing to lose, I suppose.

MIST: (Reluctantly follow VASSIEE) I am blaming you guys when we die.

CATLIN: (Duck behind the rock)

MAIJACAE: (Follow CATLIN) Then we will take the blame.

TREVOR: (Stumble as you follow) I hate the reasonableness of elves.

JED: (Carefully step to the rock sideways to prevent falling) Later you will like it.

GARLINIUS: (Pull WILLOW down with you) We can ambush through the front doors.

VASSIE: (Confused) What makes you think that will work?

GARLINIUS: (Point to different areas as you explain) The doors are not heavily guarded, because no one is expecting us to figure that this is the easiest way. They are thinking the opposite way most people think, because they are assuming that we will assume that the upper towers are unguarded.

MIST: (Furrow your brow, confused) Am I the only one whose head is hurting from the way this works?

GARLINIUS: (Roll your eyes) It's really simple. In every story, the front doors are the most heavily guarded, right?

CATLIN: (Nod slowly) Yeah.

GARLINIUS: (In a matter-of-fact tone) Precisely! So, in every story, they ambush from the top, and no one can do anything about it. So, they are figuring that most people will think that this is the way the Fire Estate is guarded as well, so if they do just the opposite, they are in theory safer. Right?

JED: (In recognition) Oh! I get it! They are trying to think the opposite way everyone else will think to have the upper hand!

GARLINIUS: (Nod) Exactly. So. Through the front doors is the easiest.

MAIJACAE: (Smirk) I am really glad we have an all knowing dragon to help us out.

GARLINIUS: (Smile) What would you do without me?

TREVOR: (Shrug) Something along the lines of die in the Fire Estate as we try to save our friends.

NOELLE: (Nod) Pretty much!


(Same place, same time)

TREVOR: (Point over their heads urgently) Look out! A dragon's attacking you from above!

SOLIDERS: (Turn around and look up)


SOLIDERS: (Fall to the ground, passed out)

CATLIN: (Walk up cautiously) Are they dead?

NOELLE: (Bend down to take a pulse) No. They're perfectly alive. Just knocked out. We should hurry.

GARLINIUS: (Shove the doors open) Let's go.

VASSIE: (Run through the doors)


FIRE: (Offstage voice) Well, I see you know my tactic. Come in! Just keep on walking down the hall you are going down, you will find me eventually.

MAIJACAE: (Doubtfully) That “eventually” part was truly comforting.

TREVOR: (Wait for a response from FIRE, but then speak after a while) So was the silence that came afterward.

NOELLE: (Scared) Should we trust him?

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) We don't know the layout of this palace, and he probably wants to capture and kill us, so I think he was telling the truth.

FIRE: (Offstage voice) I am not lying. Garlinius is right. I do want to kill you. Now, just come forward the last few yards.

CATLIN: (Start running down the hall) They're here!

MIST: (Slightly scared) I hope you're right.

MAIJCAE: (Urgently) Sckarreall! Stop! We need to approach together!

TREVOR: (Snicker) I wonder how he's going to kill us.

NOELLE: (Shake your head) Let's not think about that, let's just focus on rescuing Ver and Em.

VASSIE: (Take a deep breath) Ready?

JED: (Take a deep breath) Here we go.

EVERYONE: (Walk into the chamber)

FIRE: (Smile) There. You have managed to walk the heart-wrenching yards to the door. Was it really all that bad?

TREVOR: (Roll your eyes) Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we get onto the part where we kill you and get our friends back?

FIRE: (Laugh) I wish you luck. You will not get your friends back.

MAIJACAE: (Cross your arms) Then you can’t hurt us. You promised.

FIRE: (Roll your eyes) Fire demons have this penchant for breaking promises. We do it all the time.

VASSIE: (Look around) Where are they, anyway?

FIRE: (Sigh) Zaoe, Suaickya, come here.

VERITY & EMBER: (Walk on) Where is VERITY: Ember? EMBER: Verity?

FIRE: (Laugh) They’re so funny! Turn around to face the guests.

VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) Where is she?

FIRE: (Shake your head) I’ll kill her if you don’t turn around to face your guests.

VERITY & EMBER: (Cock your head) But then I’d be of no use to you.

FIRE: (Roll your eyes) Who said you were of any use anyway? Wraiths! Kill-

VERITY & EMBER: (Hastily turn around) I hate you.

FIRE: (Shrug) If you say so. Do you recognize these people?

VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) Where is VERITY: Ember? EMBER: Verity?

JED: (Confused) You’re standing right next to each other.

VERITY & EMBER: (Annoyed) Great, now you’re going to play that game, too. Everyone always says she’s right here, but they’re just trying to break my mind.

FIRE: (Chuckle) Too late.

VERITY & EMBER: (Spin around and glare at FIRE)

FIRE: (Make a spinning motion with your hand) Turn around.

VASSIE: (Angrily) What did you do to them?

FIRE: (Laugh) They can’t see each other. They can’t hear, see, or sense each other in any way. It’s really funny to watch them ask where the other is when they are standing right next to each other.

MIST: (Angrily) That isn’t funny, it’s cruel! Let our friends go!

FIRE: (Hum a tune)

VERITY & EMBER: (Suddenly glare at JED) Why did you literally sell us to Fire? Was this your idea of safety? He took VERITY: Ember EMBER: Verity VERITY & EMBER: away from me!

MAIJACAE: (Panicked) What are they doing?

VERITY & EMBER: (Turn on MIST) Why were you always upset with what we talked about? You were always upset with the way we thought!

GARLINIUS: (Confused) Um…I think that he warped their minds when he hummed that tune!

VASSIE: (Panicked) Stop it! Undo it!

VERITY & EMBER: (Turn on VASSIE) And you. You called us lesbian, and never saw us for who we were. You were not willing to accept the fact that we were meant to be this way! Now she’s gone!

FIRE: (Shrug) I suppose I could undo it, but what fun would that be? I can watch them be angry at you for no reason!

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

JED: (Dodge) How you find this funny, I really do not know.

VERITY & EMBER: (Spin to face MAIJACAE) And then you couldn’t even convince your friend to help us on day of black thunder! You are an incompetent, misleading elf! I don’t know how anyone could ever trust you! (Attack)

FIRE: (Laugh) Isn’t it just too perfect? They take everything you’ve done, and turn it into something that could’ve led up to this. It’s fabulous. I am so glad you guys could make it.

MIST: (Angrily, to JED) What was the tune he was humming?

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

JED: (Confused) Um…I don’t know. You’re asking me like I’m supposed to know. (Fall to the ground)

VERITY & EMBER: (Spin to glare at GARLINIUS) You can make everything seem harmless, but you know that you can just make anyone do anything! You forced them into this, didn’t you? You did! Don’t even try ling. We will know.

CATLIN: (Run over to JED) Elphen!


CATLIN: (Fall)

VERITY & EMBER: (Harshly) Your trip to the doctor’s decided this, didn’t it? You came back, made your act, and told everyone that it was going to happen! You decided to do this! You decided to sell us to Fire!

NOELLE: (Angrily) No! She didn’t! We didn’t play any part in this, and we didn’t sell you to Fire. You wouldn’t listen when we told you that we needed-

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack NOELLE, and approach) Now, Noelle, you always had such a positive attitude. By letting Vassie join us, you brought us here! None of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t let Vassie come!

JED: (Sit up slowly) Ow.

TREVOR: (Scared) Okay, so, everyone who is currently sitting on the ground, stay on the ground. I think Garlinius, Mist, Maijacae, Vassie and I can probably-



VERITY & EMBER: (Angrily) So, Trevor, you have always been rather harsh, but I never thought it would come to this. I have lost my two of together mate, and now you are here to mock me! (Attack TREVOR)

TREVOR: (Duck)

MIST: (Fall) Ah!

TREVOR: (Guilty) Sorry, Mist.

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

TREVOR: (Fall down)


MAIJACAE: (Counter)

VASSIE: (Pleading) Zaoe, Suaickya! Please, stop this!

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

VASSIE: (Fall)

MAIJACEA: (Dodge) It takes more than that to bring down an elf.

JED: (Try getting up, just to fall again) If only that were true.

VERITY & EMBER: (Attack)

JED: (Fall)


HAZEL: (Sing song to the tune that FIRE hummed)

VERITY & EMBER: (Fall down, passed out)

FIRE: (Angry) Wraiths! Pick them up and take them to me!

HAZEL: (Giggle) And it’s true, too!

WRAITHS: (Pick up VERITY & EMBER and carry them to FIRE, and set them down on the floor near the throne)

FIRE: (Glare at HAZEL) I guess you aren’t as crazy as I had thought, Salanara.

VASSIE: (Angrily) Okay, now that they’re out, and Will’s back on the Fizzy Lemon Lime, we do get our friends back, right? I mean, we did win, didn’t we?

FIRE: (Laugh darkly and shake your head) Oh, you wish, Dealairai. You really do wish. You don’t get them back-not yet. You have to come through me.

MIST: (Laugh and roll your eyes) You’re acting like you’re actually protecting them.

VASSIE: (Laugh) Yeah, like that would ever happen.

GARLINIUS: (Stand, fiercely) You want a fight, demon? You have a fight! All of us know how to fight well. Plus, there are eight of us and one of you. You don't even stand a chance.

MAIJACAE: (Clear your throat) Nine, actually.

GARLINIUS: (Confused) Huh?

MAIJACAE: (Softly, point at HAZEL) Dragon Lord.

FIRE: (Laugh maniacally) I only challenged Dealairai. It will be a one on one kind of thing. Your friends won’t be able to attack. For the two of together girls.

JED: (Concerned) What? No! We can't do it like this! We all came, and we will all fight!

VASSIE: (Breathlessly, ignore JED) What do I need to do to win?

FIRE: (Smile) To the death. You kill me, you get your friends. I kill you, I get all of them.

VASSIE: (Nod) Let's get started, then.

JED: (Run over in front of VASSIE) She will not do it! I know from experience, your deals never end well! Dealairai will not carry this out!

VASSIE: (Urgently) He doesn't know what he's talking about. I can do this. I will do as plan-

NOELLE: (Shake your head) Vass, I don't think this is a very good idea. You should listen to Jed.

FIRE: (Stand, and approach) Elphen, you should listen to your friend. If she wants to, she will. Now move, before I attack you.

VASSIE: (Urgently, try pushing JED aside) Come on, Jed, move out of the way!

JED: (Hold your ground) I will not let you harm Dealairai! We will all fight you, not just her! Garlinius is-


MIST: (In disbelief) Wow, Fizzy Lemon Lime has separate genders now, too. This can't be good.


FIRE: (Counter, attack)

VASSIE: (Counter, attack)

FIRE: (Counter, attack) You are making this too easy! You're a princess, shouldn't this be more exciting?

VASSIE: (Counter, attack, attack)

FIRE: (Counter, attack, attack, attack)

VASSIE: (Counter, attack, attack)

FIRE: (Counter, attack)

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) You'd think that a freaking Fire Demon would be able to take down a wimpy princess. I mean, a page could do it in seconds, and you're making a big deal of it!

FIRE: (Counter, attack) I just want to savor the moment. I'm bored, do you want to take it up a level?

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) Sure. Oh, nice hair by the way. It really matches you.

FIRE: (Beam, counter, attack) I suppose I could say the same.

VASSIE: (Counter, and stumble backward before you attack) You know, back home there was this man who was out kidnapping small children. He looked a lot like you. Was that you?

FIRE: (Confused) No, I don't remember anything of the- (Fall down)

VASSIE: (Smile, attack) Didn't think so.

FIRE: (Glare, counter, get up, attack) Neither did I. You're a little trickier than I had thought.

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) I try.

FIRE: (Counter, attack) You want to bump it up?

VASSIE: (Shrug, counter, attack) Alright. Oh, hey, nice shoes! Where did you get them?

FIRE: (Confused, counter) I'm not wearing shoes.

VASSIE: (Attack) This is a lot of fun. Do you think you could teach me a tactic or two? (Attack) Oh, wait, no, you won't be around in a little while.

FIRE: (Counter, attack) Oh, I will be. There just won't be anyone to teach.

NOELLE: (Raise your hand, sheepishly) You could always teach me.

FIRE: (Glare at NOELLE) Good luck with that.

VASSIE: (Counter attack) I will be here. I'm sure you could be a great teacher if you really really tried super hard at it. You're just too harsh, that's all.

FIRE: (Counter, attack) I suppose I could teach you one final lesson, girl.

VASSIE: (Fall to your back, with a scream)

FIRE: (Approach menacingly) The first rule to any fight is to keep it at your own level. A level that you know you at least have a chance of beating. (Attack)

VASSIE: (Wince) You are at my level.

FIRE: (Laugh menacingly) In your dreams, little girl. (Attack)

VASSIE: (Shriek in pain)

FIRE: (Slowly circle VASSIE) You should also try to spend some time fabricating a strategy instead of just walking right into the enemy's hands. (Attack)

TREVOR: (Lunge forward with an attack ready) No! Leave her alone!

CATLIN: (Grab TREVOR by the arm)) I don't think that getting yourself so involved is a good idea.

FIRE: (Laugh, mockingly) Oh, you should listen to your friend, Griffin. Listen well, and very closely.

GARLINIUS: (Grudgingly) Then I sure hope this doesn't count.

MAIJACAE: (Slightly panicked) Whoa, wait a minute. What exactly do you think you're doing?

GARLINIUS: (Over your shoulder as you walk away) I'm giving Dealairai another chance. She needs it.

TREVOR: (Angry, grudgingly) If you give her an automatic death sentence, I swear I will avenge her death.

GARLINIUS: (Shrug) I’m sure.

MIST: (Enthusiastically) Hey, you don’t mind me making it extra painful, do you?

TREVOR: (Shake your head) Not at all.

MIST: (Excited) Great! So, first we’ll start ripping apart small bits of tissue across the skin and in the brain, then, we’ll let all the liquid drain out of both eyes, and

NOELLE: (Hold up a hand and look away) Oh! TMI, Mist, TMI. Oh, gross, that was truly more than necessary.

JED: (Confused) What are you going to do?

GARLINIUS: (Turn for a moment, then continue walking) You’ll see. (Run out of sight)

FIRE: (Attack) Also, a word for the wise, you should-

DEMON 3: (Urgently, bow before FIRE) There is a dragon attacking our forces! Our troops are almost, down, and we need your help!

FIRE: (Angrily) Do it yourself, you mangy little-

DEMON 3: (Urgently) Please, sir! We don’t stand a chance without you! Please, just come take it down!

FIRE: (Annoyed) Fine. (Walk away with DEMON 3)

CATLIN: (Confused) So, I can tell that this is the time that Garlinius wants us to do something, but I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do.

NOELLE: (In a daze, stare at VASSIE) I think we’re supposed to heal her.

TREVOR: (Alarmed) What? No! That would be an automatic death sentence!

FIRE: (Offstage voice) Garlinius! What are you doing here?

GARLINIUS: (Annoyed) I got bored of you and Dealairai dancing. I decided to participate in my own adventure, called, “Kill Every Guard in the Fire Estate.”

FIRE: (Angrily, offstage) Garlinius, you little-

JED: (Sigh) Mr. Flicker-

HAZEL: (Yell) MUST DIE!!!!

JED: (Shrug) That too. Look, Fire only said that we couldn’t attack. We are allowed to revive, because that wasn’t part of the deal.

CATLIN: (Nod) Elphen’s right. We should go.

CATLIN, NOELLE, & JED: (Run over and kneel beside VASSIE)

NOELLE: (Running-hand) Okay, so her head, throat, vocal chords, chest, arms, and stomach are all seriously wounded, but luckily not her heart.

MIST: (Shake your head in amazement) I would want to die if I had that much damage.

CATLIN: (Worried) That’s a lot of damage. Besides, we don’t know how long Garlinius will be able to hold off Fire. How are we going to heal her?

JED: (Angrily) I’ve made this mistake before, and it won’t happen again.

NOELLE: (Confused) What? I’m confused.

CATLIN: (Exasperated) No, duh, really, Noelle?

JED: (Overall spell) Overall spell. Remember?

NOELLE: (Look away awkwardly) Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?

TREVOR: (Shake your head) You are the worst liar in all the universes, Noelle.

NOELLE: (Annoyed) Now everyone’s mocking me.

MAIJACAE: (Shrug) I’m not mocking you. Yet.

NOELLE: (Roll your eyes) Thanks for the encouragement.

VASSIE: (Weakly) We’ve lost, haven’t we.

CATLIN: (Shake your head) No, not necessarily. We still have a chance. We have revived you. Please, you just need to finish off Fire and we’ve made it. Please, please try, Dealairai. This is for the good of Earth and the Kingdom.

VASSIE: (Weakly) We don’t stand a chance, Quiazara. I’m too weak and worn. I can’t keep on fighting him.

MIST: (Frustrated) Oh, you’ll make it, all right. All you need is a little invigoration spell. Right, Sckeareal?

NOELLE: (Confused) Um…right, yeah, sure. Let’s work on that. (Use the invigoration spell)

VASSIE: (Sit up with a gasp) He’s coming back! Hurry! Get away!

JED: (Smile) Good to know you’re alright.

FIRE: (Offstage voice) Now, Garlinius, if you dare try to do something like that again, you will not see the light of day, nor my mercy.

GARLINIUS: (Offstage voice, annoyed) Fine, I will do as you wish, but just this once.

FIRE: (Offstage voice) Good.

NOELLE, CATLIN, & JED: (Run back to the others)

VASSIE: (Stand) What’s taking so long, Fire? Are you standing out for a moment while you cower? You’re such a milquetoast!

TREVOR: (Confused) What’s a milquetoast?

JED: (Annoyed) It’s a coward.

MAIJACAE: (Laugh) Just being in your presence is amusing.

TREVOR: (Grumpily) Shut up.


FIRE: (Attack VASSIE) I see you took the opportunity to rest up.

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) Oh, it didn’t take much. You didn’t kill me off entirely. It just took the few seconds you needed to get rid of Garlinius.

FIRE: (Counter, attack) Ah, well you won’t be entirely healed. You took more damage than you think, making your spells weaker.

VASSIE: (Counter, attack) You do notice that my Magic hasn’t failed me yet, right? ‘Cause, really, this is a piece of cake.

FIRE: (Counter, attack, attack) You really don’t know when to stop persisting, do you, girl. I suppose you shall learn fairly soon.

VASSIE: (Confused, counter, attack, attack) What do you mean?

FIRE: (Laugh, counter, attack) I mean, you will die soon, because you didn’t stop resisting, you didn’t give in.

VASSIE: (Frown, counter, attack) That sounds like a rather terrible fate, especially for a Fire demon like you.

FIRE: (Annoyed, counter, attack) I was talking about you.

VASSIE: (Confused, counter, attack) Oh, really? It really seemed like you were saying you were going to die because you did something wrong in the way of persisting.

FIRE: (Angrily, lunge at VASSIE)

VASSIE: (Attack)

FIRE: (Stumble back) You stupid little girl!

VASSIE: (Smirk, attack) I know. (Attack)

FIRE: (Counterattack, lunge for VASSIE)

VASSIE: (Counterattack, attack)

FIRE: (Dodge the first, then fall)

VASSIE: (Attack) You know, I really feel kind of bad doing this.

MAIJACAE: (Shake your head) Yeah, it definitely sounds like it.

VASSIE: (Pleading) Please, Fire, we don’t need to fight to the death. Just release our friends and help us stop the Shadow Lord from destroying both of our worlds.

FIRE: (Angrily, attack) Never! I would never betray my brother that way! He released me from my confinement, now I will help him destroy what he fears most—you!

VASSIE: (Fall back) You have chosen your fate. (Attack, attack, and stand)

FIRE: (Counter, attack, attack) Don’t even bother trying to be superior. You know you don’t stand a chance.

VASSIE: (Attack, counter) You never know.

FIRE: (Counter, attack, attack)

VASSIE: (Counter)

FIRE: (Attack)

VASSIE: (Counter, attack)

FIRE: (Attempt a counter, but fall down)

VASSIE: (Approach, and put a knee on his chest) Are you sure you want to do this to the death?

FIRE: (Angrily) I could never join you. You’re too pure, and too Light. We are sworn enemies. This will continue to the death.

VASSIE: (Shake your head sadly) I will feel bad. Please, don’t make me-

FIRE: (Roll over, switching the positions of you and VASSIE) It’s alright. If you don’t want to kill, then I will do it for you. (Raise your staff)

TREVOR: (Angrily) No! Don’t even think it!

FIRE: (Smirk, menacingly) Too late, prince. (Bring the staff down)

VASSIE: (Bring up your hands and stop the staff) Perhaps.

FIRE: (Astonished) What?

VASSIE: (Redirect the staff) Just not for me. (Attack)

FIRE: (Fall away from VASSIE)

VASSIE: (Stand over FIRE, point the staff at him, and send your Magic through the staff) I’m sorry.

FIRE: (Weakly) Shadow will rule, and Earth will never know of Light again, nor will the Light Lord himself! (Die)

MIST: (Confused) Is he dead?

VASSIE: (Sadly) Yes. I killed him.

TREVOR: (Walk over and put an arm around VASSIE’S shoulders, sadly) I’m sorry you had to do something like that.

VASSIE: (Shake your head) It’s alright. I think it was for the best.

NOELLE: (Glance at VERITY & EMBER) So, do we wake them up, carry them, or what? They’re kind of limp looking.

JED: (Walk towards them) Well, it would be tricky to carry them all the way back to wherever we go next, but waking them up may just make them really mad at us again.

CATLIN: (Join JED next to VERITY & EMBER) You’ve got a good point.

MIST: (Walk and kneel beside them) Then what’s the plan?

NOELLE: (Shrug as you walk over) Well, we’ve got a few options, but none of them are very good.


VASSIE: (Shake your head) They’re both taller than us, so we wouldn’t be able to carry them more than about ten yards.

TREVOR: (Shrug) Maybe not even that far.

GARLINIUS: (Thoughtfully) There has to be another way.


JED: (Annoyed) Nice to hear.

MAIJACAE: (Walk over to JED) I suppose we could just get all of you home. The Fire Estate seems to be driving them crazy, so if we walk them just outside, we could teleport all of you back, where Zaoe and Suaickya will be a little more manageable.

GARLINIUS: (Nod) That is wise. You should go back home.

CATLIN: (Glance over your shoulder at HAZEL) What about Salanara? She’s purely insane, but we still need her back home to guide us.

HAZEL: (Trip over FIRE’S legs) Why am I laying on the floor next to Fire? Whoa, how did he die? This is amazing!

TREVOR: (Nod your head) I don’t think we need to worry much about sanity.

VASSIE: (Bend down to pick up VERITY) We should start getting them outside.

TREVOR: (Get in the way of VASSIE) Let the men handle this. Besides, you just finished killing a demon, one on one, and he was far beyond your level.

GARLINIUS: (Walk over to VERITY and pick her up)

TREVOR: (Help GARLINIUS carry VERITY outside)

JED & MAIJACAE: (Pick up EMBER, and carry her outside)

HAZEL: (Confused) Hey, where do you think you are going with them?

MIST: (Annoyed) You’re funny, Will. Really funny.


(Outside Fire Estate)

MAIJACAE: (Check everyone) Do you have everything?

NOELLE: (Nod) I guess so. It’s too bad Mouhyeayh isn’t here.

MAIJACAE: (Smile sadly and look away)

GARLNIUS: (Walk forward and give them a small bow) I will be seeing you soon, if my calculations are correct. Shadow will most likely find another person to hunt you down fairly soon, therefore giving you another reason to visit. I look forward to it.

CATLIN: (Smile and curtsy) So do I.

HAZEL: (Walk forward and put a hand on GARLINIUS’S shoulder) I will return with them very soon. Look over the estate while I’m gone. If they question you, have them ask me.

GARLINIUS: (Bow to HAZEL) Yes, my Lady.

TREVOR: (Confused) Does this mean we’re about to get a big flight of dragons asking about Garlinius?

HAZEL: (Laugh) No, it means I’m going to have a headache from eternal telepathic messages.

MIST: (Walk up to MAIJACAE) Thank you for teaching me, even though I wasn’t a very good student.

MAIJACAE: (Smile, kindly) It’s fine. I think you were a wonderful student. You just liked to pay more attention than you needed, but there isn’t anything wrong with that.

JED: (Bow slightly to MAIJACAE) Thank you for everything, Maijacae. You were more than helpful.

MAIJACAE: (Bow to JED) Thank you, sir. You have been ever so kind to Mouyhaeayh and me. The best of wishes to you.

GARLINIUS: (Smile) You also did a good job with your Magical language.

CATLIN: (Confused) What do you mean?

GARLINIUS: (Giggle) You did surprisingly well understanding the Magical language. You are even fluent.

NOELLE: (Confused) Then why did Zaoe say something about taking the broccoli out of the lake?

HAZEL: (Laugh) We were speaking the language of the Fire Folk. Trevor probably understood it more than all of you, because he’s a griffin, but Jed was right. He used his context clues very well.

JED: (Smile)

MIST: (Confused) But we’ve been speaking English the entire time.

MAIJACAE: (Shake your head) No, you just can’t tell the difference between English and the Magical language just yet. You’ll catch on in time.

VASSIE: (Take a deep breath) Well then, are we ready to head back home?

JED: (Nod) I sure hope so.

MAIJACAE: (Do teleportation spell)


(On school playground, sunset)

JED: (Sigh) Do we wake them up then?

ALICIA: (Walk up to SUPERIOR EIGHT) Wake up who? And how did you get out of the last three months of school? It’s the middle of summer break, and the cops are still looking for you.

TREVOR: (Slightly frightened) What? Oh, Verity and Ember.

ALICIA: (Laugh) What are you saying? You can stop speaking Latin any time now. Did poor Verity and Ember teach you the ways of the dark arts?

CATLIN: (Angrily) We aren’t speaking Latin, and Verity and Ember did not teach us “the dark arts,” as you call it!

ALICIA: (Roll your eyes) Oh, I get it. We’re playing make believe. Sorry, I really just couldn’t catch on there. Gosh, I thought you had grown out of that kind of thing, but I guess not.

MIST: (Angrily) I thought you had grown out of people like us, but I guess I was wrong, too.

ALICIA: (Try mimicking the language)

NOELLE: (Sigh in exasperation) It’s truly touching that you try, but even we can’t understand you there.

ALICIA: (Keep on making weird noises)

JED: (Annoyed) Please, Alicia, you can stop pretending to not hear them. You responded to me talking to my friends, to you can just cut the act. Now.

ALICIA: (Walk over and give JED a hug) See? At least Jed is kind enough to break away from your game to talk to me.

MIST: (Angry) It isn’t a game, Alicia!

ALICIA: (Shrug) It obviously is. I can tell because you’re speaking English again.

TREVOR: (Walk up to ALICIA and attack) Isn’t a game, huh?

WILLOW: (Cheer for TREVOR) Yeah! Show that short-life what Magic is!

ALICIA: (Tumble backward, look at TREVOR, slightly frightened, and run away)

NOELLE: (Relieved) Now do we get to wake them up?

CATLIN: (Nod) Yes.

TREVOR: (Back away) I don’t think you want me to do it.

VASSIE: (Walk to EMBER) I’ll get Ember. Jed, you got us started on this. Why don’t you help Ver out?

JED: (Nod, and kneel beside VERITY)


VERITY & EMBER: (Sit up rapidly) Where is she?

HAZEL: (Extend a hand in front of them) Put your hand on my palm.

VERITY & EMBER: (Do as WILLOW tells you, then look at each other, and happily say the other’s name, ending with a hug)

MIST: (Smile) I love happy endings.

NOELLE: (Laugh) I thought that was why you hated G rated movies.

MIST: (Embarrassed) Well that isn’t a real situation. This is a real life thing, not just some Disney cartoon.

CATLIN: (Laugh)


VERITY: (Smile) Thank you for bringing us back.

EMBER: (Smile) We apologize for any unresponsiveness that may ensue.

TREVOR: (Wave a dismissive hand) Ah, we had that coming anyway.


JED: (Stand) Shall we head home, then? To the looks of it, we are official seventh graders, therefore having past about three months.

CATLIN: (Cover your eyes with a hand) My mom’s going to be a nightmare.

MIST: (Wince) Cleaning my room is going to be pretty ugly.

NOELLE: (Shake your head) I hope Jerry has washed the dog. Not cleaning the dog for three months Is one of the worst things imaginable, and it is probably going to be my job to clean him.

TREVOR: (Put your hands on your hips) I’m with Mist on the cleaning my room thing.

VERITY & EMBER: (Worried) I hope my family didn’t get too worried while we were gone.

HAZEL: (Alarmed) Fudge hasn’t had anyone to sleep with for three months! Poor little puppy…

JED: (Shrug) It will be fine. We are totally safe, completely fine, giving them nothing to worry about.

SUPERIOR EIGHT: (Smile and walk off)


(In Fate Estate)

SHADOW: (Bow to FATE) Father Fate. I have a task for you.

FATE: (Expectantly) Yes?

SHADOW: (Look up) Kill the Superior Eight.

FATE: (Smirk) I am the ruler of death itself. Killing them can’t be that hard.


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