1 - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde



glasgow royal infirmary


REF: 42474D

cLOSING DATE: nOON ON 23rd may 2016


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|Job Ref |42474D |

|Title |Consultant |

|Specialty |intensive care medicine |

|Remit |To provide critical care services to the Royal Infirmary, as well as sessions to a base specialty if required |

|Directorate |Surgery and Anaesthetics |

|Service |Critical Care |

|Department |Critical Care |

|Base |Glasgow Royal Infirmary |

|Responsible/Accountable To |Dr Martin Hughes, Clinical Director, Critical Care, North Sector |

|Enquires to |Dr Martin Hughes (0141 211 4620, 0141 232 0916, martinhughes3@) |

|Visits to Department |Contact Dr Hughes or Nicola Keane, Departmental secretary (0141 232 0917, nicola.keane@ggc.scot.nhs.uk) |

|Working Hours |40 hours per week |

|On Call |1 in 12 first on 1 in 12 second on |

|Mentor |N/A |

|Tenure |Permanent |

|The requirements: |

|Please view the detailed person specification (Page 10) |

You should be appropriately experienced and qualified in the specialty, fully registered with the GMC and have a licence to practice. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to CCT or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from date of Interview.  Non UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.



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We wish to appoint a Consultant colleague to join the Critical Care team at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. The successful candidate will join a cohesive, friendly group of ICU consultants. The group is committed to excellence in all aspects of intensive care medicine, and to ongoing quality improvement.

The critical care unit is a mixed 20 bedded area, with 12 nominal level 3 beds and 8 level 2 beds. There are currently 12 consultants who provide blocks of intensive care, as well as services to their base specialty. These blocks come in units of 4 days (Monday – Thursday) and 3 days (Friday – Sunday), and can be run together. At present, on call is provided on 1:12 first on and 1:12 second on.

There is a consultant and one trainee for each 10 beds. There may also be senior trainees in intensive care medicine or from the medical specialties. We provide tertiary care for burns, pancreatic diseases, complex upper GI surgery, sarcoma surgery and gynaecological cancer.

We have an active research programme in conjunction with the University department of Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical Care, as well as regular audits. The consultant body has varied interests and expertise including health improvement, trauma, education, ventilation and respiratory disease, ethics, diagnostic error and academic critical care.

The job plan outside critical care is negotiable, depending on the background of the successful candidate. It may also be possible to undertake some sessions in academic critical care.

This job plan is negotiable and will be agreed between the successful applicant and the Clinical Director.  NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde initially allocates all full time consultants 10 PAs made up of 9 PAs in Direct Clinical Care (DCC) and one core Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) for CPD, audit, clinical governance, appraisal, revalidation, job planning, internal routine communication and management meetings.  The precise allocation of SPA time and associate objectives will be agreed with the successful applicant and will be reviewed at annual job planning.

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| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday |

|Week 1 |ICU |ICU |ICU |ICU | | | |

| |ICU |ICU |ICU |ICU | | | |

| |Theatre |ICU meeting |Theatre | |ICU |ICU |ICU |

| | |ICU meeting |Theatre | | | | |

| |Theatre |ICU meeting | | | | | |

|Week 5 |Theatre | |Theatre | | | | |

| |Theatre |ICU meeting |Theatre | | | | |

|Week 6 |Theatre | | | | | | |

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The major focus of clinical care is to provide treatment for critically ill patients in the Royal Infirmary, from admission to the hospital until discharge. We aim to aggressively manage deteriorating patients within and out with the critical care unit to avoid deterioration; provide first class, evidence based interventions for every patient who requires our services; and to follow up our patients to prevent relapse.

In addition, we run an award winning multidisciplinary follow up clinic.

Candidates will also provide sessions to their base specialty, depending on their skills and the requirements of the service.


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As consultants, we have a responsibility to ensure our service runs efficiently in the interests of patients; that we communicate effectively with our colleagues from all disciplines; that we provide education and training for our multidisciplinary team. Candidates will be expected to contribute fully to these activities.


There is a corporate induction programme for all new employees. A tailored local induction will be undertaken with peer support and with interdisciplinary involvement. As a new consultant you would be afforded the opportunity to be assigned a clinical mentor to meet your requirements.

|Critical Care |

|Consultant |


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is one of the largest National Health Service providers and employers in the UK. In partnership with local authorities we are responsible for the health needs of a population of 1.2 million people, almost a quarter of the entire Scottish population; Glasgow itself has a population of nearly 600,000. The geographical area covered by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is diverse; it covers both urban and rural locations in the Glasgow and Clyde area.

With an annual budget of one billion pounds this is a particularly exciting time to be joining Greater Glasgow’s Health Service. Over the next decade there is planned investment of more than £750 million, the largest single investment programme in the history of Scotland’s NHS – giving the North and South Glasgow Hospitals accommodation for 21st Century health care.

Our Hospital Modernisation programme is a £750 million strategy that has seen the transformation of acute services across the city including the replacement of out-dated Victorian buildings and the creation of one- stop/rapid diagnosis and treatment models for the vast majority of patients. This will greatly improve the experiences of patients, and staff working environments. Significant investment in acute hospital services means radical changes to Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s healthcare. Reorganisation of services has changed the profile of hospital configuration since June last year within Glasgow to create centres of excellence for surgical, medical and emergency care. 


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde hosts the largest group of adult acute hospitals in Scotland – offering many opportunities to ensure job satisfaction and career development. We enjoy close links with Glasgow’s three universities, and make a significant contribution to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Research also enjoys a high profile within the organisation.

Core adult acute care is currently delivered from four sites within Glasgow. Gartnavel General Hospital delivers acute care in the west-end of the city, In the north-east of the city acute care is delivered from Stobhill Hospital (Minor Injuries Unit and Acute Care and Diagnostics Hospital), and Glasgow Royal Infirmary. The Victoria Ambulatory Care Hospital serves the south-east and the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) in the south-west of the city. Paediatric care is delieverd from the new Royal Hospital for Children adjacent to the QEUH.

|The Royal Infirmary |

Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in the east of the city, provides a wide range of district general hospital, regional, supra-regional and national acute clinical services. Since 2010 an ongoing program of works has been underway to ensure the Royal Infirmary will be fully equipped to serve as the main inpatient hospital for the north and east of the NHSGGC area.

Research also has a high profile within the organisation. The New Lister Building, (formerly known as the University Tower) at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, opened in January 2014 following a £15 million refurbishment. The state of the art equipment, facilities and decor transformed the building for the staff and patients and also includes two floors for the University of Glasgow.

The new Lister Laboratory is named after Joseph Lister who is famous for his ground breaking work in the prevention of wound infection. He worked at GRI between 1861 and 1869 and his work during this time with carbolic acid change the face of surgical procedures making it much safer for patients. In 1911 the pathological institute at GRI was renamed the Lister Laboratory in his honour and since then has continued his pioneering work.

The GRI Site includes, the original hospital building, The Queen Elizabeth building, The Princess Royal Maternity, the Jubilee Building and clinical services from some floors within the Walton Building. Providing a full range of emergency and elective medical and surgical services, the GRI campus hosts a number of specialist services including the Regional Plastics and Burns Unit, hosts complex Upper Gi and Pancreatic Surgical services, Orthopaedic Oncology, Gyn-Oncology surgical services; a range of complex colorectal services are provided including care for Sarcoma management and intestinal failure patients. With renowned services for Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Interventional Radiology, the medical, surgical and radiology services complement each other working closely also with Older People Services to provide comprehensive care for all elements of patient pathways.

The £100 million state of the art Ambulatory Care Hospital (ACH) was opened at Stobhill in 2009 and is one of the largest hospitals in Scotland covering 4 floors with an area the size of 30,000 square metres – the equivalent of five football pitches. It supports the treatment of around 400,000 patients each year and provides a wide range of outpatient, diagnostic and day surgery services. The ACH also has 12 short stay surgical beds with weekday overnight medical cover enabling clinicians to extend the range of surgical procedures offered within the new hospital. Stobhill site also provides 4 Endoscopy rooms in a bespoke unit. It is recognised as one of the most modern and well-equipped hospitals in the country.

|.Critical Care |

|Consultant |

|The Royal Infirmary |

|Critical care |

The Critical Care Unit is a 20 bedded mixed level 2 and level 3 unit. We admit approximately 1100 patients per year, and provide tertiary care for burns and pancreatic disease.

We have good outcomes (as evidenced by our SMR) despite treating a population with the highest deprivation scores in Scotland. We are proud to provide first class intensive care for our patient group, who have often been disadvantaged in every other way.

There are two consultants on call for the unit each daytime and one after 8pm. A third consultant is available for referrals in the mornings. We have at least two critical care trainees on 24h per day, and expect support from an FY1, senior intensive care trainees and medical trainees during weekdays.

Our trainee feedback is excellent and a recent exercise also found very positive feedback for the consultants from the trainees. As well as providing excellent care to our patients, we aim to provide first class training, in a supportive environment, for all our staff.

We plan to train and employ ACCPs in the near future, and are currently in advanced discussions about the details of this exercise.

In Glasgow, we have a cohesive city wide critical care community. We meet regularly to discuss difficult cases and provide education, both in the West of Scotland Intensive Care Society and the Pan Glasgow Clinical Governance meetings.


We have immediate access to all supporting services within the hospital.

We have a dedicated echocardiography machine, as well as ultrasound machines. We have 6 dialysis machines, including two which offer all modes of renal replacement therapy. We have a nitric oxide delivery system.

There are 3 CT scanners within the hospital, an interventional radiology suite and an endoscopy suite.

We have excellent relations with all our user groups, and receive outstanding support from our consultant colleagues in all specialties.


There are close links between ICU at Glasgow Royal infirmary and the Academic Unit of Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical Care at the University of Glasgow. The Academic Unit is in the refurbished New Lister Building, adjacent to the ICU which has state of the art research and teaching facilities. The Academic unit¹s main research is critical care. Several of the clinical academics have an interest in critical care. Professor John Kinsella is the Professor and Dr Tara Quasim is a Senior Lecturer. There is also a Clinical Lecturer, Post Doctoral Research Fellow and research / teaching fellows. In addition, Dr Charlotte Gilhooly has academic teaching sessions. The research interests include ICU rehabilitation, liver disease, burns, sedation, measuring critical illness severity and long term outcomes and computing. Expertise in statistics, big data and modelling are available. The unit publishes and presents widely and has extensive grant funding. Recent awards include grants from The Health Foundation, Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government, the MRC, the BMA and Cancer Research UK. The Academic Unit also run a highly successful intercalated BSc in Critical Care for undergraduate medical students.



Dr Martin Hughes, Clinical Director, North Sector

Currently President of the Scottish Intensive Care Society, and immediate past chair of the Training and Education group of the Society. He is Editor of ‘Advanced Respiratory Critical Care’ published by Oxford University Press. He has written 18 book chapters and lectures widely on ventilation and respiratory disease, clinical decision making and coma.

Consultant members of the Department:

Consultants in Critical Care Medicine:

Dr Alex Puxty. Interests include sepsis, echocardiography (FICE mentor) and the right heart. On GRI trauma committee, Scottish critical care trials group and BSc mentor.

Dr Malcolm Booth. Chair of West of Scotland Research Ethics Committee, immediate past chair of ethics committee of the European Society of Anesthesiology. Lead for infection surveillance/control. Organises students attachments including electives. Continues to be involved in research despite full time clinical role.

Dr Audrey Chalmers. As well as her role as consultant in critical care, Dr Chalmers is heavily involved in the Christian Medical Fellowship, which provides support for doctors of all faiths and none, and sends medical teams around the world at short notice to help with humanitarian crises.

Dr J Cuthill. FICM faculty tutor and ALS instructor. Honorary Clinical lecturer Glasgow University. Sports medicine expertise – medical team lead for triathalon at Commonwealth Games; faculty on SportPromote and research interests in ultra endurance exercise, hyponatraemia and activity at work.

Dr Malcolm Daniel. NHS GGC North Sector Medical Quality Improvement lead and SICSAG lead. Institute for Healthcare Improvement fellow 2010-11. Keeps the ICU focussed on "learning how to do the common things uncommonly well".

Dr Lindsay Donaldson. Interests include acute and chronic liver disease within critical care.

Deputy Director of Medical Education in Glasgow and the lead for online induction and quality assurance in medical education.

Dr Charlotte Gilhooly. Audit lead for National Managed Clinical Network for Burns, lead for electronic patient record, heavily involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education

Professor John Kinsella. Head of the Academic Unit of Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical Care at the University of Glasgow and Lead clinician for the National Managed Clinical Network for Burns (COBIS). He is also Chair of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN). He leads a large grant funded research program which publishes and presents widely.

Dr Barbara Miles Interests include healthcare quality improvement percutaneous tracheostomy, mobilisation, delirium, long term outcomes, ERAS and organ donation. Lead clinician for anaesthesia.

Dr Carol Murdoch. Longstanding interest and involvement in training in intensive care medicine - lead RA for ICM for Scotland. Subspecialty interest within ICM is echocardiography - FICE mentor the organiser/director of the Glasgow FICE courses.

Dr Kathryn Puxty. Interests include big data analysis - currently examining outcomes in ICU cancer patients whilst undertaking a MD. Other interests include teaching, echo and lung ultrasound. Co-lead for the GRI safe ventilation QI project. CLOD. 

Dr Tara Quasim. Senior lecturer with an interest in ICU rehabilitation and long term outcomes after ICU. Runs an award winning follow up clinic (InS:PIRE) which is about to be rolled out to selected other sites in Scotland. Other interests include delirium and cognitive impairment. Set up our Patient and Family Advisory Council.


We have been short listed for the 2016 BMJ awards in two categories – overall quality improvement work (for our QI programme), and innovation (for the InS:Pire follow up clinic).

We have been given a grant for £600,000 from The Scottish Government to roll out InS:Pire across Scotland.

We have recently been given a grant of £160,000 from Cancer Research UK and £30,000 from the BMA to investigate cancer outcomes after critical care.

Our unit has been recognised for the range of QI initiatives undertaken when we were given a quality improvement award by the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group in 2015.

We also received a green flag for overall satisfaction in the National Trainees Survey. For that, the directorate of medical education has awarded us an ‘excellence in education’ award, one of only 3 across GG and C.

Selected publications can be found at:

|Consultant Critical Care |


The Glasgow and Clyde region is one of Europe’s most exciting and beautiful destinations and combines the energy and sophistication of a great international city with some of Scotland’s most spectacular scenery within easy reach. Glasgow itself is easily accessible as it is served by two international airports, a fast rail link to London and the north of England and excellent motorway links to Edinburgh and the rest of Scotland. Glasgow and Clyde doesn’t just offer you a huge choice of leisure activities – it offers you more time to pursue them. With short commuting times – and its proximity to the great outdoors – working in Glasgow and Clyde will give you more time to call your own.


Glasgow is a compact, vibrant and modern city with wealth of architectural heritage that spans Alexander Greek Thomspon, Rennie Mackinstosh, Norman Foster and to Zadia Hadi the beauty and scale and scale of the city comes as a surprise to some people. It has the largest suburban rail network outside London and is second only to the UK Capital as a retail centre. Glasgow also has a wealth of culture and leisure activities and with 90 public parks boasts more green spaces per capita than any other European city.

As well as this, Glasgow has an abundance of places to visit, with Loch Lomond just 40 minutes from the city Centre, and with the vast areas around it, it’s rarely crowded. Add this to high quality housing, good schools, thorough transport links – and you can understand why people here enjoy a unique standard of living. There are top-ranking schools, excellent leisure facilities, beautiful golf courses and elegant accommodation across all price ranges.

As one of Europe’s top cultural capitals Glasgow provides a year-long calendar of festivals and special events and enjoy outstanding shopping, superb bars and restaurants - all located within a stone’s throw of some of the country’s finest parks and gardens. The night life and restaurants are renowned and its opera, theatres, art galleries and museums offer plenty of cultural stimulation. Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley are one of the world’s most thrilling and beautiful destinations.

What’s more, Glasgow is easily accessible by air, rail and road so getting here could not be easier. From Glasgow, the West of Scotland’s jewels are within easy reach. Loch Lomond is just 45 minutes drive, a little further to the Argyll peninsula – or over the sea to Arran, Skye, Iona and Mull.

The following links will provide more information on Living and Working in Glasgow City and useful links for transport, and short and longer term accommodation

Please note that these links are not an endorsement by NHSGGC of any service or product

|Consultant Critical Care |



|Qualifications and Training |M.B.,Ch.B (or equivalent) |FFICM |


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| TRAINING |Evidence of higher specialist training leading to a CCT in | |

| |Intensive Care Medicine, Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine, Acute | |

| |Medicine or Surgery or be within 6 months at date of interview | |

| | | |

|Clinical Specialty Skills |Wide experience in Intensive Care Medicine |Echocardiography |

| | |Percutaneous Tracheostomy |

| | |Chest Ultrasound |

| EXPERIENCE |Evidence of wide experience in ICM and base specialty if dual |Peer reviewed publications |

| |training has been undertaken. Should have worked in large | |

|Clinical |teaching hospital Intensive Care Units |Quality improvement work |

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| |Should have participated in audits | |

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|Audit | | |

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|The ability to communicate and liaise effectively with patients and their relatives using a variety of methods and to respond to questions and queries. |

|The ability to communicate effectively with clinical colleagues, colleagues in other disciplines and support staff |

|The ability to be able to work harmoniously with all levels of staff on an individual and multi-disciplinary basis |

|The ability to take responsibility and show evidence of leadership |

|The ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances |

|The ability to work under pressure and cope with setbacks |

|An awareness of personal limitations |


The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.

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|TYPE OF CONTRACT |Permanent |

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| |£ 77,529 - £ 104,525 per annum (pro rata) |

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| |New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on |

| |qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer. |

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|HOURS OF DUTY |Full Time 40.00 |

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|SUPERANNUATION |New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but under seventy five will be enrolled|

| |automatically into membership of the NHS Pension Scheme.  Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can |

| |be made to do this via: .uk |

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|REMOVAL EXPENSES |Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to |

| |appointment. |

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|EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT |Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling |

| |expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse |

| |an offer of appointment. |

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|TOBACCO POLICY |NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds. |

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| |This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure |

|DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND |Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership. |

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|CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE|NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, |

|UK |both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can|

| |commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible|

| |to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or |

| |Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an |

| |individual is subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to commence until|

| |the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and |

| |return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. |

| |You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made. |

| | |

|REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 |The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal |

| |offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the|

| |nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the |

| |Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions |

| |Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which |

| |for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to |

| |disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and |

| |Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential. |

| | |

|DISABLED APPLICANTS |A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from |

| |people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater |

| |Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria |

| |for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to |

| |your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to |

| |have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more|

| |detail if you are selected for interview. |

| | |

|GENERAL |NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a |

| |grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any |

| |other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from |

| |this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual. |

| | |

|EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES |The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal|

| |Opportunities Policy. |

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|NOTICE |The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal. |

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|MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE |In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require |

| |you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board |

| |responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to |

| |ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme. |


For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our website on .uk

View all our vacancies at: .uk/medicaljobs

Register for Job Alerts at: medicaljobs.scot.nhs.uk

Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Dr Martin Hughes on 0141 232 0917 or Nicola Keane, Departmental Secretary on 0141 232 0917 with whom visiting arrangements can also be made.

How to apply

To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3 Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open)

Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice

Immigration Questionnaire

Alternatively please visit .uk/medicaljobs and click on the “How to Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information.


It is Board policy that no person can act as a member of an Advisory Appointments Committee and be a referee for a candidate for that post. You should therefore check with your proposed referees whether there is likely to be any difficulty in this respect for we may otherwise have to invite you to submit another name or names

Return of Applications

Please return your application by email to nhsggcrecruitment@ or to the recruitment address below;

Medical and Dental Recruitment Team

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Recruitment Services, 1st Floor

Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital

1055 Great Western Road


G12 0XH


The closing Date will be noon on 23rd May 2016


The interview date will be 9th June 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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