The 12 most important events in the 2000-year history of ...

|Important People in Xn History |#/17 |

|Martin Luther |16 |

|Jesus of Nazareth / Jesus Christ |14 |

|Emperor Constantine |14 |

|Pope Pius IX |14 |

|John Calvin |13 |

|Pope John XXIII |12 |

|Emperor Charlemagne |9 |

|St. Augustine |9 |

|King Henry VIII |8 |

|St. Ignatius of Loyola |7 |

|Pope John Paul II |6 |

|Mary / Virgin Mary |5 |

|Pope Leo the Great |5 |

|St. Francis of Assisi |5 |

|St. Paul (alone 5x) |8 |

|St. Peter (alone 5x) |8 |

|St. Thomas Aquinas |5 |

|Prophet Muhammad |4 |

|Mother Teresa |3 |

|Pope Leo XIII |3 |

|Pope Pius XII |3 |

|The Apostles |2 |

|Emperor Nero |2 |

|John Wesley |2 |

|Pope Gregory I |2 |

|Pope Paul III |2 |

|St. Jerome |2 |

|Cardinal Richelieu |1 |

|Emperor Theodosius |1 |

|Ferdinand & Isabella |1 |

|God the Father |1 |

|Gustavo Gutierrez |1 |

|John F. Kennedy |1 |

|John Locke |1 |

|Martin Luther King, Jr. |1 |

|Pope Gregory VII |1 |

|Pope Innocent III |1 |

|Pope John Paul XXIII |1 |

|Queen Elizabeth I |1 |

|St. Dominic Guzman |1 |

|St. Elizabeth Anne Seton |1 |

|St. John (Apostle/Evangelist) |1 |

|St. John Bosco |1 |

|St. Louise de Marillac |1 |

|St. Thomas More |1 |

|St. Vincent De Paul |1 |

|Year |Event in Christian History |#/17 |

|4 BC |Jesus is born in Bethlehem |7 |

|30 |Life, Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection of Jesus |16 |

|286-395 |Division of Eastern and Western Roman Empires |3 |

|312 |Conversion of Emperor Constantine |8 |

|313 |Edict of Milan |4 |

|325 |Council of Nicea (Statement of faith/ Nature of Jesus/ Trinity) |10 |

|380 |Emperor Theodosius I makes Xnty official religion of Roman Empire |6 |

|381-451 |Ecumenical Councils of Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon |6 |

|622 |Islam begins; Muslims soon control 3 of 5 Christian Patriarchates |4 |

|800 |Charlemagne/Charles the Great crowned "Emperor" by Pope Leo III |5 |

|1054 |Great Schism between East and West |17 |

|1095-1291 |Crusades to take back the Holy Land from the Muslims |13 |

|1305-1377 |"Babylonian Captivity" of the Papacy in Avignon |6 |

|1378-1417 |Western Schism |3 |

|1453 |Constantinople Falls / Printing Press Invented / 100 Years War Ends |7 |

|1492 |Discovery of “New World” |7 |

|1517 |Martin Luther posts 95 Theses / Protestant Reformation begins |16 |

|1540 |Jesuits Founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola |3 |

|1545-63 |Council of Trent; Church reacts to Protestant Reformation |11 |

|1869-70 |First Vatican Council lead by Pope Pius IX |9 |

|1962-65 |Second Vatican Council |15 |

| | | |

|1800 BC |Foundations of the People of Israel under Patriarchs |1 |

|1250 BC |Ten Commandments given to Moses |1 |

|1250 BC |Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt |1 |

|30 |Peter’s speech at Pentecost |1 |

|30 |? Peter Announced as the First Bishop |1 |

|64 |Roman Persecution of Early Christians |2 |

|70 |Distraction of Temple of Jerusalem |1 |

|90 |Council of Jamnia (Division between Christianity and Judaism) |1 |

|381 |Council and Creed of Constantinople |1 |

|452 |Pope Leo the Great saves Rome from destruction |1 |

|476 |Fall of Roman Empire |1 |

|1100 |? Spanish Inquisition |1 |

|1337 |Hundred Years War |1 |

|1409 |Council of Pisa |2 |

|1533 |Henry VIII excommunicated; Church of England & Rome separate |1 |

|1536 |Begin Calvinist Movement |1 |

|1542 |Beginning of the Inquisition |1 |

|1555 |Peace of Augsburg |1 |

|1611 |King James Version of the Bible in translated |1 |

|1618-48 |Thirty Years War |2 |

|1620 |Pilgrims Establish Colony |1 |

|1789 |French Revolution & period of revolutions |2 |

|1800-99 |Pope loses Papal States; Europe moves toward democracy |1 |

|1854 |Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is Defined |1 |


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