Conspiracy theories - Coach Burnett

Conspiracy theories

Who do you trust?

You and a partner are to research one of the conspiracy theories listed below. Your job is to find evidence that there was an actual conspiracy – a government cover up - or debunk the whole conspiracy theory all together. You must support your conclusion!!

• You must make an oral presentation (approximately 5-7 minutes) to the class (both must present to the class or a zero will be given for the entire project).

• You must have a visual aid – for this Project it will be a PowerPoint.

• Make sure to save your PowerPoint as you continue to work on it. (Student Vault and Google + are both good options)

PowerPoint must include the Following:

✓ A summary of what actually occurred leading up to the conspiracy charge (i.e., jfk shot in dallas – where, why, who, how)

✓ What is the conspiracy – what accusations are being made; who’s making the accusations; how is this a government cover-up?

✓ What do you think occurred – you and your partner’s opinion (you each must have your own paper)

✓ Evidence supporting your opinion (what is your proof?)

✓ PowerPoint should be at least TEN slides.

| |Exemplary |Accomplished |Developing |Beginning |

|Organization |Information presented in logical,|Information in logical |Difficult to follow |Cannot understand presentation--no |

| |interesting sequence |sequence |presentation--student jumps |sequence of information |

| | | |around | |

|Subject Knowledge |Demonstrates full knowledge by |At ease with expected |Uncomfortable with information |Does not have a grasp of the |

| |answering all class questions |answers to questions but |and is able to answer only |information. Cannot answer questions |

| |with explanations and |does not elaborate |rudimentary questions |about subject |

| |elaborations | | | |

|Graphics |Explain and reinforce screen text|Relate to text and |Occasionally uses graphics that |Uses superfluous graphics or no |

| |and presentation |presentation |rarely support text and |graphics |

| | | |presentation | |

|Research |Uses a variety of sources in |Uses a variety of sources |Presents only evidence that |Does not justify conclusions with |

| |reaching accurate conclusions |in reaching conclusions |supports a preconceived point of|research evidence |

| | | |view | |

|Screen Design |Includes a variety of graphics, |Includes a variety of |Includes combinations of |Either confusing or cluttered, barren |

| |text, and animation that exhibits|graphics, text, and |graphics and text, but buttons |or stark. Buttons or navigational |

| |a sense of wholeness. Creative |animation. Adequate |are difficult to navigate. Some|tools are absent or confusing |

| |use of navigational tools and |navigational tools and |buttons and navigational tools | |

| |buttons |buttons |work | |

|Oral Presentation |Maintains eye contact and |Maintains eye contact most |Occasionally uses eye contact, |Reads with no eye contact and |

|Elocution/Eye Contact |pronounces all terms precisely. |of the time and pronounces |mostly reading presentation, and|incorrectly pronounces terms. Speaks |

| |All audience members can hear |most words correctly. Most|incorrectly pronounces terms. |too quietly |

| | |audience members can hear |Audience members have difficulty| |

| | |presentation |hearing | |

Conspiracy Theory Topics

∞ Pearl Harbor – did FDR know?

∞ Lincoln Assassination

∞ Ft. Knox – is the gold gone?

∞ Area 51 – Gov site for planes or aliens?

∞ Roswell – UFO or weather balloon?

∞ Who shot JFK? (pick 1 theory)

∞ The lunar landing – real or Hollywood?

∞ Marilyn Monroe, her relationship with JFK and his brother and how she was murdered.

∞ Clinton body count – knew too much?

∞ Mount Rushmore

∞ Illuminati – one world government

∞ Freemasons

∞ Fluoride in our water

∞ Skull and bones – creating leaders?

∞ AIDS – man made to target African Americans & homosexuals

∞ One of your own ideas….MUST involve US government and be approved by me ahead of time!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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