US History EOC Review

EOC Review Standard 1______ 1. Who was the “Father of the Constitution?”Thomas JeffersonAlexander HamiltonGeorge WashingtonJames Madison______ 3. What portion of the government most directly represents the people?House of RepresentativesSupreme CourtSenateExecutive______ 4. Which of the following led to the statement: “No taxation without representation!”?Declaration of IndependenceBoston MassacreStamp ActQuartering Act______ 6. Checks and balances and separation of powers are examples of the government attempting to what?Ensure that the federal government maintains more power than state governments.Ensure that the judicial branch is the most powerful branch.Ensure that state governments maintain more power than the federal government.Ensure that one branch of government does not overpower the others.______ 7. Which of the following was NOT a major reason for the colonies’ decision to launch the revolution?King George III’s insistence that the colonies send representatives to run in Parliamentary elections.Taxation without representationA belief in self-governmentBritish laws were seen as oppressive by the colonistsName: _______________________________________ 8. Which of the following LEAST contributed to the need for the Constitutional Convention in 1787?Shay’s RebellionFailures of the Articles of ConfederationThe emergence of political partiesThe nation’s economic depression______ 12. Which of the following would have MOST likely supported the ratification of the Constitution?Democratic-RepublicanToriesAnti-federalistFederalist______ 13. Which of the following people would have MOST likely supported the Articles of Confederation?Someone who believed states, rather than a central government, should have greater authority to ruleSomeone who believed a central government, rather than states, should have greater authority to ruleA FederalistAlexander Hamilton______ 19. The impact of the Declaration of Independence worldwide can BEST be described as Profound, because its principles have inspired revolutions and political movements worldwide.Oppressive, because it opposes egalitarianism.Powerful, because it rejected the idea of “inalienable rights,” thereby giving governments more power.Moderate, because its effects have been limited outside the United States.______ 20. Which of the following was added to the Constitution after its ratification for the purpose of protecting citizens’ rights?Writs of assistanceArticles of ConfederationBill of RightsGreat Compromise_____ 22. What is Judicial Review and what court case established it?Judicial Review is the power of the president to oversee the appointment of judges and review the job they are doing. It was established by the Court’s decision in Jefferson v. Black.Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court to review presidential appointments. It was established by the Court’s ruling in Washington v. Smith.Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court to approve executive orders. It was established by the Court’s decision in Korematsu v. U.S.Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress and/or the state legislatures unconstitutional. It was established by the Court’s decision in Marbury v. Madison.______ 26. The first shots of the Revolutionary War (“shot heard ‘round the world”) were fired atTrentonYorktownSaratogaLexington and Concord______ 30. Alexander Hamilton's plan for a “national bank” was politically significant becauseit helped provide the county’s first balanced triggered the duel with Aaron Burr that eventually killed Hamilton.the county's war debt which remained from the Revolutionary War was quickly erased as a result of newly created caused the first direct conflict between supporters of strict interpretation versus loose interpretation of the Constitution.______ 33. Disagreement at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 over the Virginia and New Jersey plans was resolved by a compromise thatguaranteed continuation of the slave trade for at least twenty more the power of the federal government to wage war.provided for construction of a new national capital in the south.created a Congress made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives.______ 34. One accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation was the passage of legislation establishinga central banking system.a process for admitting new states in the west through land ordinances.the president’s right to put down rebellions.the ability of Congress to tax the states effectively.______ 35. The first amendment of the Constitution deals primarily withstates’ rights.rights of self-expression.rights of the accused.______ 36. What is the highest legal authority in the United States government?the Supreme Court.the PresidentU.S. ConstitutionState Constitutions______ 39. The Federalist Papers were published in 1787 and 1788 to help gain support fora bill of rights.the ratification of the Constitution.a weaker central government.the abolition of slavery and the slave trade.______ 40. Which of the following would be part of the Executive Branch?District courtsPresidencyHouse of RepresentativesSenate______ 37. Which statement BEST describes why the United States government can be called a representative democracy?All citizens debate issues and vote on the laws.Power is shared between the nation and the states.People elect members of Congress to make laws.Division of power exists among the three branches.EOC Review Standard 2______ 2. What was Andrew Jackson’s view concerning suffrage?He believed everyone living in the US should be allowed to vote.He believed any white man should be allowed to vote.He favored restricting suffrage to landowners.He thought that whites and Native Americans should be allowed to vote, but not blacks.______ 3. An abolitionist supported which of the following causes?Outlawing alcoholLimiting slavery to southern statesEnding women’s suffrageEnding slavery______ 4. Which of the following is untrue regarding the Louisiana Purchase?It was the result of a congressional resolution urged by President Tyler.It roughly doubled the size of the United States at the time.It gave the US access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans.It was authorized by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803.______ 8. Jacksonian Democracy would have been most supportive of Wealthy business leadersWomen’s suffrageDisenfranchising womenThe “common man”______ 9. Negotiations with the British, war with Mexico, and annexation of Texas were all part of Sectionalism between the North and SouthSocial reformWestward expansionJacksonian Democracy______ 14. Which of the following was not a common motivation for moving west in the 1800s?Desire for landReligious convictionsOpposition to Manifest DestinyGold______ 18. What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?It was an attempt to balance political power between "free" and "slave" states.It was an attempt to annex new territories from Mexico.It was an attempt to abolish slavery in the United States.It was passed to force South Carolina to secede from the Union.______ 20. Two of the MOST important effects of the American victory in the War with Mexico wereThe acquisition of Texas and Arizona.The death of General Santa Anna and the Mexican defeat at the Alamo in Texas.The acquisition of California and New Mexico.The end of guerrilla attacks on Texas settlers and the removal of Mexican settlers there.______ 21. As the United States acquired more land between 1803 and 1850, controversy over these territories focused on theNeed for schools and colleges.Failure to conserve natural resources Expansion of slavery. Construction of transcontinental railroads._____ 23. A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was toDiscourage United States trade with Latin. Defend the Panama Canal from Great Britain.Provide economic aid to Latin American nations.Prevent further European colonization in Latin America.______ 26. How did protective tariffs benefit American manufacturers in the early-1800s?Southerners and Northerners were both getting equally richer. U.S. manufacturers could not compete with British manufacturers. American-made goods were less expensive than similar imported goods. Chinese-made goods were much more expensive than similar imported goods.EOC Review Standard 3______ 1. Which of the following BEST describes Harriet Beecher Stowe’s influence on the abolition movement?She wrote the Book Uncle Tom’s CabinShe was responsible for the anti-slavery Newspaper the Liberator She led a slave rebellionShe assisted many free blacks reach their freedom on the Underground Railroad.______ 2. Which political party won the Election of 1860? DemocratSocialists RepublicanFederalists______ 4. What effect did the 13th Amendment have the United States?It changed elections by granting African Americans the right to voteIt ended the slavery debate forever by outlawing the institution throughout the countryIt helped the North win the Civil War by freeing the slaves in Confederate states while maintaining slavery in the UnionIt granted land and the right to education to freed slaves______ 5. All of the following were abolitionists EXCEPTWilliam Lloyd Garrison.Harriet Tubman.John Brown.Stonewall Jackson.______ 8. Which of the following describes the southern strategy for fighting the Civil War?The south wanted to crush the Union in a series of head to head confrontationsThe south hoped to overwhelm the Union with its larger numbers of troopsThe south relied on a plan to cut off Union supply lines and blockade all naval portsThe south wanted to fight a war of attrition______ 9. The Anaconda Plan refers to which of the following?General Grant’s plan for crushing the South in a series of head to head confrontationsGeneral Scott’s plans for cutting off southern supply lines and portsJohn Wilkes Booth‘s plan for shooting President Lincoln General Lee’s plan for invading the North______ 10. Which of the following led to the end of the Reconstruction Era? As a result of a compromise that allowed Rutherford B. Hayes to become President in exchange for withdrawing Union Forces from the South and giving power back to state governmentsNew laws ensured the welfare of freed slaves and a new generation of southern leaders were ready to continue Union policiesReconstruction was too expensive to continuedThe South had been rebuilt and no longer needed to be reconstructed______ 12. Which of the following represented an effort by the Union to help newly freed slaves?Literacy testsBlack codesPoll taxesFreedmen’s Bureau ______ 14. Who was the leader of the Confederate Army?Abraham LincolnRobert E. LeeAndrew Johnson Ulysses Grant_____ 23. When the 15th Amendment was passed following the Civil War, which of these groups benefitted MOST?WomenAfrican AmericansYoung peopleAll white males______ 16. Why was the issue of slavery in new US territories so politically heated in the 1800s?Most politicians knew that they could not win enough votes to stay in office if they did not openly oppose slaverySettlers in new territories opposed slavery and did not like the fact that Congress was requiring them to allow the practiceSouthern pro-slavery leaders and northern anti-slavery leaders both wanted to maintain power in WashingtonNearly every new state allowed slavery while almost all politicians in Washington, DC, opposed slavery______ 17. Which of the following BEST describes southern reaction to John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry?Alarmed, because they saw it as a violent threat to the southern way of lifeEncouraged, because it showed that some men were willing to go to extreme measures to protect states’ rightsAmused, because they dismissed it as an isolated incident led by a foolSaddened, because Brown was a southern hero and news of his death was disheartening______ 26. According to popular sovereignty, who has the power?PresidentStatesKingsPeople______ 28. Who was the leader of the Union Army?Ulysses S. GrantAndrew JohnsonRobert E. LeeWilliam Sherman______ 30. What was the MAIN Republican goal for Reconstruction?Rebuild cities destroyed by Sherman’s March to the SeaRestructure the South to give each northern state a piece of southern territoryMake Confederate generals pay for their war crimes by working on plantations as slavesEnsure that southern states protected the rights of the freed slaves______ 31. The purpose of Jim Crow laws was toPrevent black citizens from obtaining employment.Limit the religious activities of southern citizens.Create as much division between the races as possible.Make it illegal for black children to receive an education.______ 34. The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) basically legalizeddiscrimination of women in the workplacethe segregation of people according to racepreventing people from voting based on racehousing discrimination against ethnic groups______ 35. What was the effect of the use of literacy tests throughout the South after the U.S. Civil War?Women were denied the right to voteAn increase in voter turnout by African AmericansThe poor and African Americans not being allowed to voteAn increase in the power of the Republican Party in the South______ 36. Which group was founded by W.E.B. DuBois and others in 1909 to promote equal treatment of Blacks in America?The Black PanthersThe Freedmen’s BureauThe Ku Klux KlanThe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)______ 37. Booker T. Washington was most known for beingOne of the founders of the NAACP.The founder of Tuskegee Institute.One of the designers of Washington, DC.The first African-American on the Supreme Court.EOC Review Standard 4______ 1. Which of the following was a problem faced by farmers in the late 1800s.Falling railroad prices interfered with their ability to ship products.High farm prices caused financial problems because few people could afford their products.Overproduction of agricultural products led to falling farm prices and made it hard to make a profit.Because there was too much money in circulation, it was impossible for farmers to get the price they needed for their goods.______ 2. Between the late 1860s and the early 1900s, which of the following best describes the changes that occurred in urban population?The number of African Americans living the in the inner city of Northern urban areas more than doubled.Many farmers migrated to the cities, while foreign immigrants did not start to come until just after 1900.The US middle class declined as people tended to be either rich businessmen or poor laborers.Urban areas of the North became more culturally diverse as more immigrants arrived.______ 3. Which of the following contributed to the rise of unions?Increased numbers of workers in urban areasPoor working conditionsUnsafe farming techniquesGovernment policies giving more power to workers______ 4. Who of the following is associated with the Seneca Falls Convention and the women’s suffrage movement?Jane AddamsTheodore RooseveltSusan B. AnthonyWoodrow Wilson______ 8. Which of the following statements best describes reasons for joining the grange?The grange was an organization that provided a means by which farmers could protect their interests collectively.The grange was a political movement which farmers and low income workers felt represented their needs. The grange gave a voice to railroad industrialists who felt unfairly criticized by angry farmers.The grange provided a place where farmers could fight to protect laissez-faire economics.______ 9. The impact of the railroads on Native Americans can best be described as Beneficial.Harmful.Neutral.Unnoticeable.______ 10. Which of the following individuals would be considered a “robber baron?”An urban politicianA union leaderA leader of industryAn industrial worker______ 13. Who of the following was praised for opposing monopolies and was nicknamed the “trust buster?”John D. RockefellerAlice PaulJ.P. MorganTheodore Roosevelt______ 14. Which of the following fueled the rise of Populism? The inability of farmers to pay off their debtsRising agricultural pricesThe use of the silver instead of greenbacksCalls for racial segregation______ 17. Which robber baron is associated with the railroad industry?J.P. MorganAndrew CarnegieJohn D. RockefellerCornelius Vanderbilt______ 18. Which of the following laws was passed in large part due to Nativism?Sherman Anti-Trust ActPatriot ActChinese Exclusion ActHomestead Act______20. What term BEST describes the U.S. government's policies towards businesses in the late 19th century?ImperialistMercantilistLaissez-faireProtectionist______ 22. Which robber baron is associated with the oil industry? John D. RockefellerJ.P. MorganAndrew CarnegieCornelius Vanderbilt______ 23. A poor immigrant who found help that he or she needed at a settlement house in the inner city of Chicago would by directly benefitted from the efforts of which of the following individuals?Susan B. AnthonyTheodore RooseveltWoodrow WilsonJane Addams_____ 26. Which robber baron is associated with the steel industry?J.P. MorganAndrew CarnegieCornelius VanderbiltJohn D. Rockefeller______ 27. The Dawes Act of 1887 was created toregulate interstate trade and commerce.give slaves land in the former Confederate the death penalty for crimes against federal officials.redistribute Indian lands from public to private ownership to help assimilate them into the US population.______ 28. The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862 was toencourage people to populate U.S. territories west of the Mississippi River.provide people with economic incentives to settle in the territory of Florida.provide free blacks with “40 acres and a mule” in former Confederate states.offer former Confederate officers a place to live in return for their loyalty to the U.S.______ 34. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle impacted the passage of the20th Amendment.18th Amendment.19th Amendment.Meat Inspection Act in 1906.______ 39. During the late 19th century, urban political "machines" and those that ran themwere only members of the Democratic Partywere nearly always first generation Americanssupported women's suffrage and equal rights for African-Americans in the "Jim Crow" South.promised business contracts, government jobs, and money for the poor immigrants in exchange for votes______ 41. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could be considered a "Progressive" amendment because itallowed all citizens the right to vote.granted suffrage to all American citizens, regardless of sex.allowed people 18 and older voting rights.guaranteed suffrage to all races regardless of income.______ 49. In serious labor disputes which arose before 1900, the U.S. governmentusually supported the owners.tended to support the organized workers.usually remained strictly neutral, refusing to mediate the disputes.sometimes supported the workers and other times supported the owners.EOC Review Standard 5______ 2. Someone who opposed US expansion and involvement in foreign affairs is known asAn imperialist.An expansionist.A mercantilist.An isolationist.______ 5. Which of the following was NOT a factor that finally led to the US involvement in the Great War?Unrestricted Submarine WarfareThe Zimmerman TelegramProtests against the League of NationsThe sinking of the Lusitania______ 9. Which of the following did NOT contribute to the United States’ decision to declare war on Spain?The explosion of the USS MaineYellow JournalismConcentration camps in CubaThe Platt Amendment______ 10. In which of the following ways did the Spanish-American War help transform the United States in terms of international affairs?It established the US as a world power and left the US in possession of territories both in the Pacific and Atlantic.It caused the US to sink further into isolationism.It weakened the US in the eyes of other nations because it took US forces a long time to beat a weak country like Spain.It led to the Philippines and Cuba both begging the US to annex their territories and make them states. ______ 13. Someone who favored US imperialism supported which of the following?The US acquiring foreign territoriesThe US staying out of foreign conflictsThe US strengthening the economics of foreign countriesThe US focusing on economic interests rather than military strength______ 11. Why did the US Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations?Most Senators felt that it treated the US unfairly.Most Senators felt that it did not give enough land to the US as a reward for helping win the war. Senators feared it would eventually pull the US back into war and did not approve of offsetting the system of checks and balances guaranteed by the US Constitution.Most Senators felt that it did not punish Germany enough.______ 19. The Open Door Policy was meant to ensure trade withSpain.China.The Philippines.Hawaii.______ 22. Which of Woodrow Wilson's proposals from his “Fourteen Points” was included in the Treaty of Versailles?The League of NationsReparations forced upon GermanyRemoval of all trade barriersRestoration of the Russian monarchy______ 25. Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines all came under the control of the United States following which conflict?Mexican-American WarSpanish-American WarWorld War IWar of 1812What was it called when sensational headlines were used to spur the public emotions to sell more newspapers? JingoismPropagandaYellow FeverYellow Journalism______ 33. The Zimmerman Telegram sent by Arthur Zimmerman of Germany was supposed to go to what country to form an alliance?MexicoThe United StatesItalyJapan______ 35. When World War I began, the official United States policy wasto enter on the side of the Allied enter on the side of the Central remain militarily and politically support the Central Powers by providing war materials.______ 38. What was the GREATEST impact of the Panama Canal?The economic power of the United States was greatly strengthened.Spain went to war with the United States to gain control of the Canal.It tremendously reduced the travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.Revolutionaries in Panama began a decades-long uprising to drive out the United States.EOC Review Standard 6______ 2. Which of the following would be considered a “flapper?”A fundamental criticizing evolutionA women of the 20s challenging traditional gender rolesA writer rebelling against the materialism of the decadeAn urban male enjoying the city’s nightlife______ 5. Roosevelt’s plan for economic relief and recovery was known as Deficit relief.The first hundred days.The fireside chats.The New Deal.______ 8. Which of the following statements BEST describes the political loyalties of the African American community after the Great Depression?African American switched loyalties from the Republicans to the Democrats.It was with the Republicans because it was part of Lincoln.More African Americans were leaving the Democrats to support Republicans.African Americans were neutral because neither party helped them enough.______ 10. What was significant about FDR’s “fireside chats?”They sparked controversy by suggesting that the nation was in a depression.They called for an end to direct relief and deficit spending.They helped FDR defeat Calvin Coolidge.They marked the first time that a president effectively used radio.______ 16. Which of the following indicates TWO major causes of the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids following WWI?The Bolshevik Revolution and Worker’s strikesThe success of the Communist party in Presidential election and in State electionsFailure of the United States to join the League of Nations and the Country’s war debtRace riots in Los Angeles and the re-emergence of the KKK______ 17. The event generally considered the signal of the Great Depression in the United States was theEnd of WWI.Bank failures across America.Crash of the stock market.Outbreak of Influenza.______ 18. The Harlem Renaissance is BEST described by which of the following statements?It was a poem written by W.E.B. DuBois that called for social change. It was a political movement meant to give power to the common man.It was an artistic movement among the African American community in literature, art, and music.It was a militant black movement meant to achieve civil rights for African Americans by force______ 21. What were the TWO basic causes of the Dust Bowl?Overpopulation and Urban sprawlCutting down forests and Building the Transcontinental RailwayOverproduction and Severe droughtMining for gold and the Dumping of toxic waste in the West______ 24. The economic boom and the financial speculation of the 1920’s were caused in part byIncreased government restrictions on big business. The expansion of civil rights to women and minorities.Installment buying and an unregulated stock market.Federal programs that gave American citizens more spending money.______ 27. A major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal wasA change in the voting rights of women.A reinstitution of the gold standard for United States currency. An expansion of the power of the Federal Government. A decline in the Federal deficit.______ 28. What was a MAJOR result of Prohibition in the United States during the 1920’s?Destruction of family values Increase in organized crime Growth of communism Restriction of immigration______ 29. During the 1920s, Congress passed a series of immigration laws that were primarily designed toLimit immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe Increase immigration from Asia Expand the workforce for the growing economy Prohibit immigration from Latin America______ 31. Which New Deal program has been the MOST significant and longest lasting?Works Progress AdministrationSocial SecurityTennessee Valley AuthorityAgriculture Adjustment Act______ 35. As part of the "Great Migration," more African Americans sought better job opportunities bymoving to California.immigrating from Africa.moving to the Northern and Northeastern United States.transplanting their families from the South to the ‘Sun Belt’.______ 41. The Scopes Trial (1925) involvedthe teaching of the Stock Market in Tennessee schools.the teaching of Christianity in Tennessee schools.the teaching of the communist doctrine in Tennessee schools.the teaching of evolution in Tennessee schools.______ 47. Which of these is the BEST description of "Hoovervilles"?Make-shift towns in which homeless families lived during the Great Depressionhousing projects associated with poverty and were constructed in urban areasthe first planned suburbs which were developed in the period after World War Inickname for the department of Housing and Urban Development during the New DealEOC Review Standard 7______ 1. Why did President Roosevelt refer to December 7, 1941 as, “a day which will live in infamy?”It was the day Hitler invaded Poland and started World War II in Europe.It was the day that Japan invaded Manchuria and started worldwide aggression.It was the day German planes attacked London, putting Great Britain in jeopardy.It was the day Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor, pulling the US into war.______ 3. “Rosie the Riveter” was a symbol of what?Women’s new role in the US workforce during the warWomen’s new role in the US military during the warThe government’s call for economic sacrifice to help the war effortThe need for citizens to purchase war bonds as part of their patriotic duty______ 4. Why did the United States hesitate to become involved in World War II after Hitler invaded Poland?The US supported Hitler and wanted him to have time to withdrawThe US was at war with Japan and did not want to fight Germany as wellIsolationism was widespread in the US, and most citizens did not want warUS forces were not strong enough to fight a war and needed more time to train______ 6. What was the Manhattan Project?Japan’s secret plan to bomb Pearl HarborThe US government’s plan to protect New York from an invasionThe project that centered around building the atomic bombA massive invasion of France by the Allied Powers______7 . How were Japanese Americans treated during the war?They were honored because of the brave service of the 442nd in EuropeThey were ignored because citizens were suspicious of German AmericansThey were suspected of supporting Japan and forced to live in internment campsThey were appreciated for their willingness to serve in the US military______ 8. Which of the following was NOT a method used at home by people in the US to support the war effort during WWII?Burning draft cardsRationingBuying war bondsGrowing victory gardens ______ 9. The Women’s Army Corp, Tuskegee Airmen, “Code Talkers”, and members of the 442ned were all examples of Units caught by surprise by Pearl HarborContributions made by women and minorities to the United States militarySoldiers involved in combat in the PacificMexican American soldiers awarded the Medal of Honor in WWII. ______ 21. An important strategy used by American forces in the Pacific was known as Island-hopping.Blitzkrieg.Kamikaze attacks.a Scorched-Earth Policy.______ 23. Which countries were considered the Allied Powers during World War II?Germany, Japan and RussiaItaly, Germany and JapanEngland, the United States, the Soviet Union and FranceThe United States, the Soviet Union, France and Germany______ 1. The Truman Doctrine and Eisenhower Doctrine were similar in that they were both designed to do which of the following?Support West Berlin during the Soviet blockadeIncrease Israel’s security against Arab statesAssist nations abroad to resist communismPledge to use negotiations rather than military action to solve international disputes______ 2. To which of the following did the term “Cold War” refer?The fighting that took place in Europe during World War IIA war between the US and Soviet Union fought shortly after World War IIThe search for communists within the US government after World War IITensions between the US and USSR that could lead to war after World War II______ 4. Following World War II, the United States adopted which of the following policies towards Soviet communism?ContainmentAggressionMilitary actionAppeasement______ 5. The term “Baby Boomer” refers to which of the following?Soldiers returning home from the warHousewives who gave up their jobs to stay home and have babiesChildren born in the years immediately following the World War IIHouses built quickly and in large numbers to form suburbs______ 6. Which of the following people would have benefitted from the GI Bill?A sailor who served in the war who has been accused of a crimeA US Marine returning home from the Pacific who wants to buy a home A member of the Women’s Army Corps who was wounded in combatAn African American worker who had moved north during the war______ 9. Which group was created during the Cold War to unify all of the member countries against communist aggression?Warsaw PactUnited NationsNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)League of Nations______ 14. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 came to an end whenCIA-backed rebels were defeated by the Cuban army at the Bay of Pigs.the United Nations allowed the US to install nuclear missiles in Key West.a nuclear disarmament plan for the US and the Soviet Union was agreed upon.the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.______ 15. In the 1950’s, Senator Joseph McCarthy was most closely associated with issues related toCommunist infiltration and the denial of civil liberties farm problems and taxation military preparedness and foreign aid collective bargaining and the rights of unions______ 22. The fear that if one nation falls to communism, then a neighboring nation is likely to fall, then another, then another, etc. is referred to as what?Domino TheoryMarshall PlanMcCarthyismRed Scare______ 28. After World War II the United States used the Marshall Plan to help European countries rebuild their economies and infrastructure. The United States also provided assistance to Greece and Turkey. One of the reasons for this large amount of assistance was toprevent these countries from competing against US products. help these countries resist the influence of Communism. stop these countries from electing new leaders. prevent these countries from joining NATO.EOC Review Standard 8______ 1. The case of Brown v. Board of Education (1954) resulted in the Topeka school district spending more money on black schools.the creation of the ‘separate but equal’ doctrine of segregation.A ruling that stated that race-based education in Kansas was equal in opportunity.A ruling that stated segregation in American public schools was inherently unequal.______ 9. African American militants of the late 1960s urged a quest for civil rights throughnonviolent demonstration and actions in the courts and legislatures.forceful demonstrations of "black power."economic boycotts to promote gradual equality.______ 8. Martin Luther King Jr. is to "civil disobedience" and "non-violent protest" as _________________ is to "separation of the races" and self-defense through "any means necessary," including the use of violence.Malcolm XGandhiRosa ParksWEB Du Bois______ 4. Which statement BEST describes the relationship between Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education?Both cases addressed the need for due process of law.The Brown decision overturned the Plessy decision.Both cases dealt with the rights of minors in schools.The Brown case was a precedent for the Plessy case.______ 1. Which of these describes the main goal of the "Great Society" program?stopping the spread of communism in southeast Asiathe elimination of poverty and racial injustice in Americato prevent immigrants from facing discriminatory housing and hiring practicesthe expansion of America's space and missile program to defend the nation against the Soviet Union______ 6. In the Vietnam War, the Tet Offensive of 1968 showed thata peace settlement was close at hand.American forces were solidly in control of South Vietnam.the My Lai massacre was not going unnoticed by communist forces.the Vietcong could strike any major city in South Vietnam.______ 7. An opponent of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution would argue that it was unconstitutional because it gave too much power to theArmed Forces.Executive Branch. Legislative Branch.Judicial Branch. _______ 10. Operation Rolling Thunder was a United States bombing campaign of the Vietnam War that targeted areas inChina.South Vietnam.North Vietnam.Cambodia.______ 5. US society during the 1960s can BEST be described asUnpatriotic and favoring communism.A time when free speech was suppressed and political authority was unquestioned.Full of unrest, divisions, and social transformation.Calm, reserved, and traditional.______ 13. The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 in a case named Roe v. Wade. What issue was addressed in this case?ImmigrationEqual rights for womenGranting the vote to 18 year-oldsAbortion______ 17. The Great Society of Lyndon Johnson is most similar to which other Presidential program?Warren Harding’s “Return to Normalcy”Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New DealRonald Reagan’s New FederalismGeorge Bush’s Thousand Points of Light______ 23. The easing of Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Nixon Administration was calledContainment.Neutrality.Isolationism.Détente.______ 30. The Viet Cong can BEST be described asCommunist invaders from North Vietnam.Pro US rebels helping the US forces during the Vietnam War.South Vietnamese supporting Ho Chi Minh.Cambodian communists launching raids on US forces in South Vietnam.______ 36. Which of the following points would Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon all have agreed on regard Vietnam?Vietnam is such a small country that the US cannot afford to become involved thereThe US must escalate the US military presence in VietnamTo bring US troops home, the war must expand to Cambodia and LaosSouth Vietnam should not become a communist nation______ 43. Which one of the following policies would Ronald Reagan have MOST agreed with?Cutting taxes on business ownersCutting military spendingRaising taxes on businessesIncreasing the size of the federal government______ 40. The Kent State protest of 1970is the only recorded war demonstration of the Vietnam War era.marked the final significant student protest during the Vietnam War.was met with violent force by the Ohio National Guard, killing and injuring significant because former President Johnson participated in protesting the Vietnam War.______ 50. The primary cause of the first Gulf War (1990-1991) wasthe Iraqi army's sudden invasion of Kuwait.Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction.repeated attacks by the Iraqi navy on civilian targets within Israel.Iraq’s testing of a nuclear device as part of a test of its weapons program.______ 53. Which of the following countries was attacked for the refusal to give up the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden?IraqIranIsraelAfghanistan______ 54. What country was attacked because President George W. Bush believed its leader, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction?AfghanistanIraqIsraelEgypt______ 45. Coming into effect in 1994, NAFTA encouraged free trade between the United States and which two other countries?Canada and CubaJapan and ChinaCanada and MexicoPanama and Brazil ................

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