Overview - Mrs. Educate – Trying to create and educate ...

<Your Company>Staff wellbeing proposal OverviewEducation Support Partnership reveals a bleak picture of the impact current pressures can have on those working in the sector.?Education Support Partnership heard from April 2017 to March 2018, the number of teachers seeking support increased by 35%, from 2,321 to 3,136. The consequence is a?mounting recruitment and retention problem.?There is also a?link?between poor staff mental health and poor pupil mental health. There has not been nearly enough focus on the former in recent years, and this must change if we are to improve the wellbeing of future generations. Research conducted by the?BBC for an episode of?Inside Out?last year revealed 70 per cent of teachers had taken time off work for a physical or mental health complaint they attributed directly to the?stress of their job during the previous 12?months.?Though the impact of this is lower at <Company name> the school should aim to be committed to staff wellbeing so as to retain excellent practitioners and support the mental wellbeing of its entire staff.<Company name> currently has a happy workforce and the aim is that we keep this up and integrate it into practice.The ObjectiveIntroduce a focus on wellbeing in <Company name> that enables staff to feel that the school is committed to their development both of their professional development and their well being. The scheme must account for short term and long term goals, thus should focus on boosting staff moral but also on deeper seated issues that can come from the teaching profession. This includes making staff feel supported when they do well and also supported if they feel they are struggling to cope with the pressures of professional or personal life. The SolutionsImplement an area in staff common room dedicated to staff wellbeing.Produce an updated staff wellbeing policy that covers recent advancements in research and actions of the Prep. School.Create schemes that will allow staff to have people to talk to and support within school.Access to the school councilor.Wellbeing integrated with staff CPD.the Proposal The proposal has been split into two sections, ones that aim to celebrate teachers and give regular rewards for their work (even without evidence), the other to support staff with mental health issues allowing them support and understanding of pressures outside of school commitments.Staff Rewards and Celebrations- These items aim to make the staff feel appreciated by the school.Idea TitleDetailsCostsStaff Wellbeing WallA display board is put up in the staffroom that is dedicated to Wellbeing. This could include – Shout outs to staff who have good ideas, done something well. All have access to put up items and messages that are positive. This is done anonymously by the sender but names the teacher.Teaching Tidbits – Ideas that staff can use per week that will save them time in their planning that week. Or quotes that would make them smile.Joke of the week section. Low – Just need display board and paper to start it off. Appreciation DayAppreciation day once per month (first Friday of any month we are in school). On these day staff are treated to something.Breakfast provided at school for all staff.Donut Friday – free donuts.Room service break treat – a treat brought to your room one break time.Afternoon tea on the paddock for staff. Medium – Depends on treats but aim is something small but though-out. Aiming to save teachers time (e.g. breakfast at school means getting up later).Cup Exchange/Buddy BoxCup exchange or buddy boxNow very popular on twitter under #teacherbuddybox where people are paired up and agree to give a box of items 3 times a year to a teaching buddy. This is only for those who volunteer.Cup Exchange. A mug is filled with random little pick me up items and left for a teacher. They then pass it on and so on. Nothing to school and optional to those staff who agree to sign up. Around ?10.Cake ClubCake ClubWeekly cake club. Staff sign up and each take it in turn to cook a cake. Then each person in the club gets a piece of cake once a week but only has to bake one cake.Nothing to school. Cost of cake to those who wish to join.Induction KitsYearly intro kits for staff and support staff. Staff are given a kit at the start of every year that will be useful for them to survive first weeks (chocolate, tissues, recent teaching book)?7-?10per staff member.Social EventsRegular work eventsWell prepared in advance, including Christmas event, Weekend Walks (family welcome), End of year do.Yearly event at Easter so as not to clash with Summer Ball. This even could be in the school hall to keep cost down and bring all school staff together to celebrate hard work at midway point (Pre-prep, Prep and Senior).Free to school unless subsidized. Staff coaching and work/life balance – this aims to allow staff a way of managing stress and show <Company name> commitment to a work/life balance.Idea TitleDetailsCostsStaff CoachingAll staff trained as coaches via a CPD session and then buddy up (their choice) as a speaking partner and to share ideas. They support for the year and then change. This allows sharing ideas and having someone to talk to. NothingStaff Wellbeing integrated into CPDCPD sessions on mindfulness, stress, depression and also integrate exercise towards CPD hours (many do good thinking while exercising!), wellbeing speakers in (many now on twitter). Also get in session after school such as massages etc.Nothing or cost of speaker out of CPD budget.Staff LibraryAn area in the staffroom for an education book exchange. This allows staff better CPD and aim to share good practice. Anyone who has educational books can put these here and exchange for another which can be read and used towards CPD hours.Low – Staff add their own books but school also add two/three most popular books in education (linked to school development plan?) per year. (Cost ?30 per year).Access to school councilorStaff has access to school councilor in the teaching day as a booked appointment.Cost of counseling session paid for or subsidized. No briefing WednesdayOne day a week, Wednesday, briefing is suspended to allow a latter start to the day for staff. If they are in school they can have more prep time and if not they can stay longer at home.NothingFree Afternoon/Duvet DayOne day or two afternoons a year covered where you can go early. Pre-approved to allow time to spend with family, pick up children from school, Christmas shopping, dentist or rest!Nothing – covered by other staff member with the benefit that you will get time off too as pay back.Staff Wellbeing PolicyUpdate a wellbeing policy at <Company name> that includes any policies taken on.NothingWorkload Issues – This section looks at what contributes to the stress within school and aiming to reduce it.Idea TitleDetailsCostsMarking PolicyOne thing that seems to come up in many departments is the load marking takes on well-being. School to look towards feedback not marking and research into this taken on. NothingResEd BeaconsCreate ResEd Beacons in the school. These staff are given one extra non-contact session to research recent trends in education that can work towards well-being (such as whole class marking) and looking toward sound research and sharing data.Nothing (one non contact per beacon)The aim is the proposal is low cost and effective. It may not be that all items can be integrated all at once but that the best, most accessible ideas can and others can be added as time and budget allows. Thank you for your consideration,<Your name><Job Title/Role> ................

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