History of Mystery Webquest

History of Mystery Webquest

Directions: Go to and in the “View Track #” box, type “333625”. Once you have opened the track, use the provided websites to answer the following questions.

You can also find the information at these websites:

Vocabulary- I have provided these for you. Make sure you study them as they will be on your test.

1. Alibi- a plea offered by an accused person of not having been at the scene of a crime

2. Clue- something that appears to give information toward solving the crime

3. Deduction- collecting the facts and drawing a possible conclusion

4. Evidence- someone or something that proves who committed the crime

5. Means- item or device used to commit the crime (gun, poison, knife)

6. Motive- the reason a crime is committed

7. Opportunity- the time or chance needed to commit a crime

8. Red herring- a false lead that throws the investigator off track

9. Sleuth- an investigator or detective; this person does not need to be a professional

10. Suspects- people who appear to have a motive to have committed the crime

11. Witness- person who has personal knowledge about the crime

Types of Mysteries

1. Locked Room Mysteries- the murder victim is found inside an apparently sealed or locked room

2. Cozy Style Mysteries- popular in the 1920’s in Britain, features a small village setting and an aristocratic (upper class) hero; has many red herrings; weapons are wealthy pieces like jeweled-handled letter openers or imported poisons

3. Hard-Boiled Mysteries- also popular in the 1920’s, featured “tough guys who lived by strict codes of honor” ()


Ancient Greeks:

Cicero- Born _______________. Had great skill as an ______________, which he displayed in ___________________. If he were still alive today, what profession would he have? _________________________

Early Modern Mystery:

Edgar Allan Poe- Created the first fictional detective, named _________________ ___________________, in the short story “____________________________”, published in __________.

Charles Dickens: Influenced Poe, wrote “________________________” (1853) and “_________________________” (1870), which is the ________________ mystery because it was left unfinished by his death.

Wilkie Collins: Wrote “__________________________” (1868), which is considered the first ___________________________________________________.

Anna Katherine Green: Wrote “______________________________” (1878), and was the first ___________________________________________.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Created the famous detective _____________________ _____________________ in the story “__________________________________” (1887). Holmes’ _________________ was formidable, and he turned crime into a _________________. His sidekick _____________________ had a soothing _______________________________.

British Mysteries- 1920’s- Golden Age of Mystery Fiction

__________________________ mystery most popular

Agatha Christie: Queen of the Golden Age. Wrote over _______ novels in a career spanning over ________ years. Created two of mystery fiction’s most popular characters- ______________________________, introduced in _______ and ________________________.

Dorothy L. Sayers: Created detective __________________________________ in ________.

Manfred B. Lee/Frederic Dannay: Used the pseudonym ____________________, and had the detective solve mysteries with __________________. Brought the Golden Age to _____________________ during the 1930s and 40s.

Black Mask/ Pulp Mysteries

Dashiell Hammett/Raymond Chandler: detectives were _____________________ and reflected _________________________________________

Mickey Spillane: Published “____________________________” in 1947, and focused on ____________ and ______________.

TV Mysteries

Many famous characters such as _______________, Simon Templar, _______________________, Jim Rockford, and ________________________.

Children’s Mysteries

__________________________, The Hardy Boys, and ____________________.

Agatha Christie

Has been outsold only by ___________________ and __________________.

Born in __________________________ on ________________________.

Used the pseudonym ___________________________ to write ______________ novels.

Made a Dame on ______________.

Died on ________________________.

Influences (under “How She Wrote”)

What did Christie write about?

Name three movies made from Christie’s novels:

Choose one of Christie’s two most famous detectives, and give me 5 facts about them:

Search for And Then There Were None and tell me:

Where and when does it take place:

Give me a description of what happens:


Ancient Greeks:

Cicero- Born Jan 3, 106 BC

Had great skill as an orator which he displayed in the public forum.

If he were still alive today, what profession would he have? Lawyer, judge, politician

Early Modern Mystery:

Edgar Allan Poe- Created the first fictional detective, named Auguste C. Dupin in the short story “Murder in the Rue Morgue”, published in 1841.

Charles Dickens: Influenced Poe, wrote “Bleak House” (1853) and “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” (1870), which is the perfect murder mystery because it was left unfinished by his death.

Wilkie Collins: Wrote “The Moonstone” (1868), which is considered the first true English detective novel.

Anna Katherine Green: Wrote “The Leavenworth Case” (1878), and was the first female to write a detective novel.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Created the famous detective Sherlock Holmes in the story “A Study in Scarlet” (1887). Holmes’ intelligence was formidable, and he turned crime into a science. His sidekick Dr. Watson had a soothing voice of reason.

British Mysteries- 1920’s- Golden Age of Mystery Fiction

Cozy style mystery most popular

Agatha Christie: Queen of the Golden Age. Wrote over 80 novels in a career spanning over 50 years. Created two of mystery fiction’s most popular characters- Hercule Poirot, introduced in 1920 and Jane Marple.

Dorothy L. Sayers: Created detective Lord Peter Wimsey in 1923.

Manfred B. Lee/Frederic Dannay: Used the pseudonym Ellery Queen, and had the detective solve mysteries with his father. Brought the Golden Age to America during the 1930s and 40s.

Black Mask/ Pulp Mysteries

Dashiell Hammett/Raymond Chandler: detectives were hard-edged men and reflected life in America at the time.

Mickey Spillane: Published “I, the Jury” in 1947, and focused on sex and violence.

TV Mysteries

Many famous characters such as Perry Mason, Simon Templar, Lt. Columbo, Jim Rockford, and Jessica Fletcher.

Children’s Mysteries

Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, and Encyclopedia Brown.

Agatha Christie

Has been outsold only by Shakespeare and The Bible.

Born in Torquay, England on Sept 15, 1890.

Used the pseudonym Mary Westmacott to write romance novels.

Made a Dame in 1971.

Died on Jan 12, 1976.

Influences (under “How She Wrote”)

What did Christie write about?

The world she knew and saw

Name three movies made from Christie’s novels:

The Secret Adversary, And Then There Were None, Witness for the Prosecution

Choose one of Christie’s two most famous detectives, and give me 5 facts about them:

Jane Marple- doesn’t look like a detective, tall & thin, knitting needles, St. Mary Mead, familiar with biblical things

Hercule Poirot- Belgian, escaped to England in WWI, psychology of murderer, dramatic finish, wheel chair when older

1939, Devon, England

10 strangers show up on an island, don’t know their host, start to die one by one


Agatha Christie Website-


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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