Hellingly Community Primary School

 Home Learning Term 6 Week 6 MusicCLASS: SatellitesReadingPlease do an activity a dayWriting Please do an activity a daySpellingPlease do an activity a dayMathsPlease do a Maths activity each dayLook at this video of musical styles. information for each musical style and find a song to listen to for each style. Which is your favourite music style? Why? Invent a new instrument. Draw it and write a fact file about your instrument or design an advert poster for when the instrument goes on sale. Learn to spell the names of an instrument from each of the instrument families (strings, woodwind, brass, keyboards, and percussion). Complete any 2Dos set on Purple Mash for this anise any CDs or records in the house in alphabetical order or by style. ORGather together a list of musicians and do the same thing. Make a mini-book about the instrument families. Include: names of instruments within that family, how to play the instrument and famous musicians who use them.Unscramble these musical words: empot, demloy, epslu, narhmoy & rrecsttuu.Choose some pages from the Revision Booklet to complete.Visit Audible (free 30 day trial) a book to listen to and then write a review about it. Listen to the piece of music called Peter and the Wolf, written by Prokofiev. listening, draw a picture of what you are thinking of. Listen again and write down any words that come to mind (e.g elation, cheerfulness, scared etc.). Write as many of your common exception words (that you have been practicing) down from memory as you can. How many did you recall? Practice any you have missed.Visit and choose a maths lesson to complete.You can do more than one if you wish. Some have worksheets you can print at the bottom of the page.Find the lyrics to their favourite song (check with an adult for appropriateness first!) and highlight some creative words used and find out the meaning of new words. Write your own story or draw a story map that could be told through Peter and the Wolf music.Can you include speech too?Then watch and listen to the story Peter and the Wolf. spelling these words: measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure. Can you write a definition for each of these words?Practise your Times tables up to 12x12.Listen to BBC School Radio music episodes Island is a good one, but you can choose and you will learn new songs. Visit an ending to the story. Where do the turtles take the man? What happens?Practice spelling the music styles; rock, rap, classical etc. Practise your Time Traveller Targets.Choose a topic activity a day from the grid belowThe project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about music. Learning may focus on famous musicians, listening to and performing music and exploring a range of music genres and instruments. Ask each family member what their favourite song is. Play the song aloud and listen together. Spend some time as a family discussing what genre of music the songs belong to and how each piece of music makes you feel. Which genres of music were the most popular? Ask family members to rank their favourite genres of music first. Create your own music instrument. You could make your own pan flute using straws, a cereal box guitar, tin can drums or anything else! Plan your design first, source materials from around the house, write the steps to make the product and then evaluate it afterwards.Feel the Beat - Move your body to different genres of music. As you change between Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, Heavy Metal and Classical music, how does the way you move your body change? Have a dance together to the beat of the music!Lean On Me - Listen to Lean On Me, a Soul/Gospel song by Bill Withers. Do you like it? Why? What instruments can you hear? Can you clap a rhythm? Sing the lyrics and have a go at performing the song or record it for me to listen to!Research Bill Withers and listen to more of his songs. Creating an artist profile, with a portrait sketch and a list of his songs. Musical Movie Time - Choose an age-appropriate musical to watch. Andrew Lloyd Webber is now posting filmed versions of his shows on his Youtube channel The Shows Must Go On! each week. the story behind the musical. Which is your favourite song from the film/show and why? Create a billboard poster advertising the show and/or design a ticket.Making Instruments ● You will need a jar/bottle, some water and a pencil. Try tapping the side of an empty container with a pencil. What type of sound does it make? Partially fill the container with water, tap the container again. Has the sound changed? Try filling the container with different amounts of water. Can you play a tune?Record your tune and send it to me to listen to! ................

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