Resumes & Cover Letters for Industry Positions

Resumes & Cover Letters for Industry Positions

Briana Konnick, Ph.D. Assistant Director, Graduate Career Development

January 4th, 2017 Institute of Molecular


Session Overview

Part I: Introduction and Formatting Part II: Industry CVs (R?sum?/CV "Blends") Part III: R?sum? Review Activity Part IV: Cover Letters

Part I: Introduction and Formatting

What is the difference between a C.V. and a


Length Scope Purpose Tailoring Summary Publications Bullet use

Curriculum Vitae No page limit Exhaustive summary Academic jobs Somewhat tailored Research-specific Includes publications Optional

What is the difference between a C.V. and a


Length Scope Purpose Tailoring Summary Publications Bullet use

Curriculum Vitae No page limit Exhaustive summary Academic jobs Somewhat tailored Research-specific Includes publications Optional

R?sum? 1 PAGE Concise snapshot Jobs outside research Acutely tailored Can include No publications Yes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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