End of the Year Project

End of the Year Project- AP

Your Assigned Topic is:

|Topic |Page numbers |

|The Constitution | |

|Federalism | |

|American Political Culture | |

|Political Parties | |

|Elections and Campaigns | |

|Interest Groups | |

|Congress | |

|The Presidency | |

|The Judiciary | |

|Civil Liberties | |

This is a list of every major topic that we have covered in this course. You already know this information, so the project itself should be a review of what you know.

Due Date- You will be turning in your completed project on Friday, May 24.

That being said, there are some due dates along the way to make sure that your group is working and progressing appropriately. These are due at the end of the class period on the assigned day.

Monday- vocabulary terms and definitions due; EQ’s due

Wednesday- at least ½ of your summary slides due, 1 optional activity due

Friday- all due at the start of class; stations set up- tour through stations

Grading- Each individual component of your project will be graded. The total project is worth 150 points. They are broken down as follows:

|Vocabulary |10 points |

| Powerpoint |40 points |

| Station/Center |20 points |

| EQ’s |10 points |

| Paperwork |10 points |

| Optional 1 |20 points |

| Optional 2 |20 points |

| Optional 3 |20 points |

The grading rubric for each individual component is on the following page.

Every Group Must Complete:

• Vocabulary- You need to come up with at least ten key terms, people, or events for your assigned topic. Each one needs an easy to understand, but correct definition. Do NOT copy from the glossary. It needs to be something that all students can understand. Make sure that you are focusing in on the most important terms in the section.

• Powerpoint Presentation- This is the largest individual component of your grade and will be where you spend the bulk of your time. You need to create a powerpoint presentation that includes graphics, is neat, and has the following slides:

o Slide 1- title slide: your topic, page numbers and group member’s names

o Slide 2- the Essential Questions that you have created for your section

o Slide 3- the vocabulary words and definitions for your section

o Slides 4- 10- a summary slide for each main topic in your section. You need to identify the 7 most important topics that fall in your section and create a slide for each one. Each slide should have at least three bullets of information on that individual topic. It may be necessary to do more.

o Slides 11-12- Review Questions on the information covered in your presentation

If you do not have powerpoint access at home you will need to complete this portion of the project on individual pieces of Xerox paper- 1 per slide.

• EQ’s- You need to write at least 5 essential questions for your section. These should be guiding questions that start with “What?”, “Why?”, or “How?” For example, I might say, “How did the events leading to Declaration of Independence have an impact on the type of government we established?” “Why did the founding fathers include a system of checks and balances?” “What are the six founding principles of our government?” Imagine that you are teaching this section in 5 days. Each question would be the focus of your lesson on an individual day.

• Paperwork- The following bits of paperwork must be completed and turned in:

o Assignment Sheet

o Self Evaluation

o Group Evaluation

o Power point planning guide

• Three Optional Activities- in addition to the activities listed above, each group is responsible for completing the review game, and two additional optional activities.

Optional Activities- Pick Two + the Review Game

• Song- You need to either write your own song to go with the section or find a popular song that you think fits with the main topics in the section. If you choose to write your own, it should consist of at least 25 lines . If you choose to find a popular song you need to turn in a copy of the lyrics and an explanation of why you think this fits with the section.

• Worksheet- You need to create two worksheets that go over/practice key concepts in your section. They may be any type of worksheet that you choose.

• Review Game- You must create some sort of game to review the concepts in your unit. You may do a question/answer type game, a board game, or a zip lock bag game . Your game can review the entire section (ex: the legislative branch) or can review just one component of the section (ex: the important amendments).

• Project Assignment- Create a project assignment for your unit that is similar in size and difficulty to the projects we have done this year. You must include a project description page and a rubric.

• Poster- Create a poster that goes along with your section.

• Collage- Create a collage of important things in your section.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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