
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN – CHENNAI REGIONSESSION ENDING EXAMINATION – MARCH 2020CLASS: VII Time : 2 hours 30 minutes Max. Marks: 80ENGLISHGeneral Instructions:(i) This question paper consists of 3 sections:SECTION A: Reading – 20 MarksSECTION B: Writing & Grammar – 30 MarksSECTION C: Literature – 30 Marks(ii) All questions are compulsory(iii) You may attempt any section at a time(iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.SECTION A – (READING) (20 Marks) 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (8)1. Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature, but it is unfortunate that we do not understand its worth and over-exploit this resource for our selfish purposes. It is a matter of serious attention that water must be conserved at all costs. We need water for daily use at home and for agriculture. Drinking water is however limited as we get it mainly from the clouds and glaciers. If this resource is used wisely, then there will be no problem. But unfortunately, it is being over-exploited. 2. Our ever-increasing population has created scarcity of water. It is predicted that by the year 2025, nearly two billion people will live in absolute water scarcity. This is a signal to be cautious enough in the use of water. Every drop of water is precious and it must not go in vain. Water shortage is a grim reality for the cities as well as villages. We need to wake up to it now than be sorry later. Awareness should be created among people to save water which eventually will lead to save life on earth. 3. We must conserve water in ponds and tanks. We should try out best to use water cautiously. If we continue to use it recklessly, we will have to face dire consequences. By saving water, we will save ourselves. We should also avoid the contamination of water by not throwing industrial waste. 1.1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following: a) We get drinking water from _______ (4)(i) clouds and home(ii) clouds and rivers(iii) clouds and glaciers(iv) home and glaciersb) We must conserve water in ________(i) ponds and tanks(ii) ponds and pots(iii) rivers and tanks.(iv) pots and riversc)we over exploit water for __________(i) selfless purpose(ii) attention purpose(iii) daily purpose(iv) selfish purposed)What is the main cause of water scarcity?(i) decreasing population(ii) moderate population(iii) increasing population(iv) one billon population1.2. On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following:(2)a)By the year 2025, how many people will live in water scarcity? b)What will be the result of using water carelessly?1.3. Find words from the passage that mean the same as the following: (2)of great value (Para 2)exploit ii)precious iii) selfish iv) conserved bad luck or unlucky (Para 1)i) understand ii) matter iii) gift iv) unfortunate 2.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow(12)The Benefits of Cycling1. Cycling is a popular pastime because it has several benefits and also gives pleasure. First of all, cycling provides exercise, the need of which is felt by most people. Because of the development of machinery and the pace of our life now, we are unable to exercise regularly. Therefore, we need the chance to exercise through the medium of sport.2. Many people say that cycling is hard work, but a practiced rider will not agree with this. The art of easy cycling must be developed. An active, healthy person should not always travel as an idle passenger. Neither should he become an inactive driver of petrol-driven vehicles like cars, scooters, vans, and so on. Such vehicles should be restricted to the aged and to those not enjoying good health. For them, these vehicles are both a necessity and a blessing.3. It is often said that the cyclist cannot travel as fast or as far as the motorist. This is true. But surely the cyclist, pedaling calmly and slowly, can enjoy the scenery more than a hurrying person in a car? Cyclists believe that their method of travel is sensible as it strikes a nice balance between walking and driving.4. There are at least two distinct types of cyclists. The athletic rider goes into strict training, loves long, fast rides and takes part in competitions, trying to beat records. The other type is the tourist, who takes no interest in racing but has a deep interest in the countryside and the beauty unfolded by the open road 2.1 Answer the following questions briefly 4 x 2 = 8a)Why is cycling popular pastime?b)What are the two distinct types of cyclists?c)What does the cyclist believe?d)What are the benefits of cycling?2.2. Find words from the passage that mean the same as the following: (4)a) Liked or admired by many people (Para 1) i) popular ii) exercise iii) pleasure iv) chanceb) avoiding work , lazy (Para 2) i) restrict ii) idle iii) aged iv) activec) move or act with great haste (Para 3)i) hurry ii) traveliii) calm iv) believed) open or spread out (Para 4)i)ride ii)unfold iii) beauty iv) interestSECTION B -- (WRITING& GRAMMAR)(30 Marks) 3a. Imagine you are Deepak / Deepa, Head Boy / Head Girl of your school. You lost your Drawing Kit in the school premises. Draft a notice to be put up on the school Notice Board in not more than 50 words giving all necessary details. Put the notice in a box. 5Or3b. You are Suja/ Sathish, the CCA captain of the school. Write a notice announcing the conduct of singing competition asking the house captains to give names of VII students from each house. 100-150 words. 4. Write a story with the help of the outline in about 80 words.8Once a fox fell into a well --- tried hard to come out --- could not come out --- by chance a goat came --- goat was thirsty --- looked into the well for water --- saw the fox --- fox was clever --- invited the goat to drink cool, sweet water --- goat was foolish --- jumped into the well --- fox jumped on it back and came out --- foolish goat realized her folly.OrDevelop a story and give it a suitable title (100-150 words). Begin the story like this“It was a dark night. There was no one. At 1 am suddenly it’s started raining and i could hear the noise of the cats crying. Suddenly------------------------5.Write a leave application to your class teacher, requesting him/her to grant you leave for three days as you are suffering from Dengue fever. 7ORYou are Robort / Romi of 95, Bits Pilani, Goa. Write a letter to your friend inviting her/ him to your uncle’s wedding.6.Rearrange the jumbled words into meaningful sentences2x1=2was a / about twenty /childhood / delight / years ago.that are / are places / extremely dry / deserts.7.Fill in the blanks with proper articles (a, an, the) 2x1=2 (a) Reshmi is ____bravest girl in the class. (b) We will return in _____ hour.8.Do as Directed…… (6 Marks)I.Fill in the blanks using the correct form of Verbs 2x1=2The teacher _________ the child on the back to encourage her. (pat)It isn’t necessary that ________should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)II. Fill in the blanks using the opposite of the underlined word in the sentence1x1=1(increase , spending , destroy )If a doctor advises a lean and lanky patient to reduce his weight further, be sure he is doing it to _____________ his income. III.Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in bracket 1x1=1Hermits are wise men. How they acquire their _________ (wise) no one can tell.IV. Add “ly” to the underlined word in each sentence and rewrite the sentence (1)He made the statement in a firm mannerV. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words given in the brackets1(a)The women chased the bus __________ the road. (Past / across)SECTION C -- (LITERATURE)(30 Marks)9.A.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 3Explore the meadow houses The burrows in the ground A nest beneath tall grassesThe ant’s amazing moundName the poet.What does the poet mean by meadow houses?Pick a pair of rhyming words from the above stanza.ORHe got out the ladderFrom the garden shedIt slipped. He landedIn the flower- bed.Who does “he” refer to? What happened to the father? Pick a pair of rhyming words form the above stanza.B. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:3I was waiting for in the garden it was a lovely day. He said, that’s a good looking machine of yours. How does it run? Name the lesson and its writer.Who was waiting in the garden?Pick out an interrogative sentence in the above mentioned lines? ORBands of fire fighting workers with special equipment known as fire brigade, are there to put out fires. Fire fighters are highly trained people. The posses many skills they are trained in first aid so that they can help people suffering from burns or from the effects of smoke.Medical help that you give to somebody is _______________.What is a fire brigade? Write a point about fire fighters.10. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 20-30 words 10x2=20Why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday?How is cricket different from other team games?What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out?Why did Chandini hate the rope round her neck?When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the shed?Why is Mr. Purcell compared to an owl?What happened one Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house?Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?What do you think ‘the mechanical hand’ was trying to do?What jobs are new ants trained for?Tilloo pressed the red button and the damage was done. What was the damage?11.Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 60 words1X4=4Write a paragraph on how the courtiers and the king react on Gopal’s arrival to the palace.ORYou are Mr. Wonka in the lesson ’The Invention of Vita Wonk ‘. Write a diary entry about your preparation of the second drug, Vita wonk************** ................

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