Outside Reading Assignment

Honors Outside Reading Assignment

Quarter TWO – QUOTES DUE _____

1. For Quarter TWO you will read any biography, auto-biography or memoir that is 200+ pages.

2. Find 10 examples from the text which illustrate the theme and include 2-3 sentences of commentary after the quote analyzing how the examples support the theme.

a) You must use direct quotations and you must include a correctly cited page number.

b) You must have a minimum of 10 example quotes from the book.

c) You must include examples from the beginning, middle, and end of the book.

3. Begin your assignment with a theme statement that will act as your thesis for the assignment. This should be a complete sentence and written at the top of the page. Your theme statement will be comprised of a topic + what you learn about that topic. You may not use first or second person in the theme statement.

4. Introduce your quotes with a transition and link to contextualize your quote.

a) This is known as TLQ = Transition + Link + Quote.

b) You must use a different transition for each quote.

B) Your link must put the quote in context and should be NO more than two sentences long.

THEME: Choose a topic to start your theme. Then turn that topic into a theme statement. When writing out your THEME STATEMENT, please CAPITALIZE your TOPIC and then lower case your statement about that topic.


* LOVE is not always a positive emotion.

* DEATH is not an end but a beginning.

* HOPE can guide a person through difficult times.

* PERSISTENCE leads to excellence.

* ADVENTURE is good for the soul.

FORMAT: * Please include the following typed at the top of each report:

* Your name

* Title and author of book

* Actual number of pages in book

* All reports must be typed.

* Identify the theme statement at the top of the page

* Use a transition and provide context before each quote

* Format quotes as follows: “Quote” (12) . OR “Quote?/!” (12) .

* “double quotes at beginning and end of quote only”

* ‘ single quotes around dialogue/conversation within double quotes’

Please look over the following example closely. Use it as a model when doing your own assignment.

FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury xxx pages

Theme: It takes COURAGE to do the right thing.

* For instance, when speaking to Mildred and expressing his desire to deal with his guilt, Montag asked,

“ ‘Mildred, how would it be if, well, maybe, I quit my job for awhile?’ ‘You want to give up everything?’” (51). Montag needed courage when responding to his guilt. He showed courage by doing the right thing which was to give up his job because he no longer believed in what he was doing. This was courageous because it demonstrated his courage to stand up for what he believed in.

* Continue until you have 10 examples. Remember to put them in chronological order.

Recommended Non Fiction Books

The following books are recommended nonfiction books. The titles listed below are solely for your information; I have not read most of these books. You do not have to choose a book from this list.

Agassi, Andre. Open: An Autobiography (400)

Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays With Morrie (192)

Alexander, Eben. Proof of Heaven (196)

Ambrose, Stephen. Band of Brothers (336)

Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (304)

Armstrong, Lance. It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life (289)

Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone (218)

Beals, Melba Patillo. Warriors Don’t Cry (240)

Bitton-Jackson, Livia. I Have Lived a Thousand Years (234)

Bradley, James. Flags of our Fathers (382)

Burroughs, Augusten. Running With Scissors (320)

Bush, George W. 41: A Portrait of My Father (304)

Dillard, Annie. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (304)

Dinesen, Isak. Out of Africa (416)

Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl (304)

Gilbert, Elizabeth. Eat, Pray, Love (352)

Gantos, Jack. Hole in My Life (224)

Grogan, John. Marley and Me (320)

Hickan, Homer. October Sky (448)

Hillenbrand, Laura. Seabiscuit: An American Legend (272)

Hillman, Laura. I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree: A Memoir of a Schindler’s List Survivor (288)

Jiang, Ji Li. Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution (320)

King Jr., Martin Luther. Why We Can’t Wait (166)

Kingwell, Mark. In Pursuit of Happiness: Better Living from Plato to Proza (422)

Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster (374)

McCourt, Frank. Angela’s Ashes (368)

Mortenson, Greg & David Oliver Relin. Three Cups of Tea (349)

Obama, Barack. Dreams From My Father (464)

Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran (400)

Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values (560)

Robinson, Jackie and Alfred Duckett. I Never Had it Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson (320)

Robison, John Elder. Look Me in the Eye: My Life With Asperger’s (302)

Rodriguez, Deborah and Kristin Ohlson. Kabul Beauty School (320)

Sender, Ruth Minsky. The Cage (284)

Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle (288)

Winfrey, Oprah. What I Know for Sure (240)


This recommended list of biographies, autobiographies and memoirs has been compiled from many sources: ’s recommended list, , and .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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