
Predict the answers to the questions below. In 2013, what was a more popular search term – ‘Gangnam Style’ or ‘Harlem Shake’?___________________What was the most searched for travel destination by UK internet users last year?___________________Who is more popular on the internet right now – Gareth Bale or Cristian Bale?___________________What’s more popular on Google Shopping – ‘shoes’ or ‘laptops’?___________________Was Wayne Rooney more popular on Google search in 2010 or 2011?___________________Which is a more popular Google search term in England – ‘Fish and Chips’ or ‘Curry’?___________________Now use information on Google Trends to see if you are right!_______________________________________________________________________________________Predict the answers to the questions below. In 2013, what was a more popular search term – ‘Gangnam Style’ or ‘Harlem Shake’?___________________What was the most searched for travel destination by UK internet users last year?___________________Who is more popular on the internet right now – Gareth Bale or Cristian Bale?___________________What’s more popular on Google Shopping – ‘shoes’ or ‘laptops’?___________________Was Wayne Rooney more popular on Google search in 2010 or 2011?___________________Which is a more popular Google search term in England – ‘Fish and Chips’ or ‘Curry’?___________________Now use information on Google Trends to see if you are right! Overall, interest in Samsung has increased since 2011, whilst interest in Apple remains about the same. The graph shows three sharp increases in searches for Apple. Interest in the product peaked around April 2012, when the iPhone 5 was first released. The previous year, searches for Apple rose sharply, also during April. The news headlines function on Google Trends reveals that this was the month in which Steve Jobs, the Apple founder, died. This is the only time since 2011 that searches for ‘Apple’ were more popular than ‘Samsung’. In general, interest in Apple has fluctuated more than Samsung in the last 4 years, and there has been a steady decline in searches for Apple since around November 2013.Similarly to Apple, interest in Samsung rises when a new product is released. Searches for Samsung peaked in December 2013. News headlines show that at that time, Samsung had just won their court case against Apple.Regional statistics show that Samsung seems most popular in Asian countries, whilst Apple seems more popular in the west. In the text, find a word (or phrase) that means…Became larger in size or amount very quickly _____________________(paragraph 1)Reached the highest level _____________________(paragraph 1)Went up _____________________ (paragraph 2)To change frequently _____________________ (paragraph 2)Gradually becoming smaller in size (a noun phrase) ________________(paragraph 2)Numbers that represent information ___________________(paragraph 4) Analysing and presenting dataThis activity will develop your research and presentation skills, which are important in certain school subjects and professions later in life.Your task is to prepare a short presentation on the trends of at least two Google Search terms. You can choose any search terms you like, but they must be connected to each other in some way. For example, they could both be shopping items (shoes vs laptops), sports stars (Rooney vs Beckham), companies (Coca-Cola vs Pepsi), etc.You can change the search settings on Google Trends to anything you wish – to search for results by date, region, or search type. Remember to include vocabulary related to analysing data in you presentation.For this task, you will be given marks for the following:PreparationHow well did you use Google Trends to prepare? How well did you work with your partner?ContentDid you use the vocabulary related to analysing data? Was the content of your presentation clear and concise?PresentationHow good was your delivery? Did you use some of the presentation techniques discussed in class? ................

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