Humble Independent School District

ELAR 7 Pre-APThird Nine Weeks TestSentence ModelingRead each example sentence and choose the answer that correctly models each sentence. Hobbling on one foot, Wanda opened the closet door and turned on the light.Betsy Byars, The Summer of the SwansDancing around the kitchen, Austin opened the pantry door and rummaged for the cookies.Kali walked through the door and waved at her friend.John was red and gasping, his laughter rang through the house.Focusing on the door, the young girls watched as the doorknob began to turn.For a long time, he just stood there, defeated, listening to the hammer, hoping the chopper would come back, but knowing that it would not.Robb White, DeathwatchThe police officer saw the speeding car and turned around to chase him.For an eternity, she silently waited alone, saddened, watching for her fiancé, praying he would return home, yet realizing that he would not.When I awoke, there were snowflakes on my eyes.For the first time, she decided that her friend, Jamie, was a bad influence.On and on, they walked, but the view did not vary.J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceFudge, a portly little man in a long, pinstriped cloak, looked cold and exhausted.He stretched out his hands, blindly, frantically, waving them in the air to ward off the attack from the dinosaur he knew was coming.Over and over, John whistled, yet the melody did not change.On and on, she ran with tears in her eyes until she could not run anymore.That moment of utter darkness, at the height of the storm, was one of the most terrifying Johnny had ever experienced. Arthur C. Clarke, Dolphin IslandA. That was the day she realized, unfortunately, that Molly was not a true friend. B. Prior to discovering the truth, Mark, an explorer, was the only human known to find the hidden caves.C. The goblin in the cave, seeking solitude, hid as long as he could from the wizard who was constantly badgering him.D. A time of devastation, after the accident at the beach, became the moment of truth Molly had unfortunately needed.Rigid with fear, sitting up in bed, I stared helplessly as a face rose up in the moonlit window.R.L. Stine, Ghost BeachA. Covered in mud, running effortlessly through the field, Bart chased relentlessly as a rabbit fled back into the woods.B. Finding a buried treasure, the children ran as fast as they could, through the field, to show their parents.C. Stiff from practice, crying out in pain, he begged imploringly as the trainer walked in for the scheduled appointment. D. Sitting on the fence, she watched cautiously as her brother, with a mischievous look on his face, snuck up behind her.SyntaxRead each sentence and identify the underlined phrase or clause and choose from the following.A. participial phraseB. prepositional phraseC. appositiveD. dependent clause6. Attracted by the breathtaking view, the tourist took several pictures.7. As I watched the scary movie, I couldn’t help but cover my eyes in fright.8. At the beginning of class, my teacher pointed out that we would have a test on Friday.9. We were in awe after witnessing the beauty of the Grand Canyon.10.Made from scratch, the cake was the most delicious dessert I had ever eaten.11. Earth, the only planet in our galaxy known to support life, is sometimes called the third rock from the sun.12. After lacrosse practice was over, my mom was waiting by the curb to pick me up. “Charles”Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.13. The first bit of Charles’s bad behavior that Laurie reports to his parents is _____.Abeing fresh.C.hitting the teacher.B.hitting a girl.D.yelling during class.14. Laurie’s mother expects Charles’s mother to look _____.Aold.C.lovely.B.haggard.D.matronly.15. The plot twist in “Charles” is that there is no _____.a.A. baby.C.Charles.b.B. teacher.D.Laurie.16. In “Charles,” Shirley Jackson develops Charles’s personality primarily through ____. A. direct comments about him. B. Laurie’s thoughts, words, and actions. C. description of his physical appearance. D. Charles’s own words and ideas.17. Which of the following is the best summary of “Charles”? A. A kindergarten teacher finds a way to handle a rowdy class.B. A mom is upset with her child’s behavior.C. A kindergarten boy causes lots of trouble and surprises.D. Parents support teachers by disciplining children.18. What clues should have suggested to the mother that Laurie might be Charles?A. Laurie misbehaves at home. B. Laurie is always late to school. C. Laurie brings notes home from his teacher. D. Laurie enjoys talking.19. What was the author’s purpose for writing “Charles”?A. To tell an amusing story.B. To describe how students misbehave. C. To teach an important lesson. D. To persuade parents to discipline their children.“Three-Century Woman”Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.20. The genre of "The Three-Century Woman" is _____.A. biography.C. non-fiction.B. humorous fiction.D. news article.21. Who is the narrator of “The Three-Century Woman”?A. Megan.C. Mom.B. Aunt Gloria.D. Mrs. Breckenridge. 22. Why is Mrs. Breckenridge a “three-century woman”?A. She has lived for three hundred years.C. She has lived in three centuries.B. She is a great-grandmother. D. She is famous.23. Why does Mrs. Breckenridge recall untrue “memories” in her interview with the news anchor?A. She has always wanted to be famous, and she sees this as her last chance.B. She is angry because the anchor is interested in her memories, not in her as a person.C. She is annoyed with the anchor because he dies his hair and wears an expensive suit.D. She wants Megan to think that she has had an eventful, fascinating life.24. Which event does Mrs. Breckenridge claim to remember?A. the crash of the Hindenburg.C. the sinking of the Titanic.B. the Vietnam War.D. a meeting with Abraham Lincoln.25. In “Three-Century Woman,” Mom says, “They’ve got her done up like a Barbie doll.” What type of indirect characterization is this?A. direct comment about the character’s personality.B. another character’s reaction to Great-Grandma.C. Great-Grandma’s thoughts, words, and actions.D. Great-Grandma’s behavior toward other characters.26. What is the climax of “The Three-Century Woman”?A. When Megan's mother told Mrs. Breckenridge her stories were not true.B. When Megan and her mother drive to visit her Great-Grandma.C. When Megan walks into her Great-Grandma’s room.D. When the reporters ask Megan’s mom to interview her Great-Grandma.27. How does Megan feel towards her Great-Grandma at the end of the story?A. She is angry with her Great-Grandma.B. Megan feels stressed due to her Great-Grandma’s actions.C. Megan thinks her Great-Grandma is funny and enjoyed visiting her.D. Megan thought her Great-Grandma was boring.28. Which of the following in the best summary of “The Three-Century Woman”? A. A girl would rather shop than visit her Great-Grandma.B. A girl reluctantly visits her Great-Grandma, but during an interview, she finds out her Great-Grandma is humorous lady with a mischievous side. She enjoys her visit and promises to return often.C. A girl visits her Great-Grandma during an interview and learns of the activities her Great-Grandma participated in. D. A girl goes to an Elder Care Facility to visit her Great-Grandma; she leaves sadden at the health of her Great-Grandma.“Charles” and “Three-Century Woman”Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.29. What is the central theme of “Charles” and “Three Century Woman”?A. You should not believe everything you hear.B. Life is unexpected.C. Elderly people are innocent individuals.D. You should always trust your family.30. Both of the stories have main characters whoA. sometimes make things up. B. have difficulty adjusting. C. can be mean to loved ones.D. have lived a long life.31. What possibly motivates both Great-Grandma Breckenridge and Laurie to misbehave? A. They enjoy attention.C. They dislike their family.B. They want to move.D. They are selfish individuals.“The Fall of the Hindenburg”Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.32. According to Michael Morrison, which statement about “The Fall of the Hindenburg” is true?A. The crash was most likely caused by a bolt of lightning.B. The crash was most likely caused by enemies of Germany.C. The crash was most likely caused when hydrogen caught fire.D. The crash was most likely caused when varnish caught fire.33. Which of the following is a fact that is stated in “The Fall of the Hindenburg”?A. After catching fire, the Hindenburg sank off the Atlantic coast.B. Many on board the Hindenburg did not die when it caught fire.C. The library was the only part of the Hindenburg that did not burn.D. Scientists at NASA blame the explosion on the Nazi government.34. A reporter cried out “Oh, the Humanity!” when he witnessed the burning of the Hindenburg. What do his words suggest about his feelings?A. He was annoyed.C. He was angry.B. He was surprised but relieved.D. He was shocked and saddened.35. Why did the author write this passage? A. To describe the terror aboard the Hindenburg.B. To discourage others from flying via airship.C. To inform readers about a historic event.D. To explain the reason for the Hindenburg's destruction.Elements of LiteratureRead each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer.36. Foreshadowing is _____. A. a technique used by artists. B. a type of irony. C. the method an author uses to create a character. D. hints and clues to what will happen later in the story or movie.37. When the reader must infer something about the character from what he or she says or does, the author is using _______. A. foreshadowing.C. indirect characterization. B. irony. D. direct characterization.38. “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind.” S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders What is the point of view of the previous statement?First person.B. Third person limited.C. Third person omniscient.39. Which of the following is an example of nonfiction?A. novel.C. essay.B. short story.D. haiku.40. Which of the following best defines the concept of irony?A. Irony is a comparison between two or more things that are similar.B. Irony is a figure of speech in which like or as is used to compare two ideas.C. Irony is figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics.D. Irony is the contrast between an outcome and what the reader expects to happen.41. What makes the following situation ironic?A. Samuel believes he was cheated but tells the winner that she deserved to win.B. Samuel feels cheated because he knows he did the best job on his project.C. Samuel lost the contest because he did not spend enough time preparing.D. The winner of the contest deserved to win, and Samuel is wrong for feeling upset.42. The plot twist in “Charles” is an example of _______ irony.A. situational.B. verbal.C. dramatic.43. Which statement is true about works of fiction in which the narrator is a character in the story?A. They are told from the first person point of view.B. They are told from the second person point of view.C. They are told from the third point of view.D. They are told from the point of view of a real person.44. What can you infer about the weather from the following passage?Jake’s mother tells him to take an umbrella with him when he is leaving from school. However, Jake doesn’t think it is necessary.A. It is raining.C. It might rain.B. It is snowing.D. It is spring.Read this passage and then answer the question that follows.Richard must have looked at the clock twenty times before he finally heard the last bell ring. As soon as he heard it, Richard grabbed his coat and books. As usual, he was the first one out the door.45. What can the reader infer about the setting?A. Richard is at home.C. Richard grabs his books.B. Richard is at the library.D. Richard is at school.Revising and EditingRead the passage and answer the questions that follow. (1) Nature can do some amazing things, sometimes, people even get to watch. (2) In 1995, a new island formed as part of the Tonga Islands. (3) An active volcano erupted at Metis Shoal this eruption cause a heavy flow of lava. (4) After all the lava had bubbled up, it had built a new island. (5) Fortunately, someone used their video camera to record this event. (6) According to many scientists accounts, Metis Shoal had erupted before with similar results. (7) The volcano produced new islands when they erupted in 1968 and 1979.46. What is the BEST way to revise sentence 1?A. Nature can do some amazing things sometimes, people. Even get to watch. B. Nature can do some amazing things sometimes people even get to watch. C. Nature can do some amazing things sometimes people; even get to watch.D. Nature can do some amazing things; sometimes, people even get to watch.47. What is the BEST way to revise sentence 3? A. An active volcano erupted at Metis Shoal, and this eruption caused a heavy flow of lava.B. An active volcano erupted at Metis Shoal this eruption. Caused a heavy flow of lava.C. An active volcano erupted but at Metis Shoal this eruption caused a heavy flow of lava.D. An active volcano; erupted at Metis Shoal this eruption caused a heavy flow of lava.48. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?A. Insert a comma after lava.B. Insert a comma after all.C. Insert a comma after up.D. Make no change. 49. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?A. Change their to herB. Change Fortunately to AfterwardsC. Change event to EventD. Make no change50. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6?A. Change many to lots ofB. Change scientists to scientists’C. Change before to laterD. Make no change51. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?A. Change islands to islands’B. Change when to beforeC. Change they to itD. Make no change ................

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