

(Basic Course: Module 3)

Module Objectives:

1 This module will discuss the HINARI website interface, journals, partner publisher’s resources and other full text resources. Understanding how to use the HINARI website is critical for utilizing the available resources. These skills are essential for completion of the exercises in subsequent modules.

2 Similarly to the first module, you will need access to the Internet and be required to complete a series of exercises.

1. Finding the HINARI website

The HINARI website can be found at Type in (or copy/paste) the url of HINARI and the home page will open.


2. Logging in to the HINARI website


You will need to have your HINARI login details to do this. You can login from the HINARI Website or the HINARI Portal.

➢ Select the “Login to HINARI” button.

➢ This will take you to the Research4Life login page.

➢ When the login page opens, enter your institutional HINARI User Name and Password into the login boxes and then select the Sign In button to access the HINARI site.

➢ Logging in to HINARI will provide authentication to access full text articles and other resources via the project’s portal. If you do not register using your institution’s User Name and password, you will not have access to the full text articles only the citations.

The Access to the Content = HINARI Portal will open. From this page there are a number of ways to access the full-text resources.

3. Finding journals – by title, subject, language and publisher of publication

3.1 Locating specific journals in the HINARI Portal by title

Journals can be accessed by title from the A-Z list. Go to the Journals collection section, click on the alphabetical letter which covers the title you are interested in. You will see a list of all the journal titles available for the letter. To select the journal, highlight the journal title in the alphabetical list by clicking on it and another window will open at the publisher’s website. Most of the times, the journal is opened on the Archive page and then you will be able to locate the article you are interested in and download it.

Exercise 1

➢ Go to the HINARI initial page (

➢ Select the “Login to HINARI” button.

➢ This will take you to the Research4Life login page.

➢ When the login page opens, enter your institutional HINARI User Name and Password into the login boxes and then select the Sign In button to access the HINARI site.

➢ From the HINARI Portal (Content home page), go to the Journal collection Section: A-Z list.

➢ Find Emerging Infections Diseases by clicking on E.

➢ Select it from the list by clicking on the title.

➢ Emerging Infections Diseases will open in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website.

➢ What is the date of the latest journal article listed? Note in the left column that there is access to Past Issues.

➢ Select article from those listed on the initial page of the journal that are available to you and open the full text.

➢ What is the title and author of the full-text article you viewed?

➢ Why you were interested in this article and who at your institution could use the information?

➢ Open the Past Issues link on the left column. How are the links to the past issues organized? When you have finished, return to the HINARI Content page.

3.2 Finding journals by subject in the HINARI Portal

Journals can be found via a broad Subject category from the horizontal bar.

Click on the Subject tab to select journals by broad subject category. This will re-format the HINARI page to show a ‘drop down’ menu next to “SELECT A SUBJECT” in the text box. Click on the arrow and the list of subjects, along with a scroll bar appears. Select the subject area of interest and a list of the journals for the subject appears, along with hyperlinks to the journal websites. Selecting the journal title will open the journal homepage in a new browser window.

Exercise 1

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on Subject from the horizontal bar.

➢ Find Cardiology by clicking on the drop down menu. Note the list includes both e-books and e-journals and, by clicking on the Journals Type list, only that format is displayed. You can click on the 500 number of items option to display all the Cardiology titles.

➢ Select Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology from the list by clicking on the hyperlinked title.

➢ The journal title will open on the publisher’s website.

➢ Select an article from the latest issue available to you and open the full text.

➢ What is the title and author of the full-text article you viewed?

➢ Go back to the drop down menu of subjects. Choose a subject that is of interest to you. Remember to click on the Journals Type list to eliminate book titles.

➢ Which subject did you choose? Name three journals that are of particular interest to you.

➢ When you have finished, return to the HINARI Content page.

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on Subject from the horizontal bar.

➢ Re-open Cardiology or Public Health or another broad subject category of interest to you by clicking on the ‘drop down’ menu.

➢ After viewing the default Accessible content tab, click on the All items tab. Are most of the journals accessible (with a green box)? If not, what publishers do not offer their contents to your institution?

Note - Some countries receive all publishers’ contents while others may not. The content offered by publishers to countries may change year to year.

➢ When you have finished, return to the HINARI Content page.

3.3 Finding journals in the HINARI website by Language of publication

Journals can be found by language of publication by going to the Language tab from the horizontal bar on the Content page.

Click on the hyperlink to Language tab. This will re-format the HINARI page to show a ‘drop down’ menu next to SELECT A LANGUAGE in the text box. Click on the arrow and the list of languages appears. Select the language you want and an alphabetical list of the journals in that language appears along with hyperlinks to the journal websites.

Exercise 3

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on the Languages hypertext link in the horizontal bar.

➢ Select French by clicking on the ‘drop down’ menu.

➢ The alphabetical list of journal titles opens. This list is prepared by the information on the editorial information.

➢ Select Primary Care: Journal Suisse de Medicine de Premier Recoursfrom the list by following the hyperlinked title. The electronic holdings are listed after the title.

➢ Primary Care: Journal Suisse de Medicine de Premier Recours will open on the publisher’s website.

➢ Select an article from the latest issue available to you and open the full text.

➢ What are the title and author of the full-text article you viewed?

➢ Would non-English language articles be of use in your institution? If yes, why?

➢ When you have finished, return to the HINARI Content page.

3.4 Finding journals by publisher in the HINARI website

Exercise 4

• From the HINARI Content page, click on the Publisher list from the page’s horizontal bar.

• Display the list of journals for the ‘accessible content’ publishers, open Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Note: If this publisher does not grant access, pick one that is available.

• In HINARI, approximately how many journals are available from this publisher?

• What titles would be of interest to you or someone at your institution?

• From a title of interest to you, select the latest Issue and choose an article to open in full text.

• What are the title, author and issue of the full-text article you viewed?

• Return to the Browse Publishers list from the page’s horizontal bar. .

• Click on a publisher of interest to you.

• Which HINARI journals are of specific interest and why?

• Go back to the HINARI Content page.

3.5 Finding e-books from a publisher’s list

Exercise 5

• Return to HINARI’s Content page. Using the alphabetical listing of Publishers click on Taylor & Francis. Note: If this publisher does not grant access, pick one that is available.

➢ Once the list of e-journals and e-books is opened, browse down the alphabetical listings and open the link to a specific e-book that is of interest to you. Note that an e-book will have one year for publication and an e-journal will have several years of volumes listed (e.g. vol. 35 (2000) – current issue). For example, #6 (at the time that the exercise was edited) from the publisher’s list is a book – Acupuncture: Efficacy, Safety and Practice… 2000 (Taylor & Francis)

➢ Were you able to open the book without significant problems? What is the title of the book?

➢ Return to Taylor & Francis e-journal and e-book list. Open the link to the 2nd e-book. Were you able to open the book without significant problems? What is the title of the book?

➢ Note why these books are of interest to you.

➢ If your institution has access to other publishers with e-books, open these publishers’ e-journal and e-book lists to view other book titles that are of interest to you. Hint – the e-books will be located in the Accessible Content list.

3.6 Finding e-books in the HINARI website

Similarly to articles, books also can be found by using the Books collection Section: A-Z list. Click on any letter of the alphabet to check the list of books that begin with that letter. For each title, there is a hypertext link to the full-text.

Exercise 6

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on the O listing of the Books collection A-Z list.

➢ Find the link to the Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5th edition and open this E-book. You may have to scroll down the alphabetical list to locate this title.

Note: For some countries and type of institutions, the publisher has chosen not to offer access to this title. If you cannot open the contents of the book after completing this step, go to next to last tab of this exercise.

➢ Scroll down the initial page and locate the Contents listing. Open the Nutrition chapter link. (You do not need an access token or sign up for an individual subscription as access is provided through HINARI). Look at the 6 sub-chapters and click on the link to a chapter that is of interest to you. Note: if you are interested in another topic, you may open that chapter’s link.

➢ The Essentials will be displayed. Click on the Full-text option and display all the text in this sub-chapter. Note that each chapter has a Further Reading option at the bottom of the page. What are the topics listed in this sub-chapter? Is the full-text information a webpage (html) or PDF files?

➢ Return to the Table of Contents and open another chapter. Which chapter have you opened and what are the topics of interest to you?

➢ How could this electronic textbook be used in your institution? Would the sister publication Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine be useful?

➢ Return to HINARI’s Content page.

4. Searching for articles on specific topics

PubMed is a tool for locating articles on a specific topic. Access this by clicking on Search inside HINARI full-text using PubMed hyperlink at the bottom of the HINARI Content page. HINARI/PubMed searching is covered extensively in Basic Module 4.

5. Finding other full-text resources from the HINARI website

If you go to the Reference sources section on the HINARI Content page, you will see a number of resources such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias. To select a resource click on the hyperlinked title and you will be taken to the resource website.

Exercise 7

Accessing material from the Reference Sources list.

➢ From the HINARI Content page, open the Reference sources list.

➢ Select Cochrane Library by clicking on the hyperlink. This is a resource for evidence based medicine.

➢ The website for the resource opens. In this case it is a subject portal open to all HINARI registered institutions.

➢ Would this resource be of use to you or your colleagues? Why?

➢ Go back to the Reference sources list. Go back to the Reference sources list. Open two other resources. Which did you open? What other resources could be of use to you or those in your institution?

6. Free collections

Go to the Free collections section on the HINARI content page. There is a list of sites offering access to various free biomedical collections which are free to all Internet users and do not require HINARI registration.

The Internet also hosts many publisher sites for which you have to subscribe or pay a fee in order to access published information. These include electronic journals, reference collections, databases and electronic text books.

7. Practice makes perfect!

You have now covered all the material in this module. Since ‘practice makes perfect’, there are several exercises below to complete. Remember - in order to access the full-text journals, you will need to be logged into HINARI with your user ID and password.

Exercise 8

Accessing Journals by Title – Tropical Medicine & International Health (or a journal of your choice)

➢ Open your Internet Browser.

➢ Go the HINARI website

➢ Click on the button LOGIN to HINARI.

➢ Enter your institutional User Name and Password and the HINARI Contents page will open.

➢ Find the journal Tropical Medicine & International Health by selecting the letter T from the Journal collections A-Z list.

➢ From the drop down menu list, select the journal Tropical Medicine & International Health.

➢ Select the latest issue and choose an article to open in full text.

➢ What article did you view and why was this article of interest to you?

➢ Close the Tropical Medicine & International Health window and return to the HINARI Contents page.

Exercise 9

Accessing Journals by Subjects

➢ Go to the HINARI Content page.

➢ Go to the Subject tab and open the Browse subject drop down menu.

➢ Choose Tropical Medicine (or a subject of your choice) from the drop down menu.

➢ Select the title American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (or a journal of your choice) from the list of titles in this subject category.

➢ Select the current issue and choose an article to open in full text.

➢ What article did you view and why was this article of interest to you?

➢ Close the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene window and return to the HINARI portal

➢ Repeat the exercise with a subject category of your own choice.

➢ What subject did you view and why was this subject of interest to you?

➢ Return to the HINARI Contents page.


You now have completed the HINARI Basic Course, Module 3 and finished nine exercises. You have learned what options are available in the HINARI Portal (Access the Content Page) and how to use the available resources.

Updated 2018 08



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