Saginaw Valley State University

World Language

Assessment/Activity Worksheet

|LEVEL: |Novice Low |

|Strand: |Connections |

|Standard: |Knowledge |

|Level of Proficiency/Domain: |Novice Low |

|Benchmark: | 3.1.N.a: Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the |

|target language. |

|Assessment/Activities (before, during, after): |

| |

|Before: |

|Does not apply |

| |

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|During: |

|Does not apply |

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| |

|After: |

|Does not apply |

| |

|Learning Activities/Facts/Information: |Resources: |

| | |

|Recommendation: Collaborate with academic teachers to compile a list of key academic content that |The Weather / El tiempo |

|best relates and is most useful to learn in the target language. |Gladys Rosa-Mendoza |

| | |

|Possible topics: |¡Fiesta! |

|Kindergarten – First Grade |Ginger Foglesong Guy |

|counting 1-100 | |

|colors |Numbers/Los números |

|animal needs |Rebecca Emberly |

|writing words | |

|flags representing a country |Colors/Los colores |

|skill of describing |Rebecca Emberly |

|community helpers | |

|familiar holiday with different traditions (i.e. Christmas in Mexico, Christmas in Puerto Rico) | |

| | |

|Second – Third Grade | |

|counting 100-1,000 | |

|adding and subtracting | |

|weather and climate | |

|writing short phrases | |

|animal habitats | |

|geography of 1 country | |

|measuring using metric scale | |

|unfamiliar holiday (i.e. Día de los Muertos, Los Reyes Magos) | |

| | |

|Fourth Grade – Fifth Grade | |

|counting 1,000-1,000,000 | |

|New World explorers | |

|writing sentences and paragraphs | |

|geography of regions | |

|money exchange rates | |

|holiday of minority group in target country (i.e. Januká, Festival of Xilonen) | |

|New Vocabulary: NA |

World Language

Assessment/Activity Worksheet

|LEVEL: |Novice Low |

|Strand: |Connections |

|Standard: |Point of View |

|Level of Proficiency/Domain: |Novice Low |

|Benchmark: |3.2.N.a: Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the |

| target language to recognize that a topic or situation may be viewed differently in |

| one’s own culture than in the target culture. |

|Assessment (before, during, after): |

| |

|Before: |

|Briefly state the topic (art, music, history, and literature) and ask students to write three predictions of what a native target language |

|speaker’s point of view of the topic may be. |

| |

| |

|During: |

|2-1 Exit cards, where student has to list at least two new pieces of information learned or found interesting/helpful and at least one about |

|idea or sub-topic about which they’d like to learn more. |

|Summarize the main idea of the discussion per the visual aids and its significance to the target culture. |

| |

| |

|After: |

|Working in groups of 2 to 4, create a video, interview or newscast in the target language, using newly acquired information in regards to: |

|Arts of a target language native |

|Music in the target language |

|A historical event of a country where the target language is spoken |

|and videotape the outcome to present in front of the class. The remainder of the class will fill out a grading rubric for each presentation. |

| |

|Project Rubric: (Use if applicable) |

|Total Points: 25 points |

|Grammatical use of target language |

|Content in target language |

|Summary of others’ points of view |

|Expression of personal points of view |

|Ease of comprehension to a target language speaker |

|Learning Activities/Facts/Information: |Resources: |

| | |

|1. Show a video in the target language, where native speakers reflect on different aspects of the |Computer access |

|topic (music, arts, literature, architecture, or history). Ask the students to share their takes | |

|on the views discussed by the speakers and how it compared to their predictions. | |

| | |

|2. Research two to three facts that support or dispute the native speaker’s points of view on the |Google images |

|topic (arts, architecture, history, music, and literature of the target culture). | |

| |CDs, DVDs, etc. |

|3. Using your research notes, visual aids, and provided vocabulary for inspiration, write a | |

|journal putting yourself in the shoes of a citizen of the country where the target language is |Computer access, books/magazines/library |

|spoken. In your entry you are to discuss the topic (arts, architecture, literature, history, or |access |

|music) and your impression and points of view, pros and cons, on the topic as the native. | |

| |Journals, classroom notes, research notes |

|New Vocabulary: terminology needed to discuss Art in the target culture, a historical event within the country where the target language is |

|spoken, Music in the target language |


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