Proudly Cincinnati: Tower of Strength, Rock of Truth

Proudly Cincinnati

Tower of Strength, Rock of Truth

Campaign for the University of Cincinnati


This section describes various types of campaign gifts and provides important information about gifts given to name endowments and facilities. Donors should be encouraged to give in ways that are both personally rewarding and of greatest benefit to UC.

Unrestricted (to the University, a college or unit)

This is the most versatile type of gift, because it allows the chief administrative officer of the University, college or unit to direct funds to areas of greatest need or promise. Unrestricted gifts have aided scholarships, student services, building projects, and laboratory renovation; seeded innovative new programs; and matched major grants.


Donors may restrict their gifts to benefit specific purposes or projects in which they have a special interest. Restrictions may be indicated on the pledge card or in a written agreement with the University.


Donors may keep their identities and/or gift amounts partially or fully anonymous. Such conditions are specified in the written acknowledgement, which spells out UC’s position and assures donors their wishes are respected. Donors who have requested anonymity or that their names remain unpublished will not be listed in the University of Cincinnati Honor Roll of Donors.

Memorial/In Honor

A gift to UC in memory or honor of a loved one, friend or colleague is a thoughtful way to recognize lifetime achievements or commemorate a special event – graduation, promotion, or retirement. Such contributions may be made to any area of the University. The individual being honored or the family of a deceased individual will be notified of the contribution.

Naming Gifts

The campaign provides a donor with many opportunities, including professorships, fellowships and scholarships, and facilities, to associate his or her name or the name of someone to be honored. To assure that the donor’s intentions are met, the Foundation will confirm the naming as the gift is acknowledged.

To assure equitable recognition of donors across the University, it is important that solicitors are familiar with the minimum sizes of gifts which University policy stipulates for naming endowed funds and facilities. These minimums are described in the following sections.


Gifts may be used to create endowments, which provide a permanent revenue source for faculty, students and programs. Generally, an endowment agreement stipulates that the principal be held intact and invested and the income be used for designated purposes in perpetuity.

The Foundation’s endowment investment policy provides for growth of the funds, as well as spendable income. Endowment funds are significantly invested in common stocks for long-term growth. Information on current investment policy and investment returns is available by request through the UC Foundation.

Endowment funds for scholarships, professorial chairs, research and other purposes are included in the campaign.

Please not that the amounts stated below are indeed minimums. These amounts do not – and should not be interpreted as – sufficient to provide a fully funded scholarship, professorship or other university need.

For example, the minimums stated under “Faculty” are gift levels that will enhance an existing faculty position but are not sufficient to create or fully fund a new faculty position.

Similarly, minimums quoted under “Student Assistance” would not provide a full ride (tuition, room, board, books and fees) for a deserving student.

If a donor’s intention is to fully fund such an endowment, the donor should contact the UC Foundation or the appropriate college development officer.

Named endowment funds may be created in these minimum amounts:


Chair $2,000,000

Distinguished Professorship* $1,500,000

Professorship* $1,000,000

*West campus only. The Academic Health Center does not recognize these titles.


Post-Doctoral Fellowship $350,000

Graduate Fellowship $250,000

Fully-Funded Undergraduate Scholarship $250,000


Lectureships $100,000



Academic Centers




Unrestricted – University or College $50,000

With a specific purchase, such as support of:

Research and Education $50,000

Technology $50,000

Library $50,000

Faculty $50,000

General Scholarship $50,000

Gifts in any amount may be made to the university’s general scholarship fund or to the general scholarship fund of a particular college.

Criteria & Policy for Commemorative Naming of Buildings, Spaces or Academic Centers

Donor recognition is an important dynamic in the naming of a facility (building, areas within a building, open space). This recognition can be in honor or in memory of a person, family or organization. Some donors are eligible for facility-naming consideration by virtue of their significant involvement in advancing the university, often the result of lifelong giving. All major donors to university facilities will be offered significant naming opportunities.

It is important that, in naming facilities, the university achieves:

(1) maximum private-support benefit from any naming opportunities that occur, or

(2) the recognition of persons significant in the history of the university.

A University Naming Committee guides policy implementation.

Naming Colleges, Departments or Significant Academic Programs

Opportunities and potential gift commitments to name existing colleges, departments or significant academic programs/centers should be submitted by the appropriate university vice president or dean to the University Naming Committee for approval.

Periodically, the University Naming Committee will benchmark peer institutions that have received similar commitments, to determine gift-level guidelines for such naming opportunities.

Types of Facilities

Any unnamed area within the university is a potential naming opportunity. While most often the naming of new or renovated facilities is the result of a significant private contribution, the honor can be bestowed for contributions other than financial. Naming can also involve support for activities or programs that take place within the facility, or even to recognize an individual or organization without a direct link to the particular facility beyond significant general support of the university.

Approval of Suitable Space

The identification of areas within existing buildings, or open areas adjacent to them, suitable for naming is generally the responsibility of the appropriate college dean or unit head, in consultation with the office of the associate vice president for campus design and planning and the college- or unit-based UCF staff. Once identification is accomplished, the college- or unit-based UCF staff completes and submits the “Request to Establish Gift Value(s) for Named Donor Spaces(s)” to the vice president for development and alumni relations.

Upon approval, and when potential honorees are identified, the commemorative naming procedure (outlined below) is followed.

A facility-naming opportunity included as a benefit within a gift proposal must be approved by the vice president for development before solicitation takes place. The vice president for development and alumni relations (or designee) will consult with the associate vice president for campus design and planning regarding all space-naming gifts.

Monetary Guidelines

A new or renovated building or open space incorporating private funding can be named if the honoree gift is equal to at least 50 percent of the private-support goal determined for the project. Exceptions to this guideline may be authorized by the University Naming Committee, as the committee deems appropriate.

If a facility is built or renovated without the use of private money, the gift amount must be at least 15 percent of the facility’s original estimate of cost for construction.

1. Gift level guidelines are:

• Public space, used by the public and highly visible (e.g. a wing, performance auditorium, hospital patient area) – minimum $1-million

• Premier general-use space used primarily by students and faculty with occasional public use (e.g. lecture halls or large classrooms, a floor, entrance foyers, large laboratories, galleries, suites of rooms) – minimum $500,000

• Internally significant space used by students, faculty and staff – $50,000-$500,000

• Private-use space (individual faculty or administrative offices, personal laboratories, practice rooms) – $50,000

2. Acceptable gift types include:

• Cash or securities

• Irrevocable pledge commitments payable within a five to seven year period

• Irrevocable commitment via a planned gift

• Realized bequests with the donor receiving posthumous recognition

Regarding facilities where private gifts have not been factored into the financing:

• Deferred gift agreements in which assets are transferred irrevocably and in which there are no more than two income beneficiaries, both of whom are at least 60 years old at the time of the commitment.

Term charitable remainder trusts and deferred gift annuities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

3. Qualifying Endowment Gifts:

Facilities may be named to recognize donors of significant endowment gifts if:

• Total gift is at least 50 percent of the original estimate of the cost for construction or renovation, and

• Gift is either unrestricted or for overall faculty/student/staff support for the university and/or the college/unit involved.

Unforeseen Circumstances

The university and UCF reserve the right to reconsider named designations if warranted by unforeseen circumstances (i.e. facility demolition, donor inability to fulfill a pledge, corporate merger, name changes).

When a named facility or a named space within a facility is demolished, the donor’s family will be notified. An alternate, appropriate facility will be identified so that naming recognition will continue, subject to approval by the University Naming Committee.


The minimum gift level to endow an academic center will be determined by the appropriate provost or dean(s) of the college(s) where the center(s) will be housed and the President of the UC Foundation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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