May 2015

Several years ago Tanya and I looked through some old photo albums.  There was a picture of me when I was one, being held by my Grandpa.  After doing a little math I realized that my Grandpa was only one year older than I am right now!  Another picture (in a later album) was of my Dad and me at our wedding.  My Dad was three years younger than I am right now!  Both pictures really threw me.  My Grandpa was an old man and I don’t feel old.  In many ways I don’t feel much older than I was when Tanya and I got married, but the pictures told a different story.  My self-identity seems to be off from my reality.  Our identity keeps changing over time and it takes time for our self-awareness to catch up to our actual identity – true for individuals; true for the church. 

Over the past twelve months (or more) the identity of Sharon Community Presbyterian Church has changed significantly.  The conflict that happened here, the complete turnover in staff, and all the people who left Sharon Church, has significantly changed the identity of this congregation.  This interim time, between called pastors, provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on, and possibly make intentional changes in, the identity of Sharon. 

The first task of the interim time is Coming to Terms with Our History.  Sharon Church will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2017.  Many churches never last that long.  Several of us are going to be meeting in the coming weeks to begin planning the celebration of this wonderful accomplishment.  Part of that will include looking at our long and wonderful history, both the high points and the low ones, the struggles and the joys. 

The second developmental task of the interim time is Renewing the Congregational Identity.  Our history is part of our identity, but the question now is “In light of all that has happened at Sharon, who are we?  And, who is God calling us to be?” Here are some questions to help us think about the identity of Sharon Church:


1)      Who Are We?    

-          What is unique about Sharon Church? 

-          What type of people make up the membership of Sharon Church? 

-          What are our gifts and strengths? 

-          What is our passion?

-          What is our dream for the future of Sharon Church?

-          I what ways has our understanding and experience of God changed?

-          How would you describe who we are?

I would love to hear your thoughts on these questions of identity.  Write them down and Email them to me (or snail mail them).  Come on by the office and share them with me in person or let’s get together for lunch.  Next month we will look at the second formation question:  What are we here for?

In Christ,



Francis Bernardone was the son of a wealthy Italian merchant. He could have had a very privileged life, but God had other plans for him. He was taken prisoner for several months while fighting for his hometown of Assisi. After he had been freed, he became very sick. Because of these events, his outlook changed. All of the money he had didn't matter much while he was in prison or ill.

As these realizations became clearer, Francis started to pay more attention to God, and God was telling Francis to give away his wealth. One day he passed a leper who was begging on the side of the road. Normally, Francis would have just passed and ignored the man. On this day, however, Francis stopped, kissed the man and gave him money and a ride.

Francis' father was growing furious with his son for giving away his wealth and eventually disowned him. After this, his life of poverty was not just a spiritual commitment but a necessity. He now had to beg for his food. Francis began preaching about trusting and serving God and about not being bound by the chains of material possessions. To his surprise, many began to follow him and became the new monastic order known as the Franciscans.

Towards the end of his life Francis penned the words to one of his more than fifty songs, “Canticle of All Creatures.” The lyrics talk about offering praise to God for all of his creations: sun, moon, wind, air, water, fire and earth. The text concludes with “Praise and bless my Lord, and give thanks, and serve him with great humility.”

All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing alleluia, alleluia!

O burning sun with golden beam, and silver moon with softer gleam,

O praise him, o praise him, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O rushing wind that art so strong, you clouds that sail in heaven along, o praise him, alleluia!

O rising morn in praise rejoice, o lights of evening, find a voice,

O praise him, o praise him, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O flowing water, pure and clear, make music for your Lord to hear, alleluia, alleluia!

O fire so masterful and bright, providing us with warmth and light,

O praise him, o praise him, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

The spring is a great time to really appreciate all of the beauty God has given us. We can relish in the sight of new life is springing up all around us, gazing up into the night sky to see the moon and stars, relaxing to the gentle sound of a creek's rushing waters or hearing the laughter of children emerging from a winter spent indoors. “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1) let's praise the One who made such beauty for us to enjoy!

Reference: 'Be Still My Soul' by Randy Petersen

Many blessings,



Music will be offered up to God by the children

of Sharon Church on

May 10 and May 17

On May 10 (Mother's Day), the children will join with the Chancel Choir to sing “A Family Blessing.”

On May 17, for Children's Sunday, the kids will be singing both for the Introit and during Children's Time. If you have a child or children that you would like to have participate, please let Ron Bernhardy know as soon as possible. We will be practicing during 'Kids Praise, Worship and Music' time on Sundays at 11:15. CD's and lyric sheets are available so that the kids can practice at home.

Music Appreciation Sunday will be on June 7. We will celebrate the amazing power of praising God with song during worship. If you would like to participate, we have several opportunities: Chancel Choir, instrumental solo/duet, Praise Team (helping to lead praise hymns), vocal solo/duet/small ensemble or kids choir. Please let Ron Bernhardy know if you are interested and we can discuss your part in helping us to lead worship through music!



May 3rd

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL AND KID’S PRAISE, WORSHIP AND MUSIC follow a normal schedule, beginning at 10:15am and 11:15 am respectively

ADULT EDUCATION: Joan and Roy Humphrey will lead a discussion on FAITH'S HARD QUESTIONS. Joan was Director of Christian Education here for many years and she and Roy often taught classes and did some preaching here at Sharon. They presently live in Greentree and are active members of Wallace Presbyterian Church. Joan is "retired" but as a volunteer, provides hospitality, coordinates their Confirmation Classes, and along with Roy, teaches Adult Education.

May 10th

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL AND KID’S PRAISE, WORSHIP AND MUSIC follow a normal schedule, beginning at 10:15am and 11:15 am respectively

ADULT EDUCATION: Dr. Bill Markus, one of our favorite speakers, will keep us up to date on world geo-political events. He never fails to remind us that we are part of a large and complicated world. He has travelled extensively in the Middle East and will give us information on some of the more troubled spots in the world.

The phrase “working mother” is redundant” – Jane Sellman

May 17th


CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: There will be no Children’s Sunday School. The children of Sharon Church will be assisting with the scripture reading, ushering and music during our 10:00 am worship service.


KID’S PRAISE WORSHIP AND MUSIC will meet at 11:15am.

ADULT EDUCATION: Pastor Doug Marshall will be leading a discussion about the Holy Spirit.

May 24th

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: The children will enjoy fun and fellowship following Children's Time either outside, weather permitting, or in Fellowship Hall or the White Church gym.

KID’S PRAISE WORSHIP AND MUSIC will meet at 11:15am.

ADULT EDUCATION: Pastor Doug will continue to talk about the Holy Spirit on this day of Pentecost.

May 31st

No Sunday School, Adult Education, or Kids’ Praise, Worship and Music – the summer schedule begins. All three programs will resume in the Fall.


4-year-old: “My mommy can do anything!”

8-year-old: “My mom knows a lot! A Whole Lot!”

12-year-old: “My mother doesn’t really know everything.”

14-year-old: “Naturally, mom doesn’t know that, either.”

16-year-old: “Mom? She’s hopelessly old-fashioned.”

18-year-old: “That old woman? She’s way out of date!”

25-year-old: “Well, she might know a little bit about it.”

30-year-old: “She’s smarter than she used to be.”

35-year-old: “Before we decide, let’s get Mom’s opinion.”

50-year-old: “Wonder what Mom would’ve thought about it?”

65-year-old: “Wish I could talk it over with Mom.”


This year there were 45 giving units that presented 63 flowers. 13 Easter Lillies were delivered to our homebound members by the Deacons, with the remaining 50 flowers left to decorate our Chancel on Easter Morning. The West Hill Food Pantry received $727.00 for their ministry. Thank you!


My Wife, Vera Crookshank, would like to thank all who have been sending get well cards. She appreciates it very much. Thank you!

Bill Crookshank

Dear Sharon Church,

How wonderful to get Easter cards from members of the church. Please express my appreciation to all. The lily, delivered by Janet Loadman, was such a joy. I love flowers. They make the days seem brighter and less lonely.

Thanks to all for your special kindness this Easter season.

Sincerely appreciated, Clara Anne Schmidt

I am feeling very blessed by 63 pairs of slippers received yesterday from the Deacon's Project at Sharon Community Presbyterian Church in Moon Township. All sizes, colors and shapes were great for the needs coming in from the women’s shelters.

Barb, Founder of Comfort Scarves

Thanks to all the crocheters and knitters who contributed so generously of their time and talent in making these slippers. We have so much to be thankful for and helping others is truly a blessing.

Thank you again, Kathy Hamsher

Session Highlights


Melissa Bigelow, Doug Busch, Chris Cratsley, John Devey, Dave Doughty, Robert Jackson, Mark Killmeyer, Lucie Lenz, Grace Peters, Barbara Ploy, Debbie Prostko, Jeanne Sergi, Susanne Udvari, and Debbie Williams.

Session met April 14, 2015 at 7:00pm with the Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Doug Marshall. Ten (10) session members were present. Melissa Bigelow conducted devotions and led the opening prayer.

The Clerk’s report was submitted and approved. The rolls currently show 275 members. Average attendance was 127 for the month of March. Average weekly attendance for Sunday School was 14, Children’s Music was 13, and Adult Education was 20. This was based on only three weeks due to other church activities. The next Session meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2015 at 7pm in room 202.

Rev. Marshall led us in a discussion regarding church activities. The Men’s Study Group is off to a great start! The Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter services and activities went very well. We tried some new things as well as keeping the old traditions. Session also agreed to host the Western Branch Presbytery meeting on August 31, 2015. Also approved, AARP will have a fundraiser in October, 2015.

Other items of discussion were: The church picnic will be August 2, 2015 and will be on the church grounds. An ad hoc committee is being created to plan for the church’s 200th anniversary in 2017. Electrical work has been approved and will make necessary updates to the system currently in place. Guest pastors have also been approved to cover while Doug is on vacation.

The meeting concluded with a closing prayer by Susanne Udvari at 8:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucie Lenz, Clerk of Session



Richard Bigelow, Ryan Busch, Sherri Busch, Terry Doughty, Kathy Hamsher, Megan Hamsher, Nancy Handerhan, Jan Gorr, Lorraine Keith, Janet Loadman, Kathy Nicastro, LaVerne Petrie, Lori Painter, Gladys Sanderbeck, Joe Sharkey and Jan Weber.


Some members of our congregation have no means of transportation to doctors, hospitals, grocery stores etc. The deacons are compiling a list of volunteers interested in helping out as drivers.

If you don’t want to be a driver, are you interested in doing minor handyman work at people’s homes. (inside or out )?

Anyone interested please call the church office at 412-264-7400 between 9AM & 2 PM or Jan Gorr at 412-262-5618.


As part of the Deacons’ ministry, meals are provided to the homeless at the Pleasant Valley Men’s Shelter four times a year - 4/14, 6/9, 8/11, 10/13. This past month a team from the Deacons comprised of Kathy Nicastro, Terry Doughty, Lori Painter, Janet Loadman, Ryan Busch and Lorraine Keith prepared and served a meal to approximately 25 grateful homeless men.

Volunteers have committed to be responsible for this service for June and August, but we are still in need of a driver for the June date. We also have volunteers from Ryan Busch and several Hopewell senior footballs players to serve and drive the October date. They will need someone to buy and prepare the food. If you would like to participate, please call Lorraine Keith at 412-264-5966.


|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

|May 3 |May 4 |May 5 |May 6 |May 7 |May 8 |May 9 |

|10am –Worship |6:30pm – Small |9am–Food Pantry |8:00am – Men’s |9:30am-Small Group | | |

|10:15am – Sunday |Group |6:30pm – CE |Study Group | | | |

|School for | |Committee Mtg |6:15pm-Bell Ringers | | | |

|PreSchool | |7:00pm – Membership |7:30pm-Chancel | | | |

|& School Age | |Committee Mtg |Choir | | | |

|11am - Coffee Cafe | |7:30pm – Finance | | | | |

|11:15am - Adult Ed | |Committee Mtg | | | | |

|11:15am – Kid’s Praise,| | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Worship and Music | | | | | | |

|7:00pm – Small Group | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|May 10 |May 11 |May 12 |May 13 |May 14 |May 15 |May 16 |

|Mother’s Day |8am- Food |9am–Food Pantry |8:00am – Men’s |9:30am-Small Group | | |

|10am-Worship |Pantry Truck |7pm – Session Mtg |Study Group | | | |

|10:15am – Sunday |6:30pm – Small | |12:30pm – Quilting | | | |

|School for |Group | |Club | | | |

|PreSchool | | |6:15pm-Bell Ringers | | | |

|& School Age | | |7:30pm-Chancel | | | |

|11am - Coffee Cafe | | |Choir | | | |

|11:15am - Adult Ed | | | | | | |

|11:15am – Kid’s Praise,| | | | | | |

|Worship and Music | | | | | | |

|May 17 |May 18 |May 19 |May 20 |May 21 |May 22 |May 23 |

|Children’s Sunday |6:30pm – Small |9am–Food Pantry |8:00am – Men’s |9:30am-Small Group | | |

|10am-Worship |Group |7:00pm-Deacon Mtg |Study Group |7:00pm – Worship, | | |

|11am - Coffee Cafe | | |6:15pm-Bell Ringers |Music & Arts | | |

|11:15am - Adult Ed | | |7:30pm-Chancel |Committee Mtg | | |

|11:15am – Kid’s | | |Choir | | | |

|Praise, Worship | | | | | | |

|and Music | | | | | | |

|12:30pm – Quilting | | | | | | |

|Club | | | | | | |

|May 24 |May 25 |May 26 |May 27 |May 28 |May 29 |May 30 |

|Pentecost |Memorial Day |9am–Food Pantry |8:00am – Men’s |9:30am-Small Group | | |

|10am -Worship |[pic] |6:30pm –Engagement |Study Group | | | |

|10:15am – Sunday | |Team meeting |6:15pm-Bell Ringers | | | |

|School for | | |7:30pm-Chancel | | | |

|PreSchool | | |Choir | | | |

|& School Age | | | | | | |

|11am - Coffee Cafe | | | | | | |

|11:15am - Adult Ed | | | | | | |

|11:15am – Kid’s Praise,| | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Worship and Music | | | | | | |

|May 31 |June 1 |June 2 |June 3 |June 4 |June 5 |June 6 |

|Trinity Sunday |6:30pm – Small |9am–Food Pantry |8:00am – Men’s |9:30am-Small Group | | |

|10am -Worship |Group |6:30pm – CE |Study Group | | | |

|11am - Coffee Cafe | |Committee Mtg |6:15pm-Bell Ringers | | | |

| | |7:00pm – Membership |7:30pm-Chancel | | | |

| | |Committee Mtg |Choir | | | |

| | |7:30pm – Finance | | | | |

| | |Committee Mtg | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

|May 3 |May 4 |May 5 |May 6 |May 7 |May 8 7pm – TGIF|May 9 |

| |8am- Food Pantry |9am–Food Pantry |6pm- Futsol |7pm–AA |A.S. Group |2pm-St Philips |

| |Truck |11am –Storkbites |6pm-Moon Area |8pm–Mens BB | | |

| |7pm – U8 Girls |6pm- Cub Scout Den |Dupl. Bridge |10pm–10 Dads BB | | |

| |Soccer |Meeting |8pm–St. Phillips BB | | | |

| |7pm -Boy Scouts |7:30pm -Tues VB | | | | |

| |8:30pm – MonVB | | | | | |

| |9pm - AA | | | | | |

|May 10 |May 11 |May 12 |May 13 |May 14 |May 15 |May 16 |

|Mother’s Day |7pm – U8 Girls |9am–Food Pantry |6pm- Futsol |1pm-AARP Bd Mtg |7pm – TGIF A.S. |2pm-St Philips |

| |Soccer |11am –Storkbites |6pm-Moon Area |7pm–AA |Group | |

| |7pm - Boy Scouts |6pm- Cub Scout Den |Dupl. Bridge |8pm–Mens BB | | |

| |8:30pm –Mon VB |Meeting |8pm–St. Phillips BB |10pm–10 Dads BB | | |

| |9pm - AA |7:30pm -Tues VB | | | | |

|May 17 |May 18 |May 19 |May 20 |May 21 |May 22 |May 23 |

| |7pm – U8 Girls |9am–Food Pantry |6pm- Futsol |1pm-Food Pantry Mtg |7pm – TGIF A.S. |2pm-St Philips |

| |Soccer |11am –Storkbites |6pm-Moon Area |7pm–AA |Group | |

| |7pm - Boy Scouts |6pm- Cub Scout Den |Dupl. Bridge |7pm-West Hills Art | | |

| |8:30pm – MonVB |Meeting |8pm–St. Phillips BB |League | | |

| |9pm – AA |7:30pm -Tues VB | |8pm–Mens BB | | |

| | | | |10pm -10 Dads BB | | |

|May 24 |May 25 |May 26 |May 27 |May 28 |May 29 |May 30 |

| |MEMORIAL DAY[pic] |9am–Food Pantry |6pm- Futsol |1:00pm – AARP Mtg |7pm – TGIF A.S. |2pm-St Philips |

| | |6pm- Cub Scout |6pm-Moon Area |7pm–AA |Group | |

| | |Mtg |Dupl. Bridge |8pm–Mens BB | | |

| | |7:30pm Tues VB |8pm–St. Phillips BB |10pm -10 Dads BB 10pm -10 | | |

| | | | |Dads BB | | |

|May 31 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


Thanks to all of you who contributed to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering! The $822.66 that was collected for this cause will go to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and to promote the Self-Development of people in vulnerable circumstance.

Our awareness of mission was greatly enhanced when Herb Bailey, the Director of the Uncommon Grounds Café in Aliquippa, spoke to the Adult Education class. He challenged us to think about this question, “Where is the edge of your faith?” Most of us are still thinking about this – What are we willing to do for God and his people? How far are we willing to go? How much can we sacrifice? How much can we trust God? The Uncommon Grounds Café is a ministry that operates from this restaurant but reaches out, in Herb’s words, “to the least, the last and the lost” in Aliquippa and beyond. Are you a good listener? This is a listening ministry, listening to people’s stories, connecting with them so that they can form positive relationships with Christians eventually leading to a personal relationship with Christ. They also need gardeners, artists, writers, musicians, and all kinds of handy people. The Mission and Stewardship Committee is exploring ways in which we could offer our hands as well as our hearts to this ministry. Stay tuned and if you have any ideas, get in touch with any Mission and Stewardship committee member.

The Rev. Dr. Donald J. Dawson, who preached on April 12, 2015, also encouraged us to learn more about mission by attending the New Wilmington Mission Conference to be held at Westminster College from July 19 to 24. Pastor Marshall is going and would encourage others from the congregation to go. This is a great opportunity for us to learn more about God’s call for us in mission. Anyone who is interested in attending for either the week or a day should call Pastor Doug for more information.

The Mission and Stewardship Committee would like to invite others in the congregation to join with us in visiting St. John’s Lutheran Church in Carnegie to observe them engaging in the Family Promise. Family Promise is an organization that keeps families together during periods of homelessness. The goal is to bring the families through the crisis that created the homeless state and get them back into independent and stable homes. Churches throughout the area provide dinners and sleeping space to these families. The purpose of our visit is to determine if this would be a feasible mission opportunity for Sharon. We will make this visit on Monday, May 11th. If you would like to join us, please contact Grace Peters: GraceEPeters@ or 412-264-7683.

POCKET CHANGE!!!!!! Did you hear that joyful noise on April 26th? Our excited children experienced the generosity of the Sharon congregation as they collected $1683.83 in their buckets. This will provide over 30 families in Haiti with clean water for 3 years from the Bucket of Life project operated by Deep Springs International. Thank you Sharon congregation and especially Sharon children! We did better than last year’s total of $1,590. Do you know how many pounds of change the 21 children collected in their buckets?? The total weight of the change was 84 POUNDS !!!! Our children did some heavy lifting! If you missed Sunday, donations will be still accepted! A bucket will be in the narthex!

The M&S committee would welcome new members! If you have a heart for mission, speak to Grace Peters, Gladys Johnston, Pete McGuire, Wayne Schuliger or Pastor Doug Marshall.

“A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Memorial Day emerged from the grim shadows of the American Civil War. Before the close of the war, women began decorating the graves of soldiers who had died in that war. The practice quickly spread, and a few years later, May 30, 1868, was designated as Decoration Day – a day for placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers throughout the United States.

In 1882, Decoration Day became known as Memorial Day, and soldiers who died in other wars were also honored. Over the years, it has become a day when all loved ones who have died – in war and otherwise – are remembered. In 1971, the United States Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be observed annually on the last Monday in May.

On this Memorial Day, remember those who gave their lives for our country. But also pray for those who continue serving to keep America free, especially those who are in harms’s way.


The congregation is continually challenged to remember this ministry by bringing one can for each person each week to donate to the Food Pantry.  A tip for remembering is to store the cans in your car after shopping.  We are striving to double our contributions in 2015.

New Wilmington Mission Conference

The New Wilmington Mission Conference (NWMC), which began over 100 years ago, will be held July 18-25 at Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA.  Its purpose is “to deepen the missionary spirit, seeking fulfillment of the Great Commission… to encourage a deep spiritual life of fellowship with God by promoting service and witness for Jesus Christ” (from )

Interim Pastor Doug Marshall is going this summer for the first time.  All of you are invited to join Doug at the conference, for a whole week, or even for just a day.  There will be Mission Speakers and Bible Teachers (including Ken Bailey – a Western PA favorite).  If you are interested in joining Doug please contact him.



There are still 9 weeks available for chancel flowers – May 31, August 9, August 16, September 20, October 25, November 1, November 15, November 22, and December 20.

See the chart in the Narthex, or call Joan Hubler at 412-264-1894 if you care to sign up.


Dorothy Bower and family on the death of Charles


Arla Gracey and family on the death of Samuel


Gladys Sanderbeck and family on the death of her

brother, Ernie Carichner

Patricia Strupp (friend of George Hollis)

John Ralston, brother of Ruth Ralston

Virginia Taylor (Sally Shirra's aunt)

Krissy (friend of Shanna Ley)

Bob Bordick (friend of Al Zalucky)

Joan Behm

Mary Kalman

Pat Reed (Judy Yeck’s Daughter in law’s mother)

Beth (Lori Painter’s daughter-in-law)

Thomas Champ (friend of George Hollis)

Claudette (friend of Barbara Ploy)

Anneliese Endress

Joanne Hagar

Tom Cain

Ruth Ralston

Dale Gass

Pat Hersh

Gail Zalucky

“Hank” Erskine

Mary Ann Sirney

Paul Von Stein

Marilyn McClain (friend of the Hamshers)

Ian Cain (son of Barb and Tom)

Joe (friend of Judy Yeck)

Mary Ann Fuller (Food Pantry patron)

Gladys (friend of Joe Udvari)

Brian (relative of Pat Bricklemyer)

Makenzie (Lorraine Keith)

Eugene Atkinson (Father-in-law of Elinor Taylor’s


Judy Nicholas (friend of Al Zalucky)

Mary McClellan and Allegra Frank (friends of

Carol Musgrave)

Joey O’Rico (child with health issues)

Robert Montgomery

Donald Scott

Kathy Wintner (Elisa Messner’s aunt)

Caleb James Painter (Lori’s grandson)

Evan Harrenstein (Thanet Kisow)

Lauren and Ralph Hogsett (Kathy Hamsher's niece

on mission in Honduras, and father)

Finn Roessler (2 yr. old with cancer)

Mary Godfrey and Sue (friend and sister of Joe


Debbie Sherwood (friend of Pam Wieland)

Eliza Mazeka and Jordan (child with brain tumor –

and friend of the Shaffers)

Sharon and Dorothy (sisters of Gladys Sanderbeck)

Amy Dunlap (Hubler’s niece’s daughter)

Mimi Cain and her father Bud (daughter-in-law to

Tom and Barbara Cain)

Art Waters, Janet, and Michele (Joanne Hagar’s


Debbie McCutchen, Glenn and Alice Jackel, (the

Walschott’s daughter, Jan’s brother and


Shirley Lintner (Bob’s mother)

Christina Schuliger (Wayne and Jane’s


Ed Balchon (friend of Bruce Thompson)

Doug Arndt (friend of Myra Tokar)

Ann (Nancy Handerhan’s aunt)

Rev. Ed Bowen

Peg Behling (former member)

Jennifer Smith (Lorraine Keith’s granddaughter)

Frank Behm (brother of Roger Behm)

Martha Van Beers (Dick Shirra’s aunt)

Kenneth Bowden (Grace’s son)

Tim (Janet Loadman’s nephew)

Darla Johnson (Betty Stewart’s daughter)

Michael Ritter (working in Haiti) 


Donnie and Brett (brothers of Holly Henry)

Jarod Oliver (Barbara Ploy’s nephew)


Prayer requests may be submitted on the church website at , or sent to sharonprayerchain@, or call the church office at 412-264-7400. Prayer concerns will be listed for six weeks.  If you want a prayer to stay on the list after that date, please contact the church office with an update.

Happy Mother’s Day

May 10, 2015

We will be celebrating worship

with Guest Preacher, the Rev. Page Creach.




This year Pentecost falls on May 24th. Pentecost is observed as the birthday of the Christian Church and falls on the 50th day after Easter. According to the Book of Acts, the apostles were praying together and the Holy Spirit descended on them in the form of tongues of fire accompanied by the sound of rushing wind. They received the “gift of tongues” – the ability to speak in other languages – and immediately began to preach about Jesus Christ to Jewish people from all over the world who flocked to Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot. Peter spoke powerfully to the people, and Acts 2:41 states, “Those who accepted the message were baptized and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” Peter stated that the event was the beginning of the continual outpouring that would be available to all believers from that point on.

Pentecost represents God’s gracious presence actively at work among His people calling and enabling them to live out in dynamic ways the witness of being His people.

The sanctuary colors for Pentecost are red. The red symbolizes both the fire of Pentecost, as well as the apostles and early followers of Jesus who were empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world.

Please help us celebrate this important event in church history by wearing red on Sunday, May 24th.

The Willing Workers will be having their annual pilgrimage to Service Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, June 2nd at 5:30 PM for dinner and hymn sing.  Please bring a friend for this wonderful evening of fun, fellowship, great food, and joyous singing.  Suggested donation for the dinner is $12.00/person.  Donations by check must be received in advance.  On site donations must be cash only.  Contact Judy Yeck at 412-264-6295 or Jeanne Sergi at 412-706-4352 for reservations by Monday, May 25, 2015.


Which of the following is an accurate mother-child match from Scripture?

1. Lois and Eunice

2. Rebekah and Joseph

3. Eve and Isaac

4. Hannah and Eli

Answer: see 2 Timothy1:5

Have you signed up yet for VBS to be held July 12-17th from 6-8:30pm? Register on-line today at !!


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