For Im m ediate Release


Homemade Cards and Gifts are Easy to Make - Corel Explains How

M aidenhead, UK - 27 February 2006 - Many fam ilies now own at least one PC, som e

even have a second PC for the children to play on too. And it's a well known fact that

m um s love to receive things that their offspring have lovingly m ade for them . So this

Mother's Day (26 March 2006), why not com bine the two and have fun m aking a

Mother's Day card on the com puter. Corel offers som e useful ideas on how to easily

create a Mother's Day card and suggests som e artistic gift ideas.

Corel? Photo Album ? 6 contains m any exciting Greeting Card templates that you can

use to create that special card that not only contains your very own photos but greetings

as well. Just select a card style, page style, and then drag pictures into the cells and add

text. Print it, fold it, and you¡¯re done!

W hat you'll need:

A digital photo

Corel? Photo Album ? 6

A printer

High quality paper


First choose your photo by browsing your collections within Corel Photo Album 6


Sim ply select the Create tab in Corel Photo Album 6, choose the card type

tem plate you want to use.


Drag your photo into the tem plate, add your text, save and print.

W hy not use Corel? Paint Shop Pro? X to give your photos the professional look they

deserve with autom atic photo fixes and precision editing tools for fine-tuning. Plus, when

you need help, the built-in Learning Centre is there to m ake it easier.

W ith som e of the software available today, which you m ay already have on your

com puter, you can also em bark on som e really creative projects to m ake a gift:


Turn a photo of your m um into a painting


Paint your own picture for your m um


Create a scrapbook of m em ories of your m um and you


Create a photo album for your m um or a collage of photos

And rem em ber - you're never too old to m ake som ething handm ade!

"Som ething which has been m ade specially for som eone can m ean so m uch m ore and all

you need is a computer, an easy to use graphics or photo editing application, a printer

and som e thick paper - m ost of which you or your parents probably already have," says

Daniel Weisbeck, international m arketing director, Corel. "You can have such fun

creating som ething from scratch or editing som ething you already have such as a

photograph or im age and it can keep you or your children entertained for hours."

So this Mother's Day, m ake som ething from the heart, but don't forget - m um 's the



Corel? Painter? Essentials 3: a com plete hom e art studio that helps users

turn photos into paintings and capture special m emories with hand-made digital

art keepsakes. ?59 SRP (excl VAT).


Corel? Paint Shop Pro? X: putting the power of advanced photo editing into

every user's hands, whether they're a first tim e photographer or a seasoned

professional. With one-click fixes and precision controls for fine tuning, at ?85

SRP (excl VAT), it offers excellent value for m oney.


Corel? Photo Album ? 6: provides users of all skill levels with easy-to-use tools

to download, organise, edit, share, and protect favorite photos. With a unique

zero click download to help users efficiently download, view and organise photos,

without ever clicking the m ouse, it is a snip at just ?25 SRP (excl VAT).

- ends About Corel Corporation

Corel Corporation provides innovative software solutions that help m illions of businesses

and consum ers in over 75 countries im prove their productivity. The Com pany is

renowned for its powerful software portfolio that com bines innovative photo editing and

graphics creation, vector-illustration, and technical-graphics applications along with

office and personal productivity solutions. Corel's flagship products include CorelDRAW ?

Graphics Suite, WordPerfect? Office Suite, Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite, Corel

Painter, and the Paint Shop Fam ily of digital photography and im age-editing software.

Founded in 1985, Corel is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. For m ore inform ation,

please .

? 2006 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, CorelDRAW , WordPerfect, Painter,

Paint Shop and the Corel logo are tradem arks or registered tradem arks of Corel

Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and com pany nam es and logos

are tradem arks or registered tradem arks of their respective com panies.

Press Contacts:

Deborah Thom as

Senior International PR Manager, Corel

Tel: +44 (0) 1628 589850

Em ail: deborah.thom as@

Sam Routley / Nicola Sansom

MS&L for Corel

Tel: +44 (0)20 7878 3137 / 3139

Em ail: sam .routley@ m / Nicola.sansom @ m


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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