(Attach the Theories of Motivation Graphic Organizer to this Study Guide!)

Textbook pages: 206-223, 224-

DIRECTIONS: Use your textbook, class discussion, the internet, and any other available resource(s) to complete the following questions.

1. Define motivation!

2. What are the three components of motivation?

3. Instinct Theory-

4. Briefly describe the Drive-Reduction theory of motivation.

5. According to Harry Harlow’s research, what is one of the main motivators for children to become attached to their mothers? Explain.

6. Briefly describe the Incentive theory of motivation.

7. Briefly describe the Cognitive theory of motivation.

8. How are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation different (see worksheet for examples)?

9. Arousal Theories:

A. Yerkes-Dodson Law-

B. Homeostasis-

10. How do biological needs and social needs differ (refer to worksheet when studying)? Give an example of each.

11. How can the Fear of Failure impact motivation?

12. What is the purpose of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

13. Draw and Label Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

14. _________________+ ___________________= Behavior


15. Define emotion.

16. How are motivation and emotion related?

17. What are the four components of emotion?

18. List and describe the Physiological and Cognitive theories of emotion

19. According to Paul Ekman, what are the universal facial expressions?

How did he “discover” these? (be able to describe his research.)

Movie: Motivation and Body Language:

What percentage of our communication with other people is verbal?

What is the importance of studying body language?

How is this research applicable?


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