Application for Employment

Application for Humanitarian Surge Roster

Please use this application form to highlight your humanitarian experience relevant to the Humanitarian Surge Roster role(s) which you are applying for.

Your line manager and relevant senior management e.g. Regional Director (if different from your line manager) will need to complete the Management Support section.

To complete your application, the following documents need to be submitted together with this application form:

1) A copy of your comprehensive CV (Ideally no longer than four pages)

2) Two most recent performance reviews (where available)

3) A sample of a recent piece of work related to the position you are applying for

Please note that your application will not be considered complete and will not be reviewed without the Line Manager Feedback and Statement of Support sections and the supporting documents above.

|Role(s) applied for |Primary role: |

| |Secondary role (optional): |

Personal Details

|Title | |

|Name and last name | |

|Name known by | |

|Email | |

|Contact number | |

|Skype | |

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|General Details |

|Current position |

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|Base location |

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|Line manager’s name |

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|Line manager’s contact |

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|Length of service with IPPF |

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|Eligibility |

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|Yes |

|No |

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|Are you currently an IPPF Secretariat employee? |

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|Are you willing to commit to being prepared to be deployed within 72 hours for a period of approximately two to four weeks, including to high-risk locations?|

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Education and Training

Education and qualifications: Please start with the most recent, including any current studies.

|School/College/University |From/To |Qualifications obtained |Level / |Year obtained |

| | | |Grade | |

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Training courses attended: Include any job training, as well as formal training, that is relevant to the Humanitarian Roster role for which you are applying.

Course title or description Year

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Languages: Please specify degree of fluency: Fluent, Good, Fair, Slight Knowledge, None.

Language Spoken Written Read

|English | | | |

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Humanitarian Experience

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|Yes |

|No |

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|Do you have knowledge of humanitarian principles? |

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|Do you have knowledge of the MISP package for SRH in crisis? |

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|Do you have knowledge of humanitarian coordination mechanisms? |

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|In which types of humanitarian contexts have you previously worked? |

|Conflict zones |

|Protracted conflicts |

|Natural disasters (preparedness) |

|Natural disasters (immediate response) |

|Natural disasters (long-term recovery) |

|Public health emergencies |

|Refugee/IDP camps |

|Other. Please explain: |

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|Please list all countries in which you have worked in a humanitarian context. |

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Please list your humanitarian experience (full-time position or deployments) starting from the most recent one. Please continue on a separate document if necessary,

|Assignment 1 |Job title: |

|Dates of assignment: |Location: |

|Name of employer: |

|Brief description of duties: |

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|Assignment 2 |Job title: |

|Dates of assignment: |Location: |

|Name of employer: |

|Brief description of duties: |

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|Assignment 3 |Job title: |

|Dates of assignment: |Location: |

|Name of employer: |

|Brief description of duties: |

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|Assignment 4 |Job title: |

|Dates of assignment: |Location: |

|Name of employer: |

|Brief description of duties: |

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|Assignment 5 |Job title: |

|Dates of assignment: |Location: |

|Name of employer: |

|Brief description of duties: |

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Personal Statement

Please share with us your motivation to become a member of the Humanitarian Surge Roster. This section should not be longer than 300 words.

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Line Manager Feedback

This section is to be completed by the applicant’s direct line manager.

A member of your team is applying to be included in the humanitarian surge roster. We would like to seek your input about the applicant’s competencies related to surge deployments.

Please review each area identified below and provide an assessment of the applicant, including comments to support your assessment - especially if rated as ‘developing proficiency’ or ‘not proficient’. If you have no evidence to make the assessment, please click ‘no evidence’.

|Area |Line Manager’s Assessment |Comments |

|Delivering Results | | |

|Ability to set clear goals and deliverables for team/self | | |

|Ability to filter through conflicting information and take calculated risks/take | | |

|timely action | | |

|Ability to prioritise and stay focused in demanding and changing environments | | |

|Ability to find positive, innovative, collaborative solutions to problems | | |

|Ability to quickly assess own/team situation and take timely action to ensure | | |

|safety & security according to agreed protocols | | |

|Team Work | | |

|Ability to become a part of/to lead a new team to high performance over a limited | | |

|period of time | | |

|Communication and Partnerships | | |

|Communicates clearly and regularly, using appropriate channels/means, to ensure | | |

|shared understanding among stakeholders | | |

|Actively listens and seeks opinions from stakeholders | | |

|Creates buy-in from stakeholders to collaborate for greater results | | |

|Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy| | |

|Adaptability | | |

|Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of gender dynamics, cultural | | |

|diversity, political sensitivity to deliver results | | |

|Adapts own working approach to suit different contexts and groups of people to | | |

|deliver quality work | | |

|Maintains professionalism in changing and stressful situations | | |

|Awareness of own strengths and limitations and impact on others | | |

|Has courage to ask for others' support when needed | | |

|Guided at all times by the best interests of the people with whom IPPF works. | | |

Line managers are encouraged to be transparent with their team members with this feedback, so they understand if there are areas for development. However, if the line manager would prefer to send this information directly to the Humanitarian Hub rather than via the applicant, they can email the form to Filomena Buliruarua, fbuliruarua@

Statement of Support

The following section is to be completed by the applicant’s line manager and a member of senior management (if different from line manager).

A member of your team is applying to be included in the humanitarian surge roster. We request your confirmation of agreement for the applicant’s inclusion in the roster.

Please sign below to confirm the following:

• I confirm full support of the applicant’s membership on the Humanitarian Surge Roster. If accepted on the roster, I will approve the applicant to be released for deployment within 72 hours of a request and be available for approximately two to four weeks.

• I declare that the applicant has performed satisfactorily during his/her current position and is not currently undergoing any disciplinary processes.

• I confirm that the applicant will be able to participate in learning and development opportunities which may be required in order to maintain membership of the Humanitarian Roster.

• (For Line Managers) I confirm my above assessment is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

|Line Manager Signature | | |

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|Date | | |

|Senior Management Signature | | |

| | | |

|Date | | |


|Please read the following points before signing below. |

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|Applicant: |

|I confirm that the information in my application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I am accepted to the Humanitarian Surge Roster |

|and it is later found that I have given incorrect information or deliberately omitted information, I may be subject to a disciplinary hearing for which the |

|outcome could be dismissal. |

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|I hereby declare that I understand the requirements and conditions of Humanitarian Surge Roster membership as indicated in the Terms of Reference and confirm |

|that I have the support of my line manager and relevant director. I understand that if I do not meet any current or future requirements of the Humanitarian |

|Roster that I may be removed from the Roster or referred for further development. |

|Applicant Signature | | |

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|Date | | |


Internal use only




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