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Diversity Recruitment Strategic Plan The following document was developed by TNTP to provide guidance to a school district looking to diversity their candidate pool of new teachers. The challenge of recruiting a diverse teaching staff is not unique to a given school district. TNTP has worked with many school districts across the country facing similar challenges. While there is no silver bullet solution to this challenge, the strategies listed in this document are based on best practices that have been successfully implemented in other school districts and can be implemented within the district context. Develop set of compelling diversity recruitment messages Short-termDevelop a set of compelling diversity recruitment messages and incorporate messages into a Recruitment Toolkit for the Talent Acquisition team. Recruitment Toolkit will include:Job advertisements for online postingsCultivation emails that will be sent to candidates on regular basis once they applyPhone scripts for conversations with targeted candidatesCultivation emails and phone scripts for establishing presence at universities and community outreach (see below)“Elevator speech” script for short networking conversations with candidatesReferral email messages to be sent to targeted groups asking them to refer-a-friendTwitter feeds and Facebook updates announcing application deadlinesIncorporate diversity messages into Teach in District website, specifically in the following sections: Reasons to teach in the district, Reasons to live in the city, About the district, About the cityIncorporate diversity messages and pictures/quotes from high performing African-American, Hispanic and Asian teachers currently teaching in the district, into News Bureau posting to announce upcoming application deadline datesLong-termRefine and expand Recruitment Toolkit for the Talent Acquisition team to include:Printed marketing materials (flyers and other collateral) for in-person visits/informational presentationsPrinted school profiles to include in marketing collateral Post job postings in SpanishEmails and phone scripts (See attached examples) for cultivation conversations with campus gatekeepers, career services staff and student leaders at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Comprehensive schedule of targeted job postings on HBCU and HACU job boardsIncorporate diversity recruitment messages into longer teacher profiles and videos featuring high performing African-American, Hispanic and Asian teachers currently teaching in the district and post on Teach in District website.Implement media campaign Short-termHold a press conference at the district headquarters to publicize the launch of Teach in District website. Invite a local luminary (elected official, etc.) to offer brief remarks. Include high-level messaging about the district’s goals and vision for diversity recruitment. For best results, brand the campaign with a compelling name and slogan. If a press conference is not possible, consider tapping local luminaries and district leaders for quotes and distribute a press release that shares the narrative of why recruiting a diverse teaching staff matters so much for the city’s kids. Include quotes from diverse teachers who can speak positively about their experience in the classroom. Set up a meeting with the editorial board for the local newspaper to share research about the importance of teachers, the city’s efforts to attract diverse candidates, and how the community can help. Long-termRecruit a district or school leader to draft a short op-ed on why teachers matter and why prospective applicants should choose to teach in the district. Use real-life anecdotes and stories as well as plain language and avoid HR jargon. Submit short (<500 word) press releases to a wide range of print and online news venues publicizing application deadlines and updating the community about the district’s progress. Make sure to clearly highlight the Teach in District website and the process for submitting candidate referrals. Leverage Social Media and build a calendar of Twitter and Facebook updates that include the following:Application informationUpcoming deadlines and recruitment eventsHelpful application tipsReferral requests Updates about recruitment progress (to generate positive buzz)Motivational quotes or photos from recent hires of colorEstablish strong presence at local HBCUs and build personal relationships with campus faculty and student leadersShort-termHR Partners conduct email outreach, phone calls and visits to develop relationships with regional HBCU gatekeepers, such as career services staff and education department deans to ensure they are making the district part of their recommended places to work for students.HR Partners deliver following strategies at targeted HBCUs:Deliver in-person information sessions to education classes at selected HBCUs in the city/state areaFollow up individually with students to encourage them to apply. Individualized outreach increases the likelihood that these students will apply and maintain interest in teaching in the districtPrioritize the strongest candidates with high-touch, in-person cultivation (visiting candidates at their schools, taking them to coffee, etc.)Deliver explicit messages about why these candidates would be a good fit for the districtReach out to campus volunteer centers or service learning centers to promote job opportunities. Solicit principal feedback on student teachers in the district, and proactively reach out to high quality, diverse student teachers and encourage them to applyCoordinate job fairs with local higher education partnerEstablish additional job posting opportunities with HBCUs and HACUsLong-termImplement season-long schedule for email, phone cultivation and in-person visits to university gatekeepers to maintain relationships and keep them informed of staffing needs and application deadlines.Implement schedule for in-person information sessions to expanded list of local/regional HBCUs.Implement ambassador strategy to ensure long term presence at HBCUs.Launch a “Refer a Friend” campaign among current district teachersShort-term Launch a campaign to ask all district teachers to consider recommending friends to teach in the district.Build database of contacts to send requests for referrals. Develop a survey to collect referrals’ information, email templates, and an email schedule.Highlight the need for teachers from all backgrounds and include explicit marketing messages that district values diversity.Offer prizes as referral incentives.Long-term Incorporate referral campaign into comprehensive season-long comprehensive recruitment plan and implement referral email blasts at strategic points throughout the season such as prior to application deadlines, in the lead up to holidays such as MLK day and Cinco De May.Expand targeted groups for referral messages and include community, church groups, targeted university gatekeepers etc.Conduct extensive community outreachShort-termCoordinate immediate outreach via phone calls, email and in-person visits to African-American, Hispanic and Asian community groups and churches in the city area requesting that they post job announcements and spread the word regarding critical need for teachers in the district. Brainstorm list of initial community groups with staff and coordinate with district employees who have affiliations with these community groups to facilitate connections. An initial list of community groups to consider includes: Local Latino organizationsHispanic Alliance Inc.HOLAConsortium of African American OrganizationsMt. Zion Congregational Church UCC (and other large African-American churches)University African American Cultural CenterBlack ProfessionalsFederation of India Community Associations in the stateMotivAsians for the cityLong-termExpand list of community groups to target and incorporate community outreach strategy into season-long comprehensive recruitment plan.Identify and attend regional diversity recruitment events.Recruit from the Teach For America alumni and corps member communityShort-termTeach For America (TFA) is committed to diversity and has a large alumni community across the nation, many of whom are still actively teaching. In addition to posting on the TFA alumni website, reach out to the regional contacts for TFA alumni to employ the following strategies:Promote specific job opportunities in monthly/bi-monthly regional alumni newslettersShare the exciting reforms happening in the district and encourage TFA alums to come (or return) to the district to teach Long-termProactively coordinate with TFA in the city and state to align on hiring timelines and desired candidate profiles.Request opportunities to present information about the district at in-person alumni events.Implement a Teacher Ambassador ProgramLong-term (starting 2014-15 School Year)Recruit a diverse group of high performing district teachers to act as Ambassadors and assist with recruitment and cultivation strategies.Ambassadors will be high-achieving and high quality teachers who can promote the district in an inspiring, yet realistic way, and will also emphasize the district’s commitment to diversity. Ambassadors should be able to speak about their own backgrounds, their experiences as new teachers in the district, and what they like best about teaching in the district.Use Ambassadors to strengthen and expand the district’s community outreach, HBCU relationship building and referral strategies. Host small cultivation events for candidates, such as information sessions by subject area, and meet-and-greets with principals, and ask Ambassadors to network with candidates and speak about their own experiences.Assign Ambassadors to HR partners to follow up with high potential candidate on a regular basis to keep them interested and give them customized, one on one support. Monitor DataOngoingThe Talent Acquisition team will monitor diversity data on a weekly basis in order to adjust the recruitment strategies according to which are most successful in yielding candidates of color.Develop and run reports to show lists of applicants by race/ethnicity, license area, score, and marketing source so the Talent Acquisition team can increase advertising presence and target strategies at sources that produce the most diverse, high quality applicants.Run regular reports to show the overall diversity of the applicant pool, so at any given point during the recruitment season, the team knows how close they are to meeting diversity goals. Reports will also break this information down by license area, to ensure diversity in all subject areas. ................

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