Motives Driving Imperialism

Unit III – Notes Imperialism

Motives Driving Imperialism

A. The need for raw materials to improve their own economies

B. New Markets to sell their products

C. Nations viewed their own strength in part by their colonies

Forces Enabling Imperialism

A. Technological advances – machine gun (fire power) steam engines (transportation) (external)

B. Rival Ethnic Fractions – disunity amongst the people by different cultures and languages

C. Medical Breakthroughs - Cure for Malaria – (Quinine - immunization)

Forms of Colonial Control

A. Colony – a country or region governed internally by a foreign power

B. Protectorate / (Dominion) – A country or territory with its own internal government but under control by an outside power

C. Sphere of Influence – a area in which an outside power claims exclusive economic privileges & political influence

D. Economic Imperialism – Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interest (usually a transition phase)

Management Methods

A. Indirect Control – relies on existing political rulers

1. local government officials were used

2. limited self-rule

3. develop future leaders

4. government are based on European standards

A. Direct Control

1. foreign officials rule politics

2. no self-rule

3. Goal – assimilation (to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group

Division of Africa

1. Berlin Conference (1884-85) – set the rules for the division of Africa amongst European countries

a. Any country could claim land

b. Had to notify other countries of claims and show evidence of control

2. Only two African nations were not claimed by a European country, which were Liberia and Ethiopia by 1914

Division of South Africa

1. An empire already existed and it was the Zulu nation

2. Dutch first to settle in 1652 known as the Boers (Cape Town - shipping port between East Indies and Holland)

3. When British arrived Boers moved north – called Great Trek

4. In the late 19th century gold and diamonds found in South Africa

5. Boer War – 1899 – 1902 (British Won and took the Boer lands)

British Raj

B. India Ruler’s before Britain

1. India was ruled by the Mughal Dynasty, which was a Islamic dynasty

2. Ruled from the city of Delhi

3. Weakening power and maharajahs ruled provinces

C. East Indian Company

1. Took over the weakened Mughal dynasty and used the maharajahs to their advantage 1757

2. Found a thriving internal trade industry already in place (business and minimum trade infrastructure)

3. Built up a land revenue system (tax system on land)

4. Needed interpreters and mediators for the local people and British people

5. Instituted Education Programs – Upper level (translators), Middle (Clerks), Lower (workers)

D. Sepoy Rebellion

1. Started in the North and spread from there

2. Wanted to bring back the Mughal Emperor

3. Started with gossip of bullet cartridges laced with beef and pork fat (no notes)

4. Rebel against oppressive tax system in place

5. Lasted a year

6. After the English Crown takes of (Victoria)

E. Raj

1. Lasted from 1757 to 1947

2. Modernization and Westernization of India – telegraph lines, railroad, schools, government systems, etc.

3. Changed existing cast system

4. Criminalization of Towns for British control

Caste system – Jati

|Braham |Shadris |Vishas/Tillers |Shudras |

|Highest |Middle High |Middle Low |Lowest |

|Priests/leaders |Warriors |Merchants |Untouchables |

Dutch Expansion

A. Practiced Economic Imperialism – Dutch East Indies Company

B. Named area Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)

C. Westernized – set up social class (Dutch at top)

D. Made farmers plant 1/5 of their land for export crops (rubber, sugar cane, cocoa, banana, pineapples, coffee

E. Discovered tin and oil

Britain Expansion

A. Singapore – trading base for travel between China and India, also Panama Canal to Atlantic Ocean

B. Malaysia, and Burma – rubber, tin and teak and oil

French Expansion

A. Colonized Indochina (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam)

B. Used Direct Control of Indochina (Colonies)

USA Expansion

A. After Spanish-American War of 1898 (March till August)

B. Gain - Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam as colonies

C. Hawaii – Starts out as Economic Imperialism (plantation owners DOLE)

1. Queen Liliuokalani had petition signed for anti annexation of Hawaii (taken from power; annexed in 1989 naval base to Guam and Philippines

Japan Ends Isolation

A. Signs Trading Pack with USA (Treaty of Kanagawa) 1854

1. Opens ports to other countries

B. Japan Modernizes

1. Meji Era – new Emperor (Mutsuhito) takes power from Shoguns (Medieval Ways)

a) Taking on western govt’ ways

b) Modernize military

c) Public Education

d) Industrialization of business

C. Imperialism

1. Japan forces Korea to open ports for trade

2. China and Japan fight over Korea and Japan wins

a) Gains area in Manchuria, Taiwan & islands

3. Russo-Japanese War

a) Japan defeats Russia’s navy

b) Japan gains Korea and Manchuria

4. Japan Annexes Korea in 1910


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