Guide to Sensory and Motor Systems

Guide to Sensory and Motor Systems

Study guide chapters 8-11

DO NOT try to learn everything in the book.

Focus on the illustrations I use in class and read about the figures.

Can you explain the figures?

I will ask some questions about general sensory things that you can answer using any sensory system.

I will ask some compare and contrast question about systems

Chapter 8-10

What are the general properties of sensory systems?

What are the general properties of receptors?

What is adaptation?

Compare and contrast the somatosensory, visual and auditory systems?

What is the same? What is different?

Could you describe sensory transduction in the different systems? (what is it and how does it differ?)

Or receptive field properties? What is mapped in cortex in each case?

More specifics for

Somatosensory system

What are the 4 different types of touch receptors and how do they differ?

What happens to the cortical somatosensory map if a finger is removed?

How does the brain get information about pain? Where do pain relievers usually work?


Know the anatomy of the peripheral auditory system – what are the functions of the various bits (in the external ear, middle and inner ear)?

What gives us information about pitch? How is it coded?

What cues do we use to localize sound?


Know the anatomy of the eye – what are the functions of the various bits?

What is a fovea? How is it different to the periphery?

( ie visual acuity; rods vs cones; etc)

What are the differences between scotopic and photopic systems? What do they give us?

How do the retinal ganglion cells contribute to the detection of edges? (do the CD)

Why don’t we see reddish green?

What is wrong with the idea of a neuron for every object (ie the grandmother cell)?

Give examples to show how brain damage reveals the separation of what and where visual pathways? E.g motion blindness, agnosia…

Chapter 11

What is a motor program?

The brain is involved in motor control in many ways – what regions are involved in motor control and what are their roles? E.g. what does the cerebellum do for motor control?

How do we know that different parts of the brain play different roles in planning, control or execution of a motor task?

Describe one motor disorder – what is damaged and what impact does it have on the motor skills of the individual?


Make sure that you read either the gaze paper or the mirror neuron paper as there will be a question about these papers – you will only need to be familiar with one paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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