Session 1: Session title

|Session 5: Seasonal Sensations |

|Science curriculum area: Earth and|Content: |

|Space |i. describe the movement of Earth & other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system |

|Working Scientifically |i. reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of |

| |and degree of trust in results, in written forms |

| |ii. identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments |

|National Curriculum |Maths: Read and interpret information in tables |

|Teaching Objectives |Use given observations to draw logical scientific conclusions (Y5&6) |

| |Set out a scientific argument using evidence to back up ideas (Y5&6) |

| |Compare the length of day to seasons (Y5&6) |

|Teaching Objectives |Analyse, compare and present graphically, data for day length in UK and Australia |

|Key Vocabulary: evidence, direct/indirect light, axis, equinox, solstice, sun, season, hemisphere, longitude, latitude |

|Resources Clue & time zone map, globe with |Weblinks - Earth’s tilt, YouTube |

|axis/torch/Lego™ people, questions to | - The Earth’s orbit of the sun, BBC |

|challenge/guide x2, sunset/sunrise data, sample| - Stargazing – the seasons, BBC |

|summary and diagram | - What causes seasons? YouTube |

|Whole Class: Print off resources. Write: Oxford, British Columbia, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Alberta, Ulan Bator, Washington, and Qiqihar on the board and |

|ask chn what they have in common - give them atlases to help identify a pattern (all are at about the same latitude). Now share the clue and get chn to |

|suggest what ‘experience’ they all have in common. Look at the time zones map (latitudes and longitudes - different dates/times, but same seasons). Watch|

|You Tube video (this is a much clearer initial explanation than the BBC clips). Remind chn that UK has summer at the same time as America then watch BBC |

|and 2nd You Tube clips. Check understanding of key concepts (direct/indirect light; axis; 23.5 ˚tilt; equinox; solstice). Now get chn in gps to try to |

|reconstruct how the seasons are formed using a ball for the earth – emphasise the key importance of the tilt (have makeshift axis stuck on using |

|Plasticene) - a torch for the sun and a Lego person stuck on Australia and one on the UK. Have a commentator for each gp to narrate what is happening |

|(direct/indirect sunlight; tilted towards or away or equal (equinox), labelling which is which season). Ensure chn have grasped the concept then explore |

|the land of the midnight sun video and clarify why this is so. Note that not everywhere has 4 seasons - discuss places close to the equator. |

|Year 5 Day length differences: Get chn to explore day lengths in comparable |Year 6 Day length differences: Get chn to analyse comparative day lengths|

|seasons between Sydney in Australia and the UK, using the given data (help chn |in comparable seasons between Sydney in Australia and the UK, using the |

|to decide which data is from which country, based on what the data alone tells |given data (get chn to decide which data is from which country, based on |

|them). Discuss questions with chn, helping them to understand the data and note|what the data alone tells them). Use questions to prompt analysis and |

|that the exact opposite position to the UK is just south of New Zealand. |give chn atlases to note the exact opposite position on the Earth from |

|Statements about the seasons – in mixed yr gps get chn to look at the |the UK. Statements about the seasons – in mixed yr gps get chn to look at|

|statements and come up with a scientific explanation based on knowledge and |the statements and come up with a scientific explanation based on |

|logic (use the same equipment as in the main bit to help decide and logically |knowledge and logic (use the same equipment as in the main bit to help |

|analyse the data to check their ‘theories’). Y5 to work under Y6 guidance. |decide and logically analyse the data to check their ‘theories’). Y6 to |

|Season summary: Get chn to continue to work in mixed yr gps to compose a |lead. Season summary: Get chn to continue to work in mixed yr gps to |

|summary statement and diagram to present to The Inquisition that links the |compose a summary statement and diagram to present to The Inquisition |

|seasons to the movement of the Earth around the sun - see e.g. Y5 to work under|that links the seasons to the movement of the Earth around the sun - see |

|Y6 guidance. |e.g. Y6 to lead. |

|Plenary |How do the seasons help Galileo? Discuss how they show that at different points in its annual orbit of the sun (364.3 days) the northern |

| |and southern hemispheres are tilted towards or away from the sun. Ask chn: could it not be the sun moving around the Earth and still cause|

| |seasons? When linked with day & night and shadow evidence this does start to prove our point for Galileo - explanations for the seasons |

| |and night & day could technically be disputed that the sun is moving around us, not the other way around... BUT not both at the same time |

| |(i.e. if the sun moved around us every 24 hrs it would give the effect of night and day, but then couldn't be moving around us once every |

| |364.4 days to create the seasons at the same time... therefore while we 'could' argue for geocentric on either day/night OR seasons, we |

| |have to argue heliocentric when considering both). Ensure chn understand the concept of a scientific ‘body of evidence’. H/W: research |

| |global seasons. |

|Outcomes |Children will: |

| |Explore time zones and relate these to the movement of the Earth, solving time problems(Y5&6) |

| |Use data to make seasonal observations (Y5) |

| |Analyse data to explain seasonal changes to day length, and link to the Earth’s tilt & solar orbit (Y6) |


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