Lesson 2--Sharing the Tough Stuff

Antwone Fisher:

Sharing the Tough Stuff


If you are going to use a movie clip, ALWAYS PREVIEW IT! No exceptions! You are responsible for what you show your group! Our writers will always try to provide "clean clips" and warn you of nearby questionable words or content, but all art forms are subjective. Only you can determine what to show your group. Number one rule: watch it first. Please read the Terms of Use at the end of this lesson for important licensing and copyright information.


To understand that, as the community of God, we are to be honest with each other about our past, our secrets, and our struggles.

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Setting the Stage:

Before your class arrives, put the following phrase on the board or somewhere everyone can see it: "We are only as sick as our secrets." Explain that this phrase comes out of the recovery community and holds a key to our lesson today. Ask, "What do you suppose this means in light of the Christian community?"

Antwone Fisher Overview:

Antwone Fisher is a movie based on the real life of a man in the Navy who has experienced incredible pain and suffering growing up. Antwone's father is murdered shortly before his birth, and his mother is in prison when she gives birth to him. He spends his first two years in an orphanage and then, sadly, experiences physical and sexual abuse in his foster care home until finally, as a late teenager, he finds himself on the streets of Cleveland. After he witnesses the death of his best and only friend, Antwone joins the Navy, an angry and broken young man. Because of numerous fights and conflict, Antwone is sent to a Navy psychiatrist to help him deal with his past and his anger.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Antwone Fisher is rated "PG-13" for "violence, language and mature thematic material involving abuse." The following are not included in this curriculum's clips, but are found in other parts of the movie: physical abuse, sexual abuse, moderate affection (kissing), strong language, rough physical fighting, and depicted tolerance of premarital sex. Leaders should preview the clips prior to showing

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them to the group. Also, it would be helpful if the leader has seen the entire movie. Use discretion in showing portions and/or the entirety of this film.


Ephesians 4:25?5:2 The church at Ephesus was very close to Paul's heart. He had helped start it, then returned a year later on his third missionary journey and stayed with them for three years to preach and teach in their midst. This letter was written by Paul in prison and was meant to strengthen and encourage the believers in Ephesus to continue to be the body of Christ as a church.

Movie Clip:

"Being Honest" DVD Time: Start the clip at the beginning of chapter 18 (time: 1:04:43) as Antwone sighs and Cheryl says, "It's nice out here." End the clip at the end of chapter 18 (time: 1:07:35) after Antwone scoots closer to Cheryl.

Introduction to this Clip The scene we are going to watch today shows a conversation between Antwone and Cheryl, a girl he has been dating. Watch as their relationship goes to a deeper and more honest level.

What Did You See?

After viewing the clip, ask the group these questions: What spiritual elements did you see?

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Which words, phrases, or images were the most powerful to you? Why? What imagery does a lighthouse play regarding the subject of honesty? How does honesty pave the way for a deeper relationship between Antwone and Cheryl? How did Cheryl help Antwone with honesty? What do you have to bring to others in helping them with honesty? What things do you need to do to be more honest with others in your life?

What Did You Read?

After reading the Scripture for today, ask the following questions: What are the key elements in this Scripture? What are the words, or phrases, that mean the most to you in this passage? What does Paul tell the church about honesty? Anger? Stealing? What do you suppose Paul meant by the phrase "unwholesome talk"? According to this passage, how do we "grieve the Holy Spirit"? So how should we imitate Christ as the body of believers? What might the church learn from this scene and from this passage?

What Does It All Mean?

Tie the movie clip and Scripture together by asking the following questions: Who in your life can you be truly honest with? If you don't have someone, who might be a potential person? Is there anything you need to confess to someone today before the sun goes down?

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How might you let others know you are available to them like Cheryl was for Antwone? Mention that it's very important to confess our sins and shortcomings to God, but it's also important to do that within our community. Perhaps there is no greater witness to a person than honesty and integrity. How might you practice saying the tough words that Antwone said to Cheryl: "I lied"?

Creative Activity:

"Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" Give your students a 3" x 5" card and a pen. Tell them you want them to practice saying Antwone's words. On one side of the card write the words "I lied." Then have them think of a time in the past few weeks when perhaps they were dishonest with someone. Instruct them to write those person's initials in the bottom corner of the opposite side of the card. Then say: "Here is your mission if you chose to accept it. Find this person this week and tell them what you wrote." Have someone close your time in prayer.

TERMS OF USE: In producing this teaching material, Barefoot Ministries references the use of movie clips as suggestions for teaching Christian principles in home small groups. The use of movie clips is a suggestion only, and alternatively the movie content could be discussed verbally, without showing any movie clips. Special permission must be granted for any public performance of copyrighted material, including church use. Legal use of and licensing of suggested material under copyright is the responsibility of the local user and/or the local church. Barefoot Ministries is not responsible for the licensing or use of any media suggested in this material. Barefoot Ministries advises that any church or individual secure proper licensing before any public showing of any part of any motion picture, or recorded copyright media. You can secure a Church Video License and/or find out more information about public viewing of copyrighted media by contacting Christian Video Licensing International at or calling 1-888771-CVLI.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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